Neobisium (Neobisium) tothi, Novák, 2017

Novák, János, 2017, Neobisium (N.) tothi sp. nov., a new species from Hungary and Romania, and first records of Neobisium (N.) noricum Beier, 1939 from Hungary (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae), Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (3), pp. 416-423 : 417-422

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1607-19

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scientific name

Neobisium (Neobisium) tothi

sp. nov.

Family Neobisiidae Chamberlin, 1930 View in CoL Genus Neobisium Chamberlin, 1930 Neobisium (Neobisium) tothi sp. nov.

Figures 1A–1I View Figure 1

Type material. Holotype male ( KFM Pseud-66), Hungary, Révleányvár , Motolla, 30.10.1993, leg.: G. Hegyessy. Paratypes: 1 male ( HNHM Pseud-1878), Romania, Salaj County, Tusa (Tuszatelke), Ponor , 47°00.717′N, 22°44.525′E, 830 m a.s.l., pasture and fern ( Pteridium aquilinum ), 02.10.2014, leg.: Z. Bálint, L. Dányi, G. Katona, D. Murányi GoogleMaps ; 1 female ( KFM Pseud-67) Hungary, Sátoraljaújhely, Sátor-hegy, date not recorded, leg.: G. Hegyessy.

Etymology. This species is named for László Tóth, my first biology teacher, who greatly inspired me to become a biologist.

Distribution: This species has been found in northeastern Hungary and northwestern Transylvania, Romania.

Diagnosis. Palpal femur 3.59–4.17 times longer than wide, basodorsal face and basal two-thirds of the lateral face of femur finely granulate, chelal fingers 1.38–1.52 times longer than hand (with pedicel), chelal length with pedicel 1.04–1.23 mm, fixed chelal finger 0.64–0.73 mm long; movable chelal finger with 48–62 continuous and relatively similar teeth, fixed chelal finger with 58–62 teeth, 2–4 small teeth situated between two large teeth in distal half of the fixed chelal finger; distance between chelal trichobothria ib and ist 1.95–2.10 times as long as between ist and it.

Description. Small-sized epigean pseudoscorpion. Carapace and tergites darker, other body parts lighter yellowish-brown. Measurements and ratios as in the Table.

Carapace. Approximately as long as broad, surface smooth ( Figure 1A View Figure 1 ). Epistome small, topless, and normally triangular ( Figures 1A and 1B View Figure 1 ), rudimentary in male paratype ( Figure 1C View Figure 1 ). Two pairs of eyes with lenses, posterior pair slightly smaller than anterior pair. Two pairs of slitlike lyrifissures in ocular region and two near posterior margin. One pair of preocular setae present. Setal formula: m 4m: 6–7: 6: 3–4 (total 22–23 with preocular setae).

Coxal area. Pedipalpal coxa with 5 acuminate setae on manducatory process, plus 7–9 additional setae; coxae I–IV with setal formula 4–6: 5–8: 5–6: 5–8. Coxa I with long, triangular, and apically pointed anterolateral process; medial process rounded, with denticles ( Figure 1D View Figure 1 ).

Opisthosoma. Pleural membrane granulostriate. Chaetotaxy of sternites IV–X: 8–12: 10: 10–12: 10–12: 11–12: 8–12: 8–12. Chaetotaxy of tergites I–X: 6–7: 7–8: 8–10: 8–10: 7–9: 8–10: 8–9: 8–10: 7–9: 8–9. Tergite XI with 12–14 setae, 6 of them tactile. Anal cone bears 2 ventral and 2 dorsal short setae. Male genital region: sternite II with 6–8 small setae, sternite III with 22–26 setae, of which 10–11 along posterior margin; 3 + 3 internal genital setae in male opening. Female genital region: sternite II with 6 short setae, sternite III with 8 small setae situated in a row.

Chelicera ( Figure 1E View Figure 1 ). Hand with 6–7 setae. Galeal seta situated submedially, 0.56–0.64× from the base of movable finger. Spinneret as a prominent hyaline tubercle with 6–7 silk ducts. Fixed and movable fingers respectively with 12– 14 and 8–10 small and medium-sized teeth. Rallum with 8 blades, anterior margins of 2 distal blades finely pinnate, the most proximal blade enlarged basally and distinctly separated from the next blades. Serrula interior with 23– 25 blades, serrula exterior with 22–25 blades.

Pedipalp ( Figure 1F View Figure 1 ). Patella and chela entirely smooth, basodorsal face and basal two-thirds of the lateral face of femur finely granulate. Trochanter partly granulate, with tubercle. Femur 3.59–4.17, patella 2.27–2.55 times longer than broad. Chela slender and with markedly curved fingers in dorsal view ( Figure 1G View Figure 1 ). Pedicel of chela with 2 dorsal micropores. Movable chelal finger 1.38–1.52 times longer than hand (with pedicel). Fixed chelal finger with 58–62 close-set teeth of unequal length; on the distal half of the finger, usually 2–4 normal-sized teeth between 2 larger teeth. Movable chelal finger with 48–62 rounded teeth, dental line ending slightly distal to trichobothrium b. Trichobothria of chelal fingers situated as in Figure 1G View Figure 1 . Distance between trichobothria ib and ist 1.95–2.10 times as long as between ist and it. Base of fixed chelal finger with 2 microsetae situated distal to trichobothria eb and esb, and 3–4 further setae between them and isb.

