Creagrutus, Gunther, 1864

Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M., 2024, Checklist of the species of the Order Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230086) 22 (1), pp. 1-548 : 133-143

publication ID 10.1590/1982-0224-2023-0086

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scientific name



CREAGRUTUS Günther, 1864 View in CoL

FCP Dagosta

Creagrutus Günther, 1864:339 . Type species: Leporinus muelleri Günther, 1859 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Creagrudite Myers, 1927:117 . Type species: Creagrudite maxillaris Myers, 1927 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Creagrutops Schultz, 1944:327 . Type species: Creagrutops maracaiboensis Schultz, 1944 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Creagrutus affinis Steindachner, 1880 Creagrutus affinis Steindachner, 1880:79 [27]. Type locality: Cauca. [ Colombia ]. Lectotype: NMW 67120.1. [Designated by Harold, Vari (1994:25)]. Creagrutus notropoides Meek, Hildebrand, 1912:68 . Type locality: Rio Indio, Panama. Holotype: FMNH 7574.

Creagrutus simus Meek, Hildebrand, 1913:85 View in CoL . Type locality: Rio Cupe , Cituro, Panama. [Rio Tuira Basin]. Holotype: FMNH 7591 About FMNH .

Creagrutus leuciscus Regan, 1913b:463 View in CoL . Type locality: Rio Condoto, a tributary of the San Juan, a river of the Pacific slope in S. W. Colombia View in CoL . Lectotype: BMNH 1913.10.1:6. [Designated by Harold, Vari View in CoL (1994:26)]. Synonym of Creagrutus affinis View in CoL following Harold, Vari View in CoL (1994) and Vari, Harold (2001) View in CoL .

Creagrutus londonoi Fowler, 1945a:3 View in CoL , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Honda, Colombia View in CoL . Holotype: ANSP 71610.

Distribution: 301, 302 (Harold, Vari , 1994; Vanegas-Rios et al., 2021).

Creagrutus amoenus Fowler, 1943

Creagrutus amoenus Fowler, 1943d:239 , fig. 18. Type locality: Florencia , Rio Orteguasa, Colombia . Holotype: ANSP 70499 About ANSP .

Creagrutus boehlkei Géry, 1972b:63 View in CoL , Pl. 4 (fig. 2). Type locality: Oriente del Ecuador (basin amazonien, localité non précisée). Holotype: ZSM 28428 View Materials a [not 28428, see Neumann, 2011:244].

Distribution: 306, 313, 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Remarks: Description based on four specimens, one holotype and three paratypes. One of the paratypes of the species (ANSP 70500, 62.8 mm SL) is a specimen of C. flavescens ( Vari, Harold, 2003) .

Creagrutus anary Fowler, 1913

Creagrutus anary Fowler, 1913b:552 View in CoL , fig. 16. Type locality: Madeira River, about 200 miles east of Long. 62°20’W., Brazil. [Böhlke (1955a) proposed that the actual distance was 20 rather than 200 miles east of longitude 62°20’W. According to Vari, Harold (2001) View in CoL such an interpretation shifts the type locality of C. anary View in CoL further upstream along the Rio Madeira and places it significantly closer to the other collecting sites with exact locality information provided by the collector, E.A. Smith. The known distribution of C. anary View in CoL is in agreement with Böhlke’s suggestion]. Holotype: ANSP 39290 (missing).

Distribution: 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Remarks: Description was based on the holotype and a single paratype, both collected in the Rio Madeira system. Böhlke (1984) reported that the holotype (ANSP 39290) was missing and that the single paratype (ANSP 39291) had been cleared and stained for bone. According to Vari, Harold (2001) the paratype (ANSP 39291) apparently had desiccated at some point prior to being stained and it is not clear whether it also had been cleared.

Creagrutus andaki Albornoz-Garzón, Acosta-Santos, Bogotá-Gregory, Agudelo-Córdoba, 2020

Creagrutus andaki Albornoz-Garzón, Acosta-Santos, Bogotá-Gregory, Agudelo-Córdoba, 2020:366 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Colombia , Caquetá, Florencia, Río Caquetá basin, Río Hacha   GoogleMaps drainage, Río Sucre   GoogleMaps , km 61, bridge at old road to Neiva   GoogleMaps , 01°47’43.2”N, 75°38’48.9”W. Holotype: CIACOL 3462.

Distribution: 313 (Albornoz-Garzón et al., 2020).

