Hyphessobrycon, Durbin, 1908 FCT

Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M., 2024, Checklist of the species of the Order Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230086) 22 (1), pp. 1-548 : 182-205

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https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1982-0224-2023-0086

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HYPHESSOBRYCON Durbin, 1908 FCT View in CoL Lima, MMF Marinho, FR Carvalho

Hyphessobrycon Durbin , in Eigenmann, 1908:100. Type species: Hemigrammus compressus Meek, 1904 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Additional comments: Originally proposed as a subgenus of Hemigrammus .

Megalamphodus Eigenmann, 1915:49 . Type species: Megalamphodus megalopterus Eigenmann, 1915 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Pseudopristella Géry, 1960f:18 . Type species: Pseudopristella simulata Géry, 1960 . Type by original designation. Gender: Feminine.

Hyphessobrycon acaciae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010 Hyphessobrycon acaciae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010:452 , figs. 5–7. Type locality: Colombia , Meta, Morichal del estero, Puerto López, Meta, Aprox. 4°04’N, 72°57’W. Holotype: MPUJ 5683. Distribution: 307.

Hyphessobrycon agulha Fowler, 1913

Hyphessobrycon agulha Fowler, 1913b:549 , fig. 15. Type locality: Madeira River , about 200 miles east of W. Long. 62°20’, Brazil. [Type locality is very likely 20 miles (rather than 200 miles) east from 62°20’W (see Böhlke, 1955a:8–12)]. Holotype: ANSP 39232 View Materials .

Distribution: 316, 321, 314 (Géry, 1964h; Lima et al., 2005; Lima et al., 2013).

Hyphessobrycon albolineatum Fernández-Yépez, 1950

Hyphessobrycon albolineatum Fernández-Yépez, 1950b:17 , Pl. 3 (fig. 3). Type locality: Raudal de Pereza   GoogleMaps al suroeste del Cerro Autana, en el Rio Autana, afluente del Rio Sipapo y a su vez este del Orinoco. [Approximately 4°49’N, 67°29’W (estimated via Google Earth)]. Holotype apparently lost.

Distribution: 308 (Fernández-Yépez, 1950b)

Remarks: Very likely a synonym of Hemigrammus analis (FCT Lima, pers. obs.).

Hyphessobrycon amandae Géry, Uj, 1987

Hyphessobrycon amandae Géry, Uj, 1987a:59 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Rio das Mortes, some 100 km before its confluence with the Braço Maior of the Rio Araguaia (the western border of the Ilha do Bananal), State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 37367 View Materials .

Distribution: 324 (Géry, Uj, 1987a).

Hyphessobrycon amapaensis Zarske, Géry, 1998 View in CoL

Hyphessobrycon amapaensis Zarske, Géry, 1998:20 View in CoL , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brasilien, Amapa, etwa 45 km noerdlich Macapa. Kleiner Savannenbach an der B 156 von Sitio Camaipi nach Santa Clara, etwa 11 km von Sitio Camaipi (Rio-Preto- Gebiet). [ Brazil]. Holotype: MZUSP 52730 View Materials .

Distribution: 323 ( Zarske, Géry, 1998).

Hyphessobrycon amaronensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2010

Hyphessobrycon amaronensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2010b:36 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Colombia, Caño Amaron , tributary of Río Putumayo, Puerto Leguizamo, Putumayo, (0°11’2”S, 74°53’14”W). IUQ 2286 View Materials .

Distribution: 316 (García-Alzate et al., 2010b).

Hyphessobrycon arianae Uj, Géry, 1989

Hyphessobrycon arianae Uj, Géry, 1989:148 , figs. 2, 3a–b, 4a–g. Type locality: Paraguay, dépt. Caaguazu, Rio Güyraugua, affl, du Rio Monday à 3 km E de Juan Frutos. Holotype: MHNG 2412.79 View Materials .

Distribution: 343 (Uj, Géry, 1989).

Remarks: (Malabarba (1998) and Carvalho (2011) suggested it could be a junior synonym of Cheirodon stenodon , however, this is yet to be fully discussed and demonstrated.

Hyphessobrycon atencioi Ardila Rodríguez, 2022

Hyphessobrycon atencioi Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a:7 , figs. 2A, 5A, 7A, 9A, 11B. Type locality: Colombia, Quebrada Santa Cruz, afluente del río Tigre. Parte alta del río Sinú. PNN- Paramillo, municipio de Tierralta, Departamento de Córdoba. [ Colombia ]. Holotype: CAR 966.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a).

Hyphessobrycon auca Almirón, Casciotta, Bechara, Ruíz Díaz, 2004

Hyphessobrycon auca Almirón, Casciotta, Bechara, Ruíz Díaz, 2004:674 , figs. 1–7. Type locality: Argentina, Corrientes, Esteros del Iberá, Pond in San Juán Poriahú   GoogleMaps farm (27°41’53”S, 57°12’17”W). Holotype: MACN 8647 View Materials .

Distribution: 345 (Almiron et al., 2004).

Hyphessobrycon axelrodi (Travassos, 1959)

Aphyocharax axelrodi Travassos, 1959:6 View in CoL , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Near Piarco airport, Trinidad, T. B.W. Holotype: MNRJ 9120 View Materials .

Distribution: 311 (Travassos, 1959).

Remarks: Very likely a species belonging to the genus Pristella Conde-Saldaña et al. (2019:444) , Lima et al. (2021:345) pending confirmation through a phylogenetic analysis that includes the species.

Hyphessobrycon balbus Myers, 1927

Hyphessobrycon balbus Myers, 1927:115 . Type locality: Brazil: Planaltina, Lagoa Fervedeira, Goyaz. [ Planaltina , Goiás State]. Holotype: CAS 51789.

Distribution: 344 (Myers, 1927; FR Carvalho, pers. obs.).

Hyphessobrycon barranquilla Ardila Rodríguez, 2022

Hyphessobrycon barranquilla Ardila Rodríguez, 2022b:6 , figs. 1–3, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9, 10A, 11A, 12–14. Type locality: Colombia . Arroyo Grande, afluente del río Magdalena, municipio de Ponedera, 15 m. s.n.m., Departamento del Atlántico. [ Colombia ]. Holotype: CAR 950.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2022b).

Hyphessobrycon bayleyi Lima, Bastos, Rapp Py-Daniel, Ota, 2022

Hyphessobrycon bayleyi Lima , Bastos , Rapp Py-Daniel , Ota , 2022:254, figs. 1–4. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas , Benjamin Constant , igarapé do Palhau, Ramal do Incra, 4°24’28”S, 70°1’24”W. [ Brazil]. Holotype: ZUEC 17121 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 316, 321 (Lima, Bastos, Rapp Py-Daniel, Ota, 2022).

Hyphessobrycon bentosi Durbin, 1908

Hyphessobrycon bentosi Durbin , in Eigenmann , 1908:101. Type locality: Obidos. [Óbidos, Pará State, Brazil]. Syntypes: (19) CAS 42682 (3), MCZ 20842 View Materials (13), USNM 120270 View Materials (3).

Distribution: 307, 308, 310, 311, 314, 315, 316, 319, 320, 321, 325, 326.

Remarks: See comments on the species in Weitzman, Palmer (1997a:229–231), and Lima et al. (2013:276–277).

Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus Ellis, 1911

Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus Ellis, 1911:156 View in CoL , Pl. 2 (fig. 4), Pl. 3 (fig. 1). Type locality: Campos. [ Campos dos Goyatacazes , Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil]. Holotype: FMNH 54404 View Materials .

Distribution: 328, 329, 352, 330, 344, 331, 335, 334 (Ellis, 1911; Lima et al., 2003).

Hyphessobrycon borealis Zarske, Le Bail, Géry, 2006 View in CoL

Hyphessobrycon borealis Zarske, Le Bail, Géry, 2006:25 View in CoL , figs. 7–10. Type locality: French Guiana, Mana, Crique St. Anne. Holotype: MNHN 2006-0787 View Materials .

Distribution: 311.

Hyphessobrycon boulengeri (Eigenmann, 1907)

Hemigrammus boulengeri Eigenmann , in Eigenmann, Ogle, 1907:15. Type locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [type locality restricted to Laguna dos Patos system by Malabarba (1989:134). Holotype: CAS 44379.

Distribution: 332, 334, 335, 331, 346, 344, 330, 352 (Carvalho, 2006).

Remarks: Possibly a senior synonym of Hyphessobrycon reticulatus .

Hyphessobrycon brumado Zanata, Camelier, 2010 View in CoL

Hyphessobrycon brumado Zanata, Camelier, 2010:772 View in CoL , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia, Rio Brumado View in CoL , Rio de Contas Municipality, rio Brumado View in CoL , at Ponte do Coronel, rio de Contas drainage, 13°29’37.0”S, 41°52’0.6”W. Holotype: MZUSP 101246.

Distribution: 328 ( Zanata, Camelier, 2010).

Hyphessobrycon bussingi Ota, Carvalho, Pavanelli, 2020

Hyphessobrycon bussingi Ota, Carvalho, Pavanelli, 2020:403 , figs. 1–3, 5a, 6a. Type locality: Costa Rica, Limón, río Cocolis, 3.5 km southeast of Shiroles, on road Bratsi-Shiroles   GoogleMaps , 09°34’05”N, 82°56’4.92”W. Holotype: UCR 3302-001 .

Distribution: 207 (Ota et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon cachimbensis Travassos, 1964

Hyphessobrycon cachimbensis Travassos, 1964:542 , fig. 5. Type locality: Rio Cachimbo   GoogleMaps , Cachimbo   GoogleMaps , Aeroporto   GoogleMaps da FAB. Abaixo do Salto, Estado do Pará, 9°22’S, 54°55’W. [The type locality is located near the watershed boundaries of Tapajós and Xingu river basins, at the Serra do Cachimbo, Brazil. The approximate coordinates given in the original description indicate the headwaters of Tapajós river]. Holotype: MNRJ 9196 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Travassos, 1964).

Hyphessobrycon cantoi Faria, Guimarães, Rodrigues, Oliveira, Lima, 2021

Hyphessobrycon cantoi Faria , Guimarães , Rodrigues , Oliveira , Lima , 2021:5, figs. 1–2, 5A. Type locality: Brazil, Pará State , Santarém , stream tributary of Lago Verde, lower rio Tapajós basin, 02°31’19”S, 54°54’58”W. Holotype: ZUEC 17228 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 316 (Faria et al., 2021).

