Pericallis menezesii R. Jardim, K. E. Jones, M. Carine & M. Sequeira, 2014

Jones, Katy Elizabeth, SEQUEIRA, M., CARINE, M. & JARDIM, R., 2014, A new species of Pericallis (Senecioneae, Asteraceae) endemic to Porto Santo (Madeira, Portugal), Phytotaxa 186 (4), pp. 199-206 : 199-204

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.186.4.3

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scientific name

Pericallis menezesii R. Jardim, K. E. Jones, M. Carine & M. Sequeira

sp. nov.

Pericallis menezesii R. Jardim, K. E. Jones, M. Carine & M. Sequeira View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Plates 1–3 View PLATE 1 View PLATE 2 View PLATE 3 )

Type:— PORTUGAL. Madeira, Porto Santo: Pico Branco, on North facing slopes, alt. 440 m, 33˚ 05ʹ 37.49ʺ N, 16˚ 18ʹ 09.44ʺ W, 21 May 2011, R. Jardim RJ 1596 (holotype BM000833061!, isotype Universidade da Madeira!) .

Diagnosis: — Species nova a Pericalli aurita tota planta indumento densiore, foliis utrinque pilis crassis conicis multicelluraribusque opertis, auriculis (quas semper praesens sunt immo in primis interdum absunt) saltem dimidio longitudine petiolo pervenientibus, capitulis paucioribus (9–30) grandioribusque (7.5–9.5 × 9–12.5 mm), bracteis involucris pilis densioribus purpureis (nec albis), cypselis disci pilis crassis inter costis densisque (nec tenuis sparsis) differt.

Description:— Woody chamaephyte ( Plate 1a View PLATE 1 ), less than 80 cm tall. Stem branched, less than 4 mm in diameter, ribbed, brown-purple; indumentum sparse to dense white arachnoid with some white multicellular thick hairs, upper part of stem sometimes glabrous. Leaves petiolate, auriculate; lamina 50–250 × 55–125 mm, green or white to grey, palmately veined, suborbicular-cordate to cordate; margin doubly callose-denticulate, greenish with purplish callosities, apex acuminate-acute; petiolar sinus depth less than 0.3 × the lamina length; abaxial indumentum densely white arachnoid to lanate with filiform white-grey hairs and numerous thick, white-brown multicellular hairs, mostly along the veins ( Plate 2a and b View PLATE 2 ); adaxial indumentum sparse to dense white arachnoid with filiform white-grey hairs and numerous stiff brownish multicellular conical hairs, that are thinner than the multicellular hairs on the abaxial lamina indumentum, with an acuminate apex and bulbous base, mostly along the veins ( Plate 2c View PLATE 2 ); petiole 0.5–1 × the lamina length, brownish-light purplish, indumentum white arachnoid with numerous brownish multicellular conical hairs, those of juvenile leaves with white filiform hairs; auricles, 2, usually more than 0.5 times the petiole length, semicircular, decurrent on the petiole, amplexicaul, margin entire to denticulate; indumentum similar to the leaf ( Plate 3a View PLATE 3 ). Inflorescence terminal, branched corymbose cymes; peduncles light-dark purple; indumentum sparse to dense white arachnoid, with purple multicellular hairs; inflorescence bracts linear, light-dark purple, glabrous to arachnoid with sparse white filiform hairs. Capitula 9–30, 7.5–9.5 × 9–12.5 mm; urceolate-campanulate ( Plate 1b View PLATE 1 ). Involucre 5.5 × 9 mm long. Involucre bracts 3.5–5.5 × 1.5–1.8 mm, caniculate, purple becoming dark purple at the apex, glabrous or sparsely to densely white arachnoid, with up to 13 conical, erect purple scales, 0.1–0.3 mm long ( Plate 2e and f View PLATE 2 ), margin scarious, apex glabrous to ciliate ( Plate 3c View PLATE 3 ). Ray florets female, (7–)9–12(–13), 10.5–14.5 mm long, ligules 7–10 × 3.4–3.6 mm, oblong-ovate, 3-toothed ( Plate 3i View PLATE 3 ), adaxial surface light to dark purple, abaxial limb surface paler; corolla tube 2.3–2.8 mm long, light purple. Disc florets hermaphrodite, numerous (ca. 50), 6.2–8.3 mm long, deep purple, tabulate-infundibuliform; tube 4.8–6.9 mm long, lobes 5, ca. 0.8 × 0.6 mm ( Plate 3e and f View PLATE 3 ). Anthers united, crowned by an oblong, blunt, membranous appendage. Style slender, filiform, smooth and hardly thickened at the base; ray floret style branches recurved, glabrous ( Plate 3j View PLATE 3 ); disc floret branches recurved with a truncate papillose apex ( Plate 3h View PLATE 3 ). Cypselae oblong, slightly compressed, light brown; ray cypselae 0.8–2.2 × 0.3–0.8 mm, papillose but sometimes epapillose, with 5–7 longitudinal ridges, the furrows between the ridges glabrous to pubescent sometimes with white, thick, oblong hairs, 0.06–0.11 mm long; disc cypselae 1.1–1.9 × 0.4–0.7 mm, always papillose, with 5–8 longitudinal ridges, the furrows between the ridges with white, thick, oblong hairs, 0.06–0.11 mm long ( Plate 2g View PLATE 2 and 3d View PLATE 3 ). Pappus scabrous, with acutely tipped decurrent spines ( Plate 3e View PLATE 3 ), ray floret pappi 3.7–4.8 mm long; disc floret pappi 5.8–6.6 mm long ( Plate 3e View PLATE 3 ).