Creagrutus ardilai Ardila Rodríguez, 2021

Creagrutus ardilai Ardila Rodríguez, 2021:10 , fig. 2B, 4A, 5C, 7A, 8C, 9C. Type locality: Colombia . Quebrada a 8 kilómetros del Municipio El Playón, Departamento de Santander. Holotype: CAR 919.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2021).

Remarks: Named in honor to the author’s brother.

Creagrutus argos Ardila Rodríguez, 2020

Creagrutus argos Ardila Rodríguez, 2020b:7 , figs. 1–3, 5A, 7A, 8A, 9B–B1, 10A, 11A, 12A, 13, 14A. Type locality: Colombia, Quebrada El Laurel , 317 msnm, afluente del río Saldaña , cuenca alta del río Magdalena, municipio del Guamo, Departamento del Tolima. Holotype: CAR 900.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2020b).

Creagrutus atratus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus atratus Vari, Harold, 2001:66 View in CoL , figs. 24–25. Type locality: Colombia View in CoL . Cundinamarca: Rio Meta basin, Rio Caqueza, tributary to Rio Negro   GoogleMaps , about 2 km upstream of village of Caqueza   GoogleMaps (latter at 4°25’N, 73°57’W). Holotype: ICN-MHN 4158. [Mojica, Agudelo-Zamora (2018:14)].

Distribution: 307 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1927

Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1927:116 . Type locality: Brazil: Rio Maranhão ( Upper Tocantins), Goyaz. Holotype: CAS 41339.

Distribution: 324 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Remarks: One of the paratypes is not a Creagrutus but rather another Stevardiinae .

Creagrutus barrigai Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus barrigai Vari, Harold, 2001:71 View in CoL , fig. 27. Type locality: Ecuador. Sucumbios: Rio Aguarico, near San Pablo de Kantesiya   GoogleMaps (0°15’18”S, 76°25’30”W). Holotype: MEPN 4621 .

Distribution: 313, 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus beni Eigenmann, 1911

Creagrutus beni Eigenmann, 1911c:172 , Pl. 6 (fig. 2). Type locality: Villa Bella on Rio Beni . [ Bolivia]. Holotype: FMNH 54585 About FMNH . [Holotype is in poor condition].

Distribution: 318, 319 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus bolivari Schultz, 1944

Creagrutus bolivari Schultz, 1944:334 View in CoL , fig. 49. Type locality: Rio Guárico and tributaries between San Sebastián and San Casimiro, Estado de Aragua. [ Venezuela]. Holotype: USNM 121497 About USNM .

Distribution: 307, 308 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus brevipinnis Eigenmann, 1913

Creagrutus brevipinnis Eigenmann, 1913:10 . Type locality: Piedra Moler. [ Colombia ]. Holotype: FMNH 56095.

Distribution: 302 (Harold, Vari , 1994).

Creagrutus britskii Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus britskii Vari, Harold, 2001:83 View in CoL , fig. 31. Type locality: Brazil. Goias: Iaciara, Ribeirao Macambira   GoogleMaps (approximately 14°20’S, 46°45’W), near bridge on highway GO 112. Holotype: MZUSP 40537 View Materials .

Distribution: 322a, 324 (Meza-Vargas, 2014; Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus cacique Flausino, Lima, 2019

Creagrutus cacique Flausino, Lima, 2019:2, figs. 1,2. Type locality: Brazil: Mato Grosso: Campinápolis : rio Culuene , fish ladder of Paranatinga II hydroelectric dam, 13°50’58”S, 53°15’22”W. Holotype: ZUEC 15770 View Materials . GoogleMaps

Distribution: 322 (Flausino, Lima 2019).

Creagrutus calai Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus calai Vari, Harold, 2001:85 View in CoL , fig. 32. Type locality: Colombia View in CoL . Meta: Unnamed stream on Rancho El Viento, across Rio Meta from Puerto Lopez (4°08’N, 72°39’W). Holotype: ANSP 130527 About ANSP .

Distribution: 307 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus caucanus Eigenmann, 1913

Creagrutus caucanus Eigenmann, 1913:9 . Type locality: Paila. [ Colombia ]. Holotype: FMNH 56104.

Distribution: 302 (Harold, Vari , 1994).

Creagrutus cerritulus Netto-Ferreira, Vari, 2017

Creagrutus cerritulus Netto-Ferreira, Vari, 2017:369 , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Peru, San Martin, Tocache, Shapaja, Río Cachiyacu   GoogleMaps , tributary of Río Huallaga   GoogleMaps , 520 m elevation, 8°17’37”S, 76°21’05”W. Holotype: MUSM 54501 .

