Ascoschoengastia audyi ( Womersley, 1952 )

Stekolnikov, Alexandr A., 2021, A checklist of chigger mites (Acariformes: Trombiculidae) of Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 4913 (1), pp. 1-163 : 72

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Plazi (2021-01-19 08:10:39, last updated 2024-11-25 18:48:34)

scientific name

Ascoschoengastia audyi ( Womersley, 1952 )


Ascoschoengastia audyi ( Womersley, 1952)

Schoengastia (Ascoschoengastia) audyi Womersley, 1952: 205 , pls. 54 (A–E), 57 (D).

Euschoengastia audyi: Radford 1954: 264 ; Chen & Hsu 1958a: 410; Chen et al. 1958: 390, figs. 9–15.

Euschoengastia (Laurentella) audyi: Audy 1956a: 10 .

Ascoschoengastia (Laurentella) audyi: Audy 1957: 261 ; Womersley & Audy 1957: 279; Domrow 1957b: 399 (nymph); Lakshana 1973: 16; Chau et al. 2007: 109, fig. 51.

Laurentella audyi: Schluger et al. 1960a: 180 , fig. 7.

Ascoschoengastia (Ascoschoengastia) audyi: Vercammen-Grandjean 1965b: 90 ; 1968b: 93; Mohd Zain et al. 2015: tab. 1.

Ascoschoengastia audyi: Nadchatram 1972: 193 ; Wen 1984b: 313; Li et al. 1997: 370, fig. 2-27-3; Chaisiri et al. 2016: 329; Antonovskaia et al. 2017: 39.

Type deposition. No data.

Type data. Ex Rattus tanezumi (syn. Rattus rattus khyensis ), S Burma, Prome.

Hosts. RODENTIA : Bandicota indica , Callosciurus adamsi , C. caniceps , C. erythraeus , C. erythraeus castaneoventris , C. nigrovittatus , C. notatus , C. notatus miniatus , C. prevostii , Dremomys everetti , Exilisciurus whiteheadi , Hylopetes phayrei , Iomys horsfieldii , Lariscus insignis , Lenothrix canus , Leopoldamys sabanus , Maxomys alticola , M. rajah , M. surifer , M. whiteheadi , Menetes berdmorei , Niviventer niviventer , Rattus andamanensis , R. argentiventer , R. exulans , R. losea , R. nitidus , R. norvegicus , R. rattus , R. tanezumi , R. tiomanicus , Rhinosciurus laticaudatus , Sundamys annandalei , S. muelleri , Sundasciurus lowii , S. tenuis , Tamiops mcclellandi ; DERMOPTERA : Galeopterus variegatus ; ERINACEOMORPHA : Hylomys suillus ; SCANDENTIA : Ptilocercus lowii , Tupaia glis , T. minor , T. tana ; AVES: Centropus sinensis .

Distribution. Burma, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam.

Antonovskaia, A. A., Lopatina, Y. V. & Nguen, V. H. (2017) The infestation of small mammals in south-eastern Vietnam with harvest mites (Acari: Trombiculidae). Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni, 1, 36 - 43.

Audy, J. R. (1956 a) Laurentella, a new subgenus of Trombiculid Mites, with notes on biology and medical importance. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, 28, 5 - 26.

Chaisiri, K., Stekolnikov, A. A., Makepeace, B. L. & Morand, S. (2016) A revised checklist of chigger mites (Acari: Trombiculidae) from Thailand, with the description of three new species. Journal of Medical Entomology, 53, 321 - 342. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jme / tjv 244

Chau, N. V., Hien, D. S. & Van, N. T. (2007) Fauna of Vietnam. 16. Trombiculidae-Acarina, Siphonaptera. Science and Technics Publishing House, Ha Noi, 209 pp.

Chen, H. T. & Hsu, P. K. (1958 a) Species of trombiculid larvae and their distribution. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 10, 404 - 415. [in Chinese]

Domrow, R. (1957 b) Malaysian Parasites-XXXI. Nymphs of Ascoschoengastia Ewing and Laurentella Audy (Acarina, Trombiculidae). Studies from the Institute for Medical Research, Federation of Malaya, 28, 394 - 402.

Lakshana, P. (1973) A checklist of the trombiculid mites of Thailand (Prostigmata: Trombiculidae). US Army Medical Component, SEATO, Bangkok, 45 pp.

Li, J., Wang, D. & Chen, X. (1997) Trombiculid mites of China: Studies on vector and pathogen of tsutsugamushi disease. Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou, 570 pp. [in Chinese]

Mohd Zain, S. N., Syed Khalil Amdan, S. A., Braima, K. A., Abdul-Aziz, N. M., Wilson, J. J., Sithambaran, P. & Jeffery, J. (2015) Ectoparasites of murids in peninsular Malaysia and their associated diseases. Parasites & Vectors, 8, 254. https: // doi. org / 10.1186 / s 13071 - 015 - 0850 - 1

Nadchatram, M. (1972) The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967. 9. A collection of chiggers from Gunong Benom (Prostigmata; Trombiculidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 23, 189 - 198.

Radford, C. D. (1954) The larval genera and species of harvest mites (Acarina: Trombiculidae). Parasitology, 44, 247 - 276. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0031182000018898

Schluger, E. G., Grochovskaja, I. M., Ngu, D. V., Hoe, N. X. & Tung, D. K. (1960 a) Fauna of the chiggers (Acariformes, Trombiculidae) of North Viet-Nam. Parazitologicheskiy Sbornik Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 19, 169 - 193. [in Russian]

Vercammen-Grandjean, P. H. (1965 b) Trombiculinae of the world. Synopsis with generic, subgeneric, and group diagnoses (Acarina, Trombiculidae). George Williams Hooper Foundation, University of California, San Francisco, California, 191 pp.

Vercammen-Grandjean, P. H. (1968 b) The chigger mites of the Far East (Acarina: Trombiculidae & Leeuwenhoekiidae). U. S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Washington, D. C., 135 pp.

Womersley, H. (1952) The scrub-typhus and scrub-itch mites (Trombiculidae, Acarina) of the Asiatic-Pacific region. Records of the South Australian Museum, 10, 1 - 435.

Womersley, H. & Audy, J. R. (1957) Malaysian Parasites-XXVII. The Trombiculidae (Acarina) of the Asiatic-Pacific Region: A revised and annotated list of the species in Womersley, 1952, with descriptions of larvae and nymphs. Studies from the Institute for Medical Research, Federation of Malaya, 28, 231 - 296.