Hyphessobrycon caru Guimarães, Brito, Feitosa, Costa, Ottoni, 2019

Hyphessobrycon caru Guimarães, Brito, Feitosa , Costa , Ottoni , 2019:350, figs. 1, 2a, 3. Type locality: Brazil, Maranhão, state, Buriticupu municipality, Buritizinho river , Pindaré river drainage, Mearim river basin, 04°22’52”S, 46°30’35”W. Holotype: CICCAA 02286. GoogleMaps

Distribution: 323 (Guimarães et al., 2019).

Hyphessobrycon chiribiquete García-Alzate, Lima, Taphorn, Mojica, Urbano-Bonilla, Teixeira, 2020

Hyphessobrycon chiribiquete García-Alzate, Lima, Taphorn , Mojica , Urbano-Bonilla , Teixeira , 2020:1445, figs. 1–5. Type locality: Colombia , Departamento del Caquetá, small stream tributary of the Río Tunia , Apaporis-Japurá-Amazon River basin, Serranía de Chiribiquete , Chiribiquete National Natural Park ; 01°29’23.3”N, 72°52’35.1”W. Holotype: ICN-MHN 21678. GoogleMaps

Distribution: 313, 316 (García-Alzate et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon clavatus Zarske, 2015

Hyphessobrycon clavatus Zarske, 2015b:290 View in CoL , figs. 3–8. Type locality: Peru. [Aquarium trade origin, exact provenance uncertain]. Holotype: MTD F 33358 View Materials .

Distribution: 316? ( Zarske, 2015b).

Remarks: Imprecise type locality.

Hyphessobrycon coelestinus Myers, 1929

Hyphessobrycon coelestinus Myers , in Eigenmann, Myers, 1929:535. Type locality: Lagoa Bonita , into São Bartholomeu, Goyaz, Brazil. [Lagoa Bonita is located at the Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas, Planaltina, DF (15°35’23”S, 47°41’51”W, estimated through Google Earth)]. Holotype: CAS 60476.

Distribution: 344, 327, 324 (Eigenmann, Myers, 1929; Aquino, Carvalho, 2014).

Remarks: Picture of color in life by Aquino, Carvalho (2014).

Hyphessobrycon columbianus Zarske, Géry, 2002

Hyphessobrycon columbianus Zarske, Géry, 2002a:23 View in CoL , figs. 1–2, 8. Type locality: Kolumbien, Darien, kleiner bach etwa 6 km flussaufwaerts von Acandi, Einzusgebiet des Rio Acandi , Atlantinkueste. [ Colombia View in CoL ]. Holotype: MTD F 25497 View Materials .

Distribution: 301 ( Zarske, Géry, 2002a, Ota et al., 2020).

Remarks: Species redescribed by (Ota et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon comodoro Dagosta, Seren, Ferreira, Marinho, 2022

Hyphessobrycon comodoro Dagosta, Seren, Ferreira, Marinho, 2022:3 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Municipality of Comodoro, lagoon at tributary of the rio Mutum , formed due to the construction of a road, tributary of rio Camararé, upper rio Juruena   GoogleMaps basin, rio Tapajós   GoogleMaps basin, 13°12’47.6”S, 59°54’13.8”W. [ Brazil]. Holotype: MZUSP 125904 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Dagosta et al., 2022).

Hyphessobrycon compressus (Meek, 1904)

Hemigrammus compressus Meek, 1904:87 View in CoL , fig. 25. Type locality: El Hule, Oaxaca. Basin of the Rio Papaloapam. (El Hule; Obispo.). [ Mexico]. Holotype: FMNH 4641 View Materials .

Hyphessobrycon compressus View in CoL milleri Durbin , in Eigenmann, 1908:100. Type locality: Los Amates, Guatemala. Holotype: CAS 70155.

Distribution: 171, 174, 202 (Carvalho, Malabarba, 2015).

Hyphessobrycon condotensis Regan, 1913

Hyphessobrycon condotensis Regan, 1913b:465 . Type locality: Rio Condoto (...) and the Rio San Juan. [ Colombia, Depto. Chocó]. Lectotype: BMNH 1913.10 .1.19. [Designated by Ota et al., 2020].

Hyphessobrycon sebastiani García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2010a:56 , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Colombia , Pacific   GoogleMaps versant, Chocó   GoogleMaps , Istmina   GoogleMaps , San Juan River drainage, Patecucho Creek, approximately 5°09’N, 76°40’W. Holotype: IUQ 1942 View Materials . Synonymy proposed by Ota et al., 2020.

Distribution: 301 (Ota et al., 2020).

Remarks: Species redescribed by Ota et al., 2020.

Hyphessobrycon copelandi Durbin, 1908

Hyphessobrycon copelandi Durbin , in Eigenmann   GoogleMaps , 1908:101. Type locality: Tabatinga. [ Brazil, Amazonas, near Tabatinga (rio Solimões), ca. 4°14’S, 69°57’W]. Syntypes: (99) CAS 42683 (5), MCZ 20771 View Materials (88), USNM 120271 View Materials GoogleMaps (6).

Distribution: 308, 310, 311, 314, 315, 316, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323.

Remarks: See Weitzman, Palmer (1997a:226) and Planquette et al. (1996:288–289) for miscellaneous observations on the species.

Hyphessobrycon corozalensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2022

Hyphessobrycon corozalensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a:10 , figs. 2B, 5C, 7C, 10A, 12A. Type locality: Colombia , parte baja del Arroyo Grande de Corozal. Santiago. Municipio de San Benito Abad , 142 msnm. Departamento de Sucre. Holotype: CAR 965.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a).

Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia Zarske, Géry, 2006

Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia Zarske, Géry, 2006a:43 View in CoL , figs. 14–16. Type locality: (..) vermutlich Brasilien, Para , rio Guamá. [The type locality is very likely incorrect. The species was recently found in the upper portions of the rio Juruena (rio Tapajós basin) and rio Guaporé (rio Madeira basin), Mato Grosso State, Brazil, a region both far from and biogeographically not related to the rio Guamá drainage, which is a small river system draining directly to the rio Amazonas, Pará State, Brazil (Dagosta et al., 2016)]. Holotype: MTD F 28760 View Materials .

Distribution: 319, 320 (Dagosta et al., 2016).

Remarks: Redescription and comments on the distribution in Dagosta et al. (2016).

Hyphessobrycon daguae Eigenmann, 1922

Hyphessobrycon panamensis var. daguae Eigenmann, 1922:141 . Type locality: Dagua and Patia basins. [ Colombia ]. Lectotype: FMNH 58316. [Designated by Ota et al., 2020:420].

Hyphessobrycon chocoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2013:184 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Colombia , Nariño, Barbacoas, Quebrada la Tundera afluente del río Quigualpí   GoogleMaps , 01°39’39”N, 78°09’04”W. Holotype: IUQ 3035 View Materials . Synonymy proposed by Ota et al., 2020.

Distribution: 301 (Ota et al., 2020).

Remarks: Considered a valid species and redescribed by Ota et al. (2020).

Hyphessobrycon delimai Teixeira, Netto-Ferreira, Birindelli , Sousa , 2016

Hyphessobrycon delimai Teixeira, Netto-Ferreira, Birindelli , Sousa , 2016:460, figs. 1, 2, 3a, 4. Type locality: Brazil, Pará State, município de Itaituba, Igarapé Tatu, tributary of Rio Novo   GoogleMaps , Rio Tapajós basin; 06°18’24.8”S, 55°46’38.0”W. Holotype: MZUSP 115065 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Teixeira et al., 2016).

Hyphessobrycon diancistrus Weitzman, 1977

Hyphessobrycon diancistrus Weitzman, 1977b:349 View in CoL , figs. 1–5. Type locality: Colombia View in CoL , State of Vichada, Río Vichada, about 50 km west of San José de Ocuné   GoogleMaps (4°14’N, 70°20’W), Orinoco river   GoogleMaps basin. Holotype: USNM 216607 View Materials .

Distribution: 307, 308, 314, 315, 316, 320, 321, 322* ( Weitzman, 1977b; Lima, Sousa , 2009; Lima et al., 2013; Ota et al., 2015; Ohara et al., 2017; Lima et al., 2022).

Remarks: See remarks on the species on García-Alzate et al. (2008b), Lima et al. (2013), Ota et al. (2015), Ohara et al. (2017), and Lima et al. (2022).

Hyphessobrycon diastatos Dagosta, Marinho, Camelier, 2014

Hyphessobrycon diastatos Dagosta, Marinho, Camelier, 2014:366 , figs. 1–3, 6. Type locality: Brazil, Bahia, São Desidério, rio Galheirão (or rio da Estiva) at BR-020 road, affluent of rio Grande, rio São Francisco   GoogleMaps basin, 12°58’42.7”S, 45°59’28.7”W, 802 m above sea level. Holotype: MZUSP 114030 View Materials .

Distribution: 324, 327 (Dagosta et al., 2014).

Hyphessobrycon dorsalis Zarske, 2014 View in CoL

Hyphessobrycon dorsalis Zarske, 2014:162 View in CoL , figs. 21–23. Type locality: Brasilien, Umgebung von Manaus. [Aquarium trade origin, exact provenance uncertain]. Holotype: MTD F 33119 View Materials .

Distribution: 314, 316, 321, 320 (Lima et al., 2013; Zarske, 2014; Ohara et al., 2017:201; FR Carvalho, pers. obs.).

Remarks: Hyphessobrycon sp. “falso Microschemobrycon ” in Lima et al. (2013:284–285), corresponds to Hyphessobrycon dorsalis (see also Ohara et al., 2017:201).

Hyphessobrycon duragenys Ellis, 1911

Hyphessobrycon duragenys Ellis, 1911:155 , Pl. 2 (fig. 3). Type locality: Mogy das Cruzes, Rio Tieté . [Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo State, Brazil]. Holotype: FMNH (missing).

Distribution: 344, 330, 329 (Ellis, 1911; Lima et al., 2003; Langeani, 2008).

Hyphessobrycon ecuadorensis (Eigenmann, 1915)

Megalamphodus ecuadorensis Eigenmann, 1915:99 . Type locality: Naranjito, Rio Chan Chan   GoogleMaps , Ecuador. [ Ecuador, Provincia Guayas, ca. 2°12’S, 79°25’W]. Holotype: CAS (missing).

Distribution: 301(Eigenmann, 1915).

Remarks: See Weitzman, Palmer (1998:129–130) and Lima et al. (2003:135–136) for the near homonymy between this species and Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis Eigenmann, Henn, 1914 .

Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis Eigenmann, Henn, 1914

Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis Eigenmann, Henn , in Eigenmann, Henn, Wilson   GoogleMaps , 1914:9. Type locality: Forest   GoogleMaps pool near Vinces   GoogleMaps , Ecuador. [ Ecuador, Provincia Los Ríos, Río Guayas basin, ca. 1°33’S, 79°44’W]. Holotype: CAS 61602.