Distribution: 313 (Netto-Ferreira, Vari , 2017)

Creagrutus changae Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus changae Vari, Harold, 2001:88 View in CoL , fig. 34. Type locality: Peru. Huanuco: Provincia Pachitea, Rio San Alejandro, a tributary of Rio Sungarayacu   GoogleMaps , just above junction with Rio Sungarayacu   GoogleMaps (approximately 9°23’S, 75°11’W). Holotype: MUSM 8858 .

Distribution: 317 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus cochui Géry, 1964

Creagrutus cochui Géry, 1964 h:56, fig. 12. Type locality: Upper Amazon region surrounding Iquitos. [ Peru]. Holotype: USNM 200426 About USNM .

Distribution: 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus cracentis Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus cracentis Vari, Harold, 2001:93 View in CoL , fig. 36. Type locality: Brazil. Para   GoogleMaps : Rio Tapajos, sandy beaches on an island located 5 km S of Itaituba (latter locality at 4°17’S, 55°59’W). Holotype: MCP 15213 View Materials .

Distribution: 320, 322 (Dagosta, Pastana, 2014; Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus crenatus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus crenatus Vari, Harold, 2001:95 View in CoL , fig. 37. Type locality: Venezuela. Lara: Quebrada Sanare in Yay   GoogleMaps (9°45’N, 69°43’W). Holotype: MHNLS 505 View Materials .

Distribution: 307 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus dulima Albornoz-Garzón, Conde-Saldaña, García-Melo, Taphorn, Villa-Navarro, 2018

Creagrutus dulima Albornoz-Garzón, Conde-Saldaña, García-Melo, Taphorn, Villa-Navarro, 2018:342 , figs. 1, 2A, 3. Type locality: Colombia , Departamento Tolima, Ibagué, upper Río   GoogleMaps Magdalena drainage, quebrada Chumba   GoogleMaps , 4°29’06”N, 75°05’49”W, elevation 973 m a.s.l. Holotype: CZUT-IC 17663 .

Distribution: 302 (Albornoz-Garzón, Conde-Saldaña, García-Melo, Taphorn, Villa-Navarro, 2018).

Creagrutus ephippiatus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus ephippiatus Vari, Harold, 2001:98 View in CoL , fig. 39. Type locality: Venezuela. Amazonas: Upper Rio Siapa, Campamento Siapa (Siapa Base Camp). Holotype: MBUCV-V-29068.

Distribution: 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus figueiredoi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus figueiredoi Vari, Harold, 2001:101 View in CoL , fig. 40. Type locality: Brazil. Distrito Federal: Rio Maranhao, upper Rio   GoogleMaps Tocantins basin, approximately 35 air km N of Brasilia (approximately 15°32’S, 47°49’W). Holotype: MZUSP 50542 View Materials .

Distribution: 324 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus flavescens Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus flavescens Vari, Harold, 2001:104 View in CoL , fig. 41. Type locality: Ecuador. Pastaza: Rio Tiguino basin, Rio Tiguino N °3 (unnamed tributary of Rio Tiguino   GoogleMaps ; 1°07’35”S, 76°56’52”W). Holotype: MEPN 4622 .

Distribution: 313, 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus gephyrus Böhlke, Saul, 1975

Creagrutus gephyrus Böhlke, Saul, 1975:25 View in CoL , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Rio Aguarico at Santa Cecilia, backwater. [ Ecuador]. Holotype: ANSP 130516 About ANSP .

Distribution: 313, 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus gracilis Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus gracilis Vari, Harold, 2001:111 View in CoL , fig. 44. Type locality: Peru. Amazonas: Provincia Condorcanqui, Rio Santiago   GoogleMaps , at La Poza (4°01’S, 77°47’W). Holotype: LACM 41724-27 About LACM .

Distribution: 313, 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus guanes Torres-Mejia, Vari, 2005

Creagrutus guanes Torres-Mejia, Vari, 2005:812 , fig. 1. Type locality: Colombia , Santander, Valle de San José, Río Magdalena system, Río Fonce , beside road from San Gil to Charalá , under bridge of road to Balneario Monas. Holotype: ICN-MHN 8520. [Mojica, Agudelo-Zamora, 2018:14].

Distribution: 302 (Torres-Meija, Vari , 2005).

Creagrutus gyrospilus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus gyrospilus Vari, Harold, 2001:113 View in CoL , fig. 45. Type locality: Venezuela. Portuguesa: Rio Saguaz, Rio Guanare-Apure drainage, bridge near park on road to Chabasquen (= Paraiso de Chabasquen   GoogleMaps ; 9°23’30”N, 70°00’30”W). Holotype: INHS 69479 About INHS .

