Campanula phitosiana Yıldırım & Şentürk, 2019

Yildirim, Hasan, Şentürk, Ozan, Özdöl, Tuğkan & Pirhan, Ademi Fahri, 2019, A new bellflower, Campanula phitosiana sp. nov. (Campanulaceae) from Western Anatolia, Turkey, Phytotaxa 399 (1), pp. 25-36 : 30-32

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.399.1.3

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scientific name

Campanula phitosiana Yıldırım & Şentürk

sp. nov.

Campanula phitosiana Yıldırım & Şentürk View in CoL , sp. nova ( Figures 1–4 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 )

Type: ― Turkey. İzmir:Tire, Dallık to Dibekçi road, 5 km to Dibekçi, in gorge, schistose rock cracks, 30°01′ N, 27°50′ E, 1175 m, 07.06.2017, H.Yıldırım 5866, O.Şentürk & A. F.Pirhan (holotype: EGE 42450!, isotypes: EGE 42451!, ANK!, HUB!, NGBB!).

Campanula phitosiana is characterized by its monocarpic perennial life span; stems numerous, unbranched, sometimes with lateral branches, procumbent; rosette leaves lyrate to pinnate with 3–15 unequal lobes; inflorescence composed of 3–25 flowers, secund to subsecund; calyx appendages slightly covering the ovary at flowering time, enlarged after anthesis and wholly concealing the ovary; corolla campanulate, pale purplish-blue to whitish purplish-blue, tube divided to 1/5–1/6; capsule hidden by enlarged calyx appendages.

Usually densely tomentose, monocarpic perennial, chasmophyte. Stems up to 50 cm long, 1–4 mm in diameter, numerous, unbranched, sometimes with lateral branches, procumbent, flexuous, decumbent, arising from the collar of a thick taproot. Leaves tomentose, upper surface slightly tomentose, lower surface densely tomentose. Rosette leaves lyrate-shaped, pinnate with lobes petiolate or sessile, 4–21 cm × 0.6–5 cm (including petiole), mostly withered at anthesis, crenate to dentate at margins; midvein mostly winged; terminal lobes cordate to ovate, obtuse to subacute at apex; lateral lobes spathulate, ovate, obovate, sometimes lyrate; lobes 3–15, unequal; petiole 1.2–8 cm. Cauline leaves 0.7–6 cm × 0.3–2.6 cm (including petiole), sessile to 2 cm petiolate, decreasing upwards; lower cauline leaves similar to rosette leaves, lyrate; upper cauline leaves spathulate, ovate, obovate to eliptic, serrate to crenate-dentate at margin, acute at apex. Inflorescence racemose, rarely paniculate, 3–25-flowered per each stem. Flowers secund to subsecund; 1.5–8 mm pedicellate, rarely pedicels absent. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate to lanceolate, 7–13 × 3–5 mm, erect, tomentose, hirsute-tomentose at margins; appendages ovate to triangular, acute to obtuse, tomentose to hirsute, 3–5 × 2.5–3 mm, slightly concealing the ovary at flowering time, enlarged after anthesis and wholly concealing the ovary. Corolla campanulate, pubescent-tomentose to tomentose outside and inside, pale purplish-blue to whitish purplish-blue, 12–25 × 7–15 mm; lobes 2–5 × 2–7 mm, ovate-suborbicular, obtuse to subacute, with very small appendicules. Ovary very densely tomentose. Style included in or subexerted from the corolla tube, 9–18 mm, pale purplish-blue, mostly strongly curved downward. Stigma distinctly 5-lobed, slightly recurved, 1.5–3 mm. Stamen 7–12 mm long; filament white, 2–4 mm long, with triangular-orbicular base, base of filament 1.2–2 mm × 1.5–2 mm and ciliate on margin; anthers yellow, 5–8 mm long; pollen grain bright yellow, Pollen grain triporate, spheroidal, diameter 20.1 ±1.45 μm, spinulate, spinule length 0.2–0.7 μm ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). Capsule 3–6 × 2.5–5.5 mm, hemispherical to turbinate, tomentose, opening by 5 basal pores; usually hidden by enlarged calyx appendages. Seeds oblong-oval to oblongeliptic, 0.4–0.7 × 0.2–0.3 mm, shining brownish, striate ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Flowering time: ―May and June

Fruiting time: ―June and August

Etymology: ―The new chasmophytic Campanula was named in honour of Greek Botanist Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Phitos, who is a master expert in the Campanula systematics and taxonomy, especially in C. sect. Quinqueloculares . The Turkish name of this species is proposed as “Tireçanı”, according to the guidelines of Menemen et al. (2013).

