Pascahinnites coruscans coruscans ( Hinds, 1845 )

Dijkstra, Henk H. & Maestrati, Philippe, 2010, Pectinoidea (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae and Pectinidae) from the Austral Islands (French Polynesia), Zoosystema 32 (2), pp. 333-358 : 346-347

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Felipe (2021-02-08 18:39:48, last updated 2024-11-26 04:04:24)

scientific name

Pascahinnites coruscans coruscans ( Hinds, 1845 )


Pascahinnites coruscans coruscans ( Hinds, 1845)

Pecten coruscans Hinds, 1845: 61 , pl. 17, fig. 3.

Chlamys coruscans coruscans – Waller 1972: 231, pl. 1, figs 1-19 [synonymy, description, distribution, functional morphology, ecology].

Semipallium coruscans coruscans – Dijkstra & Kilburn 2001: 294 View Cited Treatment , figs 31, 32 [references, type data, description, distribution].

Pascahinnites coruscans coruscans – Paulay 2003: appendix 1, note 39. — Dijkstra & Marshall 2008: 51, figs 35, 48A, D.

Pascahinnites coruscans – Tröndlé & Boutet 2009: 6 [listed from Austral Is].

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Marquesas Islands. Nuku Hiva, 13 m, lectotype spm (BMNH 19709, designated by Waller [1972: 231]).

Rapa. Atelier RAPA, stn 1, 27°22.9’S, 144°20.1’W, 24 m, 1 lv, 2 rv. — Stn 4, 27°34.3’S, 144°22.1’W, 18 m, 1 rv. — Stn 5, 27°05.6’S, 144°18.5’W, 8 m, 1 lv. — Stn 8, 27°36.5’S, 144°17.7’W, 52-57 m, 1 spm, 1 v. — Stn 11, 27°37.2’S, 144°18.2’W, 2 m, 1 rv. — Stn 15, 27°38.1’S, 144°21.1’W, 20 m, 2 lv.— Stn 18, 27°33.3’S, 144°20.4’W, 1-6 m, 1 rv. — Stn 22, 27°33.9’S, 144°21.7’W, 18-22 m, 1 lv. — Stn 31, 27°38.2’S, 144°18.2’W, 6 m, 7 spms, 2 lv, 1 rv.— Stn 36, 27°33.5’S, 144°20.8’W, 27 m, 1 lv, 1 rv. — Stn 38, 27°37.4’S, 144°18.4’W, 2 m, 1 lv. — Stn 42, 27°37.2’S, 144°18.3’W, 2 m, 1 spm. — Stn 43, 27°36.8’S, 144°18.3’W, 45 m, 1 lv. — Stn 44, 27°36.3’S, 144°18.2’W, 30 m, 1 lv. — Stn 48, 27°34.1’S, 144°22.1’W, 36 m, 3 rv. — Stn 58, 27°35.8’S, 144°18.5’W, 2-3 m, 1 lv.— Stn 61, 27°37.0’S, 144°18.6’W, 10-15 m, 1 lv. — Stn 98, 27°34.8’S, 144°22.8’W, 16-18 m, 2 spms, 1 lv.

Récif Neilson. BENTHAUS, stn DW 1913, 27°02’S, 146°00’W, 120 m, 1 lv. — Stn DW 1915, 27°03’S, 146°04’W, 120-200 m, 1 lv.

Banc Président Thiers. BENTHAUS, stn DW 1926, 24°38’S, 146°01’W, 50-90 m, 1 spm, 1 lv. — Stn DW 1932, 24°41’S, 146°02’W, 500-800 m, 4 lv, 2 rv. — Stn DW 1933, 24°41’S, 146°01’W, 500-850 m, 1 lv, 2 rv. — Stn DW 1936, 24°40’S, 145°57’W, 80-100 m, 1 rv.— Stn DW 1937, 24°40’S, 145°56’W, 469-500 m, 1 lv.

Tubuai. BENTHAUS, stn DW 1953, 23°19’S, 149°25’W, 280-390 m, 1 rv.

Banc Arago. BENTHAUS, stn DW 1984, 23°26’S, 150°44’W, 40 m, 1 spm.

Rurutu. BENTHAUS, stn DW 2004, 22°28’S, 151°19’W, 430-850 m, 1 lv.

DISTRIBUTION. — Western Indian Ocean, Maldive Islands, southern Japan, south China Sea to eastern Australia, Melanesia, Kermadec Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia to Pitcairn Island ( Waller 1972: 234; Dijkstra & Marshall 1997: 101; 2008: 51). Depth range 0-60 m (Dijkstra unpubl. data). Austral Islands ( Richard 1986, and present records), alive at 2-52 m depth.


The present specimens are indistinguishable from the type material from the Marquesas Islands. The subspecies P. coruscans hawaiensis ( Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938) occurs around the Hawaiian Islands ( Waller 1972: 232).

This species was formerly placed in Chlamys or Semipallium , but actually assigned to Pascahinnites , based on the lack of an external prismatic layer in the early right dissoconch stage ( Paulay 2003).

DALL W. H., BARTSCH P. & REHDER H. A. 1938. - A manual of the recent and fossil marine pelecypod mollusks of the Hawaiian Islands. Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 153: i-iv, 1 - 233.

DIJKSTRA H. H. & MARSHALL B. A. 1997. - Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae: Pectinidae) of Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and the Kermadec Islands. Molluscan Research 18: 73 - 114.

DIJKSTRA H. H. & KILBURN R. N. 2001. - The family Pectinidae in South Africa and Mozambique (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinoidea). African Invertebrates 42: 263 - 321.

DIJKSTRA H. H. & MARSHALL B. A. 2008 - The Recent Pectinoidea of the New Zealand region (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Pectinidae and Spondylidae). Molluscan Research 28: 1 - 88.

HINDS R. B. 1845. - The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur , Under the Command of Capt. Sir E. Belcher, During 1836 - 1843. Mollusca 3. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 72 p.

PAULAY G. 2003. - Marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) of Guam. Micronesica 35 - 36: 218 - 243.

RICHARD G. 1986. - La faune malacologique de Rapa: originalites ecologiques et biogeographiques, in Rapa. DIRCEN, SMCB: 187 - 202.

TRONDLE J. & BOUTET M. 2009. - Inventory of marine molluscs of French Polynesia. Atoll Research Bulletin 570: 1 - 87.

WALLER T. R. 1972. - The Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. The Veliger 14: 221 - 264.