Distribution: 307 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus hildebrandi Schultz, 1944

Creagrutus hildebrandi Schultz, 1944:330 View in CoL , figs. 47–48. Type locality: Rio Táchira, 7 km north of San Antonio, Catatumbo system, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121482 About USNM .

Distribution: 303 (Harold, Vari , 1994).

Creagrutus holmi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus holmi Vari, Harold, 2001:116 View in CoL , fig. 46. Type locality: Peru. Amazonas   GoogleMaps : Provincia Utcubamba   GoogleMaps , Bagua Grande   GoogleMaps , San Antonio, Quebrada Jaimito (approximately 5°47’S, 78°23’W). Holotype: MUSM 5670 .

Distribution: 312, 317 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus hysginus Harold, Vari, Machado-Allison, Provenzano, 1994

Creagrutus hysginus Harold, Vari, Machado-Allison, Provenzano, 1994:975 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Venezuela, Estado Sucre, Rio Guiria , near La Toma. Holotype: MBUCV-V-20310.

Distribution: 309 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus ignotus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus ignotus Vari, Harold, 2001:122 View in CoL , fig. 48. Type locality: Brazil. Mato Grosso: Riacho (small stream) 1, tributary to Rio Preto at road to San Francisco, Municipio de Diamantino ( Rio Arinos basin). Holotype: MZUSP 45310 View Materials .

Distribution: 320, 322a (Meza-Vargas, 2014; Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus jordanensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2021

Creagrutus jordanensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2021:9 , fig. 2A, 3B, 5B, 6B, 8B, 9B. Type locality: Colombia . Río Chicamocha , cuenca del río Magdalena, municipio de Jordán (425msmn), Departamento de Santander. Holotype: CAR 890.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2021).

Creagrutus kunturus Vari, Harold, Ortega, 1995 View in CoL

Creagrutus kunturus Vari, Harold, Ortega, 1995:290 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Peru, Departamento Amazonas   GoogleMaps , Provincia Condorcanqui   GoogleMaps , Cordílera del Condor   GoogleMaps , upper Río Comainas, 20 m upriver of Puesto de Vigilancia N °. 22 (hereafter cited as PV 22) (3°56’30”S, 78°24’20”W). Holotype: MUSM 5667 .

Distribution: 313, 316 ( Vari et al., 1995).

Remarks: Very similar to C. amoenus , but not syntopic with it.

Creagrutus lassoi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus lassoi Vari, Harold, 2001:128 View in CoL , fig. 52. Type locality: Venezuela. Yaracuy: Rio Tupe, Rio Aroa drainage, approximately 12 km N of Aroa, on Highway   GoogleMaps 3 (10°30’19”N, 68°52’33”W). Holotype: INHS 60094 About INHS .

Distribution: 304 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus lepidus Vari, Harold, Lasso, Machado-Allison, 1993 View in CoL

Creagrutus lepidus Vari, Harold, Lasso, Machado-Allison, 1993:352 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Río Aroa   GoogleMaps basin, Quebrada El Charal, Finca El Jaguar, Sierra de Aroa, State of Yaracuy, Venezuela (approx. 10°32’N, 68°32’W). Holotype: MHNLS 9659 View Materials .

Distribution: 304 ( Vari et al., 1993).

Creagrutus machadoi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus machadoi Vari, Harold, 2001:134 View in CoL , fig. 54. Type locality: Venezuela. Bolivar: Departamento Cedeno, upper Rio Caura, Cano Yumucukena , within 4 km of its mouth. Holotype: MCNG 18852 View Materials .

Distribution: 308 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus maculosus Román-Valencia, García-Alzate , Ruiz-C., Taphorn B., 2010

Creagrutus maculosus Román-Valencia, García-Alzate , Ruiz-C., Taphorn B., 2010c:88, figs. 1–8. Type locality: Colombia : Meta State: Vista Hermosa municipality, Buenos Aires Village, Guadualito Creek   GoogleMaps drainage, 3°05’34”N, 73°51’53”W). Holotype: IUQ 2506 View Materials .

Distribution: 307 (Román-Valencia et al., 2010c).

Creagrutus magdalenae Eigenmann, 1913

Creagrutus magdalenae Eigenmann, 1913:8 View in CoL . Type locality: Girardot. Holotype: FMNH 56088.

Distribution: 302 (Harold, Vari , 1994).

