Tytthus insperatus (Knight)

Henry, Thomas J., 2012, Revision of the Plant Bug Genus Tytthus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae), ZooKeys 220, pp. 1-114 : 31-32

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scientific name

Tytthus insperatus (Knight)


Tytthus insperatus (Knight) View in CoL Figs 17, 18136-139

Cyrtorhinus insperatus Knight 1925: 42 (orig. descrip.).

Tytthus insperatus : Carvalho and Southwood 1955: 31 (descrip., n. comb.); Carvalho 1958: 157 (cat.); Henry and Wheeler 1988: 458 (cat.); Schuh 1995: 248 (cat.).


This species is distinguished by the black head and antennae, strongly infuscated or brown pronotum with the anterior collarlike margin narrowly whitish, the translucent smoky-brown hemelytra, and the orange-brown legs with a slender, dorsal and anterior red line on each femur, and a posterior red line on the metafemur. All known specimens of this species are fully macropterous.

Tytthus insperatus is similar to Tytthus balli and Tytthus uniformis in overall size, body shape, and general coloration. It differs from both species in having an imbrowned pronotum with a pale or white collar and distinct red lines on the femora.


Holotype male (Fig. 17): Length to apex of hemelytron 2.98 mm, length to base of cuneus 2.06 mm, width across hemelytra 0.77 mm. Head: Length 0.45 mm, width across eyes 0.59 mm, interocular width 0.27 mm. Labium: Length 1.09 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.35 mm, II 1.44 mm, III 0.91 mm, IV 0.54 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.34 mm, basal width 0.70 mm.

Coloration: Head: Uniformly fuscous to nearly black, with only a small, indistinct pale, interocular spot near inner margin of each eye; eyes fuscous. Labium: Pale brownish yellow, apical half of segment IV darker brown. Antenna: Uniformly black. Pronotum: Dark brown, fading to paler orange brown posteriorly, narrow anterior collar white. Mesoscutum: Pale brownish orange. Scutellum: Pale brownish orange. Hemelytron: Uniformly pale translucent brown, with pale orange highlights; membrane clear or translucent. Ostiolar evaporative area: Pale brownish orange. Ventral surface: Thoracic area pale brownish orange; abdomen pale with green and orange highlights; genital capsule fuscous. Legs: Coxae pale brownish orange; femora pale brownish orange with a slender dorsal and anterior red stripe on pro- and mesofemora and a dorsal, anterior, and posterior red stripe on metafemur; tibiae, tarsi, and claws fuscous to black.

Structure, texture, and vestiture: Head: Shiny, impunctate, width subequal to length; nearly glabrous with only a few scattered erect and semierect setae; buccula narrow, tapering posteriorly ending near level with middle of eye. Labium: Extending to mesocoxae; segment I not extending beyond base of head. Antenna: Segment I only slightly thicker than segment II, sparsely set with short, recumbent setae and two erect, subapical, bristlelike setae; segment II densely set with short, recumbent setae. Pronotum: Shiny, impunctate; calli weakly swollen; anterior angles angulate; lateral margins convex, flaring at posterior angles; posterior margin weakly concave; nearly glabrous, with only a few scattered, recumbent setae. Mesoscutum: Shiny, impunctate, with a few scattered, recumbent setae. Scutellum: Shiny, impunctate, with a few scattered, recum bent setae. Hemelytron: Macropterous, subparallel, cuneus and membrane fully developed, extending well beyond apex of abdomen; evenly set with short, recumbent setae.

Male genitalia: Left paramere (Fig. 136): Mitt-shaped; right arm, long, stout, bluntly rounded apically; left arm short, apically blunt. Right paramere (Fig. 137): Elongate oval. Endosoma (Fig. 138): Strongly S-shaped. Phallotheca (Fig. 139): Slender, apically acute.

Female (n = 3) (Fig. 18): Length to apex of hemelytron 3.14-3.33 mm, length to base of cuneus 2.33-2.43 mm, width across hemelytra 0.96-1.06 mm. Head: Length 0.40-0.43 mm, width across eyes 0.61-0.66 mm, interocular width 0.32-0.34 mm. Labium: Length 1.12-1.15 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.32-0.34 mm, II 1.12-1.47 mm, III 0.96-1.01 mm, IV 0.53-0.54 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.34-0.37 mm, basal width 0.77-0.82 mm.

Similar to male in overall coloration and body form.


Unknown. The Maricopa specimen below from "on cotton" almost certainly represents an incidental or sitting record.


Described from Tucson (Pima County), Arizona, and later reported from Buckeye (Maricopa County), Arizona, and Calexico (Imperial County), California ( Carvalho and Southwood 1955).

Type material examined.

Holotype ♂ (00162203) (USNM): UNITED STATES: Arizona: Pima Co.: Tucson, 32.22167°N, 110.92583°W, 07 Jun 1924, A. A. Nichol,. Paratypes: Same data as for holotype, 1 ♀ (allotype) (00161894) (USNM), 1 ♀ (00167071) (CNC).

Other specimens examined.

UNITED STATES:Arizona: Cochise Co.: W Hereford, Rio San Pedro, 4150', 22 July 1974, E. R. Hoebeke, 1 ♂ (CU). Maricopa Co.: Buckeye, 33.37028°N, 112.58306°W, 06 Jun 1935, H. G. Johnston, on cotton, 1 ♂ (00138719) (USNM).











