Peinaleopolynoe elvisi Hatch & Rouse, 2020

Hatch, Avery S., Liew, Haebin, Hourdez, Stephane & Rouse, Greg W., 2020, Hungry scale worms Phylogenetics of Peinaleopolynoe (Polynoidae, Annelida), with four new species, ZooKeys 932, pp. 27-74 : 27

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2020-05-13 02:02:30, last updated 2024-11-27 23:52:33)

scientific name

Peinaleopolynoe elvisi Hatch & Rouse

sp. nov.

Peinaleopolynoe elvisi Hatch & Rouse View in CoL sp. nov. Figures 6F-G View Figure 6 , 7B View Figure 7 , 10B View Figure 10 , 12 View Figure 12 , 13 View Figure 13

Type locality.

Whalefall in Monterey Canyon, California (36°46.33'N, 122°4.99'W), ROV "Doc Ricketts" Dive 99, 1820 m depth, 20 November 2009.

Material examined.

Type specimen: Holotype (SIO-BIC A8488) from a whalefall in Monterey Canyon, California (36°46.33'N, 122°4.99'W), ROV "Doc Ricketts" Dive 99, 1820 m depth, 20 November 2009; fixed in formalin and preserved in 50% ethanol, with elytra fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol. Paratypes: One specimen (SIO-BIC A9699) from bones deployed at Jaco Scar, Costa Rica (9°6.88'N, 84°50.14'W), HOV “Alvin” Dive AD4972, 1845 m depth, 18 October 2018; fixed in formalin and preserved in 50% ethanol, with elytra fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol. One specimen (MZUCR 1000-01) from bones deployed at Jaco Scar (9°6.91'N, 84°50.39'W), HOV “Alvin” Dive AD4976, 1887 m depth, 22 October 2018; fixed in formalin and preserved in 50% ethanol, with elytra fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol. Two specimens (SIO-BIC A9871, SIO-BIC A9870) from bones deployed at Seamount 1, Costa Rica (8°52.60'N, 85°7.34'W), HOV “Alvin” Dive AD4983, 2091 m depth, 29 October 2018; one fixed in formalin and preserved in 50% ethanol, with elytra fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol, and one fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol.


In life, large, overlapping, semi-transparent, iridescent pink elytra covering the dorsum. Dorsum with ciliated transverse bands extending onto bases of elytrophores and dorsal tubercles. Chaetae extending beyond the width of elytra (Fig. 7B View Figure 7 ). Twenty-one segments total (Fig. 12A, B View Figure 12 ). Elytra and elytrophores large, bulbous, nine pairs, on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 (Fig. 12A View Figure 12 ). Elytra rounded to oval-shaped and slightly sub-reniform, very thin. Smooth edges along the circumference of elytra, except for a single rounded broad macrotubercle on posterior margin of elytra on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. Elytra on segments 2, 15, 17 ca. half the size of mid-body elytra. Elytra on segment 17 curving to a lateral point in live specimen (Figs 7B View Figure 7 , 12D View Figure 12 ). Pharynx with a total of six dorsal and six ventral border papillae (Fig. 12C View Figure 12 ). Bilobed prostomium with triangular anterior lobes bearing short, thin, very delicate lateral antennae (= minute frontal filaments, sensu Pettibone 1993). Smooth median antenna with bulbous ceratophore in anterior notch. Eyes lacking. Pair of thick, smooth, tapering palps, ca. three times the length of prostomium (Fig. 12E View Figure 12 ). Segment 1 with dorsal and ventral pairs of smooth, tapering anterior cirri (= tentacular cirri, sensu Pettibone 1993), ca. the same length as palps. Ventral anterior cirri slightly shorter than dorsal anterior cirri. Cirrophores of anterior cirri long and cylindrical, each with small acicular lobe on inner side (Fig. 12E, F View Figure 12 ). Smooth ventral cirri on segments 2-21. Buccal cirri of segment 2 modified, with bulbous ceratophores (Fig. 12F View Figure 12 ) and longer styles. Buccal cirri attached to base of neuropodia. Ventral cirri on segments 3-21 attached to middle of neuropodia, with bulbous ceratophores and short, tapering styles (Fig. 12B View Figure 12 ). Dorsal cirri present on non-elytrigerous segments 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21 (Fig. 12A View Figure 12 ). Cirrophores of dorsal cirri cylindrical, rather long, fused to posterior sides of notopodia. Styles of dorsal cirri filiform, long, extending beyond length of chaetae. Segment 19 modified, lacking dorsal cirri and elytrophores (Fig. 12I View Figure 12 ). Arborescent branchiae compact, with numerous short, bulbous terminal filaments, beginning on segment 3 (Fig. 12E View Figure 12 ) and continuing to segment 16 (Fig. 12I View Figure 12 ). Branchiae forming single large groups on elytrigerous segments, attached to bases of notopodia. Branchiae forming two groups on cirrigerous segments; small groups attached to dorsal tubercles and large groups attached near bases of notopodia (Fig. 12G View Figure 12 ). Branchiae on segment 3 not fully developed, but formation of two distinct bundles of branchiae still apparent on the left side (Fig. 12E View Figure 12 ). Four pairs of ventral segmental papillae on segments 12-15 (Fig. 12B View Figure 12 ). Ventral papillae rather long, slender, curved laterally and followed by two pairs of ventral lamellae (Fig. 12H View Figure 12 ). Rounded ventral lamellae have similar orientation as papillae but flattened and not protruding as much toward posterior end. Pygidium with a pair of anal cirri extending to approximately the outline of the body (Fig. 12J View Figure 12 ). Parapodia biramous. Neuropodia ca. twice the length of notopodia, with an acicular process. On cirrigerous segments, notopodia with dorsal tubercles possessing small bundles of branchiae (Fig. 13A, B View Figure 13 ). Notopodia extending distally into acicular processes. Notochaetae forming radiating bundles, stout, with double rows of spines (Fig. 13C View Figure 13 ). Notochaetae almost as long as neurochaetae (Fig. 13A, B View Figure 13 ). Neurochaetae slender, forming fan-shaped bundles (Fig. 13A, B View Figure 13 ). Superior neurochaetae (supra-acicular) with double rows of spines (Fig. 13D View Figure 13 ). Inferior neurochaetae (sub-acicular) with double rows of teeth from the mid swelling to the hooked tips; smooth beneath the mid swelling (Fig. 13E View Figure 13 ). Inferior neurochaetae teeth are less prominent than the superior neurochaetae spines. Hooked jaws with small teeth on inner borders (Fig. 10B View Figure 10 ).