Creagrutus magoi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus magoi Vari, Harold, 2001:137 View in CoL , fig. 55. Type locality: Venezuela. Bolivar. Rio Chaviripa, where crossed by bridge on road from Caicara to San Fernando de Atabapo   GoogleMaps (approximately 7°11’N, 66°18’W). Holotype: UF 80477 .

Distribution: 308 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus manu Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus manu Vari, Harold, 2001:140 View in CoL , fig. 56. Type locality: Peru. Madre de Dios: Provincia Manu View in CoL , Rio Manu View in CoL basin, Parque Nacional Manu, Quebrada Agua Clara View in CoL , first major View in CoL quebrada on trail 1 leading from Pakitza (approximately 11°57’S, 71°17’W). Holotype: MUSM 8867.

Distribution: 318 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus maracaiboensis (Schultz, 1944)

Creagrutops maracaiboensis Schultz, 1944:327 View in CoL , figs. 45–46. Type locality: Río Negro below mouth of Río Yasa. Holotype: USNM 121531 About USNM .

Distribution: 318 (Harold, Vari , 1994).

Creagrutus mariposa Ardila Rodríguez, 2021

Creagrutus mariposa Ardila Rodríguez, 2021:5 , fig. 1, 3A, 5A, 6A, 8A, 9A. Type locality: Colombia . Quebrada La Ruitoca (En Pozo Azul), Vereda del Valle de Ruitoque , 965 mnsm, afluente del río de Oro, cuenca alta del río Lebrija , cuenca del río Magdalena, municipio de Floridablanca, Departamento de Santander. Holotype: CAR 877.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2021).

Creagrutus martinezi Ardila Rodríguez, 2021

Creagrutus martinezi Ardila Rodríguez, 2021:12 , fig. 2C, 4B, 5D, 7B, 8D, 9D. Type locality: Colombia . Quebrada La Salitre , cuenca del río Magdalena, Municipio de San Vicente de Chucurí, Departamento de Santander. Holotype: CAR 905.

Distribution: 302 (Ardila Rodríguez, 2021).

Creagrutus maxillaris (Myers, 1927)

Creagrudite maxillaris Myers, 1927:118 . Type locality: Brazil: Sandbank on the Colombian border, Rio Negro, Cucuhy. Holotype: CAS 30419.

Distribution: 308, 314, 318 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus melanzonus Eigenmann, 1909

Creagrutus melanzonus Eigenmann, 1909a:30 View in CoL . Type locality: Crab Falls . [ Guyana]. Holotype: FMNH 52705 About FMNH .

Distribution: 310, 311 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus melasma Vari, Harold, Taphorn, 1994 View in CoL

Creagrutus melasma Vari, Harold, Taphorn, 1994:91 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Venezuela, Estado Guarico, Parque Nacional Guatopo, Río Orituco , first bridge along road from Santa Teresa to Altagracia. Holotype: MBUCV-V-22198.

Distribution: 304, 306, 307, 309 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus menezesi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus menezesi Vari, Harold, 2001:153 View in CoL , figs. 63–64. Type locality: Brazil. Goias: Rio Tocantins basin, Ribeirao Paranoa do Meio   GoogleMaps , at road crossing 11 air km NNE of Formosa (approximately 15°25’S, 47°18’W). Holotype: MZUSP 50544 View Materials .

Distribution: 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus meridionalis Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus meridionalis Vari, Harold, 2001:157 View in CoL , fig. 65. Type locality: Brazil. Mato Grosso: Ribeirao Chiqueirao (tributary of Rio Jangada that, in turn, drains into the Rio   GoogleMaps Cuiaba View in CoL ), approximately 21 km W of Jangada (latter locality at 15°14’S, 56°29’W) on road to Barra do Bugres   GoogleMaps , Municipio de Jangada.   GoogleMaps Holotype: MZUSP 50546 View Materials .

Distribution: 343 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus molinus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus molinus Vari, Harold, 2001:159 View in CoL , fig. 66. Type locality: Brazil. Mato Grosso: Rio Araguaia basin, riacho (small stream) tributary to Ribeirao Lajeadinho, Municipio de Alto Araguaia   GoogleMaps (approximately 17°19’S, 53°12’W). Holotype: MZUSP 41461 View Materials . [Holotype specimen was in the process of replacing its dentition in both the right dentary and premaxilla].

Distribution: 324 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus mucipu Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus mucipu Vari, Harold, 2001:162 View in CoL , fig. 68. Type locality: Brazil. Goias: Municipio de Minacu, Rio Tocantins, at port of Rubao   GoogleMaps (13°44’31”S, 48°08’29”W). Holotype: MCP 19511 View Materials .

