Pseudapocyrtus robertsstasinskisi, Rukmane-Bārbale, 2021

Rukmane-Bārbale, Anita, 2021, Two new species of the genus Pseudapocyrtus Heller, 1912 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Pachyrhynchini) from Luzon Island, Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 21 (2), pp. 189-198 : 196-198

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12520422


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pseudapocyrtus robertsstasinskisi

sp. nov.

Pseudapocyrtus robertsstasinskisi sp. nov.

( Fig. 6A - B, 7A)

Type material. Holotype, Male: ‘’ PHILIPPINES / Luzon, Ifugao, Banaue / VIII. 2016 / local collector leg.’’(white rectangular label) ; ‘’ HOLOTYPE / Male / Pseudapocyrtus robertsstasinskisi Rukmane-Bārbale, 2021 / det. Rukmane-Bārbale, 2021’’(typed on a red rectangular label).

Paratypes (2 males, 1 female): 1B& ‘’ PHILIPPINES / Luzon, Ifugao, Banaue / VIII. 2015 / local collector leg.’’ (all on white rectangular labels); 1 male ‘’ PHILIPPINES / Luzon, Mt. Province, Barlig / XI. 2015 / local collector leg.’’; 1 female ‘’ PHILIPPINES / Luzon, Mt. Province, Barlig / VIII. 2016 / local collector leg.’’. All with additional red label : ‘’ PARATYPE / Pseudapocyrtus robertsstasinskisi Rukmane-Bārbale, 2021 / det. Rukmane-Bārbale, 2021’’.

Distribution. Philippines, Luzon Island, Ifugao and Mountain Provinces.

Description. Male. Measurements: LB = 12.2; LR = 1.22; WR = 1.46; LP = 3.05; WP = 3.05; LE = 6.46; WE = 5.85. N = 1 for all measurements. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 6A.

Body black, shiny, without scally markings. Head punctured, slightly pubescent, space between eyes slightly wrinkled, lateral parts smooth. Eyes rather strongly prominent from the outline of the head, peak slightly after the middle. Forehead 2.6 times as wide as eye width, nearly flat, dorsally with longitudinal medial groove from subbasal part of ferehead to subapical part. Rostrum bulging dorsally, in dorsal contour slightly widened from apex to base, WR/LR = 1.19; without transverse groove. Basal antennomere 2.2 times as long as wide, 1.5 times longer than antennomere II; antennomere II 1.8 times as long as wide, 2.5 times longer than antennomere III; antennomeres III - VII subequal in size, nearly same lenght and width. Club less than two times shorter than antennomeres I - VII together.

Prothorax subcylindrical, LP/WP = 1, disc with very shallow medial groove; in dorsal view widest just at the middle; anterior edge strongly curved apically, posterior edge with very weak subbasal groove, strongly curved apically. Elytra with rows of deep punctures,dispersed in even intervals, LE/WE = 1.1, in dorsal view gradually widened to widest middle, then evenly decreased to apical 1/2, then stronly decreased to just after the apical 1/2, then straightened and slightly decreased to apex; each elytron at subapical part with moderate impression; LE/LP = 2.11, WE/WP = 1.91. Coxa and femur nearly smooth, with very slight pubescence, apical part of femur wrinkled; tibia pubescent in all lenght and with longer light hairs at subapical part.

Genitalia as illustrated in Fig. 7A.

Female. Measurements: LB = 12.5; LR = 1.12; WR = 1.5; LP = 3.12; WP = 3; LE = 7.62; WE = 6. WR/ LR = 1.33; LP/WP = 1.04; LE/WE = 1.27; LE/LP = 2.45; WE/WP = 2. N = 1 for all measurements. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 6B.

Rostrum and head more strongly pubescent, less wrinkled. Anterior and posterior edge of prothorax nearly straight. Apex of elytra more strongly expressed, shape conical, not cutted as in males; each elytron at subapical part without impression. Legs more strongly pubescent, with long, light hairs at all parts. Otherwise essentially as in males.

Differential diagnosis. The new species can be easily distinguished from the rest of the species by completely black body without any scally markings (in P. imitator Heller, 1912 , P. productus Heller, 1912 ; P. exsectus Heller, 1912 and P. multipunctatus Heller, 1929 elytra are reddish; in P. catanduanensis Schultze, 1922 ; P. formicarius Heller, 1912 and P. legorskyi Link & Zettel share reddish prothorax, and all otherspecies have scally markings on prothorax and elytra). The new species has rahter big eyes, that are strongly prominent from the outline of the head and bigger than in the rest of the species. Additionally the new species has rather short and wide rostrum, which usually is longer than wide in rest of the species.

Etymology. The new species is named after briliant Latvian doctor Roberts Stašinskis, who helped our family to get trought dark times and saved our lifes. We are more than gratefull for professionalism, straight explanation of situation and best possible decisions.

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