Paradentalium disparile ( Orbigny, 1853 )

Caetano, Carlos Henrique Soares, Scarabino, Victor & Absalão, Ricardo Silva, 2006, Scaphopoda (Mollusca) from the Brazilian continental shelf and upper slope (13 º to 21 ºS) with descriptions of two new species of the genus Cadulus Philippi, 1844, Zootaxa 1267, pp. 1-47 : 11

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scientific name

Paradentalium disparile ( Orbigny, 1853 )

comb. nov.

Paradentalium disparile ( Orbigny, 1853) View in CoL n.comb.

Figs. 11–15 View FIGURES 1 – 19

+ Dentalium disparile Orbigny 1853: 202 , pl. 25, figs. 14–17; Dall 1889: 424; Scarabino 1973: pl. 1, fig. 8; Matthews and Rios 1974: 47.

+ Dentalium (Antalis) disparile: Pilsbry and Sharp 1897: 56 , pl. 14, figs. 16–21; Henderson 1920: 47, pl. 6, figs. 4–8; Maury 1922: 35; Haas 1953: 203; Lange de Morretes 1949: 53; Turner 1955: 311; Penna 1972: 230; Penna­Neme 1974: 111; Abbott 1974: 385, fig. 4505; Almeida and Oliveira 2000: 48, fig. 2.

+ Dentalium (Dentale) disparile: Rios 1970: 144 .

Dentalium (Heteroschismoides) callithrix (non Dall 1889): Penna 1972: 231.

+ Antalis disparile: Scarabino 1985: 198 , pl. 72, fig. 1012; 1994: 306, pl. 106, fig. 1500; Díaz and Puyana 1994: 256, pl. 71, fig. 1040; García­Valencia and Díaz 2000: 79; Steiner and Kabat 2001: 440; 2004: 584.

Type material

Syntypes BMNH 1854.10.4.465, 3 dd.

Type locality

Martinique (by original designation).


Shell up to 40 mm long, white, gently curved. Six smooth primary ribs, one in the concave side, four laterally, one ventrally irregular hexagonal apical section. Oral section subcircular. Secondary ribs present. Pipe often observed at apex.

Material examined

IBUFRJ 7744, sta D30, 19 lv; IBUFRJ 8060, sta AV27, 7 lv; IBUFRJ 8068, sta VV29, 3 dd; IBUFRJ 8079, sta AV28, 82 lv; IBUFRJ 9091, sta C66, 10 dd; IBUFRJ 10171, sta C67, 1 dd; IBUFRJ 10380, sta C5, 2 dd; IBUFRJ 10484, sta VV24, 5 dd; IBUFRJ 14299, sta C65, 6 dd; IBUFRJ 14300, sta VV31, 1 dd.


USA: Florida; West Indies: Sabanilla; Cuba; Trinidad ( Henderson 1920; Gray 1854; Turner 1955); Colombia ( García­Valencia & Díaz 2000); Brazil: Amapá to Santa Catarina ( Henderson 1920; Jaeckel 1927; Rios 1970; Penna 1972; Penna­Neme 1974; Scarabino 1985, 1994). Living 5 to 50 m ( Penna 1972), shells to 103 m.

Abbott, R. T. (1974) American Seashells. 2 nd edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York-London-Melbourne. 663 pp.

Almeida, M. N. & Oliveira, M. P. (2000) Lista comentada e ilustrada dos Scaphopoda brasileiros da colecao do setor de malacologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Revista Brasileira de Zoociencias, 2, 45 - 56.

Dall, W. H. (1889) Reports on the results of dredgings under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea 1877 - 79, by the U. S. C. S. S. Blake , Lieutenant commander G. D. Sigsbee, USN, and commander J. R. Bartlett, USN, commanding. XV. Report on the Mollusca. Part II. Gastropoda and Scaphopoda. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 18, 1 - 492.

