Lavoisiera pulcherrima Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104)

Martins, Angela B. & Almeda, Frank, 2017, A Monograph of the Brazilian endemic genus Lavoisiera (Melastomataceae: Microlicieae), Phytotaxa 315 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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scientific name

Lavoisiera pulcherrima Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104)


30. Lavoisiera pulcherrima Martius & Schrank ex Candolle (1828: 104) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: “In campis excelsis supra saxa arenosa inter villam S. João, Ouro Preto et Diamantina , prov. Minas Geraes,” C. F . P. Martius s.n. (holotype: M-0174604-n.v., online image!, photos: CAS!, F!, NY!, UEC!) .

= Lavoisiera pulcherrima var. major Cogniaux in Martius (1883: 138). syn. nov. Type :— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: without exact locality, J. E . Warming 46 (lectotype, here designated: C!) .

= Lavoisiera pulcherrima var. latifolia Cogniaux in Martius (1883: 138). syn. nov. Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: “ In saxosis

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MARTINS & ALMEDA ad Serra da Lapa ( Serra do Cipó ),” L . Riedel 1351 (lectotype, here designated: LE!; isolectotypes: P!, W!) .

= Lavoisiera pulcherrima var. angustifolia Cogniaux in Martius (1883: 138). syn. nov. Type :— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: “In prov. Minas Geraes”, F. Sellow s.n. (holotype: B, destroyed; isotypes: K!, LE, W!) .

Erect, dichotomously and openly branched shrubs 1–2 m to a tree 3–5(–6) m tall, glabrous throughout. Branches and branchlets subrounded to subquadrangular, furrowed longitudinally on opposite faces, defoliating and decorticating basally with age; internodes 3–10(–15) mm long with knobby thickenings that persist where a leaf has fallen away, nodes with inconspicuous reddish glandular trichomes, the internodes glabrous. Leaves sessile, semi-amplexicaul, congested distally on the uppermost branchlets, spreading to deflexed; blade (25–)30–50(–85) × (8–)13–20(–38) mm, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, oblong-elliptic or ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, base attenuate to subrounded, apex bluntly acuminate, obtuse, rounded or acute and often shortly mucronulate, margins entire, subcallose, normally pale green and obscurely reticulate on the abaxial surface, dark green on the adaxial surface, glabrous, glaucous and occasionally reddish on both surfaces, flat, 3-nerved, rarely 7- nerved, the midvein conspicuous, the lateral pairs, when evident, converging at the apex, the inframarginal pair mostly inconspicuous. Flowers (7–)8(–9)-merous, solitary or paired, terminal but becoming central or pseudolateral by the elongation of one or two lateral branches, pedicel (in fruit) 2–8 mm long. Bracts undifferentiated from mature cauline leaves. Hypanthium (at anthesis) 7–12 × 6 mm to 10 mm wide distally, campanulate, slightly granulose and sometimes longitudinally striolate. Calyx tube inconspicuous to ca. 2 mm long; calyx lobes (at anthesis) 3 × 2–2.5 mm, short-triangular, acute at the apex and frequently tapering to a caducous trichome 0.5–0.75 mm long, margins entire, eciliate or rarely sparsely and shortly ciliate, glabrous on both surfaces or with minute scattered glands toward the adaxial base, persistent. Petals 25–30 × 10–12 mm (adherent at the very base and falling away together with stamens as a unit after anthesis), pink to magenta with darker venation, rarely white, lacking a well-defined band of white or greenish-white at the adaxial base, obovate-oblong, apex subrounded to oblique-truncate and asymmetrically apiculate, base attenuate, margin entire and inconspicuously glandular-ciliolate mainly at the apex. Stamens 14, 16, or 18, dimorphic: large (antesepalous) stamens (7–)8(–9), filaments 10–12 mm long, white, yellow or red, anther thecae 5–6 × 1.5 mm, oblong, orange-pink, rostrum ca. 0.8 mm long, pedoconnective 7–8 mm long, red, appendage 2 mm long, emarginate to subrounded and bilobed, yellow; small (antepetalous) stamens (7–)8(–9), filaments 9–10 mm long, white, yellow, anther thecae 4–4.5 × 1 mm, oblong, orange-pink, rostrum 0.5 mm long, pedoconnective ca. 0.5 mm long, red, appendage 1–1.5 mm, rounded to barely lobed, yellow. Ovary 8(–9)-locular, 2/3 inferior, style 8–11 mm long, straight, glabrous, stigma truncate. Fruiting hypanthium (including calyx lobes) 9–22 × 6–10 mm, subcylindric to urceolate, strongly constricted below the torus, yellowish-green to brown; pedicels 1–8 mm long. Capsule (at maturity) 10–12 mm long, globose, brown, enveloped by the persistent hypanthium and calyx lobes, dehiscing from the apex to the base, the vascular strands persisting long after capsule walls have fallen away. Seeds 0.70–0.80 × 0.36–0.42 mm, oblong to reniform, sometimes L-shaped, dark grayish-brown, periclinal cell walls of the testa convex and low domed becoming concave (foveolate), the raphal zone about 20% the length of the seed. Chromosome number unknown.