Distribution: 301 (Eigenmann, Henn, Wilson, 1914).

Remarks: See “Remarks” of Hyphessobrycon ecuadorensis (Eigenmann, 1915) .

Hyphessobrycon eilyos Lima, Moreira, 2003

Hyphessobrycon eilyos Lima, Moreira, 2003:25, figs. 6–7. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, município de Alto Araguaia, ribeirão do Sapo, km 464.04 of Ferronorte railroad, 17°31’11”S, 53°15’33”W. Holotype: MZUSP 75126 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 324 (Lima, Moreira, 2003).

Hyphessobrycon elachys Weitzman, 1985

Hyphessobrycon elachys Weitzman, 1985:800 , figs. 1–5. Type locality: Paraguay, Departamento San Pedro, swamp 3 km northwest of Lima, Río Aguaray-guazu   GoogleMaps system, 23°55’S, 56°29’W. Holotype: USNM 232393 View Materials .

Distribution: 343, 319 (Weitzman, 1985; Ota et al., 2014).

Hyphessobrycon eos Durbin, 1909

Hyphessobrycon eos Durbin, 1909:69 View in CoL . Type locality: Creek between Potaro Landing and Kangaruma. [ Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Potaro River]. Holotype: FMNH 52795 View Materials .

Distribution: 310 (Durbin, 1909).

Hyphessobrycon epicharis Weitzman, Palmer, 1997

Hyphessobrycon epicharis Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a:214 View in CoL , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Venezuela, State of Amazonas, head waters of Río Baria (= Río Mawarinuma of Ferraris   GoogleMaps et al., 1986:69), tributary mouth, 3 km downstream from Neblina base camp on left bank, 0°55’N, 66°10’W, elevation 120 m. Holotype: MBUCV-V-20800.

Distribution: 308, 314 ( Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a).

Hyphessobrycon eques (Steindachner, 1882)

Chirodon eques Steindachner, 1882c:179 . Type locality: Villa bella, Obidos. [Parintins (before Vila Bela da Imperatriz), Amazonas State and Óbidos, Pará State, Brazil]. Syntypes (9): NMW 59810 View Materials (2), NMW 62693 View Materials (6) , NMW 95056 View Materials (1).

Tetragonopterus callistus Boulenger, 1900a:2 . Type locality: Carandosiño. [Carandazinho, near Corumbá , Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil]. Syntypes (19): BMNH 1900.4.14.63–68 (6), MSNG 37718 View Materials (2) , MZUT 1365 View Materials (11).

Hemigrammus melasopterus Eigenmann, Kennedy, 1903:518 . Type locality: Aguada   GoogleMaps , near Arroyo Trementina. [Depto. Concepción, probably a tributary of Río Aquidaban, ca. 23°3’S, 57°0’W]. Holotype: CAS 44381.

Hyphessobrycon serpae Durbin , in Eigenmann , 1908:100. Type locality: Serpa. [Itacoatiara (before Serpa), Amazonas State, Brazil]. Syntypes: (41) CAS 42684 (5), MCZ 20985 View Materials (33), USNM 120269 View Materials (6).

Distribution: 316, 319, 332, 343, 344, 345 ( Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a; Weitzman, Palmer, 1997c; Britski et al., 1999).

Remarks: See Weitzman, Palmer (1997 a, 1997c) for miscellaneous comments on the species. Introduced in several additional regions not indicated in the distribution.

Hyphessobrycon ericae Moreira, Lima, 2017

Hyphessobrycon ericae Moreira , Lima , 2017a:124, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Oriximiná , Igarapé do Almeidas , rio Trombetas basin, Almeidas plateau, Floresta Nacional Saracá-Taquera, 1°43’15”S, 56°25’3”W. Holotype: MNRJ 50000 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 316, 321 (Moreira, Lima, 2017a).

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma (Fowler, 1943)

Hemigrammus erythrostigma Fowler, 1943f:33 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: An aquarium fish without locality, supposed to have been secured in Brazil. [See Weitzman (1977:335) for observations about type locality]. Holotype: ANSP 70208 View Materials .

Hyphessobrycon rubrostigma Hoedeman, 1956c:312 View in CoL , figure unnumbered on page 313. Type locality: Kolumbien (?). [ Colombia View in CoL (?)]. Holotype: ZMA 101935a.

Distribution: 316 ( Weitzman, 1977a; Weitzman, Palmer, 1997b).

Remarks: Redescribed by Weitzman (1977a).

Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Ortega, 2013

Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Ortega, 2013:865 , figs. 3–5. Type locality: La Cachuela, Rio Madre de Dios,Tambopata, Madre de Dios, 12°16’38.2” S, 69°09’8.12”W. Holotype: MUSM 42392 .

Distribution: 318 (García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Ortega, 2013).

Hyphessobrycon fernandezi Fernández-Yépez, 1972

Hyphessobrycon fernandezi Fernández-Yépez, 1972:20 , Pl. 20. Type locality: Río Yaracuy. [Type-locality restricted by Garcia-Alzate et al. (2008:145) to “ Venezuela, Quebrada Cupa, finca de Víctor Atria, Cerca a Aroa en la vía a Duaca, 10°29’50”N, 68°52’20”W, Yaracuy ”]. Neotype: MBUCV-V-34105. [Neotype designated by Garcia-Alzate et al. (2008b:145)].

Distribution: 304, 307 (Garcia-Alzate et al., 2008b).

Remarks: See Garcia-Alzate et al. (2008b:145–149) for a redescription.

Hyphessobrycon flammeus Myers, 1924

Hyphessobrycon flammeus Myers, 1924a:330 View in CoL , figure unnumbered on page 330. Type locality: Rio de Janeiro. [ Brazil]. Syntypes: USNM 92969 View Materials (2).

Distribution: 352, 344, 329 (Lima, Moreira, 2008; Carvalho et al., 2014).

Remarks: Species presumably introduced in upper rio Paraná basin by aquarists (Lima, Moreira, 2008; Carvalho et al., 2014).

Hyphessobrycon frankei Zarske, Géry, 1997

Hyphessobrycon frankei Zarske, Géry, 1997b:309 View in CoL , figs. 1, 3. Type locality: Bach an der Carretera Central, zehn Kilometer westlich Aguaytia. [ Peru, depto. Loreto, near Pucallpa]. Holotype: MTD F 17706 View Materials .

Distribution: 317 ( Zarske, Géry, 1997b).

Hyphessobrycon frickei Guimarães, Brito, Bragança, Katz, Ottoni, 2020

Hyphessobrycon frickei Guimarães, Brito, Bragança , Katz , Ottoni , 2020:85, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Maranhão State, Maracaçumé municipality, Maracaçumé River ; 2°3’14”S, 45°57’16”W. Holotype: CICCAA 02363. GoogleMaps

Distribution: 323 (Guimarães et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon georgettae Géry, 1961

Hyphessobrycon georgetti Géry, 1961a:121 View in CoL , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Sipaliwini, sta. 48, a swampcreek in Paru savannah. [ Suriname]. Holotype: ZMA 103269 View Materials .

Distribution: 315 (Mol, 2012).

Remarks: Original spelling georgetti corrected to georgettae by Géry, 1964f:59. See comments in Weitzman, Palmer (1997:235) and Mol (2012).

Hyphessobrycon geryi Guimarães, Brito , Bragança, Katz, Ottoni, 2020

Hyphessobrycon geryi Guimarães, Brito , Bragança, Katz, Ottoni   GoogleMaps , in Guimarães   GoogleMaps , Brito   GoogleMaps , Bragança   GoogleMaps , Katz   GoogleMaps , Ottoni   GoogleMaps , 2020:89, figs. 4–6. Type locality: Brazil, Pará State   GoogleMaps , Marabá   GoogleMaps municipality, Flexeiras River   GoogleMaps , Tocantins River   GoogleMaps basin; 5°15’38”S, 48°59’35”W. Holotype: CICCAA 02403.

Distribution: 324 (Guimarães et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon gracilior Géry, 1964

Hyphessobrycon gracilior Géry, 1964b:12 , figs. 10–11. Type locality: Petit ruisseau faisant communiquer le “Zapote Cocha” avec le “Caño Yarina ”, en bordure du Rio Pacaya, affluent du canal de Puinahua (bras du bas Rio Ucayali). Holotype: ZFMK 1329 View Materials .

Distribution: 316 (Géry, 1964b).

Hyphessobrycon griemi Hoedeman, 1957

Hyphessobrycon griemi Hoedeman, 1957:87 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Gojas, Brasilien. [Type locality is certainly incorrect, since the species is restricted to coastal rivers of southeastern Brazil, from São Paulo to Santa Catarina (see also Lima , Moreira, 2003:31)]. Holotype: ZMA 101936 View Materials a.

Hyphessobrycon flammeus guabirubae Godoy, 1987:220 , fig. 21a. Type locality: Lagoa   GoogleMaps entre Guabiruba e Brusque, SC, bacia do rio Itajaí-Mirim. [This lagoon is situated at the Brusque Municipality, Santa Catarina State (27°05’43”S, 48°56’59”W), Brazil]. Syntypes: Author’s coll. (4).

Distribution: 330, 331 ( Weitzman et al., 1988; Menezes et al., 2006).

Hyphessobrycon hamatus Bertaco, Malabarba, 2005

Hyphessobrycon hamatus Bertaco, Malabarba, 2005:84 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Goiás, Mambaí, córrego Cana Brava, tributary of rio Vermelho   GoogleMaps , rio Tocantins drainage, 14°29’S, 46°6’W. Holotype: MCP 34000 View Materials .

Distribution: 324 (Bertaco, Malabarba, 2005).

Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi Travassos, 1960

Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi Travassos, 1960a:5 View in CoL , fig. 1 and figure unnumbered on page 5. Type locality: Ilha do Bananal , Goiaz-Brazil. [ Ilha do Bananal, now Tocantins State]. Holotype: MNRJ 9207 View Materials .

Distribution: 324 (Travassos, 1960a).

Hyphessobrycon hasemani Fowler, 1913

Hyphessobrycon hasemani Fowler, 1913b:545 View in CoL , fig. 13. Type locality: Madeira River above Falls of Guajaramirim, approximately in Lat. S. 10°47’, Long. W. 65°23’, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 39230 View Materials .

Distribution: 321 (Fowler, 1913b; Lima et al., 2013).

