Siderus Kaye, 1904

Faynel, Christophe, Fåhraeus, Christer, Ramirez, Juan-Jose & Robbins, Robert K., 2024, The genus Siderus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in French Guiana: four newly discovered species and conspicuous male genitalia polymorphism, Zootaxa 5519 (1), pp. 38-58 : 43-45

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.1.2

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Siderus Kaye, 1904


Identification Key for Siderus as delimited in this paper

(valid for both sexes)

1. VHW with spot in Cu1–Cu2 ( Fig. 2f View FIGURES 1–2 )..................................................................... 2

- VHW without spot in Cu1–Cu2.......................................................................... 3

2. VHW red spot, black pupilled (distally) in Cu1–Cu2......................................................... 4

- VHW black spot in Cu1–Cu2 surrounded by dark orange scales................................. S. castelain sp. nov.

3. VW with brown area at base............................................................................. 5

- VW without brown at base............................................................... S. toussaint sp. nov.

4. VW light brown ground color, wingspan <25 mm ............................................ S. diringeri sp. nov.

- VW wingspan> 25 mm ................................................................................ 6

5. VHW with a basal white mark in Sc+R1-Rs................................................ S. bisignatus sp. nov.

- VHW without white mark in Sc+R1-Rs........................................................... S. athymbra

6. DFW large black apex................................................................................. 7

- DFW reduced black apex............................................................................... 8

7. Ventral ground color light brown................................................................... S. eliatha Ventral ground color dark brown................................................................. S. guapila

8. VHW white postmedian band with a wider and triangular element at the apex............................ S. parvinotus

- VHW white postmedian band with all elements of the same size..................................... S. leucophaeus

The following checklist details nomenclature for the names that we place in Siderus , including new names proposed below.

Siderus Kaye, 1904 View in CoL

type species: Siderus parvinotus Kaye

Bithys Hübner, 1818 , not available, suppr. (ICZN, Op. 541).

type species: Rusticus leucophaeus Hübner

Bythis Hübner, [1831] , not available, missp.

Siderus leucophaeus (Hübner, 1818) ( Bithys ), type locality: Brazil leucophaeus (Hübner, 1801) ( Rusticus ), nom. nud halala (Hewitson, 1868) ( Thecla ), type locality: Brazil volupia (Hewitson, 1874) ( Thecla ), type locality: Nicaragua purpura (H.H. Druce, 1907) ( Thecla ), type locality: Brazil (ES)

Siderus parvinotus Kaye, 1904 , type locality: Trinidad

Siderus eliatha (Hewitson, 1867) ( Thecla ), type locality: Brazil hostis (Schaus, 1902) ( Thecla ), type locality: Brazil (RJ)

Siderus diringeri Faynel, Robbins & Fåhraeus sp. nov., type locality: French Guiana.

Siderus toussaint Faynel, Robbins & Fåhraeus sp. nov., type locality: French Guiana.

Siderus guapila (Schaus, 1913) ( Thecla ), type locality: Costa Rica

Siderus castelain Faynel, Fåhraeus & Robbins sp. nov., type locality: French Guiana.

Siderus athymbra (Hewitson, 1867) ( Thecla ), type locality: Brazil

Siderus bisignatus Faynel, Ramírez & Robbins sp. nov., type locality: French Guiana.











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