Trombiculinae Ewing, 1929

Stekolnikov, Alexandr A., 2021, A checklist of chigger mites (Acariformes: Trombiculidae) of Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 4913 (1), pp. 1-163 : 40-49

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Plazi (2021-01-19 08:10:39, last updated 2024-11-25 18:48:34)

scientific name

Trombiculinae Ewing, 1929


Subfamily Trombiculinae Ewing, 1929

Tribe Schoengastiini Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Genus Ascoschoengastia Ewing, 1946

Ascoschoengastia audyi ( Womersley, 1952)

Ascoschoengastia calcar Nadchatram and Domrow, 1964

Ascoschoengastia canus Domrow, 1962

Ascoschoengastia ctenacarus Domrow, 1962

Ascoschoengastia daria (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Ascoschoengastia dentata Nadchatram and Domrow, 1964

Ascoschoengastia globosa Nadchatram and Domrow, 1964

Ascoschoengastia gressitti Nadchatram and Domrow, 1964

Ascoschoengastia indica (Hirst, 1915)

= Ascoschoengastia monteli André, 1954

= Trombicula muris Walch, 1922

Ascoschoengastia indicella (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Ascoschoengastia kittii Domrow and Nadchatram, 1964

Ascoshoengastia krishnani Nadchatram and Domrow, 1964

Ascoschoengastia leechi Domrow, 1962

Ascoschoengastia malayensis ( Gater, 1932)

Ascoschoengastia lorius ( Gunther, 1939)

Ascoschoengastia montana Yu, Yang and Chen, 1980

Ascoschoengastia ocellifera (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Ascoschoengastia octavia Domrow, 1962

Ascoschoengastia roluis (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Ascoschoengastia rousetti Goff, 1981

Ascoschoengastia sellnicki Audy and Womersley, 1957

Ascoschoengastia soekaboemiensis ( Takekawa, 1945)

Ascoschoengastia tafia Nadchatram and Domrow, 1964

Genus Bishoplinia Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1965

Bishoplinia wilsoni Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1965

Genus Cheladonta Lipovsky, Crossley and Loomis, 1955

Cheladonta gouldi Lakshana, 1969

Cheladonta neda Schluger et al., 1960

Genus Doloisia Oudemans, 1910

Subgenus Doloisia Oudemans, 1910

Doloisia (Doloisia) alata Schluger et al., 1961

Doloisia (Doloisia) fulminans Schluger et al., 1961

Doloisia (Doloisia) hooperi Domrow and Nadchatram, 1962

Doloisia (Doloisia) nasicola Domrow and Nadchatram, 1962

Subgenus Traubacarus Audy and Nadchatram, 1957

Doloisia (Traubacarus) alticola (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) brachypus (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) browningi (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) domrowi (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) gigantea ( Schluger et al., 1961)

= Doloisia outoensis Chen and Hsu, 1965

Doloisia (Traubacarus) hamata Domrow and Nadchatram, 1962

Doloisia (Traubacarus) harrisoni (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) intermedia (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) jadini (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) manipurensis (Radford, 1946)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) owenevansi (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) varmai (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Doloisia (Traubacarus) vercammeni (Audy and Nadchatram, 1957)

Genus Farrellioides Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Farrellioides consuetum ( Womersley, 1952) , comb. nov.

Farrellioides nakatae (Nadchatram and Traub, 1964) , comb. nov.

Farrellioides striatum (Nadchatram and Traub, 1964) , comb. nov.

Genus Guntheria Womersley, 1939

Subgenus Phyllacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967

Guntheria (Phyllacarus) bushlandi ( Philip, 1947) , comb. nov.