Distribution: 322a, 324 (Meza-Vargas, 2014; Vari, Harold, 2001 ; Flausino, Lima, 2019:7).

Creagrutus muelleri (Günther, 1859)

Leporinus muelleri Günther, 1859:92 View in CoL . Type locality: Andes of Western Ecuador. Lectotype: BMNH 1858.7 .25.42 (82.5 mm SL). [Designated by Vari, Harold (2001:166) View in CoL ].

Distribution: 313, 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus nigrostigmatus Dahl, 1960

Creagrutus nigrostigmatus Dahl, 1960a:353 . Type locality: Colombia . Sucre: Tuloviejo, Cano Pechilín (approx. 9°31’N, 75°35’W). Neotype: ICN-MHN 989. [Designated by Harold, Vari (1994:10)].

Distribution: 302 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus nigrotaeniatus Dagosta, Pastana, 2014

Creagrutus nigrotaeniatus Dagosta, Pastana, 2014:572 , fig. 1–5. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Sapezal Municipality, rio Juruena, Bacia   GoogleMaps do rio Tapajós   GoogleMaps , ca. 12°50’59”S, 58°55’36”W. Holotype: LIRP 8967 View Materials .

Distribution: 320 (Dagosta, Pastana, 2014).

Creagrutus occidaneus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus occidaneus Vari, Harold, 2001:167 View in CoL , fig. 70. Type locality: Peru. Madre de Dios: Provincia Manu, Parque Nacional Manu, Pakitza View in CoL , beach along Rio Manu View in CoL close to mouth of Quebrada Pachija (approximately 11°57’S, 71°17’W). Holotype: MUSM 8869.

Distribution: 316, 318 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus ortegai Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus ortegai Vari, Harold, 2001:170 View in CoL , fig. 71. Type locality: Peru. San Martin: Provincia San Martin, Banda de Shilcayo, upper portions of Quebrada Choclin, tributary to Rio Huallaga   GoogleMaps , near town of Shapaja (latter locality at 6°36’S, 76°16’W). Holotype: MUSM 7498 .

Distribution: 316 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus ouranonastes Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus ouranonastes Vari, Harold, 2001:173 View in CoL , fig. 72. Type locality: Peru. Apurimac: Provincia Aymaraes, Rio Chalhuanca   GoogleMaps (approximately 14°01’S, 73°11’W). Holotype: MUSM 8872 .

Distribution: 312 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus paraguayensis Mahnert, Géry, 1988

Creagrutus paraguayensis Mahnert, Géry, 1988:5 View in CoL , figs. 4–5, Pl. 3. Type locality: Rio Azotey à Cororo, près de l’embouchure du Rio Ypané, prov. Concepcion, Paraguay. Holotype: MHNG 2386-1 View Materials .

Distribution: 343 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus paralacus Harold, Vari, 1994 View in CoL

Creagrutus paralacus Harold, Vari, 1994:13 View in CoL , fig. 8. Type locality: Venezuela. Tachira: Rio Catatumbo basin, Rio Táchira, 7 km N of San Antonio. Holotype: USNM 121504 About USNM .

Distribution: 303 (Harold, Vari , 1994).

Creagrutus pearsoni Mahnert, Géry, 1988

Creagrutus pearsoni Mahnert, Géry, 1988:5 View in CoL . Type locality: Popoi River, Upper Beni View in CoL . [ Bolivia]. Lectotype: CAS 62272. [Designated by Vari, Harold (2001:180) View in CoL ].

Piabina beni Pearson, 1924:45 View in CoL , Pl. 10 (fig. 5). Type locality: Popoi River, Upper Beni View in CoL . [ Bolivia]. Lectotype: CAS 62272. [Designated by Vari, Harold (2001:180) View in CoL ]. A secondary junior homonym of Creagrutus beni Eigenmann, 1911 View in CoL . Replaced by Creagrutus pearsoni Mahnert, Géry, 1988 View in CoL .

Distribution: 318, 319 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Remarks: Replacement for Piabina beni Pearson, 1924 .

Creagrutus peruanus (Steindachner, 1876)

Piabina peruana Steindachner, 1876b:596 View in CoL [46]. Type locality: Monterico. [ Peru]. Lectotype: NMW 19852 (87.0 mm SL). [Designated by Vari, Harold (2001:183) View in CoL ].

