Anurogryllus (Urogryllus) pantanal, Горохов, 2019

Горохов, А. В., 2019, Преąваритеλьная Гипотеза Об Истории Поąсемейства Gryllinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) В Америке И Новые Таксоны Поąтрибы Anurogryllina И Роąа, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (4), pp. 279-308 : 294-296

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-4-279-308

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scientific name

Anurogryllus (Urogryllus) pantanal


Anurogryllus (Urogryllus) pantanal View in CoL sp.

nov. ( Figs 34–39 View Figs 13–52 , 77–79 View Figs 77–87 , 88–93 View Figs 88–99 , 104 View Figs 100–119 ) NomenclaturalActs/ 1BA0DD17-CB98- 4DBE-9CF9-48AA94FD1D61

Material. Holotype — male, Paraguay, “Reserva Pantanal Paraguayo ” near Bolivia , Los Tres Gigantes Biological Station on Rio Negro (Parana Basin), on road among grassland with bushes and sparse trees, at night, 31.01– 4.02.2014, A. Gorochov ( ZIN) . Paratypes: 1 male, 2 females, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) .

Description. Male (holotype). General appearance similar to A. (U.) minimus , but: epicranium and pronotum black with yellowish ocelli and palpi, greyish brown antennae, clypeus and bases of mandibles, light brown rest of mouthparts, and whitish pubescence on pronotum; legs, sternites and genital plate yellowish with light brown hind tibia as well as distal halves of fore and middle femora, and with brown to light brown dorsal half of distal two thirds of hind femur; tegmina with dark brown dorsal field having small yellowish spot near plectrum, and with blackish lateral field having lightish branches of Sc and wide whitish band along costal edge; cerci and visible part of abdominal tergites dark brown with light brown cercal bases; anal plate and paraprocts light brown to brown; external structure of body distinguished from that of A. minimus by slightly narrower rostrum between antennal cavities (~1.2 times as wide as scape), presence of traces of inner tympanum on fore tibia (in addition to rather long outer tympanum), 6–7 outer and 5–6 inner dorsal spines of hind tibiae, and longer tegmina reaching middle of seventh abdominal tergite and having longer mirror as well as less shortened apical area (this area with four branches and rounded posterior edge; Figs 77 View Figs 77–87 , 104 View Figs 100–119 ) and 7–8 longitudinal almost parallel veins in lateral field (stock of Sc also with one branchlet in distal half, but crossveins in this field absent); hind wings torn off or removed after flight period. Genitalia with anteromedian epiphallic lobe curved upwards in proximal half and upwards-forwards in distal half (this lobe possibly deformed, because in above-mentioned congeners, it completely curved backwards), with posterolateral epiphallic lobes in profile almost as wide as in A. parvispeculum and A. minimus , with each ectoparamere having small subapical widening and almost angular apical (posteromedial) projection as well as large semimembranous distal area, and with rachis distinctly shorter than in these species and having apical part rounded and completely sclerotized in ventral view ( Figs 37–39 View Figs 13–52 , 88–90 View Figs 88–99 ).

Variation. Paratype with tegmina missing and distinguished from holotype by following characters: most part of epicranium dark brown; antennae almost light brown; legs with darkened parts of femora somewhat lighter (light brown to almost yellowish) and with six pairs of dorsal spines on hind tibia; genitalia (for comparison see Figs 34–36 View Figs 13–52 , 91–93 View Figs 88–99 and 37–39 View Figs 13–52 , 88–90 View Figs 88–99 ) with anteromedian lobe of epiphallus normal for this genus (i.e. directed backwards, not upwards-forwards), posterolateral epiphallic lobes having somewhat narrower distal parts in profile, ectoparamere having distal part more sclerotized and with two angular apical projections (longer medial projection and shorter lateral one, but in holotype, this distal part with only medial apical projection; see Figs 35 and 38 View Figs 13–52 ), and rachis somewhat narrower in anterior half as well as with almost angular apex (see Figs 36 and 39 View Figs 13–52 ).

Female. Colouration and external structure of body ( Figs 78, 79 View Figs 77–87 ) as in males, but: pronotum with a pair of reddish brown spots on disc; tegmina blackish to dark brown with ventral half of lateral field brown to light brown and having narrower whitish band along costal edge; abdominal venter with brown posteri- or half of last tergite and light brown genital plate; dorsal tegminal field reaching anterior or posterior part of fourth abdominal tergite, with 6–8 almost regular longitudinal veins and several irregular crossveins; lateral tegminal field with 6–7 longitudinal veins as well as without crossveins and branchlets on Sc; genital plate and ovipositor approximately as in A. minimus in shape (however, ovipositor slightly shorter than hind femur).

Length in mm. Body: male 12.5–13.5, female 13.5–16; pronotum: male 2.6–2.7, female 2.8–2.9; tegmina: male 7, female 5.5–6; hind femora: male 8–8.5, female 9–9.5; ovipositor 8–8.5.

Comparison. From A. (U.) minimus , the new species differs in the tegmina longer, male tegminal mirror also longer, male genitalia with the rachis distinctly shorter, and ovipositor slightly shorter than hind femur. From A. oaxaca and A. parvispeculum , it is distinguished by the body smaller, posterolateral lobes of epiphallus in profile wider than in the first species, and mirror of male tegmina much larger than in the second species; from A. toltecus , by this mirror not transverse; and from all the other species of this subgenus, by the male tegmina and/or their mirror clearly longer.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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