Proctophyllodes quadrisetosus Atyeo & Braasch Proctophyllodes spini Atyeo & Braasch Pterodectes sialiarum (Stoll) Pterodectes

Reeves, Will K., Durden, Lance A., Ritzi, Christopher M., Beckham, Katy R., Super, Paul E & Oconnor, Barry M., 2007, Ectoparasites and other ectosymbiotic arthropods of vertebrates in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, Zootaxa 1392, pp. 31-68 : 56-57

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Proctophyllodes quadrisetosus Atyeo & Braasch Proctophyllodes spini Atyeo & Braasch Pterodectes sialiarum (Stoll) Pterodectes


Proctophyllodes quadrisetosus Atyeo & Braasch

Ex Dendroica coronata (yellow­rumped warbler): NC. Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 22 Oct 2005, P. Super. Proctophyllodes reguli Gaud

Ex Regulus satrapa (golden­crowned kinglet): NC. Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 4 Nov. 2005, P. Super. Proctophyllodes spini Atyeo & Braasch

Ex Carduelis pinis (pine siskin): NC. Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 21 May 2006, P. Super.

Ex Carduelis tristis (American goldfinch): TN: Blount Co., Cades Cove, 4 Jul. 2006, P. Super. Proctophyllodes n. spp.

Ex Catharus fuscescens (veery): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super.

Ex Certhia americana (brown creeper): NC, Swain Co., Newfound Gap, 5 Aug. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica caerulescens (black­throated blue warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica pennsylvanica (chestnut­sided warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2006, P. Sup e r.

Ex Helmitheros vermivorus (worm­eating warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jul. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Mniotilta varia (black and white warbler): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 Jul. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Sayornis phoebe (eastern phoebe ): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 14 Apr. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Setophaga ruticilla (American redstart): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Toxostoma rufum (brown thrasher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 11 Jul. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 26 Jun. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Troglodytes aedon (house wren): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 25 Apr. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Wilsonia canadensis ( Canada warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2005, P. Super. Pterodectes sialiarum (Stoll)

Ex Sialia sialis (eastern bluebird): NC. Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2003, P. Super. Pterodectes n. spp.

Ex Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar waxwing): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super.

Ex Catharus fuscescens (veery): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 28 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 29 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 12 Jun. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Catharus minimus / bicknelli (gray­cheeked thrush/ Bicknell's): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 3 Aug. 2003, P. Sup e r.

Ex Dendroica caerulescens (black­throated blue warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug 2005, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica pensylvanica (chestnut­sided warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 1 Aug. 2002, P. Super;; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 3 Jun. 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 4 May 2006, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Newfound Gap, 12 May 2006, P. Super.

Ex Dumetella carolinensis (catbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 26 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 13 May 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Empidonax minimus (least flycatcher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 27 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Hylocichla mustelina (wood thrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 19 Jun. 2002, P. Super; TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 11 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun 2006, P. Super.

Ex Geothylpis trichas (common yellowthroat): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Helmitheros vermivorus (worm­eating warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jul. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Mniotilta varia (black and white warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jun. 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 Jul. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Pheucticus ludovicianus (rose­breasted grosbeak): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 11 Jun. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus aurocapillus (ovenbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus motacilla (Louisiana waterthrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 20 Jul. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Spizella passerina (chipping sparrow): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 5 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 9 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jul. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Toxostoma rufum (brown thrasher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 11 Jul. 2003, P. Super. Ex Vireo griseus (white­eyed vireo): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

At least ten new species of Pterodectes were collected from birds in the Park.

Proctophyllodes spini Atyeo & Braasch

Ex Carduelis pinis (pine siskin): NC. Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 21 May 2006, P. Super.

Ex Carduelis tristis (American goldfinch): TN: Blount Co., Cades Cove, 4 Jul. 2006, P. Super. Proctophyllodes n. spp.

Ex Catharus fuscescens (veery): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super.

Ex Certhia americana (brown creeper): NC, Swain Co., Newfound Gap, 5 Aug. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica caerulescens (black­throated blue warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica pennsylvanica (chestnut­sided warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2006, P. Sup e r.

Ex Helmitheros vermivorus (worm­eating warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jul. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Mniotilta varia (black and white warbler): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 Jul. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Sayornis phoebe (eastern phoebe ): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 14 Apr. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Setophaga ruticilla (American redstart): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Toxostoma rufum (brown thrasher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 11 Jul. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 26 Jun. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Troglodytes aedon (house wren): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 25 Apr. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Wilsonia canadensis ( Canada warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2005, P. Super. Pterodectes sialiarum (Stoll)

Ex Sialia sialis (eastern bluebird): NC. Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2003, P. Super. Pterodectes n. spp.

Ex Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar waxwing): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super.