Creagrutus nasutus Günther, 1876:400 View in CoL . Type locality: Monterico, Peru. Lectotype: BMNH 1875.10.14.26 (78.9 mm SL). [Designated by Vari, Harold (2001:183) View in CoL ]. The species was described on the basis of specimens collected at the same type locality of its senior synonym, Creagrutus peruanus View in CoL .

Distribution: 312 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Remarks: Priority of Piabina peruana over Creagrutus nasutus given by date of publication (former is dated December 1875, but published in 1876 and latter is dated May, 1876.

Creagrutus petilus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus petilus Vari, Harold, 2001:184 View in CoL , fig. 78. Type locality: Brazil. Rondonia: Rio Marco Rondon, Pimenta Bueno   GoogleMaps (approximately 11°29’S, 61°12’W). Holotype: MNRJ 14807 View Materials .

Distribution: 321 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus phasma Myers, 1927

Creagrutus phasma Myers, 1927:117 View in CoL . Type locality: Venezuela: mouth of the Curamuni, Rio Cassiquiare. Lectotype: CAS 44210. [Designated by Vari, Harold (2001:188) View in CoL ].

Distribution: 308, 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus pila Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus pila Vari, Harold, 2001:189 View in CoL , fig. 80. Type locality: Peru. Ucayali: Provincia Padre Abad, Rio Huacamayo, km 155 on Highway (Carratera Federico Basadre) from Pucallpa to Tingo Maria. Holotype: MUSM 8874 .

Distribution: 317 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus planquettei Géry, Renno, 1989

Creagrutus planquettei Géry, Renno, 1989:1 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Crique Japigny, Arataye, affluent de l’Approuague en amont de Pierrette, Guyane. Holotype: MNHN 1989-0031 About MNHN .

Distribution: 311 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus provenzanoi Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus provenzanoi Vari, Harold, 2001:195 View in CoL , fig. 84. Type locality: Venezuela. Amazonas: Upper Rio Cataniapo basin, small cano above Sarama Sota. Holotype: MBUCV-V-14392.

Distribution: 308 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus runa Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus runa Vari, Harold, 2001:198 View in CoL , fig. 85. Type locality: Brazil. Amazonas   GoogleMaps : Rio Negro, Parana View in CoL do Jacare (approximately 0°30’S, 66°30’W). Holotype: MZUSP 29888 View Materials .

Distribution: 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus saxatilis Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus saxatilis Vari, Harold, 2001:200 View in CoL , fig. 86. Type locality: Brazil. Goias: Niquelandia, Rio Indaial, left bank tributary of Rio   GoogleMaps Maranhao, upper Rio   GoogleMaps Tocantins basin (14°12’S, 48°37’W). Holotype: MNRJ 14544 View Materials .

Distribution: 324 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus seductus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus seductus Vari, Harold, 2001:202 View in CoL , fig. 87. Type locality: Brazil. Mato Grosso: Upper Rio Araguaia basin, Corrego Fundo, Municipio de Barra do Garcas   GoogleMaps (approximately 15°53’S, 52°15’W). Holotype: MZUSP 51026 View Materials .

Distribution: 307, 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus taphorni Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus taphorni Vari, Harold, 2001:205 View in CoL , fig. 88. Type locality: Venezuela. Guarico: Rio Orituco, Parque Nacional Guatopo, first bridge along road from Santa Teresa to Altagracia. Holotype: MBUCV-V-29288.

Distribution: 307 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus tuyuka Vari, Lima, 2003 View in CoL

Creagrutus tuyuka Vari, Lima, 2003:583 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Tiquié   GoogleMaps , comunidade de Cachoeira Comprida, beach below the cachoeira (0°15’44”N, 70°01’05.2”W). Holotype: MZUSP 65679 View Materials .

Distribution: 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus ungulus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus ungulus Vari, Harold, 2001:209 View in CoL , fig. 89. Type locality: Peru. Madre de Dios: Provincia Manu, Quebrada Soga View in CoL , tributary of Rio Alto   GoogleMaps Madre de Dios, 1 km upstream from Erika (opposite Salvacion; approximately 12°53’S, 71°12’W). Holotype: MUSM 8878 .

Distribution: 318 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus varii Ribeiro, Benine, Figueiredo, 2004

Creagrutus varii Ribeiro, Benine, Figueiredo, 2004:598 , figs. 1–10. Type locality: Brazil: Goiás, Município de Catalão, Rio São Marcos basin (tributary of Rio Paranaíba   GoogleMaps basin), Córrego da Prata   GoogleMaps (17°47’26”S, 47°35’48”W). Holotype: LIRP 4342 View Materials .

