Naarda capreola, Tóth, Balázs & Ronkay, László, 2015

Tóth, Balázs & Ronkay, László, 2015, Revision of the Palaearctic and Oriental species of the genus Naarda Walker, 1866 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Hypeninae). Part 5. Description of 13 new species from Asia, Zootaxa 3925 (2), pp. 179-201 : 186-187

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3925.2.2

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scientific name

Naarda capreola

sp. nov.

Naarda capreola sp. n.

male: fig. 37

Type material. Holotype. ♂: Cambodia, Mondolkiri prov.; Seima Biodiversity Conservation Area, road Seima–O’Rang; 12°15’44”N, 107°03’49”E, 360 m; No. 88, 27–29.I.2006, at light; leg. G. Csorba & G. Ronkay; slide No. TB 799m (coll. HNHM).

Paratypes. Cambodia. 2 ♂: all data as in the holotype, slide No. TB 791m (coll. HNHM).

Diagnosis. Naarda capreola is externally similar to N. fuscicosta , but the male antennae are filiform instead of being bipectinate, the fields outside of postmedial lines are less contrasting and rather grey-coloured than the brown shade of N. fuscicosta , and the underside of wings is much darker. The closest known relative of this new species is N. vicina Tóth & Ronkay, 2015a ( Philippines) . Comparing the two species, in N. capreola the palps are shorter, the head is much darker, the ground colour is darker, the forewing costa has longer dark section: reaches apex in N. capreola instead of just touching postmedial line (as in N. vicina ), and the hindwing is more contrastingly marked. In the male genitalia, the costa of the new species has a lobe which is absent in N. vicina , and the ventral edge of sacculus-harpe complex is rounded instead of being angular.

Description. Wingspan 14 mm, length of forewing 7 mm. Antennae filiform, ciliate and setose; cilia as long as, setae 1.5 times as long as diameter of flagellum, each segment with three ciliate bands. Labial palps short; 2.5 times longer than diameter of eye; 3rd segment hardly visible; 3rd segment domed, gradually broadening to its broadest point beyond half-length of palp, then abruptly tapering; this tapering section having rounded dorsal edge. Scale-hood of vertex relatively narrow and long, trapezoidal, nearly triangular. Coxae and tibiae of fore- and hindlegs hairy. Colouration of body with contrasting pattern: head (including vertex), collar and base of patagia black with slight brownish shade, connecting costae of forewings; rest of body fawn (like in N. fuscicosta ). Characteristic wing pattern features: forewing broad, costa straight and very dark brown above cell and vein r4; ground colour fawn; subterminal line black, medium broad, slightly jagged, sinuous; accompanied proximally by a fawn, broad, M-shaped pattern from vein cu1 to dorsum; surroundings of this pattern being dark ash-grey; postmedial line pale, strictly parallel with subterminal line, much more indistinct than the latter marking; medial line represented only by some scattered dark scales; antemedial line indistinct; reniform stigma light yellow, narrow, bean-shaped, with black spot in its bottom third; orbicular stigma circular, nearly half the size of reniform, slightly darker coloured, nearly merged to ground colour. Hindwing fawn medially from postmedial line; other area ash-grey; subterminal and postmedial lines grey, parallel, jagged, their facing sides accompanied by broad, fawn bands parallel with the lines; medial line visible, jagged, slightly broader than postmedial line; discal mark narrow, lunulate, its lower half more conspicuous than upper half. Underside of wings conspicuously darker than upperside, like that of N. acolutha Holloway, 2008 . Male genitalia (fig. 8). Uncus moderately long and slender, bottom third tapering, then slightly dilated, tip rounded with small, hook-like structure. Scaphium slightly shorter than uncus, apical half curved against it. Tegumen as long as vinculum; saccus not visible. Juxta medium-sized, slightly broader than long, rounded pentagonal, with narrow and deep notch ventro-medially. Valva moderately broadbased, basal half abruptly tapering, apical half slightly tapering to the pointed tip of cucullus. Costa broad, fused with dorsal half of cucullus but leaving apical section of the latter free; with triangular, shark-fin-shaped lobe at midpoint of distal, narrow half of valva; sacculus with very narrow basal and dilated lateral section; saccular process and harpe fused, forming broad-based, tapering process with highly sclerotised, square lobe apically. Aedeagus very stout, straight; carinal process large, tapering, spinulose and pointed; vesica globular and smooth.

Distribution. SE Cambodia.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the fawn ground colour of wings which is similar to that of a roe (Capreolus capreolus).

Taxonomic remarks. The fawn ground colour is a rare character of the genus. It is shared only by an undescribed species from Thailand, which is known only by one female specimen. The wing patterns of the two taxa have many similar elements, but the female is much larger and its forewing is much more elongate than those of N. capreola .


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)















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