Eucalyptus, L'Her.

Wilson, Trevor C., Rutherford, Susan, Yap, Jia-Yee S., Douglas, Steven M., Lee, Enhua & Rossetto, Maurizio, 2023, Eucalyptus cryptica (Myrtaceae): a critically endangered new species, Australian Systematic Botany 36 (5), pp. 386-400 : 390

publication ID 10.1071/SB22031


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scientific name



The section of the online key to Eucalyptus View in CoL in New South Wales (PlantNET 2023)

, originally written by Ken Hill, is here amended to incorporate E. cryptica T.C.Wilson, S.Rutherf. & S.M.Douglas. Eucalyptus cryptica keys out with other New South Wales members of E. subgenus Symphyomyrtus section Latoangulatae series Annulares on the basis of the following characters: (i) bark rough, persistent over entire trunk, (ii) not an ironbark, and (iii) not a stringybark. However, it is then separated from its closest congeners ( E. notabilis , E. resinifera and E. scias ) by the valves of its fruit being shallowly enclosed to weakly exserted with the rim of the disc ( v. strongly exserted). It, like E. microcorys F.Muell. and the more closely related E. botryoides and E. robusta Sm. (both currently in E. subgenus Symphyomyrtus section Latoangulatae ), is distinguished from other Eucalyptus species by the adult leaves being strongly discolourous and closely penniveined. It can then be distinguished from E. botryoides by its fruit being pedicellate ( v. fruit sessile). Below are modifications to the key that distinguish E. cryptica from E. microcorys and E. robusta .

76 Habit a single-stemmed, small to medium-sized tree or mallee; buds ampulliform, fusiform, obpyriform or obconical, operculum usually beaked, operculum scar present; fruit cylindrical, hemi - spherical, cupular or obconical,> 5 mm in diameter...................76 a

Habit a medium-sized to tall single-stemmed tree; buds clavate, operculum never beaked, operculum scar absent; fruit obconical to obpyriform, <6 mm in diameter....................... E. microcorys

76 a Bark fissured, eximious (i.e. with thin flakes on ridges); buds ampulliform or obpyriform or obconical, 6–15 mm long; fruit urceolate, valves free.................................................. E. cryptica

Bark furrowed, persistent; buds fusiform,> 15 mm long; fruit cylindrical, valves usually joined across orifice........... E. robusta

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