Mexigryllus huatulco, Горохов, 2019

Горохов, А. В., 2019, Преąваритеλьная Гипотеза Об Истории Поąсемейства Gryllinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) В Америке И Новые Таксоны Поąтрибы Anurogryllina И Роąа, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (4), pp. 279-308 : 284-286

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-4-279-308

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Mexigryllus huatulco

sp. nov.

Mexigryllus huatulco View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–12 , 13, 14 View Figs 13–52 , 53, 54 View Figs 53–64 , 86 View Figs 77–87 , 100 View Figs 100–119 ) NomenclaturalActs/70729933-401d-4354- a987-14b115469163

Material. Holotype — male, Mexico, Oaxaca State, 35 km NNE of Santa Cruz Huatulco Town (10 km N of Xadani Vill.), 900–1000 m, secondary forest, 7– 11.05.2006, A. Gorochov & M. Berezin ( ZIN) . Paratypes: 1 male, 1 female, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) .

Description. Male (holotype). Body rather small for this subtribe. Colouration of epicranium and pronotum black, but area along clypeal suture and regions of subgenae dark brown, ocelli light brown, hairs along anterior and posterior pronotal edges brownish, and pubescence on lateral pronotal lobes well-developed and yellowish; antennae uniformly light brown; mouthparts brown with labrum, lower half of clypeus and visible parts of both labium and maxillae light brown (but palpi intermediate between brown and light brown); legs brown with almost dark brown femora and coxae, and with light brown distal parts of tarsi and dorsal surface (including dorsal spines) of hind tibia; tegmina brown with almost light brown membranes between some longitudinal veins located in dorsal fields along their lateral edges ( Fig. 53 View Figs 53–64 ); sternites and abdominal tergites dark brown with lightish transverse stripes along posterior edges of three posterior sternites and six posterior tergites; anal and genital plates as well as paraprocts brown to dark brown; cerci light brown with barely darkened middle parts. Head semiglobular, slightly higher than wide, with rostrum weakly projected and rounded in profile, with space between antennal cavities almost twice as wide as scape, and with all ocelli distinct but rather small and situated almost on one transverse line; pronotum slightly transverse, with weakly concave anterior and posterior edges of disc, and with moderately low lateral lobes having ventral edges almost straight and more or less parallel to dorsal edges; legs moderately short, not digging, without tympana, but with hind femora well-widened (adapted to strong jumps), five pairs of articulated dorsal spines and three pairs of apical spurs on each hind tibia, as well as 6–7 outer and 5–7 inner dorsal denticles on hind basitarsus (except for a pair of apical spurs); tegmina reaching posterior part of first abdominal tergite, with widely rounded (but not roundly truncate) distal parts, with partly reduced stridulatory apparatus (dorsal field with developed stridulatory vein, but other veins of this field rather irregular and practically not forming mirror; Fig. 100 View Figs 100–119 ), as well as with 3–4 longitudinal (almost parallel) veins and without crossveins in lateral field; hind wings absent; anal plate simple, almost triangular but with rather widely and roundly truncate apex; genital plate approximately twice as long as anal plate and with gradually narrowing distal portion having roundly truncate apical part; paraprocts rather small and rounded; genitalia with distal portion of epiphallus rather narrow (but slightly widened and barely notched at apex) and long as well as slightly and arcuately curved upwards, with anteromedian epiphallic lobe rather narrow and not very long as well as truncately rounded at apex ( Fig. 13 View Figs 13–52 ), with moderately short ectoparameres (their shape as in Fig. 14 View Figs 13–52 ), with rather long and strongly arcuate endoparameres having moderately large anterodorsal apodemes partly fused with each other, with very long rachis having very thin distal part significantly protruding beyond epiphallic apex, with moderately large sacculus, and with narrow rami clearly fused with each oth- er anteriorly ( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–12 ).

Variations. Second male with greyish brown proximal parts of antennae, reddish tinge on hind femur and lighter lateral areas on dorsal tegminal fields, without distinct lightish stripes along posterior edges of tergites and sternites, with most proximal pair of dorsal spines on left hind tibia very small, and with denticles of hind basitarsus insignificantly varied in number.

Female. General appearance as in holotype, but: colouration of sternites as in male paratype; tegmina reaching base of metanotum, widely rounded in distal half, not in contact with each other, light brown, and having 7–8 visible and almost straight longitudinal veins only ( Fig. 54 View Figs 53–64 ); armament of hind legs in limits of variability of males. Genital plate almost 1.5 times as long as nearest sternite but narrower (weakly transverse) and slightly narrowing to almost widely truncate (barely concave) apex; ovipositor not very long (hind femur 1.3–1.4 times as long as ovipositor) and with distal part as in Fig. 86 View Figs 77–87 .

Length in mm. Body: male 11–12, female 11.5; pronotum: male 2.1–2.3, female 2.1; visible parts of tegmina: male 1.9–2.2, female 0.5; hind femora: male 6–6.5, female 6.8; ovipositor 5.

Comparison. Differences of this species from all other known representatives of Anurogryllina are given in the aforementioned generic key.

Etymology. The new species is named after the Santa Cruz Huatulco Town situated not far from its type locality.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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