Etymology: —This species is dedicated to and named after the prominent Madeiran botanist Carlos Azevedo de Menezes (1863–1926), author of many contributions to the Madeira archipelago flora and of the Flora do Archipelago da Madeira (Phanerogamicas e Cryptogamicas Vasculares), the first complete Flora of Madeira archipelago ( Menezes 1914). Menezes also described several species endemic to Madeira, e.g. Sinapidendron sempervivifolium Menezes (1922: 113) and Scilla madeirensis Menezes (1926: 24) .

Distribution: — Pericallis menezesii is endemic to Porto Santo. The three known populations are restricted to northern slopes of Pico Branco, the northeastern peak of the island (ca. 450 m a.s.l.). The known distribution has not changed since descriptions by Lowe (1868), Menezes (1914), Pickering (1962) and Press (1994) and was confirmed during Porto Santo surveys between 1996 and 2013. Population sizes have, however, reduced over this time.

Ecology: — Pericallis menezesii is restricted to the steep slopes of Pico Branco, on leptosol derivatives of igneous volcanic trachyte rocks. The species occurs in the Mediterranean xeric-oceanic, inframediterranean dry bioclimate. It forms part of the nanophanerophytic community Siderito multiflorae-Echietum portosanctensis Jardim, Capelo, Sequeira, Aguiar & Costa ( Costa et al. 2012: 101) . This community is endemic to Porto Santo and is characterized by several Porto Santo endemic taxa, notably Echium portosanctensis Carvalho, Pontes, Baptista-Marques & Jardim (2010: 87) and Sideritis candicans Aiton (1789: 289) var. multiflora Bornm. ex Mendoza-Heuer (1974: 135) , with Helichrysum melaleucum Reichenbach ex Holl (1830: 382) subsp. roseum (Lowe 1868: 483) Jardim & Sequeira (2011: 240) , Carlina salicifolia (Linnaeus filius 1782: 350) Cavanilles (1801: 81) var. latifolia Lowe (1868: 515–516) , Phyllis nobla Linnaeus (1753: 232) , Cheirolophus massonianus ( Lowe 1856: 297) Hansen & Sunding (1979: 92) .

Phenology: —Flowers between (March) April and May.

Conservation status: — Pericallis menezesii should be considered as Critically Endangered (CR, D) due to the scarce number of populations and individuals, reduced occupancy and occurrence area as defined by IUCN (2001). Overgrazing by introduced rabbit populations is a threat to P. menezesii populations. However, recent episodes of myxomatosis are likely to cause rabbit populations to decrease which is expected to aid the recovery of this species; this will require careful monitoring. Two populations of P. menezesii occur in accessible places along the path of Pico Branco and they are threatened by human disturbance.

Comparison with Pericallis aurita : — Pericallis menezesii is morphologically similar to P. aurita from Madeira. However there are a number of characters which distinguish the species ( Table 1 and Plates 2 View PLATE 2 and 3 View PLATE 3 ). They may be readily differentiated by characters of the auricles, involucral bracts, lamina indumentum and disc cypselae (see Plate 2a–d View PLATE 2 for abaxial and adaxial leaf surface comparisons, Plate 2g and h View PLATE 2 for comparisons of cypselae and Plate 3 View PLATE 3 for illustrations of morphological comparisons). An identification key to the Pericallis of Madeira is provided below.

