Eriosema unilateralis (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P.Queiroz, 2023

De Menezes, Helen F., De Queiroz, Luciano P., Remor, Danielle & Pastore, José Floriano B., 2023, Review of Eriosema (Leguminosae) of Florae Fluminensis from São Paulo state, Brazil, Phytotaxa 583 (1), pp. 27-38 : 34-37

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Plazi (2023-02-06 08:11:09, last updated 2023-11-08 20:15:10)

scientific name

Eriosema unilateralis (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P.Queiroz

comb. nov.

3. Eriosema unilateralis (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P.Queiroz , comb. nov.

Cytisus unilateralis Vellozo. Flora Fluminensis 1829 [1825]: 289

Lectotype designated here: [icon ined.] “Diadelph. Decand. CYTISUS unilateralis Tab. 113)” (Seç„o de Manuscritos, Bibliot. Nac., Rio de Janeiro No. I‐ 17, 04, 001; mss1198656_117) ( Fig.7.B View FIGURE 7 ). Epitype designated here:— BRAZIL. S „o Paulo: Cunha, Campo na Estrada Real em direç„o ao Bairro do Monjóllo , 23°06’57”S 44°09’37”W, 06 November 2019, H. F. Menezes & J. F. B. Pastore 429 ( CTBS 4685 !, Fig.8 View FIGURE 8 ). GoogleMaps

= Eriosema heterophyllum Benth. Linnaea View in CoL 22: 520. 1849. Type: protologue: “ Ad Caldas prov. Minas Geraës, A. Regnell. Ser. 1. n.63; Registro Velho, Pohl; in campis siccis prope Barbacena, Riedel; Caxoeiros do Campos ; Claussen; idemque loco incerto legit Schott. ” Type:— BRAZIL, label “ In campis aridis ad Registo Velho ”, Minas Gerais, municipality of Antônio Carlos, Fazenda de Registro Velho, Sept. 1818 (fl.), J.B.E. Pohl 141 (lectotype, designated by Cândido et al. (2019: 115), W 0052949!; isolectotypes: BM 000931843!; K 000530089!).

Herb to subshrub prostrate, 0.5–1 m tall, stems decumbent, cylindrical, densely tomentose, or villous to sparsely pilose. Stipules 0.5–0.8 mm long, connate, lanceolate to widely ovate, persistent. Leaves unifoliolate, persistent when the plant is fertile. Leaflets variable to uniform in size and shape on the same plant, 2.2–3.4 x 1.4–1.9 cm, apex acute, base cordate, margin entire to undulated, cartaceous consistency, sericeous adaxial side, strigose abaxial side, venation camptodromous, with three veins, not evident, petiole 2.5–3.5 mm long. Inflorescences axillary racemes, 2,5– 15 cm long, usually longer than mature leaves, glabrescent, pauciflorous or multiflorous 5–20-flowered, flowers laxly arranged or rarely congested, 5.6–16 mm long. (fig.7.A).

Habitat, distribution, and phenology: — Eriosema unilateralis occurs in the open to rocky fields preferred in the high altitudes of Cerrado ( Rogalski & Miotto 2011). This species is distributed in Distrito Federal, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and S„o Paulo states in Brazil ( Menezes 2021; Rogalski & Miotto 2011) ( Fig.9 View FIGURE 9 ). Flowering from May to December and found with fruit from October to December. This species is abundant in Cunha municipality’s open grassy and humid fields.

