Paradentalium infractum ( Odhner, 1931 )

Caetano, Carlos Henrique Soares, Scarabino, Victor & Absalão, Ricardo Silva, 2006, Scaphopoda (Mollusca) from the Brazilian continental shelf and upper slope (13 º to 21 ºS) with descriptions of two new species of the genus Cadulus Philippi, 1844, Zootaxa 1267, pp. 1-47 : 12-13

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Plazi (2016-04-04 11:54:41, last updated 2024-11-26 03:01:04)

scientific name

Paradentalium infractum ( Odhner, 1931 )

comb. nov.

Paradentalium infractum ( Odhner, 1931) View in CoL n.comb.

Figs. 16–19 View FIGURES 1 – 19

+ Dentalium infractum Odhner 1931: 1 View in CoL , pl. 1, figs. 1–3, 8, 10, 12, pl. 2, figs. 15–17, 22, 23. + Dentalium (Dentalium) infractum: Scarabino 1973: 195 View in CoL , pl. 1, figs. 2, 2a.

+ Dentalium (Antalis) infractum: Penna­Neme 1974: 110 View in CoL , figs. 2, 4, 5, 6.

+ Dentalium (Antalis) elegantulum Penna­Neme 1974: 108 , figs. 1, 3.

+ Antalis infractum: Scarabino 1985: 198 , pl. 72, fig. 1013; 1994: 306, pl. 106, fig. 1501. + Antalis infracta: Steiner and Kabat 2001: 440 View in CoL ; 2004: 602.

Type material

Holotype SMNH 1554; Paratypes SMNH 6337, 12 lv, SMNH 6338, 4 dd.

Type locality

"Küste von [Coast of] Uruguay ", 33°00’S – 51°10’W, 80 m (by original designation) but corrected to South Brazil by Scarabino (1973).


Shell up to 49 mm long, slender, slightly curved, white to yellowish, polished, shining. Six thin primary ribs on posterior half of the shell, dorsal one larger than the others. Anterior half smooth. Secondary ribs present, number variable. Intercostals spaces straight to convex. Apical section hexagonal, oral section circular.

Material examined

Holotype MZUSP 18699; Paratypes MZUSP 18700, 4 dd; MZUSP 18702, 2 dd, of D. elegantulum ; IBUFRJ 7900, sta AV10,1 dd; IBUFRJ 8024, sta D1, 1 lv; IBUFRJ 7981, sta D4, 1 dd; IBUFRJ 14240, sta Y5, 7 lv, 34 dd; IBUFRJ 14241, sta C27, 3 lv, 8 dd; IBUFRJ 14242, sta 27, 2 dd; IBUFRJ 14243, sta R2#1, 12 dd; IBUFRJ 14244, sta R3#2, 2 dd; MORG 13864, off São Luiz, Maranhão, 33 m, 1 dd.


Brazil: Maranhão (this study), Alagoas, Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul ( Odhner 1931; Penna­Neme 1974; Scarabino 1973, 1975, 1985, 1994); Uruguay ( Scarabino 1973). Living 40–190 m, shells 5 to 269 m (this study).


Odhner (1931) described the species from off Uruguay but, as observed by Scarabino (1973), the latitude given by the author corresponds, in fact, to South Brazil. Penna­Neme (1974) identified specimen number MNRJ 3646 as one of the paratypes of D. elegantulum , but it could not be found in MNRJ.

Antalis cerata ( Dall, 1881) View in CoL and Paradentalium disparile ( Orbigny, 1853) View in CoL are the most similar species to P. infractum in the western Atlantic. Paradentalium infractum View in CoL and A.

cerata View in CoL shared the pattern of alternating sculptured and smooth portions along the shell extent but the latter showns an apex with nine to twelve ribs while P. infractum View in CoL shown a hexagonal apical section. Additionally, A. cerata View in CoL has microscopic reticulation in the intercostals spaces (see Fig. 22 View FIGURES 20 – 38 ). The apex is composed of six ribs in both Paradentalium disparile View in CoL and P. infractum View in CoL , but in P. d i s p a r i l e the secondary ribs are more numerous and strongest occurring over the entire shell ( P. disparile View in CoL has no smooth portion).

Dall, W. H. (1881) Reports on the results of dredgings under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea 1877 - 79, by the U. S. C. S. S. Blake , Lieutenant commander G. D. Sigsbee, USN, and commander J. R. Bartlett, USN, commanding. XV. Preliminary report on the Mollusca. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 9, 33 - 144.

Holotype SMNH 1554; Paratypes SMNH 6337, 12 lv, SMNH 6338, 4 dd.

Odhner, N. H. (1931) Die Scaphopoden. Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901 - 1904, 2, 1 - 8.

Orbigny, A. C. D. (1853) Mollusques. In: Sagra, R. de La (ed.). Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'Ile de Cuba, vol. 2. Bertrand, Paris. 380 pp., 28 pls.

Penna-Neme, L. (1974) Consideracoes sobre os Scaphopoda (Mollusca) da costa brasileira, com descricao de uma nova especie. Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 28, 105 - 126.

Scarabino, V. (1973) Scaphopoda del sur del Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina hasta 42 º S. - (Sistematica, Distribucion). In: Anais do V Congresso Latinoamericano de Zoologia, 1, 192 - 203.

Scarabino, V. (1975) Class Scaphopoda. In: Rios, E. C. Brazilian Marine Mollusks Iconography. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande. pp. 180 - 186, pls. 58 - 59.

Scarabino, V. (1985) Class Scaphopoda. In: Rios, E. C. Seashells of Brazil. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande. pp. 196 - 202, pls. 71 - 73.

Scarabino, V. (1994) Class Scaphopoda. In: Rios, E. C. Seashells of Brazil. 2 nd edition. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande. pp. 305 - 310, pls. 105 - 107.

Steiner, G. & Kabat, A. R. (2001) Catalogue of supraspecific taxa of Scaphopoda (Mollusca). Zoosystema, 23, 433 - 460.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 19. Genus Dentalium and Paradentalium. (1 – 5) Dentalium laqueatum, (1) IBUFRJ 14233, 40 mm, (2 – 5) IBUFRJ 14238, 27 mm; (6 – 10) Paradentalium gouldii, (6) Paralectotype MCZ 7707, (7 – 10) IBUFRJ 10796, 10 mm; (11 – 15) Paradentalium disparile, (11 – 13) IBUFRJ 7744, 36 mm, (14 – 15) other specimen from the same lot exibiting the apical pipe, 29 mm; (16 – 19) Paradentalium infractum, IBUFRJ 14240, 45 mm. Scale bar = 100 m.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 20 – 38. Genus Antalis and Coccodentalium. (20 – 22) Antalis cerata, IBUFRJ 14253, 27 mm; (23 – 28) Antalis circumcincta, (23) Lectotype BMNH 1887.2. 9.30, 48 mm, (24) Paralectotype BMNH 1887.2. 9.29, 46 mm, (25 – 28) IBUFRJ 14302, 48 mm; (29 – 32) Antalis taphria, IBUFRJ 14254, 16 mm; (33 – 38) Coccodentalium carduus, IBUFRJ 14245, 89 mm. Scale bar = 100 m.


Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