Illustrations:— Figure 53 View FIGURE 53 ; Martius (1831: t. 272).

Photographic images:— Figures 4F, G View FIGURE 4 ; 12A–D View FIGURE 12 .

Phenology:—Flowering and fruiting sporadically all year.

Distribution and habitat:—Endemic to Minas Gerais where it is widespread but local on the Cadeia do Espinhaço from the Serra do Caraça north to Serra do Cipó, Pico do Itambé, and the municípios of Congonhas do Norte and Congonhas do Campo in campo rupestre at 1200–1500 m elev. Figure 16 View FIGURE 16 .

Conservation status:—This comparatively widespread species has been collected repeatedly over several decades throughout its range. The EOO is 26,451 km ² and the AOO is 22 km ². The small populations in Parque Estadual Pico do Itambé, Serra do Caraça Private National Heritage Reserve, Parque Estadual Itacolomi, and Parque Nacional Serra do Cipó appear to be the only ones afforded some protection. In view of its widespread geographic distribution but limited population size almost everywhere it grows, we assign a classification of Near Threatened (NT).


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Discussion:—This striking species can become a small tree to six meters tall. Its distinctive features include its glaucous leaf blades that are 3–7-nerved and obscurely reticulate on the abaxial surface, persistent calyx lobes, large pink to magenta petals that lack a well-defined band of white or yellow at the adaxial base, triangular apically acute calyx lobes, pedicels 2–8 mm long, and mature hypanthia that are strongly constricted distally above the ovary apex, and 8(–9)-locular ovary. A striking feature of this species is the persistent fruiting pedicel with attached columella and vascular ribs of postmature capsules that creates a broom-like effect ( Figure 53H View FIGURE 53 ). Only a few other species ( L. alba , L. belinelloi , L. itambana , L. macrocarpa , and L. punctata ) exhibit this unusual feature.

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Lavoisiera pulcherrima is variable in leaf shape, floral merosity, and petal color. Leaf shape varies from oblong-lanceolate, oblong-elliptic or ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate. These foliar differences were utilized by Cogniaux (1883) when he formally proposed some varieties (see synonymy) but none of these variations is clearcut and none appears to correlate with other diagnostic characters. The flowers are modally 8-merous but 7- and 9- merous flowers are also produced on some individuals in some populations. Again, this variation in merosity does not correlate in any significant way with other characters. The petal color of this species is modally pink to magenta but rare white-flowered forms are known. The white-flowered variants all appear to be consistently 9- merous but the typical pink- or magenta-flowered individuals can also be 9-merous.

The closest relative of L. pulcherrima appears to be L. macrocarpa . Both species share similarities in floral merosity, ovary locule number, color of the larger antesepalous anther thecae, and persistent calyx lobes. The latter differs in its open divaricately branched habit, blue-green leaf blades that are glaucous adaxially, oblong-elliptic to ovate leaf blades with an apex that is obtuse to broadly acute, longer pedoconnective of the smaller whorl of antepetalous stamens, and short-pedicellate flowers.

