Cernotina kariri Queiroz, Vilarino & Calor, 2023

Calor, Adolfo Ricardo, Pereira, Rafael, Queiroz, Larissa Laiane, Vilarino, Albane, Junior, Carlos Coracy Dultra de Azevedo, Queiroz, Amanda, Burgos-Miranda, Manoel Joaquim, Cavalcante-Silva, Amanda, Oliveira-Silva, Marcos Vinícius, Lucca, Giann, Quinteiro, Fabio Batagini, Dias, Everton Santos, Gomes, Victor de Andrade, França, Diogo, Costa, Anne Moreira, Desidério, Gleison Robson, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Dumas, Leandro Lourenço & Bispo, Pitágoras da Conceição, 2023, LEAq - Laboratório de Entomologia Aquática “ Prof. Claudio Gilberto Froehlich ” and the task of facing the biodiversity knowledge deficits on Caddisflies (Trichoptera), Bahia, Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20230065) 67, pp. 2-33 : 18

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2023-0065

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cernotina kariri Queiroz, Vilarino & Calor

sp. nov.

Cernotina kariri Queiroz, Vilarino & Calor , sp. nov.

( Figs. 15 View Figure 15 A-C, 16A-F)

Diagnosis. Cernotina kariri sp. nov. is similar to other species with mesolateral process of preanal appendage rounded and with an elongated intermediate appendage (e.g., C. flexuosa Santos and Nessimian, 2008 , C. puri Dumas and Nessimian, 2011 ). The new species can be diagnosed from the congeners mainly by having: foreleg with 3 tibial spurs; intermediate appendage narrow, elongate, and curved mesad; mesoventral process of preanal appendage curved ventrad and with basal finger-like lobe; basodorsal lobe of inferior appendage short; and ventral margin of inferior appendage slightly prominent.

Description. Adult male. Forewing length: 3.28 mm (n=1). General color, in alcohol, medium brown; legs and palps pale yellow; wings brown. Maxillary palp formula (I=II)<(III=IV)<V, segments III, IV 2x as long as segments I, II, segment V as long as I+II+III+IV.Tibial spur formula 3,4,4. Venation: forewing with forks II, IV and V, fork II rotted, fork V short, petiolate ( Fig. 15A View Figure 15 ); hind wing with forks II and V, 3A absent ( Fig. 15B View Figure 15 ). Sternum V with narrow, elongate lateral process ( Fig. 15C View Figure 15 ). Male genitalia. Sternum IX in lateral view, short, subrectangular, not produced anterolaterally ( Fig. 16A View Figure 16 ); anterior margin, in ventral view, with shallow, wide, concave incision, posterior margin moderately excavated ( Fig. 16B View Figure 16 ). Terga IX + X, mesally semi-membranous, laterally straight, setose, surface covered by microsetae; in lateral view, slightly tapering apically, ventral margin bearing 2 strong setae directed ventrad ( Fig. 16A View Figure 16 ); in dorsal view elongate, apically subrounded ( Fig. 16B View Figure 16 ). Intermediate appendage, in lateral view, sclerotized, without setae, rod-like, elongate, longer than inferior appendage; in dorsal view, narrow, curved mesad, apex pointed ( Figs. 16A, B View Figure 16 ). Preanal appendage: mesolateral process, in lateral view, setose, short, rounded; in dorsal view subtriangular, tapering apically ( Figs. 16A, B View Figure 16 ); mesoventral process in lateral view, elongate, tongue-like, bent ventrad, apex rounded with

3 stout setae, dorsobasally bearing narrow finger-like dorsal lobe; in ventral view, intimately associate to phallus, with mesal rounded lobe with 3 stout setae and triangular flange with spine-like setae, laterally fused to other preanal structures, with finger-like lobe ( Figs. 16 View Figure 16 A-C). Inferior appendage in lateral view, elongate, setose, apex truncate, with about same width of base, ventral margin basally slightly prominent, apicomesal lobe overlapped with main body of appendage ( Figs. 16A, C View Figure 16 ); basodorsal lobe very short, apex rounded, bearing about 2 stout setae ( Figs. 16A, C View Figure 16 ); apicomesal lobe darkly pigmented, setose, short in lateral view ( Fig. 16A View Figure 16 ). Phallus in lateral view tubular, elongate, straight, ejaculatory duct posterodorsally sclerotized, phallotremal sclerite posteroventral, large, rod-like, mesally with pair of rod-like sclerotized structures ( Fig. 16D View Figure 16 ); in dorsal view, tapering apically, apex bipartite ( Fig.16E View Figure 16 ); in ventral view intimately associated to ventromesal process of preanal appendage ( Fig. 16F View Figure 16 ).

Holotype male. BRAZIL: Bahia: Mucugê, Medonho stream, 05.v.2023, 13º10’42.7”S, 41º22’02.2”W; UV Light Pan trap. AR Calor and MEB team cols. ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. Same data as holotype, except: 23.xi.2018, light, AR Calor et al. cols., 7 males ( UFBA), 24.i.2018, T GoogleMaps Duarte, S Barata & I Oliveira cols., 1 male ( UFBA); Same data, except Boiadeiro stream, 12°59’46.5”S, 41°19’39.9”W, 11.iv.2015, Malaise trap, E Dias & R GoogleMaps Campos cols., 1 male ( UFBA) .

Distribution ( Figs. 20A, B View Figure 20 ). Brazil (BA, Caatinga domain)

Remarks. The tibial spur formula 2,4,4 is a diagnostic character of Cernotina ( Oláh and Johanson, 2010; Chamorro and Holzenthal, 2010), but this species has a fully formed foreleg preapical spur. Although, the genitalia and wing venation (forewing forks II, IV, V present) fit the genus Cernotina . The abdominal sternum V elongate process was not previously mentioned to the genus, but it is also present in other Cernotina from Bahia (e.g., C. longispina Barcelos-Silva, Camargos, Pes & Salles, 2013 , material analyzed see Vilarino and Calor (2017)) and might have been missed from other species.

Etymology. Species named in reference to the Kariri indigenous ethnic group,one of the people that originally inhabited the Chapada Diamantina region where the type specimens were collected. The name is derived from the tupi language: kiri’ri, meaning “silent”. Named in apposition.

Polycentropus Curtis, 1835


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