Pseudexostoma Chu, 1979

Alfred W. Thomson & Lawrence M. Page, 2006, Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)., Zootaxa 1345, pp. 1-96 : 81-82

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Thomas (2009-07-09 09:14:51, last updated 2024-11-28 16:25:49)

scientific name

Pseudexostoma Chu, 1979


Pseudexostoma Chu, 1979 View in CoL View at ENA   ZBK

Fig. 26

Pseudexostoma Chu, 1979   ZBK : 78, 81. (Type species: Glyptosternum yunnanensis Tchang, 1935   ZBK , by original designation). Gender neuter.

Diagnosis: Continuous post-labial groove; gill openings not extending onto venter; heterodont dentition in both jaws; outer teeth shovel-shaped and sparsely arranged in one or two rows, inner teeth conical and numerous; tooth patches separated in upper jaw; 16-18 branched pectoral rays.

Pseudexostoma   ZBK is distinguished from Glyptosternon   ZBK , Glaridoglanis   ZBK , Euchiloglanis   ZBK , Pareuchiloglanis   ZBK and Parachiloglanis   ZBK by having a continuous post-labial groove (Table 5). Pseudexostoma   ZBK is distinguished from Myersglanis   ZBK , Exostoma   ZBK , Oreoglanis   ZBK by having heterodont dentition in the upper jaw (vs. homodont = pointed in Myersglanis   ZBK and Oreoglanis   ZBK , and homodont = oar-shaped in Exostoma   ZBK ), and from Myersglanis   ZBK and Exostoma   ZBK by having heterodont dentition in the lower jaw (vs. homodont = pointed in Myersglanis   ZBK , and homodont = oar-shaped in Exostoma   ZBK ). It is further distinguished from Exostoma   ZBK by having 16-18 (vs. 10-11) branched pectoral rays, and from Myersglanis   ZBK and Oreoglanis   ZBK by having tooth patches separated in the upper jaw.

Description: 5-6 dorsal rays; 16-18 branched pectoral-fin rays; 6 pelvic-fin rays; 3-6 anal-fin rays. Head depressed; body elongate, depressed anteriorly. Eyes minute, dorsal, subcutaneous, dorsal. Lips thick, fleshy, papillated. Teeth of two distinct types in two wellseparated patches in both jaws; outer teeth shovel-shaped and sparsely arranged in one or two rows, inner teeth conical and numerous. Maxillary barbel with well-developed membrane, soft base, striated pad of adhesive skin. Gill openings narrow, extending only to a point above pectoral-fin base. Branchiostegal membranes confluent with isthmus. Coracoid process not externally visible. No thoracic adhesive apparatus. Paired fins plaited to form an adhesive apparatus.

Distribution: Irrawaddy and Salween drainages, Yunnan, China (Chu et al., 1999).