Chilicola (Chilioediscelis) andina Toro & Moldenke

Willis, Erin & Packer, Laurence, 2008, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of Chilioediscelis (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) with descriptions of three new species, Zootaxa 1762 (1), pp. 29-52 : 33-35

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.1762.1.2


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Plazi (2016-04-05 08:36:33, last updated 2024-11-27 08:30:00)

scientific name

Chilicola (Chilioediscelis) andina Toro & Moldenke


Chilicola (Chilioediscelis) andina Toro & Moldenke View in CoL

Diagnosis: Males of C. andina can be distinguished from other members of the subgenus except C. patagonica by the colouration of their legs. The protibia of C. andina and C. patagonica has yellow only on the anterior surface and the anterior surface of their profemur is almost entirely dark. In all others Chilioediscelis the protibia is mostly yellow and the anterior surface of the profemur is mainly yellow. Chilicola andina and C. patagonica can be differentiated from one another by the colour of their metatibia, which has extensive dark markings in C. andina but is yellow with at most a small amount of dark colouration medially in C. patagonica . These two species can also be distinguished by the shape of the S7 dorsolateral lobes: C. andina is the only species with ventral lobes that are small and narrow ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 E) while those of C. patagonica are larger, broader and more setose ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 E).

Females of this species can be distinguished from all other females except C. mirzamalae by the dark colouration of their metasomal terga (all other species have some orange or red markings on the metasoma). Chilicola andina females can easily be distinguished from those of C. mirzamalae by the absence of a large hypostomal flange that is present in C. mirzamalae . Also, C. mirzamalae females have a dark unmaculated pronotal lobe, whereas the pronotal lobe has yellow along the posterolateral margin in C. andina .

Description: Male: Length 6.7mm, forewing length 4.1mm, head width 1.8mm, intertegular span 1.5mm.

Colouration: Black with following parts yellow: distal half of labrum (basal half brown), mandible (except apex brown-red), inverted T-shaped mark on clypeus, lower paraocular area to just above dorsal margin of clypeus (maculation running along margin of eye, but absent along dorsolateral margin of the clypeus), anterior spot on tegula, posterolateral margin of pronotal lobe, apical ring on profemur, dorsoapical spot on meso- and metafemur, dorsal surface of protibia, dorsobasal and dorsoapical spot on mesotibia, most of surface of metatibia (brown maculation at midlength on outer surface, inner surface suffused with brown, carina brown), pro- and mesobasitarsus (the latter yellow-brown). The remainder of legs, metasomal terga and wing venation brown. Tegula and apical impressed area of metasomal terga translucent pale straw. Ventral surface of flagellum orange.

Pubescence: Whitish, long and somewhat woolly throughout. Head and thorax with sparse, erect pubescence; (= 3MOD) longest hairs between antennal sockets. Long sparse genal beard (= 4MOD, becoming shorter towards base of mandible). Shorter dense hairs on pronotal lobe (= 1.5 MOD). Mesopleuron with long, sparse hairs (= 3MOD). Dorsolateral portion of propodeum with long, dense hairs (= 3MOD). T1-T6 with poorly defined apical hair bands. Sterna with short sparse hairs, longer on S1 and S2 (= 2MOD).

Surface Sculpture: Clypeus, lower paraocular area and supraclypeal area weakly longitudinally microstriate. Punctures on labrum dense and evenly spaced (i~d). Sparse, irregularly spaced punctures on clypeus (i=1- 6d). Punctures on lower paraocular area deeper and more evenly spaced (i=1-3d). Punctures on supraclypeal area more regular (i=1-2d). Upper paraocular area and frons with deep dense elongate punctures (i<d), situated among strong longitudinal striae. Vertex areolate-rugulose. Gena (posteriorly, except close to mandible base) and hypostomal area microstriate with moderately dense shallow punctures (i=1-2d). Thorax with weak, imbricate microsculpture, surface shiny. Mesoscutum and mesopleuron with fine, moderately dense punctation (i=1-3d), slightly sparser on mesoscutum; scutellum densely punctate (i~d). Dorsal area of propodeum with irregular longitudinal striae attaining posterior margin. Metasomal terga with strong microsculpture and dense distinct but fine punctures on anterior terga, sparser and less distinct on more posterior terga (i= 1-2d), punctures on sterna less distinct.

