Eriosema simplicifolium (DC.) G. Don, Gen. Hist.

De Menezes, Helen F., De Queiroz, Luciano P., Remor, Danielle & Pastore, José Floriano B., 2023, Review of Eriosema (Leguminosae) of Florae Fluminensis from São Paulo state, Brazil, Phytotaxa 583 (1), pp. 27-38 : 31-33

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Plazi (2023-02-06 08:11:09, last updated 2023-11-08 20:15:10)

scientific name

Eriosema simplicifolium (DC.) G. Don, Gen. Hist.


2. Eriosema simplicifolium (DC.) G. Don, Gen. Hist. View in CoL View at ENA 2: 348. 1832

= Rhynchosia simplicifolia DC., Prodr. 2: 389. 1825. Protologue: “ prope Atures ad Cataractas Orinici. Glycine simplicifolia H. B. et Kunth nov. gen. amer. 6. p. 419. ” Type:— VENEZUELA, Amazonas, Atures , [holotype label “Atures Orinocesium”], A.J.A. Bonpland & F.W.H.A. von Humboldt s.n. (holotype: P! [barcode] 00660110, isotype B-Willd! [barcode] 13472010).

Cytisus procumbens Vellozo. Flora Fluminensis 1829 [1825]: 309. syn. nov. nom. illeg. non Cytisus procumbens (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) Spreng. (1826) . Lectotype designated here: [icon ined.] “Diadelph. Decand. CYTISUS procumbens Tab. 118)” (Seç„o de Manuscritos, Bibliot. Nac., Rio de Janeiro No. I‐ 17, 04, 001; mss1198656_122) ( Fig.4.B View FIGURE 4 ). Epitype designated here:— BRAZIL. S„o Paulo: Cunha, Campo na Estrada Real em direç„o ao Bairro do Monjollo   GoogleMaps , 23°04’04”S 44°56’15”W, 05 November 2019, H.F. Menezes & J.F.B. Pastore 427 ( CTBS 4683 !, Fig.5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Comments: — Eriosema simplicifolium can be recognized by its prostrate habit, usually procumbent to decumbent, by having unifoliate leaves, with lanceolate lanceolate and racemes generally do not extend beyond the leaves (Cândido et al. 2019). The articles that refer to the species E. simplicifolium do not mention its distribution to the state of Bahia, however, there is a collection for the municipality of Formosa do Rio Preto, identified by a specialist.

Subshrub prostrate, 0.4–1 m tall, decumbent or procumbent stems, cylindrical, yellowish pilose to tomentose. Stipules 4.5–5.5 mm long, connate, lanceolate, persistent. Leaves unifoliolate, persistent when the plant is fertile, leaflets uniform in size and shape on the same plant, 3.5 × 1.2 cm, lanceolate to ovate, apex acuminate to acute, chartaceous, base with three veins not evident, entire margin slightly serrate, venation camptodromous, petiole 2–3.5 mm long. Inflorescences terminal or axillary racemes, 2–5 cm long, usually shorter than mature leaves, glabrescent, pauciflorous (2–10-flowered), flowers laxly arranged, 7–13.5 mm long. Fruit 2.5–6 mm ( Fig.4.A View FIGURE 4 ).

Habitat, distribution, and phenology: —This species is widely distributed in Brazil ( Fig.6 View FIGURE 6 ) and can be found in Cerrado and Amazon environments (BFG 2021). In the municipality of Cunha, it was found in grassy and humid terrains ( Menezes 2021) and collected with flowers in February, March, and July and fruits in February and November (Cândido et al. 2014).