Hyphessobrycon heliacus Moreira, Landim , Costa, 2002

Hyphessobrycon heliacus Moreira, Landim , Costa, 2002:428, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Ribeirão Macuco (= Córrego Duas-bocas), tributary of rio Teles Pires   GoogleMaps , rio Tapajós basin, 71.9 km north from Sinop, município de Cláudia, at the BR-163 road in direction to Santarém, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brazil, 55°19’W, 11°15’S. Holotype: MZUSP 52891 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Moreira et al., 2002; Ohara et al., 2017:202).

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi Géry, 1961

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi Géry, 1961d:29 View in CoL , fig. 4. Type locality: Coxim on the Rio Taquary ( Rio Paraguay Basin ), State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: USNM 196089 View Materials .

Distribution: 344, 345 (Géry, 1961d; Britski et al., 2009; Carvalho, Langeani, 2013).

Remarks: Recorded from the upper rio Paraná basin by Carvalho, Langeani (2013).

Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus ( Ulrey, 1894) View in CoL

Tetragonopterus heterorhabdus Ulrey, 1894:610 View in CoL . Type locality: Brazil. [Type locality subsequently restricted by Ulrey (1895:287) to “Para; Brazil ”]. Syntypes: (several) CAS 44415 (9), 44416 (6); SU 2174 (1).

Distribution: 316, 323.

Hyphessobrycon hexastichos Bertaco, Carvalho, 2005

Hyphessobrycon hexastichos Bertaco, Carvalho, 2005a:440 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Comodoro, rio Mutum on road BR-364 to cidade de Vilhena, tributary of rio Juruena   GoogleMaps , upper rio Tapajós   GoogleMaps drainage, 13°05’08”S, 59°53’32”W. Holotype: MCP 37648 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Bertaco, Carvalho, 2005a).

Hyphessobrycon hildae Fernández-Yépez, 1950

Hyphessobrycon hildae Fernández-Yépez, 1950b:18 , Pl. 3 (fig. 4). Type locality: Raudal de Pereza   GoogleMaps al suroeste del Cerro Autana, en el Rio Autana, afluente del Rio Sipapo y a su vez este del Orinoco. [ Venezuela. Approximately 4°49’N, 67°29’W (estimated via Google Earth)]. Holotype: MHNLS 989 View Materials .

Distribution: 308 (Fernández-Yépez, 1950b).

Hyphessobrycon igneus Miquelarena, Menni, López, Casciotta, 1980

Hyphessobrycon igneus Miquelarena, Menni, López, Casciotta, 1980:237 , figs. 1a, 2. Type locality: Laguna frente a Escuela N ° 12, camino Bella Vista-San Roque, Corrientes. Holotype: MLP 8413 View Materials . [Miquelarena, Nadalin (2014)].

Distribution: 332, 345, 334, 335 (Miquelarena et al., 1980; Liotta, 2005; Malabarba et al., 2013; Serra et al., 2014).

Remarks: See Malabarba et al. (2013) and Serra et al. (2014) for general information on the species.

Hyphessobrycon inconstans (Eigenmann, Ogle, 1907)

Hemigrammus inconstans Eigenmann, Ogle, 1907:17 , fig. 4. Type locality: Para (?), Brazil. [The correct provenance of the type specimens of H. inconstans is probably incorrect and more likely Colombia according to Eigenmann (1918b:201)]. Holotype: USNM 34591 [not 55652].

Distribution: uncertain.

Remarks: See comments under Hyphessobrycon proteus .

Hyphessobrycon isiri Almirón, Casciotta, Koerber, 2006

Hyphessobrycon isiri Almirón, Casciotta, Koerber, 2006:890 , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Argentina, Entre Ríos, río Uruguay basin, Arroyo Ubajay   GoogleMaps , a place called “Manantiales” within the farm “Los Monigotes” (31°48,94’ S, 58°12,41’W). Holotype: MACN-Ict 8907. [Almirón et al., (2006)].

Distribution: 332 (Almiron et al., 2006).

Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis Lima, Costa, 2001

Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis Lima, Costa, 2001:234, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil: Estado da Bahia, small stream in ilha de Itaparica. Holotype: MZUSP 58539 View Materials .

Hyphessobrycon ellisae Bragança, Ottoni, Rangel-Pereira, 2015:256, fig. 1. Type locality: Brazil: Sergipe State: Município de Estância: about 8 km north of Santa Cruz do Abais; about 11°15’S, 37°16’W. Holotype: UFRJ 5281. Preoccupied by Hyphessobrycon ellisi Pearson, 1924 (emended into ellisae; Bragança et al., 2016). Replaced by Hyphessobrycon sergipanus Bragança, Ottoni, Rangel-Pereira, 2016.

Hyphessobrycon sergipanus Bragança, Ottoni, Rangel-Pereira, 2016:373. Type locality: Brazil: Sergipe State: Município de Estância: about 8 km north of Santa Cruz do Abais ; about 11°15’S, 37°16’W. Holotype: UFRJ 5281. Replacement for Hyphessobrycon ellisae Bragança, Ottoni, Rangel-Pereira (2015); Synonymy proposed by Zanata et al., 2018. GoogleMaps

Distribution: 328 (Lima, Costa, 2001; Zanata et al., 2018).

Hyphessobrycon jackrobertsi Zarske, 2014 View in CoL

Hyphessobrycon jackrobertsi Zarske, 2014:147 View in CoL , figs. 7–9. Type locality: Vermutlich Umgebung von Iquitos . [Aquarium trade origin, exact provenance uncertain]. Holotype: MTD F 33042 View Materials .

Distribution: 316? ( Zarske, 2014).

Remarks: Imprecise type locality.

Hyphessobrycon juruna Faria, Lima, Bastos, 2018

Hyphessobrycon juruna Faria , Lima , Bastos , 2018:2, figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Ourilândia do Norte , Rio Mogno , trib. rio Carapanã (rio Fresco basin), 6°33’19”S, 51°14’47”W. Holotype: MPEG 34066 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 322 (Faria et al., 2018).

Hyphessobrycon kayabi Teixeira , Lima, Zuanon, 2014

Hyphessobrycon kayabi Teixeira , Lima, Zuanon, 2014:613, fig. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Apiacás   GoogleMaps , Rio Teles Pires   GoogleMaps , Lagoa Azul   GoogleMaps , 9°06’01”S, 57°03’56”W. Holotype: INPA 35100 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Teixeira et al., 2014; Ohara et al., 2017:203).

Hyphessobrycon khardinae Zarske, 2008

Hyphessobrycon khardinae Zarske, 2008b:6 View in CoL , figs. 1–6. Type locality: Brasilien, Amazonas, Umgebung von Lago Cassianá, Tapaua, rio Itaparaná. Holotype: MZUSP 98667 View Materials . [Holotype possibly lost].

Distribution: 316 ( Zarske, 2008b).

Hyphessobrycon klausanni García-Alzate, Urbano-Bonilla, Taphorn, 2017

Hyphessobrycon klausanni García-Alzate, Urbano-Bonilla, Taphorn, 2017:128 , figs. 1, 2A, 3. Type locality: Colombia , Meta, Mapiripán County, upper Guaviare River drainage, Caño Claro   GoogleMaps , 03°07’05.1”N, 72°30’14.8”W; 209 masl. Holotype: UARC-IC 539 .

Distribution: 307 (Garcia-Alzate et al., 2017).

Hyphessobrycon krenakore Teixeira, Netto-Ferreira, Birindelli, Sousa , 2016

Hyphessobrycon krenakore Teixeira , Netto-Ferreira , Birindelli , Sousa , 2016:466, figs. 3b, 6–8. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Altamira , pond below bridge at road BR163 , near Castelo dos Sonhos, tributary of Rio Curuá, Rio Xingu basin; 08°15’17.0”S, 55°06’40.0”W. Holotype: MZUSP 97605 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 322 (Teixeira et al., 2016).

Hyphessobrycon langeanii Lima, Moreira, 2003

Hyphessobrycon langeanii Lima, Moreira, 2003:22, figs. 1–4. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, município de Alto Araguaia, córrego Mosquito, km 476.3 of Ferronorte railroad, 17°25’8”S, 53°13’60”W. Holotype: MZUSP 75127 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 324 (Lima, Moreira, 2003).

Hyphessobrycon loretoensis Ladiges, 1938

Hyphessobrycon loretoensis Ladiges , in Arnold , 1938:645, fig. 9. Type locality: Loretogebiet am peruanischen Teil des Amazonas [ Peru]. Lectotype: ZMH H59 View Materials . [Designated by Ladiges et al. (1958), not by Géry (1961d). See Marinho et al. (2016a)].

Distribution: 316 (Ladiges in Arnold, 1938; Géry, 1961d).

Hyphessobrycon loweae Costa, Géry, 1994

Hyphessobrycon loweae Costa, Géry, 1994:71, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil: Estado de Mato Grosso, córrego Xavante , a tributary of rio Culuene, rio Xingú basin, 40 km S of Paranatinga , 15°01’S, 54°03’W. [Actual coordinates of the type locality approximately 14°43’S, 54°04’W (Ingenito et al., 2013:38)]. Holotype: MNRJ 12437.

Distribution: 322, 324 (Ingenito et al., 2013).

Remarks: For additional data on the species, including a range extension, see Ingenito et al. (2013).

Hyphessobrycon lucenorum Ohara, Lima, 2015

Hyphessobrycon lucenorum Ohara, Lima, 2015:563, figs. 1–2, 5. Type locality: Brazil, Rondônia, Vilhena , rio Madeira basin, upper rio Machado , tributary of igarapé Piracolina , near road BR-364, 12°48’56.5”S, 60°06’37.6”W. Holotype: MZUSP 115556 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 319 (Ohara, Lima, 2015).

Hyphessobrycon margitae Zarske, 2016

Hyphessobrycon margitae Zarske, 2016:106 , figs. 1–4, 10A. Type locality: Peru, Loreto, Einzugsgebiet des río Nanay. [Aquarium trade origin, exact provenance uncertain]. Holotype: MTD F 35090 View Materials .

Distribution: 316 ( Zarske, 2016).

Hyphessobrycon mavro García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010

Hyphessobrycon mavro García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010:445 , figs. 1–2, 5. Type locality: Colombia , Vichada, Caño Payara, afluente de Caño Negro, Puerto Carreño, Approx 6°12’N, 67°28’W. Holotype: IUQ 2791 View Materials .

Distribution: 307 (García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010).

Hyphessobrycon megalopterus (Eigenmann, 1915)

Megalamphodus megalopterus Eigenmann, 1915:50 View in CoL , fig. 14, Pl. 7. Type locality: Caceres. [ Cáceres , Mato Grosso State, Brazil, rio Paraguay basin]. Holotype: FMNH 57823 View Materials .