Guntheria (Phyllacarus) crinita ( Womersley, 1952)

Guntheria (Phyllacarus) mohri ( Womersley, 1952)

Guntheria (Phyllacarus) philippensis (Philip and Woodward, 1946)

Genus Helenicula Audy, 1954

Helenicula comata ( Womersley, 1952)

Helenicula consonensis Hadi and Carney 1977

Helenicula globularis ( Walch, 1927)

Helenicula kohlsi (Philip and Woodward, 1946)

= Helenicula hongkongensis Womersley, 1957

Helenicula lanius (Radford, 1946)

= Neoschoengastia covelli Radford, 1953

Helenicula longipoda Nadchatram and Traub, 1971

Helenicula mutabilis ( Gater, 1932)

Helenicula naresuani Stekolnikov, 2016

Helenicula pilosa ( Abonnenc and Taufflieb, 1957)

Helenicula scanloni Domrow and Nadchatram, 1964

Helenicula selvana Schluger et al., 1960

Helenicula signata ( Womersley, 1952)

Helenicula simena ( Hsu and Chen, 1957)

Helenicula ungkomari Nadchatram and Traub, 1971

Genus Herpetacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Subgenus Abonnencia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Herpetacarus (Abonnencia) cadigani Nadchatram and Kethley, 1974

Herpetacarus (Abonnencia) leprochaeta Nadchatram and Kethley, 1974

Subgenus Cricacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1966

Herpetacarus (Cricacarus) thompsoni (Domrow, 1962)

Genus Kayella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Kayella masta ( Traub and Sundermeyer, 1950) , comb. nov.

Kayella novita ( Audy and Womersley, 1957)

Genus Mackiena Traub and Evans, 1950

Mackiena empodiformis Traub and Evans, 1950

Genus Neoschoengastia Ewing, 1929

Neoschoengastia americana ( Hirst, 1921)

= Neoschoengastia entomyza Womersley 1952

Neoschoengastia gallinarum ( Hatori, 1920)

Neoschoengastia hexasternosetosa (Chen and Hsu, 1958)

Neoschoengastia longipes Nadchatram, 1967

Neoschoengastia longitarsalis Schluger and Belskaya, 1966

Neoschoengastia posekanyi Wharton and Hardcastle, 1946

= Schoengastia (Ascoschoengastia) rectangulare Womersley 1952

= Neoschoengastia struthidia Womersley 1952

Neoschoengastia salmi ( Oudemans, 1922)

Neoschoengastia solitus Nadchatram, 1967

Neoschoengastia solomonis Wharton and Hardcastle, 1946

Neoschoengastia stekolnikovi ( Kalúz, 2016) , comb. nov.

Neoschoengastia thomasi (Radford, 1946)

Neoschoengastia vietnamensis Kalúz, 2016

Genus Ornithogastia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Ornithogastia riversi ( Wharton and Hardcastle, 1946)

Genus Parascoschoengastia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Parascoschoengastia heynemani (Nadchatram and Upham, 1966)

Parascoschoengastia monticola ( Wharton and Hardcastle, 1946)

Genus Riedlinia Oudemans, 1914

Riedlinia lipoxena ( Womersley, 1952)

Genus Schoengastia Oudemans, 1910

Schoengastia baguioensis Brown and Goff, 1988

Schoengastia crossi Nadchatram and Wooster, 1985

Schoengastia huxsolli Nadchatram, Goff and Thanalukshumi, 1980

Schoengastia kanhaensis Mitchell and Nadchatram, 1966

Schoengastia obtusispura Wang, 1962

Schoengastia palmata Domrow, 1962

Schoengastia propria Audy and Womersley, 1957

Schoengastia pseudoschuffneri ( Walch, 1927)

Schoengastia psorakari Nadchatram and Gentry, 1964

Schoengastia schuffneri ( Walch, 1922)

= Schoengastia katonis Womersley and Heaslip, 1943

= Schoengastia pusilla Womersley, 1944

Schoengastia sulawesiensis Goff, Durden and Whitaker, 1986

Schoengastia vandersandei ( Oudemans, 1905)

= Schoengastia blestowei Gunther, 1939

= Schoengastia blestowei var. megapodius Womersley and Heaslip, 1943

Schoengastia vieta Gater, 1932

= Schoengastia maldiviensis Radford, 1946

Genus Schoutedenichia Jadin and Vercammen-Grandjean, 1954

Subgenus Schoutedenichia Jadin and Vercammen-Grandjean, 1954

Schoutedenichia (Schoutedenichia) bisetosa Domrow, 1962

Schoutedenichia (Schoutedenichia) centralkwangtunga (Mo, Chen, Ho and Li, 1959)

