Neoscirula oliveirai, Heyer, Jacob Den & Castro, Tatiane Marie Martins Gomes De, 2008

Heyer, Jacob Den & Castro, Tatiane Marie Martins Gomes De, 2008, Subfamilial affiliation of Neoscirula (Acari: Prostigmata: Cunaxidae) and descriptions of three new species of this genus from Brazil, Zootaxa 1731, pp. 51-62 : 58-59

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.181318


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neoscirula oliveirai

sp. nov.

Neoscirula oliveirai sp. nov.

(figs. 27–35)

Type-specimens. Holotype female and 2 paratype females, soil under Psidium sp., Campus USP, Pirassununga, São Paulo (21°56’S 47°28’W), 27 July 2000, A. R. Oliveira; 1 paratype female, soil under Psidium sp., Campus USP, Pirassununga, São Paulo, 3 May 2000, A.R. Oliveira.

Diagnosis. Adults of this species can be distinguished by the lack of a tubercle on the palptibiotarsus as well as by lacking cheliceral and adoral setae. Setal formula for basifemora I–IV is 4-6-3-1. Solenidion formula for tibiae I–III is 1-1-1. Natural colour and specific feeding habits unknown..


Female (figs. 27– 35). Dimensions. Idiosoma: length 212 (183–230); width 142 (120–155); length hypognathum 67 (65–68); width hypognathum 59 (55–62); length palp 47 (45–49); length chelicera 68 (65–70); length leg I 134 (125–140); leg II 122 (120–124); leg III 132 (123–135); leg IV 142 (130–152); length sensillae vi 80, sce 79.

Dorsum (fig. 27). Papillated single propodosomal shield demarcated by papillated integumental striae. Sensillae vi and sce pilose; setae ve and sci smooth. Setae f 2 absent..The para-anal setae, dorsal setae h 1, h 2, f 1 and ve are the longest simple tactile setae. Two pairs of anal setae present. Lyrifissures laterad to imaginary line connecting setae e 1 and f 1. Lateral shoulders prominent.

Ve n te r (fig. 28). Coxal regions I and II fairly well demarcated by integumental striae; coxal regions III and IV less so. Propodogastral setae on the integument posteriad to the hind margins of coxae II. Paracoxal setae on the median edges of coxae IV. One pair of paragenital setae in line with anterior margins of the genital valves; the latter with 4 pairs of g setae. Genital papillae well developed. A pair of para-anal setae laterad to the ventral regions of the anal valves. Ventral lyrifissures laterad to para-anal setae. Region anteriad to coxae I and posteriad to hypognathum very finely papillated.

Gnathosoma (figs. 29–31). Integument of gnathosomal structures provided with randomly placed papillae.

Palp (fig. 29). Typical for the genus except for lacking a tubercle (fig. 29). Terminal claw of tibiotarsus may be bifid.

Chelicerae (fig. 30). Chelicerae lack distal seta (fig. 30); further typical for the genus.

Hypognathum (fig. 31). Longer than wide. Setae hg 1 slightly bend. No adoral setae on the entomalae (fig. 31).

Legs (figs. 32– 35). All shorter than idiosoma. Tarsi narrow gradually towards pulvillus. Integument of all legs papillated. Leg chaetotaxy: coxae I–IV, 3 sts, 1 peg-2sts-3 sts-2 sts; trochanters I–IV 1-1 -2-1 sts; basifemora I–IV, 4-6-3-1 sts; telofemora I–IV, 4-5-4-3 sts; genua I–IV, 5 sts, 4 asl-5 sts, 3 asl-5 sts, 1 asl-5 sts, 1 asl; tibiae I–IV, 5 sts, 2 asl-5 sts, 1 asl-3 or 4 sts, 1T; tarsi I–IV, 2 bbsl, 2 asl, 1peo, 2 tsl,17 sts-1 asl, 1 tsl, 18 sts-1 tsl, 15 sts-14 sts.

Etymology: This species is named for Anibal R. Oliveira.















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