Legs ( Figures 1H and 1I View Figure 1 ). Surfaces smooth. Simple and smooth claws, arolia shorter than claws. Subterminal seta of telotarsus IV with a single serrate ramus. Tibia IV with a medial (TS = 0.42), basitarsus IV with a basal (TS = 0.12), and telotarsus IV with a submedial (TS = 0.33) tactile seta.

Remarks. Neobisium tothi is most similar to N. carcinoides ; however, it differs from all other Neobisium species having similar chelal dentition in the granulation of the palpal femur. In N. carcinoides (Hermann, 1804) , N. minimum (Beier, 1928) , N. carinthiacum Beier, 1939 , and N. hermanni Beier, 1938 , an additional difference is the absence of a definite epistome, while it is normally present in N. tothi . However, it is worth mentioning that in N. carcinoides , there was also observed a somewhat smaller topless epistome ( Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1992). Furthermore, the femora of N. carinthiacum (0.90 mm) and N. hermanni (0.93 mm) are longer than in the new species (0.60–0.72 mm). Neobisium tothi differs from N. noricum by the relative length of the chelal finger (1.18–1.30× longer than hand with pedicel in N. noricum , and 1.38–1.52× in N. tothi ) and the position of the chelal trichobothrium ist (distance between ib and ist 2.81–3.00 times as long as between ist and it in N. noricum and 1.95– 2.10 times in N. tothi ), and from N. jugorum (L. Koch, 1873) in the length/width ratio of the patella (2.8–3.0× in N. jugorum and 2.27–2.44× in N. tothi ). Besides the granulation of the femur, N. tothi can be distinguished from N. carpaticum Beier, 1935 by the absence of the large middle tooth on the movable cheliceral finger. The new species differs from N. granulatum Beier, 1937 , N. granulosum Beier, 1963 , and N. simile (L. Koch, 1873) in palpal measurement data and proportions, e.g., pedipalpal femur length is 0.98–1.17 mm in N. granulatum , 0.87 mm in N. granulosum , and 1–1.10 mm in N. simile , as well as in the chelal dentition (in contrast to N. tothi , the three abovementioned species have teeth on the fixed chelal finger of equal length) ( Beier, 1963).

Neobisium tothi has been collected from hilly and lower montane regions of Hungary and Romania ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ). Unfortunately, we do not have much data regarding the habitats of the species.

Neobisium (Neobisium) noricum Beier, 1939 View in CoL

Figures 3A–3D View Figure 3

Type material: holotype: 1 male, Pfandlscharte (2500 m a.s.l.), High Tauern , 05.08.1925. Leg : Petz, Nr. 6442, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz, Austria (not investigated) .

Material examined: 1 female ( HNHM Pseud-1680), Hungary, Kőszeg, Hörmann-spring , 47°21.100′N, 16°28.245′E, mixed forest of fir and deciduous trees, 757 m a.s.l., leaf litter, sifting, 13.10.2014, leg.: K. Dózsa-Farkas GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 6 females ( HNHM Pseud-1880), Kőszeg , 47°22.121′N, 16°28.027′E, beech forest, 560 m a.s.l., leaf litter, sifting, 13.10.2014, leg.: K. Dózsa-Farkas GoogleMaps ; 1 female ( HNHM Pseud-1879), Sopron, next to Tolvajárok , sifting, 24.08.1944, leg.: E. Dudich.

Description. Small-sized epigean pseudoscorpions. All body parts yellowish-brown, carapace and tergites just slightly darker than other parts. Measurements and ratios as in the Table.

Carapace surface smooth, approximately as long as broad, with small, triangular, and topless epistome ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ). Two pairs of eyes, each with lenses; 2–3 pairs

NOVÁK / Turk J Zool of slitlike lyrifissures in ocular region (in one specimen, 5 lyrifissures), and two pairs near posterior margin. One pair of preocular setae present. Setal formula: m 4m: 6: 6: 4–5 (total 22–23 with preocular setae) .

Coxal area. Pedipalpal coxa with 4–5 setae on manducatory process, plus 7–10 additional setae; coxae I– IV with setal formula: 5–7: 6–10: 6–9: 8–10. Coxa I with long, triangular, and apically pointed anterolateral process; medial process rounded, with denticles.