Megalamphodus rogoaguae Pearson, 1924:33 View in CoL , Pl. 10 (fig. 3). Type locality: Lagoons, Lake Rogoagua. [ Beni View in CoL , Bolivia; ca. 13°58’S, 66°53’W ( Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a:231)]. Holotype: CAS 98917.

Distribution: 319, 343 (Eigenmann, 1915; Lima et al., 2013).

Hyphessobrycon melanostichos Carvalho, Bertaco, 2006

Hyphessobrycon melanostichos Carvalho, Bertaco, 2006:302 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Comodoro, rio Doze de Outubro   GoogleMaps on road BR 364 between Comodoro and Vilhena, 12°58’39”S, 60°00’30”W. Holotype: MCP 39510 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Carvalho, Bertaco, 2006).

Hyphessobrycon melazonatus Durbin, 1908

Hyphessobrycon melazonatus Durbin , in Eigenmann   GoogleMaps , 1908:101. Type locality: Lago do Maximo. [“Lago do Maximo” is a small lake near Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil (approximate coordinates 2°40’S, 56°45’W) (Higuchi, 1996)]. Lectotype: MCZ 20737 View Materials . [Designated by Eigenmann (1918b:196)].

Distribution: 316 (Durbin, 1908).

Hyphessobrycon meridionalis Ringuelet, Miquelarena, Menni, 1978

Hyphessobrycon meridionalis Ringuelet, Miquelarena, Menni, 1978:248 , figs. 2–3. Type locality: Cantera sobre ruta provincial Nº 15, 70 m al sur del canal Delgado, a 30 m del camino en dirección al Río de la Plata ( Los Talas , Pcia. De Buenos Aires). [ Argentina]. Holotype: MLP 8339 View Materials . [Miquelarena, Nadalin (2014)].

Distribution: 345, 332, 334, 335 (Malabarba, 1989; Liotta, 2005; Malabarba et al., 2013; Serra et al., 2014).

Remarks: See Malabarba et al. (2013) and Serra et al. (2014) for general information on the species.

Hyphessobrycon metae Eigenmann, Henn, 1914

Hyphessobrycon metae Eigenmann, Henn, 1914:233 . Type locality: Barrigona, Rio Meta. [Barrigona = Puerto Barrigón, located near present Puerto Porfia, at Río Humea, a tributary of Río Meta (ca. 4°10’N, 73°1’W) ( Colombia, depto. Meta)]. Holotype: CAS 61751.

Distribution: 307 (Eigenmann, Henn, 1914; Taphorn, 1992).

Hyphessobrycon micropterus (Eigenmann, 1915)

Megalamphodus micropterus Eigenmann, 1915:54 , fig. 16, Pl. 8 (fig. 1). Type locality: Lagoa do Porto.   GoogleMaps [ Brazil, Bahia, rio São Francisco basin, near Barra (11°5’S, 43°38’W)]. Holotype: FMNH 57916 View Materials .

Distribution: 327 (Eigenmann, 1915).

Hyphessobrycon minimus Durbin, 1909

Hyphessobrycon minimus Durbin, 1909:68 View in CoL . Type locality: Cane Grover Corner. [ Guyana, near Mahaica   GoogleMaps , ditches draining into Mahaica River (ca. 6°37’N, 57°55’W)]. Holotype: FMNH 52794 View Materials .

Distribution: 310 (Durbin, 1909).

Hyphessobrycon minor Durbin, 1909

Hyphessobrycon minor Durbin, 1909:65 View in CoL . Type locality: Konawaruk. [ Guyana, Essequibo River   GoogleMaps , approximately 6°37’N, 57°55’W]. Holotype: FMNH 52789 View Materials (missing).

Distribution: 310 (Durbin, 1909).

Hyphessobrycon moniliger Moreira , Lima, Costa, 2002

Hyphessobrycon moniliger Moreira , Lima, Costa, 2002:74, figs. 1–5. Type locality: Brazil: Tocantins: município de Araguaçú, farm Praia Alta 2, Araguaçú to Barreira do Piqui road, 27 Km N from Araguaçú, pool behind farm’s house, rio Água Fria   GoogleMaps basin, 12°42’S, 49°55’W. [Actual coordinatesof the type locality 12°44’49”S, 49°56’38”W (estimated via Google Earth)]. Holotype: MZUSP 67466 View Materials .

Distribution: 320, 322, 324 (Moreira et al., 2002; Lima, Ribeiro, 2011; Ohara et al., 2017:204).

Remarks: The presence of the species at the upper rio Xingu basin, which was considered very likely by Moreira et al. (2002), was confirmed and mapped by Lima, Ribeiro (2011). The species was introduced in the upper rio Paraná basin ( Zawadzki et al., 2008:400) (not included in the distribution).

Hyphessobrycon montagi Lima, Coutinho, Wosiacki, 2014

Hyphessobrycon montagi Lima , Coutinho , Wosiacki, 2014:168, figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Juruti , Igarapé Socó Barroso (trib. rio Arapiuns), 2°27’54”S, 56°0’25”W. Holotype: MPEG 29970 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 316 (Lima et al., 2015).

Hyphessobrycon mutabilis Costa, Géry, 1994

Hyphessobrycon mutabilis Costa, Géry, 1994:74, figs. 6–7. Type locality: Brazil: Estado de Mato Grosso, tributary of rio Sete de Setembro , rio Xingú basin, 107 km SW of Canarana, 13°51’S, 52°40’W. Holotype: MNRJ 12438 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 322 (Costa, Géry, 1994).

Hyphessobrycon myrmex Pastana, Dagosta, Esguícero, 2017

Hyphessobrycon myrmex Pastana, Dagosta, Esguícero, 2017:1302 , figs. 1, 2, 3ab. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Campos de Júlio, Rio Formiga at PCH Divisa   GoogleMaps , upper Rio Juruena   GoogleMaps , Rio Tapajós   GoogleMaps basin, 13°22’29.3”S, 59°08’35.2”W. Holotype: MZUSP 118671 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Pastana, Dagosta, Esguícero, 2017).

Hyphessobrycon natagaima García-Alzate, Taphorn, Roman-Valencia, Villa-Navarro, 2015

Hyphessobrycon natagaima García-Alzate, Taphorn, Roman-Valencia, Villa-Navarro, 2015:225 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Natagaima County, upper Magdalena River drainage, Laguna Saldañita , 03°30’83”N, 75°09’30”W, 390 m. a.s.l. Holotype: CZUT-IC 11769 .

Distribution: 302 (Garcia-Alzate et al., 2015).

Hyphessobrycon negodagua Lima, Gerhard, 2001

Hyphessobrycon negodagua Lima, Gerhard, 2001:106, figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil: Bahia; município de Iraquara, rio Pratinha at fazenda Pratinha, 12°21’13”S, 41°32’51”W. Holotype: MZUSP 53989 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 328 (Lima, Gerhard, 2001).

Hyphessobrycon nicolasi Miquelarena, López, 2010

Hyphessobrycon nicolasi Miquelarena, López, 2010:1 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Argentina, Entre Ríos Province, Colón Department, El Pelado stream, 32°19’S, 58°14’W. Holotype: CFA-IC 11808. [Bogan et al., 2019:13].

Distribution: 332 (Miquelarena, López, 2010).

Hyphessobrycon niger García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010

Hyphessobrycon niger García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Prada-Pedreros, 2010:447 , figs. 3–5. Type locality: Colombia , Meta, Caño Mojaculo   GoogleMaps , Vereda   GoogleMaps Dinamarca, Acacias, Meta, 03°53’20,6”N, 93°28’30”W. Holotype: MPUJ 5657 .

Distribution: 307 (García-Alzate et al., 2010).

Hyphessobrycon nigricinctus Zarske, Géry, 2004

Hyphessobrycon nigricinctus Zarske, Géry, 2004b:33 View in CoL , figs. 1–3. Type locality: (...) río Reducto , Nebenfluss des río Manuripi, bei der Stadt Alegria, an einem kleinen Waldpfad von der Strasse Puerto Maldonado-Inapari in Richtung Bolivien, Madre de Dios, Peru. [Imported from the rio Reducto basin, tributary of rio Manuripi, near Alegria, a small forest path from the Puerto Maldonado - Iñapari road to Bolivia, Madre de Dios, Peru]. Holotype: MTD F 28465 View Materials .

Distribution: 318 ( Zarske, Géry, 2004b).

Hyphessobrycon notidanos Carvalho, Bertaco, 2006

Hyphessobrycon notidanos Carvalho, Bertaco, 2006:304 , figs. 4–6. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Comodoro, rio Doze de Outubro   GoogleMaps on road BR 364 between Comodoro and Vilhena, 12°58’39”S, 60°00’30”W. Holotype: MCP 39511 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Carvalho, Bertaco, 2006).

Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, 2008

Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, 2008b:15 , figs. 2–3. Type locality: Colombia , río Roble, afluente río La Vieja, 100 m abajo del puente peatonal Playa Azul , reserva natural “Monte del Ocaso”, Quimbaya , Quindío, 4°35’68”N, 75°52’81”W [sic] [coordinates of type locality not precisely given]. Holotype: IUQ 1635 View Materials .

Distribution: 302 (García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, 2008b).

Hyphessobrycon olayai Ardila Rodríguez, 2022

Hyphessobrycon olayai Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a:8 , figs. 1, 5B, 7B, 9B,11C. Type locality: Colombia, Quebrada El Higueron , afluente del río Sinú , municipio de Tierralta Departameto de Córdoba. Holotype: CAR 960.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a).

Hyphessobrycon oritoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2008

Hyphessobrycon oritoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2008a:43 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Colombia , Putumayo, Orito, Quebrada La Palma   GoogleMaps , finca La Palma,Vereda Calimonte (...). Approximately 0°41’N, 75°52’W. Holotype: IUQ 1574 View Materials .

Distribution: 316 (García-Alzate et al., 2008a).

Hyphessobrycon otrynus Benine, Lopes, 2008

Hyphessobrycon otrynus Benine, Lopes, 2008:62 , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Venezuela, Portuguesa, río Portuguesa drainage, río Las Marias, at Quebrada Seca, aproximatelly 45 min upstream by car from Highway 5, 22 km NNW Guanare. Holotype: USNM 349418 View Materials .

Distribution: 307 (Benine, Lopes, 2008).

Hyphessobrycon paepkei Zarske, 2014 View in CoL

Hyphessobrycon paepkei Zarske, 2014:152 View in CoL , figs. 11–14. Type locality: Brasilien, Umgebung von Manaus. [Aquarium trade origin, exact provenance uncertain]. Holotype: MTD F 33023 View Materials .