Distribution: 344 (Ribeiro et al., 2004).

Creagrutus veruina Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus veruina Vari, Harold, 2001:213 View in CoL , fig. 91. Type locality: Venezuela. Amazonas: Rio Cataniapo, 200 m above Las Pavas. Holotype: MBUCV-V-29072.

Distribution: 308 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus vexillapinnus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus vexillapinnus Vari, Harold, 2001:215 View in CoL , fig. 92. Type locality: Brazil. Amazonas   GoogleMaps : Rio Negro, Cachoeira de Sao Gabriel (0°08’S, 67°05’W). Holotype: MZUSP 29894 View Materials .

Distribution: 308, 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus xiphos Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus xiphos Vari, Harold, 2001:218 View in CoL , fig. 93. Type locality: Venezuela. Bolivar: Sand bank along Rio Mato   GoogleMaps (7°02’N, 65°13’W). Holotype: ANSP 165815 About ANSP .

Distribution: 308 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).

Creagrutus yanatili Harold, Salcedo, 2010

Creagrutus yanatili Harold, Salcedo, 2010:378 , fig. 1. Type locality: Peru, Departamento de Cuzco, Provincia de La Convención, Río Urubamba   GoogleMaps (Ucayali Dr.), vicinity of Chaullay   GoogleMaps , 13°00’48”S, 72°38’31”W). MUSM 24082 .

Distribution: 312 (Harold, Salcedo, 2010).

Creagrutus yudja Netto-Ferreira, Moreira, 2018

Creagrutus yudja Netto-Ferreira, Moreira, 2018:251 , fig. 1. Type locality: Brazil, Pará   GoogleMaps , Altamira   GoogleMaps , Praia do Levi   GoogleMaps , Rio Iriri, Rio Xingu basin, 3°50’37”S, 52°44’03”W. Holotype: MNRJ 48662 View Materials .

Distribution: 322 (Netto-Ferreira, Moreira, 2018).

Creagrutus zephyrus Vari, Harold, 2001 View in CoL

Creagrutus zephyrus Vari, Harold, 2001:220 View in CoL , fig. 94. Type locality: Venezuela. Amazonas: Rio Casiquiare View in CoL , playa and backwater about 2 km downstream from mouth of Rio Pamoni   GoogleMaps (2°48’N, 65°57’W). Holotype: ANSP 161238 About ANSP .

Distribution: 307, 314 ( Vari, Harold, 2001 ).











Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M. 2024

Creagrutus tuyuka

Vari RP & Lima FCT 2003: 583

Creagrutus atratus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 66

Creagrutus barrigai

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 71

Creagrutus britskii

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 83

Creagrutus calai

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 85

Creagrutus changae

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 88

Creagrutus cracentis

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 93

Creagrutus crenatus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 95

Creagrutus ephippiatus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 98

Creagrutus figueiredoi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 101

Creagrutus flavescens

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 104

Creagrutus gracilis

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 111

Creagrutus gyrospilus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 113

Creagrutus holmi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 116

Creagrutus ignotus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 122

Creagrutus lassoi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 128

Creagrutus machadoi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 134

Creagrutus magoi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 137

Creagrutus manu

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 140

Creagrutus menezesi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 153

Creagrutus meridionalis

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 157

Creagrutus molinus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 159

Creagrutus mucipu

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 162

Leporinus muelleri Günther, 1859:92

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: )

Creagrutus occidaneus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 167

Creagrutus ortegai

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 170

Creagrutus ouranonastes

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 173

Creagrutus pearsoni Mahnert, Géry, 1988:5

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: )

Piabina peruana

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: )

Creagrutus petilus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 184

Creagrutus phasma

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: )

Creagrutus pila

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 189

Creagrutus provenzanoi

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 195

Creagrutus runa

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 198

Creagrutus saxatilis

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 200

Creagrutus seductus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 202

Creagrutus taphorni

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 205

Creagrutus ungulus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 209

Creagrutus veruina

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 213

Creagrutus vexillapinnus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 215

Creagrutus xiphos

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 218

Creagrutus zephyrus

Vari RP & Harold AS 2001: 220

Creagrutus kunturus

Vari RP & Harold AS & Ortega H. 1995: 290

Creagrutus melasma

Vari RP & Harold AS & Taphorn DC 1994: 91

Creagrutus paralacus Harold, Vari, 1994:13

Vari RP & Harold AS & Taphorn DC 1994: 13

Creagrutus lepidus

Vari RP & Harold AS & Lasso CA & Machado-Allison A. 1993: 352
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