= Schoutedenichia alongensis Schluger et al., 1960

Schoutedenichia (Schoutedenichia) trisetosa Upham and Nadchatram, 1968

Schoutedenichia (Schoutedenichia) vercammeni Audy, 1956

Genus Susa Audy and Nadchatram, 1960

Susa chiropteraphilus (Brown, 1997) , comb. nov.

Susa debilis ( Gater, 1932)

Susa labuanensis ( Womersley, 1952)

Susa macdonaldi Audy and Nadchatram 1960

Susa masawanensis (Brown, 1998) , comb. nov.

Susa palawanensis (Brown and Goff, 1988) , comb. nov.

Susa prachongae ( Lakshana, 1969)

Susa reidi Audy and Nadchatram 1960

Susa traubi Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1965

Genus Trisetica Traub and Evans, 1950

Trisetica melvini Traub and Evans, 1950

Genus Trombigastia Vercammen-Grandjean and Brennan, 1957

Trombigastia bishopi (Vercammen-Grandjean, 1964)

Trombigastia chrotogalis Chau, 2005

Trombigastia harrisoni ( Womersley, 1952)

Trombigastia rousetti Vercammen-Grandjean and Fain, 1958

Trombigastia tehminae Brown, 1997

Genus Walchiella Fuller, 1952

Walchiella beauforti Domrow, 1963

Walchiella bishopae Brown, 1998

Walchiella calunosa Traub and Audy, 1954

Walchiella hanseni Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1965

Walchiella harinastai Suzuki, 1980

Walchiella impar ( Gunther, 1939)

= Euschoengastia asonluca Traub and Audy, 1954

Walchiella lacunosa ( Gater, 1932)

Walchiella lobiensis Brown and Goff, 1988

Walchiella nadchatrami ( Womersley, 1952)

Walchiella oudemansi ( Walch, 1922)

= Neoschoengastia bodensis Gunther, 1940

Walchiella sarawakensis ( Womersley, 1952)

Walchiella traubi ( Womersley, 1952)

Tribe Trombiculini Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Genus Blankaartia Oudemans, 1911

Subgenus Blankaartia Oudemans, 1911

Blankaartia (Blankaartia) acuscutellaris ( Walch, 1922)

Subgenus Megaciella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Blankaartia (Megaciella) kwanacara ( Chen and Hsu, 1957)

Genus Chiroptella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Chiroptella audyi ( Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1965)

Chiroptella giga ( Schluger et al., 1959)

Chiroptella insolli ( Philip and Traub, 1950)

Chiroptella niehoffi (Domrow, 1962)

Chiroptella nocticola Nadchatram, 1966

Chiroptella nudusetosa Brown, 1998

Chiroptella piercei ( Ewing, 1931)

Chiroptella revelae ( Audy, 1952)

Chiroptella sandoshami Nadchatram, 1966

Chiroptella heidemani Brown, 1997

Genus Ericotrombidium Vercammen-Grandjean, 1966

Ericotrombidium cosmetopode (Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1971) , comb. nov.

Genus Eutrombicula Ewing, 1938

Eutrombicula booliati (Audy, 1956)

Eutrombicula gigarara (Brown, 1997) , comb. nov.

