Pseudharpinia planti, Andrade & Senna, 2020

Andrade, Luiz F. & Senna, André R., 2020, Four new species of Pseudharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 (Crustacea: Amphipoda Phoxocephalidae) from southwestern Atlantic and new records of P. tupinamba Senna & Souza-Filho, 2011, Zootaxa 4763 (4), pp. 501-537 : 523-531

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4763.4.3

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scientific name

Pseudharpinia planti

sp. nov.

Pseudharpinia planti View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 18–23 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 )

Type material. Holotype: female, 3.5 mm length, dissected and drawn, MBT 218, 23°03’S, 42°19’W, 75 m depth, Rio de Janeiro state, 5 June 1971, UERJ 455 GoogleMaps . Paratype: male, dissected and drawn, same data as for the holotype, UERJ 456.

Additional material examined. 4 females, same data as for the holotype, UERJ 457.

Diagnosis. Head with dorsal keel and ventrolateral line. Rostrum entire. Antenna 1 primary and accessory flagella article 1 elongate. Antenna 2 peduncle article 1 with a subacute ensiform process. Mandible molar with 3 pectinate stout setae, left lacinia mobilis stout. Maxilla 1 inner plate with 4 setae. Maxilla 2 inner plate slightly longer than outer. Maxilliped inner plate with 1 stout seta apically; outer plate medial margin with stout blunt brush setae extending to apical margin; palp article bearing elongated apical nail. Pereopods 3–4 carpus anterior margin with a comb-like structure distally. Pereopod 6 carpus with a distofacial rounded lobe produced and covered with setules. Pereopod 7 basis expanded posteroventrally, reaching half of merus; merus strongly produced posteroventrally. Uropods 1–2 peduncle ventroapical corner combed. Telson with 2 long setae on each lobe.

Description. Based on female holotype, UERJ 455.

Head. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 about 1.5 × longer than wide, ventral margin with brush setae distally, dorsal margin with 1 long seta distally; article 2 ventral margin with 1 brush, 1 long and 5 pappose setae, dorsal margin with 1 seta distally; article 3 short, ventral margin with 1 short and 1 stout seta distally, facial margin with 1 brush and 2 short setae distally; primary flagellum 6-articulate, article 1 about 3 × longer than wide; accessory flagellum 4-articulate, article 1 about 3.8 × longer than wide. Antenna 2 peduncle article 2 short and subrectangular; article 3 facial margin with 2 setae; article 4 slightly longer than wide, ventral margin with long pappose and brush setae, facial margin with 1 brush seta medially and a row of 8 long setae extending to dorsal apex; article 5 about 0.6 × the length of article 4, ventral margin with 1 brush and 7 pappose setae, dorsal margin with 1 seta distally; flagellum 7-articulate. Upper lip and lower lip ordinary. Mandible incisor with 3 (left) – 4 (right) teeth, lacinia mobilis with 9 teeth (left)—bifid and cuspidate (right), accessory setal row with 8 (left)—4 (right) multicuspidate stout setae, palpar hump small; palp 3-articulate, article 1 short, article 2 weakly setose with 1 short seta proximally and 2 long distally, article 3 slightly shorter than article 2, apex oblique, with setae extending from medial margin to apex. Maxilla 1 outer plate with stout setae, being 7 multicuspidate; palp article 2 medial margin with 3 setae distally, apical margin with 3 setae, lateral margin with setules distally. Maxilla 2 inner plate medial margin covered with set- ules, apicomedial corner with larger plumose setae, apical margin with 5 setae, lateral margin with setules distally; outer plate apical margin setose, lateral margin with setules and 2 simple setae. Maxilliped inner plate with 5 long plumose setae; outer plate medial margin with 6 stout blunt brush setae progressively increasing in length to apex, lateral margin with 2 long stout setae, being 1 plumose; palp article 2 medial margin weakly setose, article 3 margins weakly setose, with long setae apically, article 4 about 2.1 × longer than wide, with 2 accessory setae.

