Loricophrya sivertseni (Allgénı 1951)

Dovgal, Tapas Chatterjee ı Igor & Fernandez-Leborans, Gregorio, 2019, A checklist of suctorian epibiont ciliates (Ciliophora) found on meiobenthic marine nematodes, Journal of Natural History 53 (33), pp. 2133-2143 : 2133-2143

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Valdenar (2020-02-07 12:55:42, last updated 2023-10-31 19:36:38)

scientific name

Loricophrya sivertseni (Allgénı 1951)


Loricophrya sivertseni (Allgénı 1951)

= Thecacineta sivertseni Allgénı 1951

= Lissacineta sivertseni (Allgénı 1951)

Report as epibiont on nematodes

This species was epizoic on the nematode worms from Tautra Island (Frostaı TrØndelagı Trondheimsfjord) Norway ( Allgén 1951).


Matthes (1956) transferred the T. sivertseni into the genus Loricophrya .

Allgen CA. 1951. Uber einige neue epizoisch auf nematoden von der Insel Tautra (Trondheimsfjord) lebende Suktorien. K Nor Vidensk Selsk Forh. 23: 98 - 102.

Matthes D. 1956. Suktorienstudien VIII. Thecacineta calix (Schroderi 1907) (Thecacinetidae nov. fam.) und ihre Fortpflanzung durch Vermoid-Schwarmer. Arch Protistenk. 101: 477 - 528.