Eutrombicula hirsti ( Sambon, 1927)

= Trombicula hakei Radford, 1946

Eutrombicula parmifera ( Womersley, 1952)

Eutrombicula rara ( Walch, 1924)

Eutrombicula scincoides ( Womersley, 1944)

Eutrombicula subrara (Audy, 1956)

Eutrombicula wichmanni ( Oudemans, 1905)

= Trombicula pseudoakamushi Hatori, 1920

= Trombicula mediocris Kawamura and Yamaguchi, 1921

= Trombicula hatorii Womersley and Heaslip, 1943

= Trombicula (Eutrombicula) wichmanni var. tinghuensis Liang, Lo and Hwang, 1957

Genus Fonsecia Radford, 1942

Fonsecia celesteae Audy, 1956

Fonsecia dispaseta Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Fonsecia fasciata Chau, 2005

Genus Grandjeana Koçak and Kemal, 2009

Grandjeana asiatica ( Wen and Corpuz-Raros, 1997)

Grandjeana calva (Domrow, 1962)

Grandjeana koongi (Domrow, 1962)

Grandjeana manjuyodensis (Brown, 1997)

Grandjeana taphozous ( Womersley, 1952)

Genus Heaslipia Ewing, 1944

Heaslipia gateri ( Womersley and Heaslip, 1943)

Genus Laotrombicula Stekolnikov, 2014

Laotrombicula fangumi Stekolnikov, 2014

Laotrombicula khunboromi Stekolnikov, 2014

Genus Leptotrombidium Nagayo, Miyagawa, Mitamura and Imamura, 1916

Leptotrombidium abramovi Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium aenigmami Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium akamushi ( Brumpt, 1910)

= Microtrombidium brumpti Hirst, 1915

Leptotrombidium allosetum Wang, Liao and Lin, 1981

Leptotrombidium alopeciatum Traub and Nadchatram, 1967

Leptotrombidium andrei Tanskul and Gingrich, 1986

Leptotrombidium arenicola Traub, 1960

Leptotrombidium arvinum (Schluger, 1960)

Leptotrombidium baluense (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Leptotrombidium binbium Traub and Lakshana, 1966

Leptotrombidium bochkovi Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium bodense ( Gunther, 1940)

Leptotrombidium brinchangense Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Leptotrombidium burmense ( Ewing, 1945)

Leptotrombidium clarum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium deliense ( Walch, 1922)

= Trombicula walchi Womersley and Heaslip, 1943

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) deliense sinense Wen and Chen, 1984

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) deliense microsetosa Zhao, Tang and Mo, 1986

Leptotrombidium dendrium Tanskul, 1991

Leptotrombidium elisbergi Traub and Lakshana, 1966

Leptotrombidium fletcheri ( Womersley and Heaslip, 1943)

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) fletcheri francolini Wen and Xiang, 1984

Leptotrombidium fulleri ( Ewing, 1945)

= Trombicula (Leptotrombidium) pumilis Traub, Morrow and Lipovsky, 1958

Leptotrombidium fulmentum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium furcagaleala Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1971

Leptotrombidium gentryi Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Leptotrombidium globosum (Schluger, 1960)

Leptotrombidium gracipalpe (Schluger, 1960)

Leptotrombidium hanseni Traub and Lakshana, 1966

Leptotrombidium harrisoni Tanskul and Gingrich, 1986

Leptotrombidium horridum (Schluger, 1960)

Leptotrombidium imphalum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) imphalum ceylonicum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) imphalum sabahense Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) chiangraiensis Tanskul and Linthicum, 1997

Leptotrombidium insolitum Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Leptotrombidium javani Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium keukenschrijveri ( Walch, 1924)

Leptotrombidium kinabalui Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium kundini Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Leptotrombidium kunshui Wen and Xiang, 1984

Leptotrombidium labuani Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium lanceolatum ( Womersley, 1952)

Leptotrombidium langati ( Audy and Womersley, 1957)

Leptotrombidium laoense Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium linjeromae Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium longimedian Brown, 1992

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) mindanensis Brown, 1992

Leptotrombidium longisetum ( Womersley, 1952)

Leptotrombidium luzonense Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium macacaphilum Brown, 1992

Leptotrombidium macacum ( Womersley, 1952)

= Mehracula roonwali Sinha, 1954

Leptotrombidium madiense Traub and Nadchatram, 1967

Leptotrombidium magnum (Schluger, 1960)

Leptotrombidium malayanum Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Leptotrombidium megabodense Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium megalangati Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium megaloti Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium miculum (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Leptotrombidium minului Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium monstrosum (Schluger, 1960)