Structure: Head: broader than long (51:43). Labrum short (length to breadth 12:30), concave dorsally, apex weakly convex. Clypeus weakly convex, broader than long (21:16); apical third extending beyond lower ocular tangent; with a strong longitudinal median groove; apex very weakly concave medially. Supraclypeal area somewhat swollen, broader than long (10:9). Subantennal sutures shorter than distance that separates them (6:8), converging below. Frontal line raised and complete from median ocellus to supraclypeal area. Vertex flat in frontal view. Eyes convergent below, UOD:LOD (35:28); OOC less than IOC (7:9). Ratio of lengths of pedicel:F1:F2:F3 (5:6:7:7). Flagellomeres approximately 1.5 X as long as greatest breadth. Malar space 0.67 X the basal depth of mandible (4:6). Gena narrow, ratio of width:eye width (9:13).

Mesosoma : 1.5 X as long as greatest depth (95:63). Pronotal collar short, noticeably less than diameter of median ocellus, entirely declivous medially. Ratio of scutellum:metanotum:propodeum (13:5:8). Scrobal groove absent anterior to scrobe. Metatrochanter with ventral surface forming right angle in lateral view. Metafemur somewhat swollen, length twice maximum depth (35:18), ventral surface concave. Metatibia somewhat swollen, 2.5 X as long as greatest depth (30:12), which is subapical ventral surface flat with a carina extending from basal 0.16 of inner margin, around apex and for apical 0.25 of outer margin. Metabasitarsus 5 X longer than greatest depth (20:4). Ratio of length of stigma to marginal cell on wing margin (16:30). Stigmal margin in marginal cell straight.

Metasoma: T1 somewhat broader than long (42:38). Apical impressed areas of T2-T6 extensive, about 0.33X as long as corresponding tergum. S7 with posterior process of ventral lobe short and narrow, with several apical setae; dorsal lobe broad and laterally oriented. S8 with apical process broadly concave at apex. Genital capsule elongate, broadest towards base of gonocoxites. Penis valve with two membranous lobes of unequal size.

Description: Female: Length 6.4mm, forewing length 4.8mm, head width 2.0 mm, intertegular span 1.5mm.

Colouration: Entirely brown except yellow as follows: spot on mandibular condyle and dorsoapically on profemur, broad longitudinal stripe on dorsal surface of protibia. Ventral surface of flagellum light brown.

Pubescence: As in male except metafemur and metatibia with dense plumose scopal hairs (=2MOD). Sterna with long dense hairs (=3MOD), densest and longest on S2.

Surface Sculpture: As in male except punctures finer and facial striae stronger.

Structure: As in male except: head broader (51:40); labrum longer (length to breadth 8:18); clypeus broader (25:15); supraclypeal area broader (12:10); subantennal sutures not so strongly convergent below; eyes less convergent below, UOD:LOD (35:32); ratio of pedicel:F1:F2:F3 (6:7:5:5), flagellomeres approximately as long as broad.

Mesosoma: As in male except as follows: ratio of scutellum:metanotum:propodeum (15:6:11); hind legs unmodified.

Metasoma: T1 broader (38:46). Apical impressed areas of terga less extensive, less than 0.33 X as long as corresponding tergum.

Material Studied: Holotype male: CHILE, Region IV: Coquimbo (North of Laguna Dam) 8,000ft, 6.xii.1950, Ross, Michelbacher. Additional male, Santiago, Farellones, 9.i.1980, M. Arroyo. Female from same location as additional male except 20.xii.1980 and collected by F. Squed, from flowers of Adesmia ascilis . The holotype is at CASC; the other specimens we have examined are at the AMNH.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Chilicola andina. A. head of female, frontal view, B. female, lateral view, C. head of male, frontal view, D. male, lateral view, E. S 7, F. S 8, G. genitalia, stippling represents membranous lobes of penis valves. Drawings of terminalia with ventral views to left, dorsal views to right.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Chilicola patagonica. A. head of female, frontal view, B. female, lateral view, C. head of male, frontal view, D. male, lateral view, E. S 7, F. metasomal terga of female in dorsal view, G. S 8, H. genitalia, stippling represents membranous lobes of penis valves. Drawings of terminalia with ventral views to left, dorsal views to right.


American Museum of Natural History