Diaz, J. P. & Puyana, M. (1994) Moluscos del Caribe Colombiano. Colciencias y Fundacion Natura, Santafe de Bogota. 291 pp., 74 pls.

Garcia-Valencia, C. & Diaz, J. M. (2000) Moluscos y su taxocenoses en los fondos someros del sector sur de la plataforma continental del Caribe colombiano. Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, 29, 73 - 80.

Gray, J. E. (1854) List of the shells of Cuba in the collection of the British Museum, collected by M. Ramon de la Sagra, described by Prof. Alcide d'Orbigny in Histoire de l'Ile de Cuba , 48 pp.

Haas, F. (1953) Mollusks from Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fieldiana, 34, 203 - 209.

Henderson, J. B. (1920) A monograph of the east American scaphopod mollusks. United States National Bulletin, 111, 1 - 177.

Jaeckel, S. H. (1927) Die Mollusken der Mullegger'schen Brasilien Expedition. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 72, 129 - 139.

Matthews, H. R. & Rios, E. C. (1974) Quarta contribuicao ao inventario dos moluscos marinhos do nordeste brasileiro. Arquivos de Ciencias do Mar, 14, 47 - 56.

Maury, C. J. (1922) Recent Mollusca of the Gulf of Mexico and Pleistocene species from the Gulf States. Part 2. Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Amphineura, Cephalopoda. Bulletins of American Paleontology, 9, 33 - 173.

Orbigny, A. C. D. (1853) Mollusques. In: Sagra, R. de La (ed.). Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'Ile de Cuba, vol. 2. Bertrand, Paris. 380 pp., 28 pls.

Penna, L. (1972) Moluscos da Baia da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I. Scaphopoda (Dentaliidae). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 25, 229 - 236.

Penna-Neme, L. (1974) Consideracoes sobre os Scaphopoda (Mollusca) da costa brasileira, com descricao de uma nova especie. Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 28, 105 - 126.

Pilsbry, H. A. & Sharp, B. (1897 - 1898) Class Scaphopoda. In: Tryon, G. W. Manual of Conchology, structural and systematic, with ilustration of the species. Vol. XVII. xxxii + 280 p., 39 pls. (1897: pp. 1 - 144, pls. 1 - 26; 1898: pp. i - xxxii, 145 - 280, pls. 27 - 39).

Rios, E. C. (1970) Coastal brazilian seashells. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande.

Scarabino, V. (1973) Scaphopoda del sur del Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina hasta 42 º S. - (Sistematica, Distribucion). In: Anais do V Congresso Latinoamericano de Zoologia, 1, 192 - 203.

Scarabino, V. (1985) Class Scaphopoda. In: Rios, E. C. Seashells of Brazil. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande. pp. 196 - 202, pls. 71 - 73.

Scarabino, V. (1994) Class Scaphopoda. In: Rios, E. C. Seashells of Brazil. 2 nd edition. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande. pp. 305 - 310, pls. 105 - 107.

Steiner, G. & Kabat, A. R. (2001) Catalogue of supraspecific taxa of Scaphopoda (Mollusca). Zoosystema, 23, 433 - 460.

Turner, R. D. (1955) Scaphopods of the Atlantis dredgings in the western Atlantic with a catalogue of the scaphopod types in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Deep Sea Research, suppl., 3, 309 - 320.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 19. Genus Dentalium and Paradentalium. (1 – 5) Dentalium laqueatum, (1) IBUFRJ 14233, 40 mm, (2 – 5) IBUFRJ 14238, 27 mm; (6 – 10) Paradentalium gouldii, (6) Paralectotype MCZ 7707, (7 – 10) IBUFRJ 10796, 10 mm; (11 – 15) Paradentalium disparile, (11 – 13) IBUFRJ 7744, 36 mm, (14 – 15) other specimen from the same lot exibiting the apical pipe, 29 mm; (16 – 19) Paradentalium infractum, IBUFRJ 14240, 45 mm. Scale bar = 100 m.











