Ceraceomyces atlanticus Chikowski & K.H. Larss., 2016

Chikowski, Renata Dos Santos, Larsson, Karl-Henrik & Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista, 2016, Ceraceomyces atlanticus (Amylocorticiales, Basidiomycota), a new species from the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil, Phytotaxa 296 (1), pp. 73-80 : 76-77

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.296.1.5



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scientific name

Ceraceomyces atlanticus Chikowski & K.H. Larss.

sp. nov.

Ceraceomyces atlanticus Chikowski & K.H. Larss. View in CoL , sp. nov., Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2

Mycobank: MB 812988

Holotype:— BRAZIL. Pernambuco State: Jaqueira City, Reserva do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) Frei Caneca (8º42’41”S, 35º50’30”W), 29 July 2012, leg R. Chikowski 227 (holotype URM85888 ! GoogleMaps , isotype in O! ).

Etymology:— The epithet refers to the biome (Atlantic Rain Forest) where the type species was collected.

Description:—Basidiomata effused, easily detachable from the substrate, white (in young parts) to beige (cream 5E) (in old parts), KOH–. Hymenophore smooth, membranous, cracked on drying, subiculum whitish (2B). Margin slightly fimbriate, hyphae in margin 3.5–4 μm diam. Hyphal system monomitic, hyphae clamped; hyphae of subhymenium, thin-walled, hyaline, 4–6 μm diam., hyphae of subiculum thin-walled, hyaline, (5–)6.5–10(–16) μm diam. Rhizomorph-like bundles of hyphae occur in subiculum, extending into the substrate, composed of thin-walled 6–16 μm wide hyphae with occasional inflations up to 18 μm. Scattered vesicles occur on short side-branches from basal hyphae, ca 40 × 20 μm, thin-walled, with smooth, homogenous contents. Some basal hyphae more or less encrusted by rhomboidal crystals, scattered crystals occur throughout the basidioma. Basidia cylindrical, (11–) 12–16(–20 × 4–5(–6.5) μm, producing four sterigmata. Basidiospores elliptic 4–5(–6) × 2–2.5(–3) μm, smooth, thin-walled, with guttulae and distinct apiculus, IKI–.

Substrate:—decaying hardwood.

Distribution:—only known from the type locality.

Remarks:— Ceraceomyces atlanticus differs from both C. tessulatus and C. subapiculatus by distinctly shorter basidia (11–20 μm versus 25–35 μm) and smaller spores [4–6 μm long versus 6–8(–10) μm]. Ceraceomyces serpens , which according to molecular data is not a member of Ceraceomyces sensu stricto, is reported from Brazil. It differs by a merulioid hymenium when fresh and by narrower hyphae in the subhymenium (2–4 μm) and in the subiculum (2–4.5 μm).

Additional specimens examined:— Corticium dovrense , NORWAY. Dovre, leg. M.N. Blytt (holotype, O 72579), Ceraceomyces subapiculatus : USA. Idaho. Clarkia. 23 Jan. 1920, leg A.S. Rhodes & J.R. Weir 16928 (holotype, BPI 289032). Ceraceomyces tessulatus . NORWAY. Møre og Romsdal: Aure, Hermundslia , 16 Apr. 2005, leg F. Oldervik FO 032.05 (O; det. C. subapiculatus ). Oppland: Dombås , Hjerkinnholen reserve , 30 Sep. 2013, leg. K-H. Larsson 16429 (O); Jevnaker, Ringerike, Spålen reserve , 12 Oct. 2010, leg. L. Ryvarden 48532 (O 293967); Nord-Fron, Løfta at Vinstra , 7 Aug. 2006, leg. L. Ryvarden 47242 (O 361837). Sør-Trøndelag: Oppdal, Gråura, 30 Dec. 2006, leg. G. Gaarder 5336 (O 293524).

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