Pseudolaguvia Misra, 1976

Alfred W. Thomson & Lawrence M. Page, 2006, Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)., Zootaxa 1345, pp. 1-96 : 20

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Thomas (2009-07-09 09:14:51, last updated 2024-11-28 16:25:49)

scientific name

Pseudolaguvia Misra, 1976


Pseudolaguvia Misra, 1976 View in CoL View at ENA   ZBK

Fig. 8

Pseudolaguvia Misra, 1976   ZBK : 253. Type species: Glyptothorax tuberculatus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929   ZBK , by original designation. Gender feminine.

Diagnosis (based, in part, on Ng 2005d): Short thoracic adhesive apparatus with median depression; wide gill openings nearly meeting one another on venter; serrations on anterior margin of pectoral spine pointing toward tip; smooth to granulate anterior margin on dorsal spine; slender body; papillate upper lip; 8-10 anal rays.

Pseudolaguvia   ZBK is diagnosed from all other erethistids by having a thoracic adhesive apparatus with a median depression (vs. lacking a thoracic adhesive apparatus or having an apparatus without a median depression) and from all other erethistids except Caelatoglanis   ZBK by having wide gill openings that nearly meet one another on the venter. Pseudolaguvia   ZBK is further distinguished from Conta   ZBK by having a smooth or granulate (vs. serrated) anterior margin on the dorsal-fin spine, from Caelatoglanis   ZBK by having a papillate (vs. plicate) upper lip and a more slender body (Fig. 8), from Ayarnangra   ZBK by having 8-10 (vs. 13-16) anal rays, from Erethistes by having a more slender body, and from Erethistoides   ZBK by having the serrations on the anterior margin of the pectoral spine all directed toward the tip of the spine (vs. directed toward the tip of the spine distally and away from the tip proximally).

Description: Dorsal fin with strong spine, 5-6 rays; pectoral fin with strong spine, 6-8 rays; 6-10 pelvic-fin rays, 8-10 anal-fin rays. Head and body slightly depressed; body elongate (Fig. 8). Skin tuberculate. Eyes small, dorsal, in middle of head. Jaw teeth villiform, in bands; palatal teeth absent. Maxillary barbel usually shorter than head, with well-developed membrane, soft base. Barbels annulated with black rings. Gill openings wide, almost meeting each other on venter. Pectoral girdle with long coracoid process. Pectoral-fin spine serrated anteriorly and posteriorly. Dorsal spine smooth or granulate anteriorly, smooth or serrated posteriorly. Thoracic adhesive apparatus present, but may be poorly developed. Paired fins non-plaited.

Distribution: Ganges and Brahmaputra drainages, India, Nepal and Bangladesh, east and south to the Sittang drainage, Myanmar (Jayaram, 1999; Britz & Ferraris, 2003; Ng, 2005d).