Additional specimens examined:—MINAS GERAIS: Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, 49 km from Distrito Cardeal Mota along rutted unpaved road to Pico do Breu, 19°2'S, 43°42'W, Almeda et al. 8601 (CAS!, MO!, UEC!); Serra do Caraça. Parque do Caraça on the trail to Pico Inficionado. 20˚8’2”S, 43˚27’54.7”W, Almeda et al. 8883 (CAS!, COL!, UEC!, US!); Pico do Itambé, trail to the summit upslope from Santo Antônio do Itambé, 18˚24’8.1”S, 43˚18’46.6”W, Almeda et al. 9025A (CAS!, P!, UEC!); Mpio. Santo Antônio do Itambé. Parque Estadual do Pico do Itambé, from the Fazenda at 1367 m to the summit of the Pico at 2038 m along the main trail, -18.39868, -43.34816, Almeda et al. 9666 (BHCB!, CAS!, K!, NY!, RB!, UEC!); Serra do Espinhaço; eastern slopes of Pico do Itambé, Anderson et al. 35812 (MO!, NY!, US!); Serra do Espinhaço; eastern slopes of Pico do Itambé, Anderson et al. 35901 (NY!, US!); Camarinhas, Morro de São Sebastião, Araújo & Bueno 112 (R!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Retiro do Alto do Palácio, 25 km NE de Cardeal Mota camino a Conceição do Mato Dentro, Arbo et al. 4939 (SPF!, US!); São Sebastião, Ouro Preto, R. Campos s.n. (CAS!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, ao longo da Rodovia Belo Horizonte-Conceição do Mato Dentro, Cavalcanti et al. CFSC 9881 (SPF!, US!); Claussen s.n. (BM!); Claussen s.n. (NY!); Claussen s.n. (RB!); Claussen s.n. (F!); Claussen s.n. (W!); Claussen 20 (BM!, BR!, G!, NY!, S!); Claussen 1020 (G!, W!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Alto do Palácio, estrada Conceição do Mato Dentro, Km 126, A. Costa & Wendt 54 (RB!); Mpio. Ouro Preto, Damazio 237 (G-2!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Alto do Palácio along road from Chapéu do Sol to Conceição do Mato Dentro, Daniel & Hensold 1200 (CAS!); Mpio. Ouro Preto, Itacolomi, Glaziou 14761 (C!, G!, K!, LE!, P!, R!, US!); exact locality not specified, Glaziou 19271 (C!, LE!); exact locality not specified, Harvey Herb. s.n. (DS!); Mpio. Santo Antônio do Itambé, Pico do Itambé, Hatschbach 30102 (C!, MBM!, US!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça (prox. Mun. Sta. Bárbara), trilha para Capelinha e Gruta, Hensold et al. CFCR 2763 (CAS!, SPF!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó. Fazenda Cachoeira da Capivara, Horta & Andrade 153 (BHCB!, F!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça, ca. 10 km W of Barão de Cocais, Irwin et al. 29238 (C!, F!, NY!); lower slopes of Serra do Caraça, ca. 10 km W of Barão de Cocais, Irwin et al. 29252 (C!, F!, NY!, US!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça, Leitão Filho et al. 9599 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, P. N. Serra do Cipó, ca. 3 km da Portaria Alto Palácio do IBAMA, Lucca 51 (UEC!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, ca. 3 km da Portaria Alto Palácio do IBAMA, Lucca & M. Pereira 960 (CAS!); Serra Itacolomi, Lund s.n. (S!); Serra Itacolomi, Lund s.n. (C!); Mpio. Ouro Preto, Camarinhas, Macedo 3054 (MO!, US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, estrada para Conceição do Mato Dentro, Km 140, Mattos Fo. & Rizzini 106 (RB!); Mpio. Ouro Preto, Camarinhas, Mello Barreto s.n. (RB!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça, Mello Barreto 190 (BHCB ex BHMH!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 139, estrada de Conceição, Mello Barreto 191 (BHCB ex BHMH!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 141, estrada de Conceição, Mello Barreto 4904 ( US!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 149, estrada de Conceição, Mello Barreto 8556 (BHCB ex BHMH!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 141, estrada de Conceição, Mello Barreto 8902 (F!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 149, estrada do Pilar, Mello Barreto 8917 (BHCB ex BHMH!, F-2!); Mpio. Ouro Preto, Serra de Ouro Preto, Camarinhas, Mello Barreto 9046 (BHCB ex BHMH!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 140, estrada de Conceição, Mello Barreto & Brade 1316 (F-2!, RB!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Caraça, Mello Filho, L. Emygdio et al. 3513 (NY!, R!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Caraça, Mello Filho, L. Emygdio et al. 3560 (R!); Serra de Ouro Preto, Mendes Magalhães 1173 (RB!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Caraça, A. Mendonça 9 (K!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, ca. 3 km da Portaria do IBAMA, Alto Palácio, M. Pereira & Lucca 960