Material examined:— BRAZIL: Amapá: Macapá, Campo Experimental do Cerrado , km 45 da rodovia BR 156 , trecho Macapá-Ferreira Gomes, 05 May 1988, J. F. M . Valls et al. 11653 ( CEN); Amazonas: Humaitá, Campo III, ao Norte da BR 230 , km 6, [7°31’ 0.001” S 63° 10’ 0.001” W], 24 December 1979, A. S GoogleMaps . Janssen & I . Gemtchujnicov 86 ( INPA); Roraima: Amajari, 100m à direita do km 11 da estrada que liga a Vila Brasil à Vila do Tepequém , 24 May 1995, I. S . Miranda 757 ( UEC); GoogleMaps Pará: Parque Indígena do Tumucumaque, Rio Parú de Oeste , Miss „o Tiriyo, Sede da Miss„o Pará, [2°19’ 48.000” S 55° 45’ 0.000” W], 19 February 1970, P. B GoogleMaps . Cavalcante 2432 ( NY); Rondônia: BR 319 , km 672 on Manaus-Humaitá road, [7°58’ 38.161” S 63° 8’ 36.650” W], 19 September 1980, Lowrie, SR 92 ( INPA); GoogleMaps Tocantins: Estrada Palmeirante - Barra do Ouro, km 6, [7°52’ 9.000” S 47° 57’ 11.999” W], 07 March 2005, Glocimar Pereira-Silva 9838 ( CEN); GoogleMaps Rio Grande do Norte: Natal, along drainage ditch between Ponte Velha and Giqui, south of Natal , 18 September 1946, J. J GoogleMaps . Wurdack B-175 ( NY); GoogleMaps Paraíba: Bananeiras, Tabuleiro, entre Jo „o Pessoa e Goiana, 26 August 1952, D. A. Lima 1174 ( IPA); GoogleMaps Maranh„o: Projeto gerais de Balsas, Condomínio Kissy, [8° 35’60.000” S 46° 43’0.012” W], 20 November 1995, G GoogleMaps . Pereira-Silva 3232 ( CEN); Pernambuco: Zona da mata, without date, D. S. F . 74 ( IPA); Piauí: Estaç „o Ecológica de Uruçuí-Una, Ribeiro Gonçalves, [7°33’ 29.988” S 45° 14’ 31.916” W], 12 December 1980, Fernandes, A.; Del’Arco, M. R.; Castro, A. J. ( EAC); GoogleMaps Bahia: Formosa do Rio Preto, Fazenda Estrondo, ca. 2 Km W da porteira voltada para Formosa do Rio Preto , localidade conhecida como Riach„o, [11°6’50.000” S 45°28’19.999” W], 02 May 2009, Queiroz, L. P GoogleMaps . de 14479 ( HUEFS); Distrito Federal: Córrego Jeriva, ca. 10 km E . of Brasília, [15°46’59.880” S 47°49’24.132” W], 15 September 1965, H. S View Materials GoogleMaps . Irwin 8323 ( NY, US); Goiás: Serra Geral de Goiás, Rio da Prata , vicinity of Posse, [14°7’ 48.000” S 46°22’ 12.000” W], 09 April 1966, H. S GoogleMaps . Irwin 14550 ( NY, US); Mato Grosso do Sul : Faz. S „o Gonçalo, Rio Taquari, Corumbá Mun., [19°0’ 33.840” S 57° 39’11.160” W], 1969, E. F. Nienstedt 289 ( NY); GoogleMaps Mato Grosso: Ca. 1 km. N. E. of Garapú, [13°10’ 48.000” S 52° 34’12.000” W], 01 October 1964, H. S. Irwin 6547 ( NY); GoogleMaps Minas Gerais: Estaç„o Ecológica do Panga , Uberlândia, [18°55’6.960” S 48° 16’ 37.916” W], 07 February 1992, Barbosa , A. A. A GoogleMaps . 592 ( HUFU); Paraná: Ponta Grossa, estrada de terra para Buraco dos Padres entrada da Cargill a 4 Km da BR 376 , [25°5’41.997”S 50°9’ 42.839” W], 01 November 1999, S. T. S GoogleMaps . Miotto 1786 ( ICN); S „o Paulo: Cunha, Estrada Real em direç„o ao Bairro Monjollo, [23°04’04”S 44°56’15”W], 05 November 2019, H. F GoogleMaps . Menezes & J. F. B . Pastore 427 ( CTBS) ;

Menezes, H. F. de (2021) Revisao dos nomes de Leguminosae Juss. na Florae Fluminensis de Vellozo, com provavel origem no municipio de Cunha (SP). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, 105 pp.

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FIGURE 4. A. Eriosema simplicifolium (DC.) G. Don. B. Lectotype of Cytisus procumbens Vell. [= Eriosema simplicifolium (DC.) G. Don], from Vellozo’s Fl. Flumin. (Icones) 7: t. 122 (1831). (A by J.F.B.Pastore).

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FIGURE 5. Epitype of Cytisus procumbens Vell. [= Eriosema simplicifolium (DC.) G. Don].

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FIGURE 6. Map of the geographical distribution of Eriosema simplicifolium. (Map: H.F.Menezes).


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Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


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EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


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Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária, IPA


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


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Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


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Nanjing University


Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural













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