Pereon. Gnathopod 1 coxa expanded anteroventrally, ventral margin with 1 short and 16 long pappose setae; basis about 2.3 × longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins with 3 setae, posterodistal corner with 1 seta; ischium short and subquadrate, posterior margin with 2 setae, being 1 pappose; merus posterior margin with 2 simple and 2 pappose setae; carpus posterior margin with 8 setae; propodus weakly setose, anterodistal margin with a tuft of setae, posterior margin with 1 stout seta defining palm; palm covered with setules on its margin, palmar hump medium; dactylus reaching the palmar corner, outer margin with 1 short seta medially and 1 leaf-shaped seta distally. Gnathopod 2 coxa subrectangular, ventral margin with 10 pappose setae; basis about 3 × longer than wide, anterior margin with 9 setae, posterior margin with 2 setae, posterodistal corner with 3 pappose setae; ischium short and subquadrate, posterodistal corner with 2 setae; merus posterior margin with 6 pappose setae; carpus posterior margin with 5 setae; propodus weakly setose, anterodistal margin with a tuft of setae, posterior margin with 1 stout seta defining palm; palm covered with setules on its margin, palmar hump medium; dactylus reaching the palmar hump, outer margin with 1 short seta medially and 1 leaf-shaped seta distally. Pereopod 3 coxa subrectangular, ventral margin with 10 pappose setae; basis about 2.8 × longer than wide, posterior margin with 4 long setae, posterodistal corner with 4 long pappose setae; ischium short and subrectangular, posterodistal corner with 5 pappose setae; merus anterior margin with 4 setae distally, posterior margin moderately setose, facial margin with 4 setae distally; carpus anterior margin with 1 short seta distally, posterior margin with long slender and stout setae progressively more robust and longer, facial margin with a row of 4 setae; propodus anterior margin with 2 setae distally, posterior margin with 1 stout seta distally and a row of 6 setae extending to facial margin; dactylus about 85% the length of propodus. Pereopod 4 coxa posterior margin strongly expanded, posterodorsal margin excavate, ventral margin with 12 pappose setae; remaining articles are very similar to pereopod 3, differing only by some arrangements of setae. Pereopod 5 coxa bilobate, posteroventral lobe strongly produced, with 4 pappose setae and a row of setules; basis about 2.8 × longer than wide, anterior margin with a row of setules proximally, 2 setae and 1 pappose seta distally, anterodistal corner with 4 setae, posterior margin with 1 plumose seta distally; ischium short and subrectangular, anterodistal corner with 5 pappose setae; merus anterior margin moderately setose, with a row of 7 setae distally, posterior margin with 5 pappose setae and a row of 5 setae distally; carpus anterior margin moderately setose, with 2 stout setae and a row of 4 setae distally, posterior margin with 5 plumose setae and a row of 5 setae distally; propodus anterior margin moderately setose, with 2 stout setae, posterior margin setose; dactylus about 65% the length of propodus. Pereopod 6 coxa subtriangular, posterior margin with 1 short seta; basis about 1.4 × longer than wide, anterior margin with plumose setae extending to facial apex and 2 stout setae, posterior margin with 1 seta and a row of setules; ischium short and subrectangular, anterodistal corner with 1 short and 2 plumose setae, posterior margin with setules; merus anterior margin with 3 stout setae, posterior margin with 2 stout setae distally; carpus anterior margin with 4 setae, posterior margin with 2 setae distally; propodus anterior margin with 8 long setae; dactylus about 60% the length of propodus. Pereopod 7 coxa trapezoidal, posterior margin with 1 short seta; basis about 1.3 × longer than wide, posteroventral margin expanded and serrate, reaching half of merus, ventral margin with 5 plumose setae, anterodistal corner with 1 stout and 4 long plumose setae; ischium distofacial lobe produced, anterior margin with 2 stout and 4 long plumose setae; merus anterior margin with 5 setae, posterior margin with 1 seta distally; carpus anterior margin with 3 seta, posterior margin with 2 setae; propodus posterior margin with 1 seta distally; dactylus slightly longer than propodus.