Phytotaxa 315 (1) © 2017 Magnolia Press • 145 (UEC!); Camarinhas, Pfeiffer 202 (R!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça, Pirani et al. 327 (CAS!, SPF!); Mpio. Congonhas do Campo, Serra da Carapina ( Serra Talhada na folha IBGE), sector N da Serra do Cipó, 18°2'S, 43°44'W, Pirani et al. 4091 (CAS!, SPF!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, margens do Rio Capivara, próximo à ponte da estrada da Usina, Pirani et al. CFSC 10270 (CAS!, SPF!, UEC!, US!); without exact locality, Pohl 1287 (W-2!); Mpio. Congonhas do Campo, Serra da Carapina (Serra Talhada) , norte da Serra do Cipó, 18°52'S, 43°44'W, Rapini et al. 521 (CAS!); Ouro Preto et Itacolomi, Riedel 2688 (LE!, NY!); Ouro Preto, Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, Romero & Nakajima 5948 (HUFU, UEC!); Mpio. Santo Antônio do Itambé, descida do morro do Pico do Itambé, Rossi et al. CFCR 3068 (NY!, SPF-2!); Saint-Hilaire s.n. (F!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Parque Natural do Caraça. Trilha em direção ao Pico da Carapuça, próximo a Capela do Sagrado Coração, 20°6'S, 43°28'W, Sakuragui et al. CFCR 13877 (CAS!, ESA!, SPF!); inter Ouro Preto et Mariana, Schwacke 7412 (RB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Schwacke 7800 (RB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, prope Congonhas da Serra, Schwacke 7801 (RB!, W!); Serra de O. Preto, Schwacke 9194 (RB!); Itacolomi, Schwacke 10326 (BR!, B!, BHCB!, NY!, RB!, W!); Camarinhas para Ouro Preto, Schwacke 13845 (RB!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, 5 km North of Chapéu do Sol, Segadas-Viana 6015 (NY!, R!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Caraça, trilha para a Carapuça, Semir et al. 28876 (UEC!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Parque do Caraça. Serra de Catas Altas, V. C. Souza et al. 9988 (CAS-2!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça, atrás da Cascatinha, Stehmann et al. s.n. (BHCB!, F!); Mpio. Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça, 20°5'S, 43°28'W, Stehmann et al. 2277 (MBM!); Mpio. Ouro Preto, Cachoeira das Andorinhas, TSMG 889 (BHCB!); Serra de Ouro Preto, Ule 2536 (R!); Itacolomi, Warming 49 (C!); Mpio. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Km 126, Cachoeira da Capivara, ao longo da Rodovia Belo Horizonte-Conceição do Mato Dentro, Zappi & Vitta CFSC 9971 (NY!). MINAS GERAIS?: Claussen 362 (G!); Claussen 1287 (K!); C. F. P. Martius 921 (BM!, K!, LE-2!, NY!, W!); Warming 46 (C!).


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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


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