Mexigryllus tuxtla, Горохов, 2019

Горохов, А. В., 2019, Преąваритеλьная Гипотеза Об Истории Поąсемейства Gryllinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) В Америке И Новые Таксоны Поąтрибы Anurogryllina И Роąа, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (4), pp. 279-308 : 286-288

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-4-279-308

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scientific name

Mexigryllus tuxtla

sp. nov.

Mexigryllus tuxtla View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 4–6 View Figs 1–12 , 15, 16 View Figs 13–52 , 55, 56 View Figs 53–64 , 101 View Figs 100–119 ) NomenclaturalActs/ 3814B46B-1903-40CD-85BC-DA46C39C5247

Material. Holotype — male, Mexico, Chiapas State, environs of Tuxtla Gutierrez City near El Ocote Reserve , 600–1000 m, primary forest, 19– 24.05.2006, A. Gorochov & M. Berezin ( ZIN). Paratypes: 1 male, 1 female, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) .

Description. Male (holotype). General appearance very similar to that of M. huatulco , but antennae completely greyish brown, all parts of legs with reddish tinge, fore and middle coxae with blackish areas, tegmina with slightly oblique posteromedial edges of dorsal fields and with larger light areas ( Figs 55 View Figs 53–64 , 101 View Figs 100–119 ), abdomen almost blackish (without distinct lightish stripes) and with greyish brown cerci having light brown basal parts, hind tibiae with six pairs of dorsal spines on right leg as well as with six outer and five inner dorsal spines on left leg, and hind basitarsus with seven outer and six inner dorsal denticles. Genitalia also similar to those of M. huatulco , but: distal portion of epiphallus somewhat wider, shorter, slightly more notched at apex and less curved upwards (almost not arcuate); anteromedian epiphallic lobe almost triangular in shape, i.e. wider at base and with slightly bilobate apex ( Fig. 15 View Figs 13–52 ); ectoparameres as in Fig. 16 View Figs 13–52 ; endoparameres shorter, with smaller anterodorsal apodemes and more distinct apodemes in middle part of endoparameres; rachis much shorter, not reaching epiphallic apex; sacculus clearly smaller; rami with posterior halves widened ( Figs 4–6 View Figs 1–12 ).

Variations. Second male with pronotal disc having a pair of small red spots, lateral tegminal field light brown but having brown veins, abdomen having lightish stripes along posterior edges of two posterior sternites, and armament of hind legs insignificantly varied.

Female. Colouration and structure of body ( Fig. 56 View Figs 53–64 ) as in holotype, but hind tibiae with five inner and six outer dorsal spines, and tegmina as well as genital plate and ovipositor practically indistinguishable from those of female of M. huatulco .

Length in mm. Body: male 11–11.5, female 11.8; pronotum: male 2–2.2, female 2.4; visible parts of tegmina: male 1.8–2, female 0.6; hind femora: male 6.5–7.2, female 8; ovipositor 6.

Comparison. The new species is clearly distinguished from M. huatulco by the characters of male genitalia listed above (in the description of M. tuxtla ).

Etymology. The new species is named after the Tuxtla Gutierrez City situated not far from its type locality.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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