Distribution: 316? ( Zarske, 2014).

Remarks: Imprecise type locality.

Hyphessobrycon panamensis Durbin, 1908

Hyphessobrycon panamensis Durbin , in Eigenmann , 1908:101. Type locality: “ Panama ” and “Boqueron River, Panama ”. Lectotype: USNM 120416 View Materials . [Designated by Ota et al., 2020].

Hemigrammus minutus Meek, Hildebrand, 1912:67 View in CoL . Type locality: Rio Agua Clara , C.Z., Panama. Holotype: FMNH 7572 View Materials (missing). Synonymy corroborated by (Ota et al., 2020).

Distribution: 209 (Ota et al., 2020).

Remarks: See Weitzman, Palmer (1997a:227–229) and Bussing (1998:105–108) for miscellaneous observations on the species. Species redescribed by Ota et al., 2020.

Hyphessobrycon pando Hein, 2009

Hyphessobrycon pando Hein, 2009:2 , figs. 3–5. Type locality: Bolivia, Departamento Pando , Rio Manuripi, near to Puerto Cardenas (11°20 083’S, 67°44.576’W). Holotype: ZFMK 41452 View Materials .

Distribution: 318 (Hein, 2009).

Hyphessobrycon parvellus Ellis, 1911

Hyphessobrycon parvellus Ellis, 1911:153 View in CoL , Pl. 2 (fig. 1). Type locality: Alagoinhas, rio Catú.   GoogleMaps [ Brazil, Bahia, approximately 12°9’S, 38°25’W]. Holotype: FMNH 54392 View Materials .

Distribution: 328 (Camelier, Zanata, 2014 a).

Remarks: See comments on the species by Lima, Gerhard (2001:110–111), and a photo of a freshly preserved specimen in Dagosta et al. (2014:372, fig. 4).

Hyphessobrycon paucilepis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2008

Hyphessobrycon paucilepis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2008b:149 View in CoL , figs. 7, 10A, 11A. Type locality: Venezuela, Los Quediches reservoir, overflow channel, Lara state. Holotype: IUQ 1897 View Materials .

Distribution: 304 (García-Alzate et al., 2014).

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus Ladiges, 1938

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus Ladiges , in Arnold , 1938:646, fig. 10. Type locality: der peruanische Teil des Amazonenstromes zwischen Tabatinga und Iquitos angegeben. [ Peru]. Lectotype: ZMH H60 View Materials . [Designated by Ladiges et al., 1958:157].

Distribution: 316 (Arnold, 1938).

Remarks: Taxonomic comments in Marinho et al. (2016a).

Hyphessobrycon petricolus Ohara, Lima, Barros, 2017

Hyphessobrycon petricolus Ohara, Lima, Barros , 2017:243, figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Colniza , stream tributary to the rio Roosevelt , 9°8’40”S, 60°45’5”W. Holotype: MZUSP 120694 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 321 (Ohara et al., 2017).

Hyphessobrycon peugeoti Ingenito , Lima, Buckup, 2013

Hyphessobrycon peugeoti Ingenito , Lima, Buckup, 2013:33, figs. 1–4. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Cotriguaçu   GoogleMaps , stream at fazenda São Nicolau   GoogleMaps , left margin tributary of rio Juruena   GoogleMaps , 09°52’02.3”S, 58°16’45.6”W. Holotype: MNRJ 38988 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Ingenito et al., 2013).

Hyphessobrycon piabinhas Fowler, 1941

Hyphessobrycon piabinhas Fowler, 1941b:187 View in CoL , fig. 97. Type locality: Forteleza , Ceará. [Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil]. Holotype: ANSP 69580 View Materials .

Distribution: 326 (Fowler, 1941b).

Hyphessobrycon pinnistriatus Carvalho, Cabeceira, Carvalho, 2017

Hyphessobrycon pinnistriatus Carvalho, Cabeceira, Carvalho, 2017:751 , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Municipality of Novo Mundo, Parque Estadual Cristalino, igarapé affluent of Rio Cristalino   GoogleMaps , 09°27’10.5”S, 55°49’52.7”W, 806m a.s.l. Holotype: DZSJRP 20598.

Distribution: 320 (Carvalho et al., 2017).

Hyphessobrycon piorskii Guimarães, Brito, Feitosa, Carvalho-Costa, Ottoni, 2018

Hyphessobrycon piorskii Guimarães, Brito, Feitosa, Carvalho-Costa, Ottoni, 2018:86 , figs. 1–5. Type locality: Brazil, Maranhão State, stream at the Anapurus   GoogleMaps municipality, 03°40’14”S, 43°07’10”W. Holotype: CICCAA 00695.

Distribution: 325 (Guimarães, Brito, Feitosa, Carvalho-Costa, Ottoni, 2018).

Hyphessobrycon piranga Camelier, Dagosta, Marinho, 2018

Hyphessobrycon piranga Camelier, Dagosta, Marinho, 2018:1151 [3], figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Municipality of Tangará da Serra, Rio Verde, a tributary of the Rio Papagaio   GoogleMaps , crossing the road at the Itaipú Farm   GoogleMaps , Rio Juruena   GoogleMaps drainage, upper Rio Tapajós   GoogleMaps basin, 14°23’09”S, 58°13’54”W. Holotype: MZUSP 117781 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Camelier et al., 2018).

Hyphessobrycon platyodus Ohara, Abrahão, Espíndola, 2017

Hyphessobrycon platyodus Ohara, Abrahão, Espíndola, 2017:2 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Rio Juma   GoogleMaps , tributary of Rio Aripuanã   GoogleMaps , Rio Madeira   GoogleMaps basin, Apuí town   GoogleMaps , Amazonas   GoogleMaps , Brazil, nearby the bridge on road BR 230 between Santo Antônio do Matupi (Vila dos 180) and Apuí, 7°12’43”S, 59°55’18”W. Holotype: MZUSP 120555 View Materials .

Distribution: 321 (Ohara, Abrahão, Espíndola, 2017).

Hyphessobrycon poecilioides Eigenmann, 1913

Hyphessobrycon poecilioides Eigenmann, 1913:29 . Type locality: Cali. [ Colombia, Depto. Valle del Cauca, Río   GoogleMaps Cauca, ca. 3°26’N, 76°28’W]. Holotype: FMNH 56290 View Materials .

Distribution: 302 (Maldonado-Ocampo et al., 2005).

Remarks: See miscellaneous comments on the species by Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2005:76) and ecological comments by García-Alzate, Román-Valencia (2008a).

Hyphessobrycon procerus Mahnert, Géry, 1987

Hyphessobrycon procerus Mahnert, Géry, 1987:311 View in CoL , figs. 3–4. Type locality: Paraguay, dept. Caaguazu, Rio Guyrau-gua à Ltr. Juan M. Frutos. Holotype: MHNG 2385.68 View Materials .

Distribution: 343 (Mahnert, Géry, 1987).

Hyphessobrycon procyon Pastana, Ohara, 2016

Hyphessobrycon procyon Pastana, Ohara, 2016:387 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas   GoogleMaps , Apuí   GoogleMaps , rio Juma   GoogleMaps on road 230 between Vila   GoogleMaps dos 180 and Apuí, rio Aripuanã drainage, 7°12’43”S, 59°55’18”W. Holotype: MZUSP 118846 View Materials .

Distribution: 321 (Pastana, Ohara, 2017).

Hyphessobrycon proteus Eigenmann, 1913

Hyphessobrycon proteus Eigenmann, 1913:28 . Type locality: Quibdo. [ Colombia, Depto. Chocó   GoogleMaps , Río Atrato (ca. 5°41’N, 76°40’W)]. Holotype: FMNH 56293 View Materials .

Distribution: 302 (Eigenmann, 1918b; Dahl, 1971).

Remarks: Revalidated by Lima et al. (2003:139) from the synonymy of H. inconstans , but likely a synonym of the latter. See Eigenmann (1918b:199–202) for taxonomic remarks and Dahl (1971:139–140) for additional comments on the species (as H. inconstans ).

Hyphessobrycon psittacus Dagosta, Marinho, Camelier , Lima, 2016

Hyphessobrycon psittacus Dagosta, Marinho, Camelier , Lima, 2016:250, figs. 1, 3. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Sapezal, Rio Papagaio   GoogleMaps , a tributary of the Rio Juruena   GoogleMaps , upper Rio Tapajós   GoogleMaps basin, 13°33’41.7”S, 58°24’26.9”W. Holotype: MZUSP 115550 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Dagosta et al., 2016).

Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Ahl, 1937

Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Ahl, 1937a:235 View in CoL . Type locality: (...) vermutlich Amazonas. [“probably Amazonas ”]. Holotype: ZMB 20849 (male).

Hemigrammus erythrophthalmus Ladiges, 1931:249 View in CoL , fig. 5. Type locality: Amazon. No types known. This is most probably a nomen oblitum, but details are yet to be confirmed.

Distribution: 316, 320, 322 (Géry, 1980a; Bergleiter, 1999; Ohara et al., 2017:204).

Remarks: See comments on the species by Géry (1980a), Zarske (2008a), and Ohara et al. (2017:204).

Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Burgess, 1993

Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Burgess, 1993:157 View in CoL , figures unnumbered on pages 156, 160. Type locality: Rio Erere , a tributary to the Rio Negro, Brazil. [Barcelos, Amazonas State, Brazil]. Holotype: MZUSP 45714 View Materials .

Distribution: 314 (Burgess, 1993; Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a).

Hyphessobrycon pytai Géry, Mahnert, 1993

Hyphessobrycon pytai Géry, Mahnert, 1993:33 , figs. 1, 2a–b, 3. Type locality: Paraguay, Caaguazu: petit affluent du Rio Güyraugua sur la route Asuncion- Cde del Este, près de Juan Frutos , bassin du Rio Monday ( Parana ). Holotype: MHNG 2543.86 View Materials .

Distribution: 343 (Géry, Mahnert, 1993).

Hyphessobrycon quibdoensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2022

Hyphessobrycon quibdoensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a:13 , figs. 2C, 6B, 8,12C. Type locality: Colombia , río Cabí , cuenca del río Atrato, Municipio de Quibdó, 43 msnm. Departamento del Chocó. Holotype: CAR 940.

Distribution: 301 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a).

Hyphessobrycon reticulatus Ellis, 1911

Hyphessobrycon reticulatus Ellis, 1911:153 View in CoL , Pl. 2 (fig. 2). Type locality: Campos. [ Campos dos Goyatacazes , Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil]. Holotype: FMNH 54397 View Materials .

Distribution: 329 (Ellis, 1911).

