Ilex pallida Standl.

MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.322.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Ilex pallida Standl.


Ilex pallida Standl. View in CoL Dendropanax capillaris M.J.Cannon & Cannon

Azulillo, Hoja menuda, Hojamenudo (CR).

Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 500–2000

Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA

m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition

0–3400 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest

to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud

in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in

forest, dense thicket. Global distribution: Honduras, Costa

transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation

Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 5053 (BM, INB),

oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: El Salvador to

D. Santamaría 5923 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), E. Alfaro

Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 5264 (BM), A. Rodríguez

2271 (INB, MO), J. González 794 (CR, INB, MO), J.

9858 (INB), A. Soto 264 (INB), B. Gamboa 1218 (INB,

González 818 (CR, INB, MO), L. Angulo 320 (INB, MO),

MO), D. Solano 3906 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), E. Alfaro

N. Zamora 2697 (INB).

3409 (INB), E. Alfaro 3640 (INB), E. Alfaro 3813 (INB),

G. Davidse 25237 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 26134 (CR, Dendropanax globosus M.J.Cannon & Cannon

MO), G. Davidse 28673 (MO), L. González 3601 (INB),

Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 300–2400

L. González 3658 (INB), M.A. Thomas 1599 (MO), M.

m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition

Moraga 367 (INB), S. Knapp 10015 (BM). Conservation

to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud

status: Vulnerable (VU), B1+2bd ver 2.3 (1994).

forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, pasture.

Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. Records:

Ilex vulcanicola Standl.

A.K. Monro 4456 (BM, INB), A. Rodríguez 10795 (BM,

Azulillo (CR).

INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 5660 (BM, INB, MO,

Shrubs or epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA 1000–

PMA), D. Santamaría 5754 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D.

3100 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest,

Solano 3872 (BM, INB, MO, PMA).

mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest, páramo.

Dendropanax gonatopodus (Donn.Sm.) A.C.Sm.

Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D.

Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 100–2800 m, low

Solano 4055 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), E.Alfaro 3964 (INB),

elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

G. Herrera 5267 (MO). Conservation status: Vulnerable

elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest,

(VU), A2c ver 2.3 (1994).

cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Panama. Records: F.

Ilex yurumanguinis Cuatrec.

Quesada 1892 (CR, INB), R. Villalobos 294 (CR, MO).

Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–1700

m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition

Dendropanax latilobus M.J.Cannon & Cannon

to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud

Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 1300–2500 m,

forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Nicaragua to

mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest,

Venezuela. Records: A.K. Monro 5802 (BM, INB, MO,

low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica,

PMA), A. Rodríguez 11481 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), B.

Panama. Records: B. Hammel 5780 (MO).

Hammel 17609 (MO), D. Santamaría 6548 (BM, INB,

MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 6692 (BM, INB, MO, PMA),

Dendropanax sessiliflorus (Standl. & A.C.Sm.) A.C.Sm.

D. Solano 4734 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), F. Solís 18 (INB,

Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–2800

MO), G. Herrera 2654 (INB), G. Herrera 2654 (MO).

m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1800 m, cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Panama. Records: E. Navarro 195 (INB), G. Davidse forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: USA to Brazil, 28453 (MO), J. González 786 (CR, INB, MO), F. Quesada Chile. Records: B. Hammel 5828 (MO), C. Hamilton 707 1691 (INB). Conservation status: Vulnerable (VU), C2a (MO).

ver 2.3 (1994).

Oreopanax capitatus (Jacq.) Decne. & Planch.

Hydrocotyle leucocephala Cham. & Schltdl. Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 0–2500 m, low Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1800 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Argentina. Mexico to Bolivia, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles. Records: E. Alfaro 5527 (BM). Records: A.K. Monro 4335 (BM, INB), A.K. Monro 4881 (BM, INB), A.K. Monro 5098 (BM, INB).

Hydrocotyle mexicana Schltdl. & Cham.

Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 600–3000 m, low Oreopanax costaricensis Marchal elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low Shrubs or facultatively epiphytic trees. Distribution in elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, PILA 1000–2300 m, mixed forest in transition to low cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, oak forest, sabana natural grassland. Global distribution: cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Panama. Records: A. Fernández 789 (INB, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez 11843 (BM, MO), A.K. Monro 6084 (PMA), A. Rodríguez 10922 INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5252 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11298 (BM, INB, F. Quesada 1976 (INB), M. Alfaro 23 (INB).

MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11650 (BM, INB, MO, PMA),

D. Santamaría 4420 (INB), D. Santamaría 5773 (BM, Oreopanax nicaraguensis M.J.Cannon & Cannon

INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 3185 (INB), D. Solano 4028 Shrubs or facultatively epiphytic trees. Distribution in (BM, INB, MO, PMA), E. Alfaro 5639 (BM, INB), E. PILA 2900–3000 m, high elevation oak forest, páramo. Navarro 191 (INB), G. Herrera 6257 (CR, INB, MO), M. Global distribution: Nicaragua. Records: G. Davidse Alfaro 12 (INB), M. Grayum 10381 (CR, INB, MO), R. J. 23876 (MO), F. Quesada 1994 (INB), L.D. Gómez 22461 Schmalzel 1350 (MO). (MO), L. González 1592 (INB).

Hydrocotyle pusilla A.Rich. ψ Oreopanax oerstedianus Marchal Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1000–2500 m, Moquillo (CR). mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed Shrubs or epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low 1400–2600 m, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Peru, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak Argentina, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles. Records: E. forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: Alfaro 3722 (CR, INB), G. Davidse 28964 (CR, MO). A. Fernández 987 (INB), A. Rodríguez 10743 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 10794 (BM, INB, MO, PMA),

Hydrocotyle ribifolia Rose & Standl. A. Rodríguez 11032 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 2100–3500 m, 11358 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4029 (BM, INB, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo, sabana MO, PMA), D. Solano 4124 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. natural grassland. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Herrera 3725 (INB, MO), G. Herrera 6043 (CR, INB, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 5331 (BM), E. Alfaro 4688 MO). Global conservation status: Vulnerable (VU), (INB), G. Herrera 3740 (INB, MO), M.A. Thomas 1592 B1ab(i,iii). (MO). Oreopanax paramicola J.F.Morales & A.Idarraga

Hydrocotyle torresiana Rose & Standl. Shrubs or epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA 2500–3400 Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1700–3000 m, m, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak Costa Rica, Panama. Records: G. Davidse 23876 (MO), forest. Global distribution: USA to Brazil, Chile. Records: González 1592 (INB). A. Rodríguez, Feb. 25, 2007 (Field obs.). Oreopanax pycnocarpus Donn.Sm.

Hydrocotyle umbellata L. Caho de venado (CR). Comalillo, Sombrerito (CR). Shrubs or facultatively epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA 1100–3600 m, mixed forest in transition to low Costa Rica, Panama. Records: R. Aguilar 1097 (INB). elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, páramo. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Schefflera instita M.J.Cannon Records : A.K. Monro 4070 (BM, MO), A.K. Monro 5242 Epiphytic tree. Distribution in PILA 1500–2000 m, mixed (BM, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 5632 (BM, INB, MO, forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: PMA), D. Solano 4725 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: A. Rodríguez 11027 5124 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), F. Quesada 1822 (INB), (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría 5697 (BM, INB, L. González 3659 (INB), S. Knapp 9864 (BM, INB), S. MO, PMA). Knapp 9883 (BM, INB). Schefflera robusta (A.C.Sm.) A.C.Sm.

Oreopanax spathulatus M.J.Cannon & Cannon Cacho de venado (CR). Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 1700– Shrubs or epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA 2400 m, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global 700–2100 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest distribution: Endemic to Panama. Records: B. Hammel in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in 6776 ( MO, BM). transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, pasture. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama .

Oreopanax standleyi A.C.Sm. Records : A. Fernández 988 (INB), A.K. Monro 4363 Cacho de venado, Volador (CR). (BM, MO), A.K. Monro 5480 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), Shrubs or facultatively epiphytic trees. Distribution A.K. Monro 5521 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A.K. Monro in PILA 1400–1800 m, mixed forest in transition to cloud 5615 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 11044 (BM, forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: INB, MO, PMA). G. Herrera 2665 (INB, MO). Schefflera rodriguesiana Frodin ex M.J.Cannon &

Oreopanax striatus M.J.Cannon & Cannon Cannon Facultatively epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA Papayillo, Cacho de venado, Paloma (CR). 1200–2000 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 0–3300 m, forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Soto 1255 low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud (INB), D. Santamaría 4410 (INB), L. Angulo 144 (INB, forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo, MO), L. González 3639 (INB). sabana natural grassland. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro 4139 (BM, INB,

ψ Oreopanax xalapensis (Kunth) Decne. & Planch. MO ), A.K. Monro 5199 (BM, INB), A.K. Monro 5294 Cacho de venado, Higuera, Matagente, Papayillo, (BM, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 5346 (BM, INB, MO), B.B. Matapalo, Matacartago (CR). Klitgaard 731 (BM, MO), B. Gamboa 1724 (INB, MO), Terrestrial trees. Distribution in PILA 800–3400 E. Alfaro 3259 (INB), E. Alfaro 4667 (INB), G. Davidse

m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, 25478 (MO), G. Davidse 26074 (MO), G. Davidse 28887 mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, (INB, MO), G. Davidse 29041 (MO), G. Davidse 29289 low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: (CR, MO), J. Bittner 1874 (INB, MO), F. Quesada 1578 Mexico to Panama. Records: D. Solano 5135 (BM, INB, (INB), M.A. Thomas 1638 (MO), S. Knapp 9906 (BM, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5270 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. INB). Davidse 25743 (CR, MO), G. Herrera 3671 (INB), L. González 3636 (INB). Regional conservation status: Near Schefflera sphaerocoma (Benth.) Harms Threatened (NT) . Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–100 m, low elevation mixed forest, pasture. Global distribution:

Schefflera brenesii A.C.Sm. Costa Rica, Panama. Records : A. Fernández 1039 (INB, Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 800–1500 m, MO), A. Rodríguez 11523 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed Santamaría 6645 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Santamaría forest in transition to cloud forest, dense thicket. Global 6675 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4772 (BM, INB, distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro MO, PMA). Conservation status: Data deficient(DD), ver 4755 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), N. Zamora, Aug. 5, 2008 2.3 (1994). (Field obs.). Conservation status: Vulnerable (VU), A2 c ver 2.3 (1994). Schefflera systyla (Donn.Sm.) R.Vig. Papayo (CR) .

Schefflera cartagoensis M.J.Cannon & Cannon Shrubs or epiphytic trees. Distribution in PILA Terrestrial trees.Distribution in PILA 1300–1800m, mixed 100–2200 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, distribution: Panama, Paraguay. Records: W. D’Arcy pasture. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia. 13280 (MO).

Records: A. Rodríguez 11519 (BM, INB, MO, PMA),

D. Santamaría 6565 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano ε-PILA Ageratina contigua R.M.King & H.Rob.

4718 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 4740 (BM, INB, Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2500– MO, PMA), D. Solano 4822 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), H. 2800 m, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest, Schmidt 622 (INB), J. Bittner 1756 (INB, MO). sabana natural grassland. Global distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica. Records: G. Davidse 25504 (MO).

ASTERACEAE ε-PILA Ageratina croatii R.M.King & H.Rob. Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2000–

Acmella papposa (Hemsl.) R.K.Jansen 2000 m, cloud forest. Global distribution: Endemic to Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1000–2500 Panama. Records: Croat 26432 ( US, MO). m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, Ageratina ixiocladon (Benth.) R.M.King & H.Rob. low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: USA to Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–3300 Argentina. Records: A. Rodríguez 11285 (BM, INB, MO, m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition PMA). to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo.

Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: G. Quiebramuelas (CR). Davidse 25178 (CR, MO), F. Quesada 1812 (INB), L. Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 100–1900 m, Acosta 2338 (INB), L. González 1189 (INB), S. Knapp low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to 9987 (BM, INB). low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Peru. Records: A. ψ Ageratina kupperi (Suess.) R.M.King & H.Rob. Picado 7 (CR, INB, MO). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 100–3300 m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low

Adenostemma platyphyllum Cass. elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 0–1100 m, low cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. S. Weston elevation forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama, 10171 (MO), G. Davidse 25311 (CR, MO), G. Davidse Ecuador. Records: A. Rodríguez 11366 (BM, INB, MO, 25405 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 25948 (CR, MO), S. Knapp PMA). 9870 (BM, INB). Global conservation status: Endangered (EN), B1ab(i,iii).

Ageratina anisochroma (Klatt) R.M.King & H.Rob. Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 0–3400 Ageratina ligustrina (DC.) R.M.King & H.Rob. m, low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition Candelilla (CR). to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, páramo. 2600–3000 m, low elevation oak forest, high elevation Global distribution: Nicaragua to Panama. Records: A. oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico to Costa Rica. Chacón 518 (INB, MO), A. Rodríguez 9821 (INB), A. Records: A. Rodríguez 9757 (INB), A. Rodríguez 9834 Rodríguez 9854 (INB), D. Santamaría 3766 (INB), D. (INB), D. Santamaría 3517 (INB), D. Santamaría 3726 Santamaría 5889 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5217 (INB), D. Solano 2843 (INB). (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Davidse 25244 (MO). Ageratina molinae R.M.King & H.Rob.

Ageratina badia (Klatt) R.M.King & H.Rob. Terrestrial herbs. Distribution in PILA 1300–2200 m, Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2100– mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, 2100 m, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest. Global low elevation oak forest, sabana natural grassland. Global distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A.K. Monro distribution: Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama. Records: N. 5495 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), A. Rodríguez 10747 (BM, Zamora 4196 (BM, INB, MO, PMA). INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 3983 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), M. Grayum 10296 (INB, MO). Ageratina pichinchensis (Kunth) R.M.King & H.Rob. Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1000–

Ageratina chiriquensis (B.L.Rob.) R.M.King & H.Rob. 3500 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 2500– mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low 3400 m, low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution: Mexico, Nicaragua to Peru. Records: A. Rodríguez 9856 (INB), Panama. Records: T. Cochrane 6288 ( US, WIS).

D. Santamaría 3784 (INB), G. Davidse 25095 (MO), J.

Averett 1076 (MO), M.A. Thomas 1661 (MO), M. Moraga Bartlettina maxonii (B.L.Rob.) R.M.King & H.Rob.

681 (INB). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 800–1700 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed

Ageratum chiriquense (B.L.Rob.) R.M.King & H.Rob. forest in transition to cloud forest, dense thicket. Global

Terrestrial herbs or shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1000– distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Rodríguez

3400 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, 11962 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), D. Solano 5035 (BM, INB,

mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, MO, PMA).

low elevation oak forest, páramo. Global distribution:

Costa Rica, Panama. Records: A. Soto 1231,1 (INB), D. Bartlettina prionophylla (B.L.Rob.) R.M.King & H.Rob.

Santamaría 3769 (INB), D. Solano 2875 (INB). Terrestrial shrubs. Distribution in PILA 1200–3000 m, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed

Archibaccharis jacksonii S.D.Sundb. forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low

Terrestrial lianas. Distribution in PILA 2400–2500 m, elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global low elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Endemic to distribution: Costa Rica, Panama. Records: D. Santamaría

Costa Rica. Records: G. Davidse 28663 (MO). 7277 (BM, INB, MO, PMA), G. Davidse 25810 (MO).


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