Pleon. Epimeral plate 1 anterior margin covered with setules, ventral margin and posteroventral corner rounded. Epimeral plate 2 ventral margin weakly concave, with 3 plumose setae, posterior margin convex. Epimeral plate 3 ventral margin weakly concave, with 7 plumose setae, posteroventral corner strongly produced dorsally into a hook, posterior margin with 3 setae. Uropod 1 peduncle 2.9 × longer than wide, dorsomedial and dorsolateral margins with 3 stout setae distally each; outer ramus slightly longer than inner, dorsomedial margin with 8 setae, dorsolateral margin with 5 setae; inner ramus dorsomedial margin with 7 setae. Uropod 2 peduncle about 2.5 × longer than wide, dorsomedial margin with 1 seta distally, dorsolateral margin with 3 setae; outer ramus slightly longer than inner, dorsomedial margin with 5 setae, dorsolateral margin with 2 setae; inner ramus dorsomedial margin with 4 setae. Uropod 3 peduncle slightly longer than wide, dorsoapical margin with a row of 8 setae; outer ramus 1.4 × longer than inner, article 1 dorsomedial margin with 7 long setae, dorsolateral margin with 2 setae, article 2 about 1.4 × longer than wide, with 2 long setae apically. Telson about 70% cleft, lobes rounded with 2 long setae apically each, dorsolateral margin with 2 plumose setae on each side.

Sexual dimorphism. Based on male paratype, UERJ 456. Body smaller in size.

Head. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 about 1.3 × longer than wide, ventral margin with brush setae and long setules distally, dorsal margin with a row of setules and 1 seta distally; article 2 ventral margin with 6 long setae, dorsal margin with 1 seta distally, facial margin with 1 brush seta; article 3 ventral and facial margins with 2 setae each; primary flagellum 6-articulate; accessory flagellum 4-articulate. Antenna 2 peduncle article 2 subtriangular; article 3 ventral margin with 1 seta, dorsal margin covered with setules, facial margin with 2 setae; article 4 ventral margin with long pappose and brush setae, dorsal margin covered with setules, facial margin with 1 brush seta and a row of 7 long setae extending to dorsal apex; article 5 slightly longer than article 4, ventral margin with simple and brush setae, dorsal margin with 6 tufts of setules and 4 calceoli; flagellum 36-articulate, with setules and 15 calceoli.

Pereon. Gnathopods 1–2, similar to female, but more robust; palms margins minutely pectinate, palmar humps slightly larger.

Pleon. Uropod 3 peduncle 1.2 × longer than wide, dorsomedial margin with 2 setae distally, dorsoapical margin with a row of 5 setae; outer ramus slightly longer than inner, article 1 margins covered with plumose setae, article 2 about 1.3 × longer than wide, with 2 long plumose setae apically; inner ramus margins covered with plumose setae, with 2 long plumose setae apically.

Etymology. Named after Robert Plant, artistic name of Robert Anthony Plant, lead singer of the band Led Zeppelin and owner of one of the greatest voices in the world.

Type locality. Rio de Janeiro state coast (23°03’S, 42°19’W).

Remarks. Pseudharpinia planti sp. nov. presents the following new combination of character states within the genus: head with dorsal keel and ventrolateral line; antenna 1 flagella article 1 elongate; left mandible with stout la- cinia mobilis, with 9 teeth; maxilliped outer plate with stout blunt brush setae; pereopods 3–4 carpus anterior margin with a comb-like structure distally; pereopod 6 carpus with a distofacial rounded lobe produced and covered with setules; telson with 2 long setae on each lobe apically each.

Geographic distribution. The species is known only from the type locality, Rio de Janeiro state coast ( Fig 24 View FIGURE 24 ).

Bathymetric range. 75 m depth.



















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