Remarks: Hyphessobrycon reticulatus is probably a junior synonym of Hyphessobrycon boulengeri (Carvalho, 2006) . Here the distribution was restricted to the type locality.

Hyphessobrycon reyae Ardila Rodríguez, 2022

Hyphessobrycon reyae Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a:12 , figs. 1, 6A, 7D, 10B, 12B. Type locality: Colombia, Quebrada La Ruitoca , vereda del Valle de Ruitoque , Municipio de Floridablanca, Departamento de Santander. Holotype: CAR 910.

Distribution: 303 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2022a).

Hyphessobrycon rheophilus Ohara, Teixeira, Albornoz-Garzón, Mirande, Lima, 2019

Hyphessobrycon rheophilus Ohara, Teixeira, Albornoz-Garzón, Mirande, Lima, 2019:562, figs. 1–5. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Aripuanã, Rio Aripuanã, rapids downstream Cachoeira de Dardanelos , 10°9’59”S, 59°27’2”W. Holotype: MZUSP 121508 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 307,314, 321, (Ohara et al., 2019).

Hyphessobrycon rosaceus Durbin, 1909

Hyphessobrycon rosaceus Durbin, 1909:67 View in CoL . Type locality: Gluck Island   GoogleMaps . [ Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Essequibo River near Rockstone (5°59’N, 58°34’W)]. Holotype: FMNH 52791 View Materials .

Hyphessobrycon ornatus Ahl, 1934a:238 View in CoL , figures. Type locality: Amazonestrom bei Para. Syntypes (8): ZMB 20781 View Materials (1), ZMB 20805 View Materials (7).

Distribution: 310, 311, 315, 316, 323 ( Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a; FR Carvalho, pers. obs.).

Remarks: See comments on the species in Weitzman, Palmer (1997a:229–231).

Hyphessobrycon roseus (Géry, 1960)

Megalamphodus roseus Géry, 1960f:26 View in CoL , Pl. 2 (fig. 3) figs. 10–11. Type locality: criques near Gaa Kaba , Maroni. [ French Guiana]. Holotype: SMF 4784 View Materials .

Distribution: 311, 315 (Planquette et al., 1996; Mol, 2012).

Hyphessobrycon rutiliflavidus Carvalho, Langeani, Miyazawa, Troy, 2008

Hyphessobrycon rutiliflavidus Carvalho, Langeani, Miyazawa, Troy, 2008:40 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, State of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá , córrego Pipa, (15°41’23.4”S, 55°29’48.8”W), rio Paraguai drainage, next to Serra   GoogleMaps de São Vicente. Holotype: DZSJRP 7444. [Andrade et al., 2017:440].

Distribution: 343 (Carvalho et al., 2008).

Hyphessobrycon saizi Géry, 1964

Hyphessobrycon saizi Géry, 1964c:46 , fig. 11. Type locality: about 200 miles east of Bogota, Colombia (...) upper Rio Meta drainage. Holotype: USNM 198647 View Materials .

Distribution: 307 (Géry, 1964c).

Hyphessobrycon santae (Eigenmann, 1907)

Hemigrammus santae Eigenmann , in Eigenmann, Ogle   GoogleMaps , 1907:16. Type locality: Lagoa Santa. [ Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lagoa Santa (ca. 19°38’S, 43°53’W)]. Holotype: USNM 55652 View Materials .

Distribution: 327 (Eigenmann, 1907).

Hyphessobrycon sateremawe Faria, Bastos, Zuanon, Lima, 2020

Hyphessobrycon sateremawe Faria , Bastos , Zuanon , Lima , 2020:276, figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas , Nova Olinda do Norte , stream tributary to rio Abacaxis, Paraná do Urariá basin, 4°17’5”S, 58°34’44”W. Holotype: INPA 59494 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 316 (Faria et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon savagei Bussing, 1967

Hyphessobrycon savagei Bussing, 1967:215 , fig. 2. Type locality: Puntarenas: Río Ceibo (260 m) at IH, 6 km W of Buenos Aires turnoff. [ Costa Rica, a tributary of Río Grande de Térraba]. Holotype: LACM 9237-1 View Materials .

Distribution: 206 (Bussing, 1998).

Remarks: See comments on the species by Bussing (1998:108–109). Species redescribed by Ota et al., 2020).

Hyphessobrycon schauenseei Fowler, 1926

Hyphessobrycon schauenseei Fowler, 1926:254 View in CoL , fig. Type locality: Rio Inhangpy   GoogleMaps , Pará, Brazil. [Rio Inhangapi, a tributary of rio Guamá (approximatelly 1°27’S, 47°55’W)]. Holotype: ANSP 90878 View Materials .

Distribution: 323.

Remarks: A putative junior synonym of Hemigrammus bellottii .

Hyphessobrycon scholzei Ahl, 1937

Hyphessobrycon scholzei Ahl, 1937b:445 View in CoL . Type locality: Amazonas bei Para. [type-specimens imported for the aquarium trade, type-locality questionable]. Lectotype: ZMB 20798. [Designated by Zarske, Géry, 1995].

Distribution: unknown

Remarks: Not mapped because of the uncertainty concerning its type locality.

Hyphessobrycon scutulatus Lucena, 2003

Hyphessobrycon scutulatus Lucena, 2003a:94, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso: rio Kaiapá, MT 320 road, about 5 km from Nova Canaã do Norte , rio Teles Pires drainage, rio Tapajós system, 10°36’16”S, 55°42’26”W. Holotype: MCP 33333 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 320 (Lucena, 2003a; Ohara et al., 2017:205).

Hyphessobrycon simulatus (Géry, 1960)

Pseudopristella simulata Géry, 1960f:18 , Pl. 2 (fig. 1), figs. 3–4. Type locality: Kourou River   GoogleMaps (coast). [ French Guiana, ca. 5°10’N, 52°39’W]. Holotype: SMF 4786 View Materials .

Distribution: 311, 315 (Planquette et al., 1996; Mol, 2012).

Hyphessobrycon socolofi Weitzman, 1977

Hyphessobrycon socolofi Weitzman, 1977a:327 View in CoL , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, State of Amazonas   GoogleMaps , Rio Negro, Barcelos (0°58’S, 62°57’W). Holotype: MZUSP 13181 View Materials .

Distribution: 314 ( Weitzman, 1977a).

Hyphessobrycon sovichthys Schultz, 1944

Hyphessobrycon sovichthys Schultz, 1944:350 View in CoL , fig. 53. Type locality: Ciénaga del Guanavana , about 10 km. north of Sinamaica, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121534 View Materials .

Distribution: 303, 304 (Garcia-Alzate et al., 2008b).

Remarks: Redescribed by Garcia-Alzate et al. (2008b).

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni Géry, 1961

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni Géry, 1961c:7 , figs. 1–5. Type locality: originally savannahs of northeastern Brazil, between the lower Rio Tocantins and the Rio Capim.   GoogleMaps [Lima, Géry (2001:96) restricted the type locality to “ Brazil, Estado do Tocantins (the former northern portion of the estado de Goiás), município de Itacajá, between the rio Manoel Alves Pequeno and rio Vermelho, rio Tocantins basin, approx. 8°19’S, 47°25’W ”]. Holotype: USNM 195942 View Materials .

Distribution: 324 (Lima, Géry, 2001).

Remarks: See comments on the species in Marinho et al. (2014).

Hyphessobrycon sweglesi (Géry, 1961)

Megalamphodus sweglesi Géry, 1961d:36 , figs. d, 7–9. Type locality: surroundings of Leticia, Upper Amazon. [Géry (1966b:232) corrected the type locality to “ Rio Muco, upper Orinoco basin”]. Holotype: USNM 196090 View Materials .

Distribution: 307, 308, 314, 316, 321 (Géry, 1961d; Lima et al., 2013).

Remarks: See comments on the species in Lima et al. (2013).

Hyphessobrycon taguae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2010

Hyphessobrycon taguae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2010b:37 , figs. 4–5. Type locality: Colombia, Creek about two km from Puerto Leguizamo on road to La Tagua, Puerto Leguizamo, Putumayo (0°10’15”S, 74°46’23”W). Holotype: IUQ 2288 View Materials .

Distribution: 316 (García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2010b).

Hyphessobrycon takasei Géry, 1964

Hyphessobrycon takasei Géry, 1964f:15 View in CoL , fig. 2. Type locality: Serra do Navio above Macapa , Amapa Territorio, lower Amazon basin. [ Brazil]. Holotype: USNM 198138 View Materials .

Distribution: 323 (Planquette et al., 1996; Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a).

Remarks: See comments on the species by Planquette et al. (1996:290–291) and Weitzman, Palmer (1997a:235–236).

Hyphessobrycon taphorni García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Ortega, 2013

Hyphessobrycon taphorni García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Ortega, 2013:862 , fig. 1–2. Type locality: Perú, aguajal pozo Paiche, Río Tambopata   GoogleMaps , cuenca del río Madre de Dios, 12°29’4.2”S, 68°57’9.09”W. Holotype: MUSM 42391 .

Distribution: 318 (García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Ortega, 2013).

Hyphessobrycon taurocephalus Ellis, 1911

Hyphessobrycon taurocephalus Ellis, 1911:151 , Pl. 1 (fig. 4). Type locality: Serrinha Paraná , Rio Iguassú. [Rio Iguaçu at Serrinha Paraná , Brazil]. Holotype: FMNH 54389.

Distribution: 346 (Ellis, 1911).

Remarks: Listed as threatened species (Duboc, Abilhoa, 2008). The absence of adipose fin in Hyphessobrycon taurocephalus is discussed in Lima, Gerhard (2001).

Hyphessobrycon tenuis Géry, 1964

Hyphessobrycon tenuis Géry, 1964b:10 , figs. 8–9. Type locality: Petit ruisseau communiquer le “Zapote Cocha” avec le “Caño Yarina ”, en bordure du Rio Pacaya , affluent du canal de Puinahua (bras du bas Rio Ucayali). [Small creek connecting “Zapote Cocha” and “Caño Yarina ”, on edge of Río Pacaya, tributary of lower Río Ucayali, Peru]. Holotype: ZFMK 1327 View Materials .

Distribution: 316 (Géry, 1964b).

Hyphessobrycon togoi Miquelarena, López, 2006

Hyphessobrycon togoi Miquelarena, López, 2006:819 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires Province, Chascomús   GoogleMaps lagoon (35°45’S, 58°30’W). Holotype: CFA-IC 11704. [Bogan et al., 2019:14].

Distribution: 332, 334, 335, 345 (Miquelarena, López, 2006; Carvalho, 2011).