Leptotrombidium muridium ( Womersley, 1952)

Leptotrombidium namru Hadi, 1991

Leptotrombidium nguyenvanaii Phuong, 1972

Leptotrombidium oculascutum Brown, 1992

Leptotrombidium paradux Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

= Leptotrombidium montanum Stekolnikov, 2004

Leptotrombidium paulum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium peniculatum Traub and Lakshana, 1966

Leptotrombidium periosum Traub and Nadchatram, 1967

Leptotrombidium phangi Upham and Nadchatram, 1968

Leptotrombidium philippinense Kolebinova, 1980

Leptotrombidium pilaltum (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Leptotrombidium pilosum Traub and Lakshana, 1966

Leptotrombidium pipellae (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Leptotrombidium rapmundi Nadchatram and Upham, 1966

Leptotrombidium rectanguloscutum ( Hsu and Chen, 1964)

Leptotrombidium saigoni Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium sandfordi Goff, 1981

Leptotrombidium scanloni Traub and Lakshana, 1966

Leptotrombidium scutellare ( Nagayo, Miyagawa, Mitamura, Tamiya and Tenjin, 1921)

= Trombicula (Leptotrombidium) scutellaris var. basoglabrosis Chen, Hsu and Wang, 1956

Leptotrombidium serum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium sialkotense Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) jishoum Wen, Li, Zhang and Liao, 1988

Leptotrombidium spicapilum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium spicatum Traub, 1960

Leptotrombidium subangi Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium subangulare Wen and Xiang, 1984

Leptotrombidium subobscurum Kolebinova, 1980

Leptotrombidium sylvestre ( Audy and Traub, 1950)

Leptotrombidium tardum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium tarsale (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Leptotrombidium taiyuanense Tian and Wen, 1984

Leptotrombidium tenompaki Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium tenuipalpe Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium tikhonovi Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium tupaianum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium turdicola Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) muntiaci Xiang and Wen, 1984

= Leptotrombidium (Leptotrombidium) suense Wen, 1984

Leptotrombidium ului Stekolnikov, 2013

Leptotrombidium umbricola Nadchatram and Dohany, 1980

Leptotrombidium urogale Brown, 1992

Leptotrombidium vivericola Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium waltoni Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976

Leptotrombidium yunlingense Yu, Yang, Zhang, Zi and Hu, 1981

Genus Lorillatum Nadchatram, 1963

Lorillatum attapinum ( Schluger et al., 1963)

Lorillatum flagelliferum (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Lorillatum hekouensis Yu, Chen and Lin, 1996

Lorillatum kianjoei (Nadchatram and Traub, 1964)

Lorillatum mastigophorum (Nadchatram, 1963)

Lorillatum oreophilum (Nadchatram and Traub, 1964)

Lorillatum panitae (Nadchatram and Traub, 1964)

Lorillatum tuhanum (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Genus Microtrombicula Ewing, 1950

Microtrombicula audyi Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965

Microtrombicula batui ( Philip and Traub, 1950)

Microtrombicula chamlongi Nadchatram and Kethley, 1974

Microtrombicula dasia Brown, 1999

Microtrombicula eltoni (Audy, 1956)

Microtrombicula fieldi (Audy, 1956)

Microtrombicula fulgida ( Schluger et al., 1963)

Microtrombicula lepidodactilus Brown, 1999

Microtrombicula megaderma Brown, 1997

Microtrombicula munda ( Gater, 1932)

Microtrombicula nadchatrami Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965

Microtrombicula octaintercoxalaea Brown, 1997

Microtrombicula spelaea Goff, 1990

Microtrombicula spicea ( Gater, 1932)

Microtrombicula tweediei (Audy, 1956)

Microtrombicula vitosa ( Schluger et al., 1963)