Material examined:— BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Brasília , [15°46’46”S 47°55’46”W], 26 July 1977, C GoogleMaps . Pereira 653 ( MBM) ; Goiás: Caiapônia , ca. 50 km. S . of Caiapônia, road to Jataí. Serra do Caiapó , [17°21’S 51°46’12”W], 27 June 1966, H. S GoogleMaps . Irwin 17845 ( NY); Caldas Novas, Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas , Trilha da cascatinha, [17°47’28”S 48°39’42”W], 31 July 2008, T. M GoogleMaps . Moura 410 ( CEN) ; Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá, Serra Tromba dos Macacos , Planalto Residual do Urucum , acesso pela Fazenda Vovô Osvaldo , [19°13’01”S 57°40’13”W], 26 October 2004, R. R GoogleMaps . Silva , & J. R . Velásquez 1239 ( UEC); Dourados, estrada Dourados / Rio Brilhante , [22°13’16”S 54°48’20”W], 20 July 1977, P. E GoogleMaps . Gibbs 5335 ( CEN) ; Minas Gerais: Delfinópolis, Fazenda do Ézio, 4 Km ao Norte de Delfinópolis , [20°18’55”S 46°49’56”W], 20 August 2013, M. F GoogleMaps . Simon et al. 1926 ( HUFU, VIC); Ouro Branco, Serra de Ouro Branco , [20°31’14”S 43°41’30”W], 28 August 2006, R. S GoogleMaps . de Araújo s.n. ( VIC); S „o Roque de Minas, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Guarita de Sacramento, [20°14’43”S 46°21’56”W], 24 September 1995, R. Romero et al. 2679 ( HUFU); GoogleMaps S „o Roque de Minas, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Estrada para a Serra da Chapada , [20°14’43”S 46°21’56”W], 14 October 1997, R GoogleMaps . Romero et al. 4575 ( HUFU, VIC ]; Córrego Danta, Rodovia BR-262, após estalagem, km 7, [19°49’25”S 45°54’16”W], 09 June 1978, P. R GoogleMaps . Salgado & D. Bianchini s.n. ( UEC) ; Paraná: Imbituva , BR 373 km 202, [25°13’48”S 50°36’15”W], 01 October 1999, A GoogleMaps . Flores 359 ( ICN); Ipiranga, estrada para a cidade a partir da rodovia BR 373 km 482, [25°04’31”S 50°25’16”W], 08 November 2007, L GoogleMaps . D. Rogalski 136 ( ICN); Jaguariaíva, PR-151 Km 226 ao lado da ponte sobre o rio Cilada , [24°19’59”S 49°47’38”W], 04 February 2011, S. T. S GoogleMaps . Miotto et al. 2597 ( ICN); Quatro Barras, Serra da Graciosa , [25°21’ 56”S 49°04’36”W], 13 November 1987, E GoogleMaps . Buttura 946 ( MBM); Tibagi, PR-340 Km 231, [24°41’34”S 50°12’05”W], 04 February 2011, S. T. S GoogleMaps . Miotto et al. 2599 ( ICN) ; Santa Catarina: S „o José do Cerrito, rodovia BR 282 para Lages em frente à fazenda Rinc„o do Butiá , [27°44’28”S 50°30’45”W], 22 February 2008, L GoogleMaps . D. Rogalski 186 ( ICN); S „o Paulo: Alumínio, [23°31’48”S 47°15’35”W], 03 December 1998, A. M. G. A Tozzi & J. L. A. Moreira 301 ( UEC); GoogleMaps Analândia, Estrada Madre de Deus —Analândia, [22°10’38”S 47°42’25”W], 07 August 1978, B. G. Silva et al. s.n. ( UEC); GoogleMaps Itararé, [24°06’36”S 49°20’24”W], 06 March 1994, V. C. Souza 6116 ( ESA); GoogleMaps José Bonifácio, Antiga Fazenda Jacaré (entre Córregos Jacaré-Fartura), próximo da divisa com Munic. Jaci-Nova Aliança, [21°02’59”S 49°40’48”W], 07 September 1995, M. R. Pietrobom da Silva 2250 ( MBM); GoogleMaps Mogi Guaçu, Pádua Sales Fazenda Campininha, [22°22’19”S 46°56’32”W], 22 September 1980, E. Forero et al. 8194 ( MBM); GoogleMaps S „o Paulo, [23°32’24”S 46°37’48”W], 20 April 1932, I GoogleMaps . Hauff s.n ( SP) .

Comments:— Eriosema unilateralis can be recognized by its prostrate habit, usually procumbent, unifoliate, ovallanceolate leaves, with uniform size and shape on the same plant, by the racemose, multiflora inflorescence, usually longer than the leaves, and by presenting a yellow-colored corolla (Bentham 1849; Cândido 2014). Although Cytisus unilateralis Vell. was initially presented as an erect plant with the leaves oriented only to one side (unilateralis); this feature is interpreted as a procumbent plant with all leaves faced up.

Menezes, H. F. de (2021) Revisao dos nomes de Leguminosae Juss. na Florae Fluminensis de Vellozo, com provavel origem no municipio de Cunha (SP). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, 105 pp.

Rogalski, L. D. & Miotto, S. T. S. (2011) O genero Eriosema (DC.) Desv. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) nos estados Parana e de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociencias 9: 332 - 349.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 7. A. Eriosema unilateralis (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P.Queiroz. B. Lectotype of Cytisus unilateralis Vell. [= Eriosema unilateralis (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz], from Vellozo’s Fl. Flumin. (Icones) 7: t. 113 (1831). (A by D. Remor).

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FIGURE 8. Lectotype of Cytisus unilateralis Vell. [= Eriosema unilateralis (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz].

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9. Map of the geographical distribution of Eriosema unilateralis. (Map: H.F.Menezes).


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Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


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William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


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EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


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Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Universidade de São Paulo


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Instituto de Botânica