Ecology and conservational status: ― Campanula phitosiana is a local endemic to the Aydın Mountain range, which extends across both İzmir and Aydın in western Anatolia, and belongs to the Mediterranean floristic region’s element. It colonizes only schistose rocks between the villages of Dallık to Dibekçi and Dallık to Çeriközü in the district of Tire (Fig. 6), İzmir, preferably with a western orientation, at elevations of 690–1200 m.

FIGURE) and C. vardariana () [ C. celsii , C. topaliana and C. andrewsii just added to the map according to herbarium specimens examined].

Distribution: ―The new species has a very restricted distribution. The area of occupancy (AOO) for Campanula phitosiana was calculated as 0.76 km 2, in which about 600–650 individuals were estimated to occur. Overgrazing by sheep and goat herds was observed. There was also anthropogenic effect on the C. phitosiana population due to road construction. According to the IUCN criteria ( IUCN 2016), C. phitosiana evaluated as “Critically Endangered” (CR) B2ab (ii,iii,v).

Paratypes: ― Turkey. İzmir: Tire, Dallık to Dibekçi road, before 5 km to Dibekçi , in gorge, schistose rock cracks, 30° 01′ N, 27° 50′ E, 1200 m, 21.07.2017, H.Yıldırım 6276, O.Şentürk, A. F.Pirhan ( EGE!) ; Tire, near Çeriközü , in gorge, schistose rock cracks, 37°58′ N, 27° 47′ E, 695 m, 21.07.2017, H.Yıldırım 6259, O.Şentürk ( EGE!) .

