Gahrliepia fletcheri Gater, 1932

Stekolnikov, Alexandr A., 2021, A checklist of chigger mites (Acariformes: Trombiculidae) of Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 4913 (1), pp. 1-163 : 54

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Plazi (2021-01-19 08:10:39, last updated 2024-11-25 18:48:34)

scientific name

Gahrliepia fletcheri Gater, 1932


Gahrliepia fletcheri Gater, 1932 View in CoL

Gahrliepia fletcheri Gater, 1932: 161 View in CoL , fig. 9; Womersley & Heaslip 1943: 140, pl. XIII (3).

Gateria fletcheri: Thor & Willmann 1947: 339 , fig. 405; Fuller 1952: 218; Gunther 1952: 47; Wharton & Fuller 1952: 93; Radford 1954: 270, fig. 105.

Gahrliepia (Gateria) fletcheri: Womersley 1952: 311 View in CoL , pl. 83 (F–H); Vercammen-Grandjean 1968b: 116.

Gahrliepia (Gahrliepia) fletcheri: Traub & Morrow 1955: 55 View in CoL , figs. 159–166; Audy 1957: 273; Womersley & Audy 1957: 285; Nadchatram 1972: 194; Lakshana 1973: 22; Ahamad et al. 2013: 140; Mohd Zain et al. 2015: tab. 1.

Gahrliepia fletcheri: Fernandes & Kulkarni 2003: 409 View in CoL , fig. 134; Chaisiri et al. 2016: 333.

Gateria spinulosa Radford, 1946b: 252 , figs. 11, 12; Gunther 1952: 48; Radford 1954: 270.

Type deposition. G. fletcheri: BMNH 1932.7.18.22; G. spinulosa: BMNH 1948.2.3.14.

Type data. G. fletcheri View in CoL : ex Rattus tanezumi View in CoL (syn. Rattus rattus diardii ), Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; G. spinulosa : ex Suncus murinus View in CoL (syn. Suncus caeruleus fulvocinereus ), India, Manipur State, Imphal.

Hosts. RODENTIA : Berylmys bowersi , Callosciurus caniceps concolor , Lenothrix canus , Leopoldamys sabanus , Maxomys surifer , Rattus argentiventer , R. exulans , R. rattus , R. tanezumi , Rhinosciurus laticaudatus , Sundamys muelleri ; SORICOMORPHA : Suncus murinus ; SCANDENTIA : Tupaia glis , T. minor ; CHIROPTERA : Hipposideros cervinus .

Distribution. Burma, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand.

Ahamad, M., Ibrahim, H., Bujang, M. K., Sah, S. A. M., Mohamad, N., Nor, S. M., Ahmad, A. H. & Ho, T. M. (2013) A survey of acarine ectoparasites of bats (Chiroptera) in Malaysia. Journal of Medical Entomology, 50, 140 - 146. https: // doi. org / 10.1603 / ME 11240

Chaisiri, K., Stekolnikov, A. A., Makepeace, B. L. & Morand, S. (2016) A revised checklist of chigger mites (Acari: Trombiculidae) from Thailand, with the description of three new species. Journal of Medical Entomology, 53, 321 - 342. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jme / tjv 244

Fernandes S. J., S. & Kulkarni, S. M. (2003) Studies on the trombiculid mite fauna of India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper, 212, 1 - 539.

Fuller, H. S. (1952) The mite-larvae of the family Trombiculidae in the Oudemans collection: taxonomy and medical importance. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 18, 1 - 261.

Gater, B. A. R. (1932) Malayan trombidiid larvae, part I. (Acarina: Trombidiidae) with descriptions of seventeen new species. Parasitology, 24, 143 - 174. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0031182000020515

Gunther, C. E. M. (1952) A check list of the trombiculid larvae of Asia and Australasia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 77, 1 - 60.

Lakshana, P. (1973) A checklist of the trombiculid mites of Thailand (Prostigmata: Trombiculidae). US Army Medical Component, SEATO, Bangkok, 45 pp.

Mohd Zain, S. N., Syed Khalil Amdan, S. A., Braima, K. A., Abdul-Aziz, N. M., Wilson, J. J., Sithambaran, P. & Jeffery, J. (2015) Ectoparasites of murids in peninsular Malaysia and their associated diseases. Parasites & Vectors, 8, 254. https: // doi. org / 10.1186 / s 13071 - 015 - 0850 - 1

Nadchatram, M. (1972) The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967. 9. A collection of chiggers from Gunong Benom (Prostigmata; Trombiculidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 23, 189 - 198.

Radford, C. D. (1946 b) New species of larval mites (Acarina, Trombiculidae) from Manipur State, India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 116, 247 - 265. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1946. tb 00122. x

Radford, C. D. (1954) The larval genera and species of harvest mites (Acarina: Trombiculidae). Parasitology, 44, 247 - 276. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0031182000018898

Thor, S. & Willmann, C. (1947) Acarina. Trombidiidae. In: Schulze, F. E., K ʾ kenthal, W. & Heider, K. (Eds.), Das Tierreich. Vol. 71 b. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, pp. 187 - 544. https: // doi. org / 10.1515 / 9783111625423

Traub, R. & Morrow, M. L. (1955) A revision of the chiggers of the subgenus Gahrliepia (Acarina: Trombiculidae). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 128, 1 - 89.

Vercammen-Grandjean, P. H. (1968 b) The chigger mites of the Far East (Acarina: Trombiculidae & Leeuwenhoekiidae). U. S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Washington, D. C., 135 pp.

Wharton, G. W. & Fuller, H. S. (1952) A manual of the chiggers. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, 4, 1 - 185.

Womersley, H. & Heaslip, W. G. (1943) The Trombiculinae (Acarina) or itch-mites of the Austro-Malayan and Oriental regions. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 67, 68 - 142.

Womersley, H. (1952) The scrub-typhus and scrub-itch mites (Trombiculidae, Acarina) of the Asiatic-Pacific region. Records of the South Australian Museum, 10, 1 - 435.

Womersley, H. & Audy, J. R. (1957) Malaysian Parasites-XXVII. The Trombiculidae (Acarina) of the Asiatic-Pacific Region: A revised and annotated list of the species in Womersley, 1952, with descriptions of larvae and nymphs. Studies from the Institute for Medical Research, Federation of Malaya, 28, 231 - 296.