Ex Catharus fuscescens (veery): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 28 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 29 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 12 Jun. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Catharus minimus / bicknelli (gray­cheeked thrush/ Bicknell's): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 3 Aug. 2003, P. Sup e r.

Ex Dendroica caerulescens (black­throated blue warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug 2005, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica pensylvanica (chestnut­sided warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 1 Aug. 2002, P. Super;; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 3 Jun. 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 4 May 2006, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Newfound Gap, 12 May 2006, P. Super.

Ex Dumetella carolinensis (catbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 26 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 13 May 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Empidonax minimus (least flycatcher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 27 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Hylocichla mustelina (wood thrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 19 Jun. 2002, P. Super; TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 11 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun 2006, P. Super.

Ex Geothylpis trichas (common yellowthroat): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Helmitheros vermivorus (worm­eating warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jul. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Mniotilta varia (black and white warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jun. 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 Jul. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Pheucticus ludovicianus (rose­breasted grosbeak): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 11 Jun. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus aurocapillus (ovenbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus motacilla (Louisiana waterthrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 20 Jul. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Spizella passerina (chipping sparrow): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 5 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 9 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jul. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Toxostoma rufum (brown thrasher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 11 Jul. 2003, P. Super. Ex Vireo griseus (white­eyed vireo): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

At least ten new species of Pterodectes were collected from birds in the Park.

Pterodectes sialiarum (Stoll)

Ex Sialia sialis (eastern bluebird): NC. Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun. 2003, P. Super. Pterodectes n. spp.

Ex Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar waxwing): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super.

Ex Catharus fuscescens (veery): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 28 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 29 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 12 Jun. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Catharus minimus / bicknelli (gray­cheeked thrush/ Bicknell's): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 3 Aug. 2003, P. Sup e r.

Ex Dendroica caerulescens (black­throated blue warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug 2005, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica pensylvanica (chestnut­sided warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 1 Aug. 2002, P. Super;; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 3 Jun. 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 4 May 2006, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Newfound Gap, 12 May 2006, P. Super.

Ex Dumetella carolinensis (catbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 26 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 13 May 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Empidonax minimus (least flycatcher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 27 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Hylocichla mustelina (wood thrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 19 Jun. 2002, P. Super; TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 11 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun 2006, P. Super.

Ex Geothylpis trichas (common yellowthroat): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Helmitheros vermivorus (worm­eating warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jul. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Mniotilta varia (black and white warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jun. 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 Jul. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Pheucticus ludovicianus (rose­breasted grosbeak): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 11 Jun. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus aurocapillus (ovenbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus motacilla (Louisiana waterthrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 20 Jul. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Spizella passerina (chipping sparrow): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 5 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 9 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jul. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Toxostoma rufum (brown thrasher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 11 Jul. 2003, P. Super. Ex Vireo griseus (white­eyed vireo): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

At least ten new species of Pterodectes were collected from birds in the Park.

Pterodectes n. spp.

Ex Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar waxwing): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super.

Ex Catharus fuscescens (veery): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 28 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 29 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 12 Jun. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Catharus minimus / bicknelli (gray­cheeked thrush/ Bicknell's): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 3 Aug. 2003, P. Sup e r.

Ex Dendroica caerulescens (black­throated blue warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug 2005, P. Super.

Ex Dendroica pensylvanica (chestnut­sided warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 1 Aug. 2002, P. Super;; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jun. 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 3 Jun. 2004, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 4 May 2006, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Newfound Gap, 12 May 2006, P. Super.

Ex Dumetella carolinensis (catbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 26 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 13 May 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Indian Gap, 5 Aug. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Empidonax minimus (least flycatcher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 27 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Hylocichla mustelina (wood thrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 19 Jun. 2002, P. Super; TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 11 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 17 Jun 2006, P. Super.

Ex Geothylpis trichas (common yellowthroat): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

Ex Helmitheros vermivorus (worm­eating warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jul. 2006, P. Super.

Ex Mniotilta varia (black and white warbler): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 6 Jun. 2005, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 Jul. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Pheucticus ludovicianus (rose­breasted grosbeak): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 11 Jun. 2005, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus aurocapillus (ovenbird): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 24 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 2 Aug. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Seiurus motacilla (Louisiana waterthrush): TN, Blount Co., Tremont, 20 Jul. 2004, P. Super.

Ex Spizella passerina (chipping sparrow): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 8 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 5 Jul. 2002, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 9 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 19 Jul. 2003, P. Super.

Ex Toxostoma rufum (brown thrasher): NC, Haywood Co., Purchase Knob, 18 Jun. 2002, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 15 May 2003, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 11 Jul. 2003, P. Super. Ex Vireo griseus (white­eyed vireo): NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 8 May 2004, P. Super; NC, Swain Co., Oconaluftee, 14 May 2005, P. Super.

At least ten new species of Pterodectes were collected from birds in the Park.