Hyphessobrycon tortuguerae Böhlke, 1958

Hyphessobrycon tortuguerae Böhlke, 1958b:173 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Tortuguero River (Lagoon) at Tortuguero, 2 miles from ocean inlet, Costa Rica. Holotype: UF 5741 .

Distribution: 205 (Bussing, 1998).

Remarks: See comments on the species by Bussing (1998:110–111).

Hyphessobrycon troemneri (Fowler, 1942)

Cheirodon troemneri Fowler, 1942:1 View in CoL , fig. Type locality: An aquarium fish without locality, thought to have been obtained in Brazil]. Holotype: ANSP 70157 [missing]. [The holotype of Cheirodon troemneri View in CoL is missing ( Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a:233–234), the specimen previously in the jar of the holotype (and discussed by Weitzman, Palmer, 1997a) is, instead, a specimen of Hemigrammus stictus (Durbin) (Carvalho, Langeani, 2013) View in CoL , and has been recataloged as ANSP 210697 (M.Sabaj, pers. comm.)].

Distribution: 315, 316, 321, 323 (Lima et al., 2013; FR Carvalho, pers. obs.).

Remarks: See Lima et al. (2013:242–243) and Carvalho (2011) for comments on the taxonomic status of the species.

Hyphessobrycon tropis Géry, 1963

Hyphessobrycon tropis Géry, 1963e:57 View in CoL , fig. 5–6. Type locality: Tapurucuara , upper rio Negro. [Rio Negro at Tapurucuara (= Santa Isabel do Rio Negro), Amazonas, Brazil]. Holotype: USNM 198639 View Materials .

Distribution: 314 (Géry, 1963e; MMF Marinho, pers. obs.).

Hyphessobrycon tukunai Géry, 1965

Hyphessobrycon tukunai Géry, 1965a:25 , Pl. 4 (fig. 12). Type locality: Igarapé Préto, collatéral de l’Amazone supérieure pres de Belem, à environ 60 km en aval de Leticia. [ Brazil, Amazonas , near Tabatinga (rio Solimões)]. Holotype: SMF 7209 View Materials .

Distribution: 316.

Hyphessobrycon tuyensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2008

Hyphessobrycon tuyensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia, Taphorn, 2008b:151 , figs. 9, 10B, 11B, 12. Type locality: Venezuela, río Capaya, río Tuy   GoogleMaps drainage, Miranda, 10°19’20”N, 66°15’12”W. Holotype: IUQ 1914 View Materials .

Distribution: 304 (García-Alzate et al., 2008b).

Hyphessobrycon uaiso Carvalho, Langeani, 2013

Hyphessobrycon uaiso Carvalho, Langeani, 2013:526 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Ponte Alta District, municipality of Uberaba , headwaters of rio Uberaba , near BR-262 road, 19°40’58.7”S, 47°40’7.3”W, 1020 m a.s.l. Holotype: DZSJRP 16460.

Distribution: 344 (Carvalho, Langeani, 2013).

Hyphessobrycon vanzolinii Lima, Flausino, 2016

Hyphessobrycon vanzolinii Lima , Flausino , 2016:90, fig. 1. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Itaituba , rio Tapajós , Cachoeira Lombo de Anta, near São Luís, ca. 4°28’S, 56°15’W. Holotype: MZUSP 119105 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 315, 316 (Lima, Flausino, 2016; Ohara et al., 2019).

Hyphessobrycon veredus Teixeira, Dutra, Penido, Santos, Pessali, 2019

Hyphessobrycon veredus Teixeira, Dutra, Penido, Santos, Pessali, 2019:2 , figs. 1–8. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Bocaiuva municipality, Vereda Água Boa, tributary of Rio Tabatinga   GoogleMaps , Rio Jequitinhonha   GoogleMaps basin, 17°12’37.75”S, 43°37’6.82”W. Holotype: MZUSP 124770 View Materials .

Distribution: 328 (Teixeira et al., 2019).

Hyphessobrycon vilmae Géry, 1966

Hyphessobrycon vilmae Géry, 1966d:64 View in CoL , fig. 1–2. Type locality: In the upper Arinos- Juruena basin, Brazil. Holotype: MHNG 2229.04 View Materials .

Distribution: 320, 321*, 322*, 343 (Géry, 1966d; Lima et al., 2007; MMF Marinho, pers. obs..

Hyphessobrycon vinaceus Bertaco, Malabarba, Dergam, 2007

Hyphessobrycon vinaceus Bertaco, Malabarba, Dergam, 2007:246 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, São João do Paraíso, rio São João, tributary of the upper rio Pardo   GoogleMaps , 15°09’50”S 42°09’45”W. Holotype: MCP 40916 View Materials .

Distribution: 328 (Bertaco, Malabarba, Dergam, 2007).

Hyphessobrycon wadai Marinho, Dagosta, Camelier, Oyakawa, 2016

Hyphessobrycon wadai Marinho, Dagosta, Camelier, Oyakawa, 2016b:511 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Campo Novo do Parecis , upper Rio Tapajós basin, Rio Juruena   GoogleMaps drainage, tributary of Rio do Sangue   GoogleMaps at bridge; 13°45’S, 57°31’W. Holotype: MZUSP 117127 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Marinho et al., 2016b).

Hyphessobrycon wajat Almirón, Casciotta, 1999

Hyphessobrycon wajat Almirón, Casciotta, 1999:340 View in CoL , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Argentina, Corrientes province, Laguna Brava   GoogleMaps (27°33’S, 58°44’W). Holotype: MLP 9321 View Materials .

Distribution: 332 (Almirón, Casciotta, 1999).

Hyphessobrycon weitzmanorum Lima, Moreira, 2003

Hyphessobrycon weitzmanorum Lima, Moreira, 2003:27, figs. 9–11. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, município de Alto Araguaia, ribeirão do Sapo, km 464.04 of Ferronorte railroad, 17°31’11”S, 53°15’33”W. Holotype: MZUSP 73315 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 324 (Lima, Moreira, 2003).

Hyphessobrycon werneri Géry, Uj, 1987

Hyphessobrycon werneri Géry, Uj, 1987b:546 , figures unnumbered on pages 546, 549, 550. Type locality: Estado do Para , Brasilien, Einzugsgegiet des Rio Guama, Waldbach zwischen Santa Maria do Para und Sao Miguel do Guama, etwa 120 Kilometer von Belem (Para) auf der Strasse BR 010 . [ Brazil]. Holotype: MZUSP 42365 View Materials .

Distribution: 323 (Géry, Uj, 1987b).

Hyphessobrycon wosiackii Moreira, Lima, 2017

Hyphessobrycon wosiackii Moreira , Lima , 2017a:130, fig. 5. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Juruti , headwaters of the Igarapé Juruti Grande (a tributary of Rio Amazonas), 2°34’36”S, 56°24’3”W. Holotype: MPEG 34741 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 316 (Moreira, Lima, 2017a).

Hyphessobrycon zoe Faria, Lima, Wosiacki, 2020

Hyphessobrycon zoe Faria , Lima , Wosiacki , 2020:369, figs. 1–2. Type locality: Brazil, Pará , Óbidos , Estação Ecológica Grão Pará Centro , stream tributary of Rio Urucuriana, Rio Paru do Oeste basin, 0°38’10”N, 55°43’24”W. Holotype: MPEG 38859 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 315 (Faria et al., 2020).

Species inquirendae ( Hyphessobrycon )

Aphyocarax heteresthes Ulrey, 1894:612 View in CoL . Type locality: Brazil. Syntypes (5): CAS 76377 (4), SU 2161 (1).

Remarks: Placement of the species in Hyphessobrycon follows Weitzman, Palmer (1998). Type specimens are juveniles (12.0–17.7mm SL) and are in poor condition and do not allow for a precise identification of the species (FR Carvalho, pers. obs.).

Hemigrammus robustulus Cope, 1870:561 . Type locality: Pebas   GoogleMaps , Equador. [Type locality currently at Peru, depto. Loreto, Río Ampyiacu (a tributary of Rio Amazonas) (approximately 3°19’S, 71°52’W)]. Lectotype: ANSP 8037 View Materials . [Designated by Fowler (1906:335, fig. 24. Treated as holotype in Böhlke (1984:53) and Lima et al. (2003:139)].

Remarks: Only known from the type series. Identity of the species is uncertain.

Hyphessobrycon melasemeion Fowler, 1945d:57 View in CoL , figure. Type locality: Locality unknown (supposed to be lower Amazon?). Holotype: ANSP 71584 View Materials .

Remarks: Species only known from the holotype, an aquarium specimen without locality data. Weitzman, Palmer (1997a:234) considered it to be probably a synonym of Hyphessobrycon bentosi .

Hyphessobrycon stramineus Durbin , in Eigenmann   GoogleMaps , 1918b:190. Type locality: Tabatinga. [ Brazil, Amazonas, near Tabatinga (rio Solimões), ca. 4°14’S, 69°57’W]. Holotype: MCZ 20772 View Materials .

Remarks: Species only known from the holotype, which is in poor state of conservation (FR Carvalho, pers. obs.).











Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M. 2024

Hyphessobrycon margitae

Zarske A. 2016: 106

Hyphessobrycon clavatus

Zarske A. 2015: 290

Hyphessobrycon dorsalis

Zarske A. 2014: 162

Hyphessobrycon jackrobertsi

Zarske A. 2014: 147

Hyphessobrycon paepkei

Zarske A. 2014: 152

Hyphessobrycon brumado

Zanata AM & Camelier P. 2010: 772

Hyphessobrycon khardinae

Zarske A. 2008: 6

Hyphessobrycon borealis Zarske, Le Bail, Géry, 2006:25

Zarske A & Le Bail P-Y & Gery J. 2006: 25

Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia Zarske, Géry, 2006a:43

Zarske A & Gery J. 2006: 43

Hyphessobrycon nigricinctus Zarske, Géry, 2004b:33

Zarske A & Gery J. 2004: 33

Hyphessobrycon columbianus Zarske, Géry, 2002a:23

Zarske A & Gery J. Der 2002: 23

Hyphessobrycon amapaensis Zarske, Géry, 1998:20

Zarske A & Gery J. 1998: 20

Hyphessobrycon epicharis

Weitzman SH & Palmer L. 1997: 214

Hyphessobrycon frankei Zarske, Géry, 1997b:309

Zarske A & Gery J. 1997: 309

Hyphessobrycon diancistrus

Weitzman SH 1977: 349

Hyphessobrycon socolofi

Weitzman SH 1977: 327

Tetragonopterus heterorhabdus

Ulrey AB 1895: 287
Ulrey AB 1894: 610

Aphyocarax heteresthes

Ulrey AB 1894: 612
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