Morphological variation.

The holotype is 26 mm long, 15 mm wide, including chaetae. Paratypes range from 10-17 mm long, 7-9 mm wide, including chaetae.


Peinaleopolynoe elvisi sp. nov. is unique from the remaining Peinaleopolynoe taxa in having six pairs of border papillae on the pharynx (Table 5 View Table 5 ). Additionally, P. elvisi sp. nov. differs from its closest relatives P. santacatalina and P. sillardi in having branchiae start on segment 3, as opposed to on segment 2. Finally, the posterior margin of the elytra displays a single macrotubercle compared to the few found in the other species.


Peinaleopolynoe elvisi sp. nov. is named after the legendary King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley; the iridescent golden/pink elytra are reminiscent of the sparkly, sequined costumes he favored in his late career.


All specimens of P. elvisi sp. nov. were found associated with vertebrate bones or wood (Table 5 View Table 5 ). Fig. 6F View Figure 6 shows the holotype observed in situ on sediment next to a whalefall just before collection. Fig. 6G View Figure 6 shows paratype SIO-BIC A9699 observed in situ on a deployed pig bone before collection.

Pettibone, MH, 1993. Polynoid polychaetes associated with a whale skeleton in the bathyal Santa Catalina Basin. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 106 (4): 678 - 688

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Figure 6. In situ photos of the new Peinaleopolynoe spp. A-E Peinaleopolynoe orphanae sp. nov. observed in the Pescadero Basin, Gulf of California, Mexico: C, E Peinaleopolynoe orphanae sp. nov. fighting behavior observed; the everted pharynx is used to bite off pieces of the opponent's elytra F Peinaleopolynoe elvisi sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 8488 observed and collected next to a whale bone in the Monterey Canyon, California G Peinaleopolynoe elvisi sp. nov. paratype SIO-BIC A 9699 observed and collected on a pig bone deployment from Jaco Scar, Costa Rica H Peinaleopolynoe goffrediae sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 5485 observed and collected on a whalefall in the Monterey Canyon, California.

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Figure 7. Live dorsal views of the new Peinaleopolynoe spp. A Peinaleopolynoe orphanae sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 6151 B Peinaleopolynoe elvisi sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 8488 C Peinaleopolynoe goffrediae sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 5485 D Peinaleopolynoe mineoi sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 10071. Scale bars: 6 mm (A); 8 mm (B, C); 1 mm (D).

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Figure 10. Micrographs of Peinaleopolynoe spp. jaws A Peinaleopolynoe orphanae sp. nov. paratype SIO-BIC A 9996 B Peinaleopolynoe elvisi sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 8488 C Peinaleopolynoe goffrediae sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 5485 D Peinaleopolynoe mineoi sp. nov. paratype SIO-BIC A 9709. Scale bars: 3 mm (A, C); 2 mm (B, D).

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Figure 12. Macro photos and micrographs of P. elvisi sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 8488 A dorsal view B ventral view. Segments 12 - 15 are marked to indicate the presence of four pairs of papillae C frontal view of proboscis showing papillae and jaws. Numbers mark the papillae on the dorsal (six papillae) surface D left elytron from segment 2 E dorsal view of anterior F ventral view of anterior G left side branchiae on segments 7 - 11 H ventral papillae on segments 12 - 15 (four pairs) indicated by white arrows. Ventral lamellae on segments 16 - 17 (two pairs) indicated by black arrows I dorsal view of posterior J ventral view of posterior. Abbreviations: XII, segment 12; XIII, segment 13; XIV, segment 14; XV, segment 15; j, jaws; ma, median antenna; pa, palp; la, lateral antenna; vac, ventral anterior cirrus; el, elytrophore; br, single large group of branchiae on elytrigerous segment; noc, notochaetae; dc, dorsal cirrus; br 1, branchiae small group 1 attached to dorsal tubercle on cirrigerous segment; br 2, branchiae large group 2 attached near base of notopodium on cirrigerous segment; no, notopodium; nec, neurochaetae; vc, ventral cirrus; ne, neuropodium; dt, dorsal tubercle; anc, anal cirrus. Scale bars: 4 mm (A, B); 0.5 mm (C); 1 mm (D, H-J); 2 mm (E-G).

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Figure 13. Micrographs of P. elvisi sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A 8488 A right parapodium from segment 10 B right parapodium from segment 7 C notochaetae D superior neurochaetae (supra-acicular) E inferior neurochaetae (subacicular). Abbreviations: br 1, branchiae small group 1 attached to dorsal tubercle; br 2, branchiae large group 2 attached near base of notopodium; noc, notochaetae; dc, dorsal cirrus; no, notopodium; snec, superior neurochaetae; ne, neuropodium; neap, neuroacicular process; noap, notoacicular process; vc, ventral cirrus; inec, inferior neurochaetae; el, elytrophore; br, single large group of branchiae on elytrigerous segment. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B); 15 μm (C); 10 μm (D, E).