– Auricles usually more than half of the petiole length; abaxial indumentum of the leaf lamina densely arachnoid to lanate, with numerous thick, long multicellular hairs; adaxial indumentum of the leaf lamina with numerous conical multicellular hairs; involucre bracts usually with purple, erect scales; furrows of disc cypselae with rows of dense thick white hairs ............................ .............................................................................................................................................................................. Pericallis menezesii

– Auricles less than third of the petiole length; abaxial indumentum of the leaf lamina arachnoid-floccose, with very sparse thick, long multicellular hairs; adaxial indumentum of the leaf lamina seldom with conical long multicellular hairs; involucre bracts lacking purple, erect scales; furrows of disc cypselae with rows of sparse slender white hairs ............................... Pericallis aurita

Additional specimens examined (paratypes): — PORTUGAL. Madeira, Porto Santo: Pico Branco , 21 January 1954, Nóbrega 714 ( MADS) ; Pico Branco , 17 September 1960, R. Vieira 5972 ( MADJ) ; Pico Branco , escarpa N, na vereda para a Terra Chã , alt. 340 m, 16 May 2010, R. Jardim RJ 990 (BM, Universidade da Madeira); Pico Branco, 15 March 2011, J. Silva s.n. ( MADM) ; Pico Branco, escarpa exposta a N, na vereda para a Terra Chã, 23 April 2011, R. Jardim RJ 1458 (BM, Universidade da Madeira); Pico Branco , próximo do topo, vertente N, alt. 445 m, 08 September 2012, R. Jardim & M. Sequeira RJ 2560 ( BM) ; Pico Branco, 1894, Murray s.n. (BM, K); Summit of Pico Branco. 8 May 1855, R.T. Lowe s.n. ( BM) .

Pericallis menezesii Pericallis aurita

Stem indumentum Sparse to dense white arachnoid, with some white Sparsely white arachnoid to floccose multicellular thick hairs

Leaf lamina shape Suborbicular-cordate or cordate, margin doubly Ovate-cordate to ovate-triangular, margin callose-

and margin callose-denticulate crenate

Leaf lamina abaxial Densely white arachnoid to lanate, with both filiform White-arachnoid to floccose, with mostly filiform indumentum hairs and numerous thick multicellular hairs mostly but seldom thick multicellular hairs along the veins

Leaf lamina adaxial Sparse to dense white arachnoid, with both filiform Sparse white to grey-arachnoid, with filiform indumentum hairs and numerous stiff brownish multicellular hairs but seldom with multicellular conical hairs conical hairs

Auricles 2, more than half of the petiole length 0–2, less than third of the petiole length

Capitula per 9–30 30–50


Size of capitulum 7.5–9.5 × 9.2–12.5 mm 4.9–10.5 × 3.8–9.2 mm

Involucre 5.5 × 9 mm 4.0 × 5.7 mm

Involucre bracts 3.5–5.5 × 1.5–1.8 mm, purple; glabrous or sparsely 3.1–6.6 × 1.3–1.9 mm, green-purple; glabrous to to densely white arachnoid, with multicellular purple dense white arachnoid sometimes with less than scales, up to 13 0.1–0.3 mm long; apex glabrous to whitish multicellular scales, 0.05–0.15 mm long; ciliate apex ciliate

Ray florets (7–)9–12(–13), 10.5–14.5 mm long; ligules 7–10 × 5–9, 7.8–8.2 mm long, ligules 4.7–5.1 × 2.8–3.0 3.4–3.6 mm, oblong-ovate, corolla tube 2.3–2.8 mm mm, lanceolate, corolla tube 1.6–2.0 mm long long

Disc florets 6.2–8.3 mm, tube 4.8–6.9 mm, lobes ca. 0.8 × 0.6 mm 5.6–5.8 mm, tube 3.6–5.5mm, lobes ca. 0.6 × 0.4 mm

Disc cypselae 1.1–1.9 × 0.4–0.7 mm; 5–8 furrows with thick, dense 1.1–2.1 × 0.4–0.5 mm; 4–7 furrows, with slender hairs; light-brown sparse (rarely dense) hairs; dark-brown


Museu de História Natural do Seminário do Funchal


Jardim Botânico da Madeira


Museu Municipal do Funchal


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