Peinaleopolynoe Desbruyeres & Laubier, 1988,

Hatch, Avery S., Liew, Haebin, Hourdez, Stephane & Rouse, Greg W., 2020, Hungry scale worms Phylogenetics of Peinaleopolynoe (Polynoidae, Annelida), with four new species, ZooKeys 932, pp. 27-74 : 27

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scientific name

Peinaleopolynoe Desbruyeres & Laubier, 1988,


Peinaleopolynoe Desbruyeres & Laubier, 1988, emended

Type species.

Peinaleopolynoe sillardi Desbruyères & Laubier, 1988

Diagnosis (emended).

Twenty-one segments. Elytra large, sub-reniform, overlapping, and covering dorsum. Elytra with or without papillae and/or posterior extensions. Chaetae extending beyond the edge of elytra. Nine or ten pairs elytra and elytrophores on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, or lacking on 19. Pharynx with either seven pairs of border papillae, six pairs of border papillae, or seven dorsal and six ventral border papillae. Bilobed prostomium with triangular anterior lobes bearing lateral antennae (= minute frontal filaments, sensu Pettibone 1993). Median antenna in anterior notch. Paired palps. Eyes lacking. Achaetous segment 1 not visible dorsally and contains dorsal and ventral pairs of smooth, tapering anterior cirri (= tentacular cirri, sensu Pettibone 1993). Parapodia biramous. Neuropodia ranging from ca. twice the length to almost as long as notopodia. Dorsal tubercles, in line with elytrophores, on non-elytrigerous segments possessing small groups of branchiae. Notochaetae bundles stout. Neurochaetae long, slender. Dorsal cirri present on non-elytrigerous segments. In specimens with nine pairs elytra, segment 19 modified, lacking dorsal cirri. Cylindrical cirrophores and long distal styles (extending far beyond length of chaetae) of dorsal cirri. Arborescent branchiae beginning on segment 2 or 3 and continuing to near end of body. Branchiae attached on bases of notopodia and on dorsal tubercles. Four pairs of ventral segmental papillae on segments 12-15. Pygidium with a pair of anal cirri.


Peinaleopolynoe was erected for P. sillardi by Desbruyères and Laubier (1988), and subsequently emended by Pettibone (1993) to include P. santacatalina . Both species were found associated with organic falls on the seafloor, a whalefall in the case of P. santacatalina . Pettibone (1993) then placed the genus in the subfamily Branchinotogluminae , but the validity of this subfamily has been questioned ( Bonifácio and Menot 2018). Pettibone’s diagnosis has been emended here to accommodate the inclusion of P. orphanae sp. nov., P. elvisi sp. nov., P. goffrediae sp. nov., and P. mineoi sp. nov. We present a table to compare the six different Peinaleopolynoe spp. (Table 5). Ventral papillae on segments 12-15 remains an apomorphy for this clade. However, arborescent branchiae may now begin on segment 2 or 3. The pharynx may now also possess six pairs of border papillae or seven dorsal and six ventral border papillae, in addition to the seven pairs of border papillae originally diagnosed. Pettibone (1993) noted a pair of minute frontal filaments on the triangular anterior lobes of the prostomium, which we prefer to refer to as lateral antennae. As in the emended diagnosis of Lepidonotopodinae , we use the term anterior cirri as opposed to tentacular cirri, to clarify the position of cirri lying on segment 1 rather than the head (see Rouse and Pleijel 2001; Lindgren et al. 2019).

Bonifacio, P, Menot, L, 2018. New genera and species from the Equatorial Pacific provide phylogenetic insights into deep-sea Polynoidae (Annelida). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 185: 555 - 635, DOI:

Desbruyeres, D, Laubier, L, 1988. Exploitation d'une source de matiere organique concentree dans l'ocean profond: intervention d'une annelide polychete nouvelle. Compte rendu hebdomaidaire des seances de l'Academie des sciences 307: 329 - 336

Lindgren, J, Hatch, AS, Hourdez, S, Seid, CA, Rouse, GW, 2019. Phylogeny and biogeography of Branchipolynoe (Polynoidae, Phyllodocida, Aciculata, Annelida), with descriptions of five new species from methane seeps and hydrothermal vents. Diversity 11 (9): 1 - 153, DOI:

Pettibone, MH, 1993. Polynoid polychaetes associated with a whale skeleton in the bathyal Santa Catalina Basin. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 106 (4): 678 - 688

Rouse, GW, Pleijel, F, 2001. Polychaetes. Oxford University Press, London