Genus Miyatrombicula Sasa, Kawashima and Egashira, 1952

Miyatrombicula benensoni Tanskul and Nadchatram, 1983

Genus Myotrombicula Womersley and Heaslip, 1943

Myotrombicula armigera Brown, 1997

Myotrombicula medwayi Nadchatram and Lakshumy, 1969

Myotrombicula oconnori Brown, 1997

Myotrombicula philipi ( Womersley, 1952)

Myotrombicula vercammeni Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1965

Myotrombicula womersleyi Vercammen-Grandjean, 1968

Genus Neotrombicula Hirst, 1925

Neotrombicula anax Audy and Womersley, 1957

Neotrombicula elegans Schluger, 1966

Neotrombicula fujigmo ( Philip and Fuller, 1950)

Neotrombicula scorpionis Lakshana, 1966

Neotrombicula weni ( Wang, 1964)

Genus Novotrombicula Womersley and Kohls, 1947

Novotrombicula owiensis Womersley and Kohls, 1947

Genus Octasternala Brown, 1990

Octasternala taphozousa Brown, 1990

Genus Rudnicula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1964

Rudnicula becki Nadchatram, 1968

Rudnicula dimolinae ( Audy, 1952)

Rudnicula hexasternalaea Brown, 1997

Rudnicula leytensis Brown, Goff and Nadchatram, 1988

Genus Sasatrombicula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Sasatrombicula keechongi ( Nadchatram and Mitchell, 1965)

Sasatrombicula leegoffi Brown, 1997

Sasatrombicula siamensis ( Nadchatram and Mitchell, 1965)

Genus Toritrombicula Sasa, Hayashi and Kawashima, 1953

Toritrombicula asa Nadchatram, 1967

Toritrombicula densipiliata ( Walch, 1922)

Toritrombicula dicrura Chau, 2005

Toritrombicula dumbletoni ( Womersley and Audy, 1957)

Toritrombicula robusta ( Gunther, 1941)

Toritrombicula samara (Radford, 1953)

Toritrombicula uphami Nadchatram, 1967

Toritrombicula vorca (Traub and Audy, 1954)

Genus Trombicula Berlese, 1905

Subgenus Cotrombicula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960

Trombicula (Cotrombicula) gressitti Nadchatram and Wilson, 1965

Trombicula (Cotrombicula) macclurei Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1963

Trombicula (Cotrombicula) megaderma Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1963

Subgenus Trombicula Berlese, 1905

Trombicula (Trombicula) minor Berlese, 1905

Genus Trombiculindus Radford, 1948

Trombiculindus alethrix (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus armatum ( Traub, Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1968)

Trombiculindus atractimorphe ( Traub, Nadchatram and Lakshana 1968)

Trombiculindus cuneatum Traub and Evans, 1951

Trombiculindus cuteanum ( Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston, 1976) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus foliaceum Traub and Evans, 1951

Trombiculindus frondosum (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus gateri (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967)

Trombiculindus hastatum ( Gater, 1932) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus griselda ( Schluger et al., 1963)

Trombiculindus imbricatum (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967)

Trombiculindus kosapani Stekolnikov, 2016

Trombiculindus lepismatum (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus limi (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus macrosphenum ( Traub, Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1968)

Trombiculindus manooni ( Suzuki, 1980)

Trombiculindus maxwelli (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus paniculatum ( Traub, Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1968)

Trombiculindus roseannleilaniae ( Brown, 1992) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus santasirii ( Suzuki, 1980)

Trombiculindus sarisatum (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus sibynatum ( Traub, Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1968)

Trombiculindus thurmani ( Traub, Nadchatram and Lakshana, 1968)

Trombiculindus vanpeeneni ( Hadi and Carney, 1977) , comb. nov.

Trombiculindus variaculum (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967)

Trombiculindus yooni (Traub and Nadchatram, 1967) , comb. nov.

Genus Vatacarus Southcott, 1957

Vatacarus ipoides Southcott, 1957

Genus Vercammenia Audy and Nadchatram, 1957

Vercammenia hendricksoni Audy and Nadchatram, 1957

Incertae sedis

Eutrombicula gymnodactyla Womersley and Kohls, 1947

Trombicula mediocris Berlese, 1912

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