Cratocerus multisetosus Grzymala & Will

Grzymala, Traci L. & Will, Kipling W., 2014, Taxonomic review of Cratocerus Dejean, 1829 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) with the description of six new species, ZooKeys 416, pp. 77-112 : 87-89

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2015-12-27 19:49:12, last updated 2024-11-27 01:40:32)

scientific name

Cratocerus multisetosus Grzymala & Will

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Carabidae

Cratocerus multisetosus Grzymala & Will View in CoL sp. n. Figs 4, 9d, 10b, 11b

Type locality.

Costa Rica, Heredia Province, La Selva, 3 km S Puerto Viejo, coordinates 10.42N, 84.00W.

Type material.

HOLOTYPE [male, deposited in INBio] labeled: "COSTA RICA: Heredia, La / Selva (3 km S Puerto Viejo, / 10°25'N, 84°0'W); 80m; / 14 June 1996; R.S. Hanley / fogged from downed logs- / Arboretum; #RSHCR052// Cratocerus / sp. 2 // ADP / 105074 // U.C. Berkeley / EMEC 207,970"

Paratypes. 19 total; 1 male and 1 female, labeled: "COSTA RICA: Heredia, La Selva (3 km S Puerto Viejo, 10°25'N, 84°0'W); 80m; 14 June 1996; R.S. Hanley fogged from downed logs- Arboretum; #RSHCR052" (EMEC207971, EMEC207972); 1 male, labeled: "Sector Cocori, 30 Km N. de Cariari, Finca E. Rojas, Prov. Limon, COSTA RICA. 100m. Mar 1994. E. Rojas L N 286000_567500 # 2790" (EMEC207974); 1 female, labeled: "Sector Cocori, 30 km al N. e Cariari, Prov Limon, COSTA RICA, 100 m. Feb 1994, E. Rojas, A. A. Solis, L N 286000_567500 #2639" (EMEC207973); 1 male, labeled: "Est. Pitilla, 9 km S. Sta. Cecilia, P. N. Guanacaste, Prov. Guana, COSTA RICA. 700 m. 3-17 Dic 1993, C. Moraga, L N 330200_380200 #2545" (EMEC207975); 1 male, labeled: "Estac. Pitilla, 700m, 9km S Santa Cecilia, Guanac. Pr. COSTA RICA. Dic 1989 C. Moraga & P. Rios 330200" (EMEC207981); 1 male, labeled: "Est. Queb. Bonita, 50m, Res. Biol. Carara, Prov. Punt. COSTA RICA, E. Bello, Jun 1990. L_N_194500, 469850" (EMEC207983); 1 male, labeled: "Estacion Pitilla 9 km. S. de Santa Cecilia, Prov. Guana, COSTA RICA. 700m. ENE 1995. P. Rios, L_N_329950_380450 #4358" (EMEC207982); 1 female, labeled: "COSTA RICA, Prov. Puntarenas, Golfito, Reserva Ftal Golfo Dulce, Estacion Agujas. 250-350m. 13 JUL 1999. A. Azofeifa de Luz L_S_276750_526550 #53819" (EMEC207976); 1 female, labeled: "COSTA RICA. Prov. Limon. Res Biol Hitoy Cerere. Est. Hitoy Cerere, Send Espavel. 360m. 25 MAY 1998. W. Arana. Manual (red, libre) L S 401500 570200 #56427" (EMEC207977); 1 male, labeled: "COSTA RICA. Prov. Puntarenas, P.N. Corcovado, Est. Sirena, Send. Espavel, 0-100m, 19 MAR 2001, A. Azofeifa, Entrocos L_S_269900_507750 #64447" (EMEC207980); 1 male, labeled: "COSTA RICA Puntarenas Prov. Osa Peninsula 2.5 mi. SW. Rington 08°42'N, 83°29'W, III-1 to 7- 1967 OTS Adv. Zoo. Course" (EMEC207985); 1 female, labeled: "CR: Punta: Corocovado N.P., Sirena Station Ollas Trail. On/under bark, downed log elev. 10m 30-V-92" (EMEC207978); 1 male, labeled: "Turrialba Costa Rica 19 June 1951 OL Cartwright" (EMEC207984); 1 female, labeled: "74k29 slide 148 Turrialba Costa Rica 6 June 1951 OL Cartwright" (EMEC207979); 1 male, labeled: "COSTA RICA F NEVERMANN Salvadora Farm Parismina 5-10.IX.1930 in trocknem" (EMEC207987); 1 male, labeled: "COSTA RICA F NEVERMANN Salvadora Farm Parismina Fluss 19-31.XII.1930 in morschen" (EMEC207988); 1 male, labeled: "COSTA RICA F NEVERMANN 5 II 28 HAMBURG FARM REVENTAZON / EBENE LIMON in morschen" (EMEC207989); 1 male, labeled: "Panama: Panama Pr. Cerro Campana, 850m 8°40'N, 79°56'W, 12 Sept. '70 H Stockwell" (EMEC207986). All deposited in INBio except EMEC207978, EMEC207984, EMEC207979, EMEC207987, EMEC207988, EMEC207989, and EMEC207986 deposited in NMNH and EMEC207982, EMEC207976 deposited in EMEC.


Distinguishable from similar looking species such as Cratocerus sulcatus and Cratocerus sinesetosus , by the additional setae on the pronotal margin (Fig. 9d) and moderately convex elytral intervals.


Size average for the genus, ABL 5.2-5.8 mm, TW 2.5-2.7 mm. Color. Head and prothorax brunneopiceous, elytra and abdominal sternites brunneous, legs, antennae, and mouthparts rufotestaceous. Head. HL 0.7-0.9 mm, HW 0.7-0.9 mm. One supraorbital seta present over each eye. Apices of mandibles slightly curved, at less than 45 degree angle to mandibular midline. Apical maxillary palpomere length 5 × width at base. Mentum with triangular lateral lobes. Thorax. Pronotum (Fig. 9d) with distinct median impression, one distinct basal fovea laterad; two to three lateral setae located on apicolateral pronotal bead; one posterior seta present on posterior bead near posterior angle; pronotal anterior margin convex; pronotal width 1.2-1.3 × pronotal length. Elytral length 1.4-1.5 × combined elytral width. Legs. Protibia with three distinct, stout spines confined to distal half of lateral margin; distance between spines 1 and 2 slightly less than distance between spines 2 and 3 (Fig. 10b). Genitalia, male. Median lobe curved sharply, between forty-five and ninety degrees, with respect to basal 1/3, remaining 2/3 with continuing curvature; not expanded apically; length average for genus. Left paramere complexly curved into an “S” shape with basal projection (Figure 11b). Genitalia, female. Spermatheca with 2/3 length thin, gradually expanding approximately 1/3 below apex, ended with broad bulb, similar to Cratocerus sinesetosus (Fig. 12a).


The specific epithet refers to the two or three anterior marginal setae on each side of the pronotum found in this species. The name is formed by combining the Latin multi (many) and setosus (setose); adjective.


This species is distributed (Fig. 13) throughout Costa Rica and has also been collected in Panama.