Additional specimens examined: ― Campanula andrewsii : Greece. Achaea: Chelmos, E Kalavrita gegen des PaB nach Ano Louis , lichter Abies cephalonica-Wald, Waldviese , Felsen , Kalk , ca. 1150 m, 01.07.1991, W. Burri & F. Krendl ( E00624945 !). Peloponnese: Elona monastery, above Leonidio valley , limestone rocks, frequent, 13.05.2003, M. J. Y. Foley 1920 ( E00180334 !). Argolis: Inter Drepanon et Iria. In fiseuris rupium calc., 01.05.1964, D.Phitos ( B100483974 !) ; ad Castrum Plamidi, oppidi Nafplion , 01.05.1979, Gr.Iatroy ( B100483964 !). Griechenland, 15.04.1933, K. Roniger & Bien 11523 ( W!) ; Delphi, 20.04.1933, Karl Roniger, Bien 11522 ( W!). Peloponnese: Achaie , Chelmos , E Kalavrita , gengen den PaB nach Ano Lousi , lichter Abies , Waldwiese , Felsen , Kalk , ca. 1150 m, 1.07.1991, W. Burri & F. Krendl ( W!). In monte Parnasso , 10.07.1898, Chr.Leonis 192 ( WU!). Campanula celsii : Greece. Peloponnese: Nomos Argolis , After Kandia , Calcareous rocks, Lon /lat: N37 32 7.92 / E22 56 23.76, 79 m, 11.05.2010, G. Mansion 10034 ( B100479650 !). Korinthia: Kakiskaia inter Megara et Korinthos, in fissuris rupium calea., ca. 50 m, 16.05.1964, D.Phitos 24970 ( E00624926 !). Athens: Lycabettus Hill GoogleMaps ; in stony places, 120 m, 21.04.1951, Zerlentis 2699 ( E00596768 !). Central Greece: Nomos Attica, on unpaved Rd by Kenita , Clacareous cliff, N 37 59 14.82 / E 23 12 34.74, 328 m, 23.05.2010, G. Mansion 10110 ( B100479655 ). Attika: Kithaeron, felsige Hange bei Kaza an der Strabe Elevsis-Thivai , 16.05.1967, D.Podlech ( G102884 !) GoogleMaps ; Nomos Attikis, Eparchia Megaridos, Mt. Gerania , NW of Ano Kineta, calcareous outgrowths facing S with Pinus forest around, N 38 00, E 23 09, 550 –650 m, 21.05.1994, Th. A. Constantinidis ( G469194 !) GoogleMaps ; Wt. Pernes, 900 m, 18.06.1935, Huber-Morath ( G!). Campanula topaliana : Greece. Central Greece: Nomos Boeotia , after Arachova , cliffs consolidated with concrete, N 38 29 25.5, E 22 33 52.44, 1121 m, 22.05.2010, Gmansion 10104 ( B100479648 !). Ahaia: SO Akratas, Felsanriss, Kiefernwald, Hartlaubgebüsch, 460 m, 26.05.2010, R. & E. Willing ( B100401470 ). Viotia: W Davlio, Felsiger Hang, Kiefern, N 38 30 42, E 22 43 40, 435 m, 19.05.2010, R. & E. Willing ( B100401475 !). Peloponnese: Lakonien, Ep. Lakedhemona GoogleMaps ; oberhalb Anojia am Weg zum Kloster Panajia, Kalkfelswande, 450–500 m, 19.04.1979, D.Phitos ( E00624984 !). Lakonias: Githiou, by the deserted village of Polivaros, rocky slopes and old terraced fields, N 36 48, E 22 25, 700 –800 m, 17.05.1991, Strid & Kit Tan 31172 ( E00095062 !). Achaia, Felsen am Hefen von Aeghion, 17.05.1935, Huber-Morath ( G!). Campanula tomentosa : Turkey. Prov. Aydın: Söke – Priene, 10 km from Söke GoogleMaps ; 10–20 m; limestone cliffs, rock crevices, 25.05.1962, Dudley- 34926 ( E!, G248117 !, W!) ; Priene, 50–100 m, limestone walls and cliffs, 9.04.1965, Davis 40782 ( E!). İzmir, on the way from Selçuk to Meryemana , on the rocks, 18.06.1967, T. Baytop 11114 ( E!) ; Kuşadası, Samsun Dagi , 19.04.1990, L. Hautzinger 08922 ( W!) ; Söke, Doğanbey Köyü , 140 m, 14.05.2013, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41695 About EGE !) ; Çamlık- Ortaklar yolu, 140 m, 03.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41690 About EGE !) ; Ortaklar , çamlık arası yol kenarı, ca. 300 m, 12.05.1967, E. Leblebici., H. Peşmen & G. Oğuz ( EGE16856 About EGE !) ; Kuşadası, Milli Park , ca. 110 m, 05.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41696 About EGE !) ; Söke, Priene Harabeleri Alt kayalar, 40 m, 03.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41688 About EGE !) ; Söke, Akçakonak, Mıcır Ocağı üstü, 142 m, 03.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41691 About EGE !) ; Söke , 12.05.1967, E. Leblebici ( EGE8652 About EGE !) ; Söke, Priene, Harabeleri , c. 200 m, 27.04.1977, Yürül, Yetindağ, Tamer, Yayıntaş ( EGE15138 About EGE !) ; Kuşadası, Kalamaki deresi, c. 200 m, 12.05.1968, Meyer & Peşmen ( EGE8834 About EGE !). C1 Izmir: Ephesus , classical site, Walls , 16– 28.05.1976, O. Polunin 13924 ( E00152149 !) ; Ad Ephesi moenia dirupta, 1.5.1906, J. Bornmüller ( G9751 !) ; Bülbül Dag. Kalkfalsen , 150 m, 3.06.1967, Hub. - Morat 17583 ( G!) ; ruins of Ephesus , 23.05.1962, Dudley 34908 ( W!) ; Ausgrabungast , 100 m, 1.07.1967, D. Phitos 67-44-17 ( W!) ; Meryemana yolu, 18.05.1969, N. Zeybek ( EGE8649 About EGE !) ; Efes , in ruins, 06.1965, C. Regel ( EGE178 About EGE !) ; Selçuk, Efes Harabeleri , 19.05.1971, Zeybek, Seçmen, Aydar, Kesercioğlu ( EGE8660 About EGE !) ; Nif Dağ’ ı eteği, Kaynaklar civarı, kanyon içi, 05.05.2015, Yıldırım H. HY2801 ( EGE!) ; Selçuk, Meryem Ana Heykeli arkası, 90 m, 03.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41692 About EGE !) ; Selçuk, St. Jean anıtı, 75 m, 13.05.2013, A. Nasuhoğlu ( EGE41750 About EGE !). Campanula vardariana : Turkey. Aydın: Söke , Sazlı , 32 m, 03.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41683 About EGE !) ; Söke, Mezarlık , 33 m, 05.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41681 About EGE !) ; Söke, Çimento Fabrikası yakını, 30 m, 03.05.2012, Y. Altıoğlu & Ü. Subaşı ( EGE41687 About EGE !). Izmir, Selçuk girişi, Keçikalesi altları, kayalık alan, 11.05.2017, 60 m, H. Yıldırım 5007 ( EGE!) .


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