Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno, 1976

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 135

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno, 1976


Genus Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno, 1976

Type species. Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli Pessagno, 1976 .

Remarks. We follow here the original definition of the genus Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno 1976 not the emend- ed one (Pessagno, 1977b) that permitted the author to assign to it the species Lithocampe apiarium Rüst 1885 . This species, for which we erect a new genus ( Apiaromitra , see below), strongly differs from A. squinaboli and has roots in the Middle Jurassic radiolarians. The type species of Archaeodictyomitra sugggests that the constrictions, when they exist, correspond to the intersegmental boundaries, and the pores are usually disposed in longitudinal rows.

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