Opisthosoma. Pleural membrane granulostriate. Chaetotaxy of tergites I–XI: 6: 8: 9–10: 8–10: 8: 8–10: 8–10: 8–10: 8–10: 8: 10–14; tergite XI with 6 tactile setae. Chaetotaxy of sternites IV–X: 12–15: 10–14: 12–15: 11–16: 10–15: 10–14: 10–14. Male genital region: sternite II with 6 small setae, sternite III with 23–25 setae, 12–14 of them along posterior margin, 4 + 4 internal genital setae in male opening. Female genital region: sternite II with 6–10 small setae, sternite III with 12–15 small setae situated in a row. Anal cone with 2 ventral and 2 dorsal setae.

Chelicera ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ). Hand usually with 6 setae (5 in exceptional cases). Galeal seta situated 0.63–0.65× from base of movable finger. Spinneret as a prominent hyaline tubercle with 7–10 silk ducts. Fixed and movable chelal fingers respectively with 19–22 and 10–16 small and medium-sized teeth. Rallum with 8 blades, the 2 distalmost finely pinnate on anterior face. Basis of first blade enlarged, and it is separated from the proceeding one. Serrula interior with 25–29 blades, serrula exterior with 23–28 blades.

Pedipalp ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ). Surfaces smooth. Trochanter with tubercle. Femur 3.78–4.06, patella 2.17–2.50 times longer than broad. Chela ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ) slender and with markedly curved fingers. Pedicel of chela with 5 dorsal micropores. Chelal fingers 1.18–1.30 times longer than hand (with pedicel). Fixed chelal finger with 56–71 close-set teeth of unequal length; on the distal half of the finger usually 2–5 normal-sized teeth between two larger teeth. Movable chelal finger with 54–69 rounded teeth, dental line ending slightly distal to trichobothrium b. Trichobothria of chelal fingers situated as in Figure 3D View Figure 3 . Distance between trichobothria ib and ist 2.81–3.00 times as long as between ist and it. Base of fixed chelal finger with 4–5 microsetae situated distal to trichobothria eb and esb, and 2–3 further setae between them and isb ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ).

Legs. Surfaces smooth. Simple and smooth claws, arolia on all legs shorter than claws. Subterminal seta of telotarsus IV with a single serrate ramus. Tibia IV with a medial, basitarsus IV with a basal, and telotarsus IV with a submedial tactile seta.

Remarks. Neobisium noricum was described by Beier (1939) from Pfandlscharte in the High Tauern, Austria. The single male holotype was found in humus and deposited in the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum (Linz, Austria). A second specimen was found near the type locality at

NOVÁK / Turk J Zool

Grossglockner Mountain by Bergthaler and Rèlys (2002), but no detailed morphological information was provided. As it was collected with a suction sampler, it may have been present on the soil surface or among detritus. Furthermore , in the collection of the Natural History Museum of Vienna ( Austria), there are additional N. noricum specimens from Carinthia, Austria. According to the database of the collection, this material was determined by Beier but was not published. The data of these materials are as follows: No. 26310: Carinthia, Maria-Wörth, 08.07.1967, leg.: Strouhal H. ; No. 26311: Carinthia, Eisenkappel-Vellach , 1900 m a.s.l., 01.10.1947, leg.: Schwieger H. ; No. 26312: 4 ad., Carinthia, Eisenkappel-Vellach, Jovanberg , 1450 m, 25.06.1950 , leg: Scheerpeltz O.; No. 26313: 1 ad., Eisenkappel-Vellach, Vellach Valley , 08.07.1950, leg.: Scheerpeltz O. ; No. 26314: 6 ad., Hüttenberg , 18.07.1959 , leg: Strouhal H.; No. 26317: 3 ad., Carinthia, Southern Koralpe , 1100 m a.s.l., 05.10.1970, leg.: Kreissl.

The new specimens from Hungary were found in the westernmost part of the country, near the Austrian border, at the Soproni (Ödenburger) and Kőszegi (Günsner) Mountains ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ). These two mountains are part of the Noricum biogeographical region and their fauna is under strong Alpine influence ( Varga, 1964). In other soildwelling groups, mountain species with Alpine affinities are also represented in these two mountains, including the earthworms Aporrectodea sineporis (Omodeo, 1952) and Dendrobaena vejdovskyi (Černosvitov, 1935) ( Csuzdi and Zicsi, 2003) , and the enchytraeid Fridericia discifera Healy, 1975 (Klára Dózsa-Farkas, personal communication).

The original description of N. noricum was rather brief and contained only a single illustration of the pedipalpal dorsal aspect ( Beier, 1939). Subsequently, an abridged description and the same figure were published by Beier (1963), but no other description exists for this species in the literature. A more comprehensive description and illustrations of the species has been prepared on the basis of 2 males and 8 females collected from Hungary. Additionally, a few intraspecific variations of some morphological and morphometric characters are given. The new specimens correspond well with the descriptions of Beier (1939, 1963), but naturally they show greater variation in measurements and morphometric ratios, and in the number of chelal teeth. Until recently, N. noricum was considered an endemic species with a small area


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Neobisium (Neobisium) tothi

Novák, János 2017

Neobisium (Neobisium) noricum

Beier 1939
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