Eriosema brasiliense (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz, 2023

De Menezes, Helen F., De Queiroz, Luciano P., Remor, Danielle & Pastore, José Floriano B., 2023, Review of Eriosema (Leguminosae) of Florae Fluminensis from São Paulo state, Brazil, Phytotaxa 583 (1), pp. 27-38 : 28-31

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Plazi (2023-02-06 08:11:09, last updated 2023-11-08 20:15:10)

scientific name

Eriosema brasiliense (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz

comb. nov.

1. Eriosema brasiliense (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz , comb. nov.

Cytisus brasiliensis Vellozo. Flora Fluminensis 1829 [1825]): 289.

Lectotype designated here: [icon ined.] “Diadelph. Decand. CYTISUS brasiliensis Tab. 114)” (Seç„o de Manuscritos, Bibliot. Nac., Rio de Janeiro No. I‐ 17, 04, 001; mss1198656_118) ( Fig.1.B View FIGURE 1 ). Epitype designated here:— BRAZIL. S„o Paulo: Cunha , Estrada entre Boavista e Cunha , 23°05’22’’S 44°57’36”W, 06 November 2019, H.F. Menezes & J.F.B. Pastore 444 ( CTBS 4700 !, Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 ) GoogleMaps

= Eriosema glabrum Mart. ex Benth., Linnaea View in CoL 22: 522 (1849). syn. nov. Type: protologue: “Ad Caldas prov. Minas Geraës, A. Regnell ser.1. n.62. et in variis locis ejusdem provinciae leg. Riedel, Pohl etc.”. Lectotype:— BRAZIL, Minas Gerais: label: “In campis siccis graminosis prov. Minarum”, 1841 (fl./fr.) Martii Herbar. Florae Brasil. N° 1131 (lectotype, designated by Grear (1970), K! [barcode] 000530048; isolectotypes: BM [barcode] 000931849, BR![barcode] 0000005172894], G! [barcode] 00365274, HAL! [barcode] 0119581, M! [barcode] 0240797, NY! [barcode] 00007867).

Subshrub, 0.3–1 m tall, stems erect, cylindrical, striated, glabrous to slightly strigose. Stipules 3–4 mm long, free, narrowly lanceolate, persistent. Leaves trifoliolate, persistent when the plant is fertile.Leaflets uniform in size and shape on the same plant, 2.4–4.3 x 0.9–2.0 cm, oblong, elliptic to obovate, coriaceous, entire margin to slightly undulated, obtuse apex, obtuse base with three prominent veins, venation camptodromous, petiole 0.5–10 mm. Inflorescences terminal or axillary racemes, 2–11 cm long, longer than mature leaves, glabrescent, pauciflorous or multiflorous (5– 15-flowered), flowers congested, 7–15 mm long. Fruit 16–18 × 4.5–7 mm ( Fig.1.A View FIGURE 1 ).

Habitat, distribution, and phenology: — Eriosema brasiliense is a species found predominantly in open and rupestrian fields in the Cerrado (Cândido et al. 2014 cited as E. glabrum ). This species is distributed in the Brazilian states of Paraná, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Distrito Federal, and Mato Grosso ( Rogalski & Miotto 2011; Cândido et al. 2019) ( Fig.3 View FIGURE 3 ). This paper presents the first record of E. brasiliense for the state of S„o Paulo, in the municipality of Cunha. This taxon can be found clustered in small populations in Cerrado patches with fire incidence. Flowering occurs from October to January and fruiting from November to February.

Material examined:— BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Bacia do Rio S „o Bartolomeu, [15°46’46”S 47°55’45”W] 20 November 1979, E. P. Heringer 2770 ( NY); Lagoa Paranoá, [15°48’00”S 47°49’26”W], 11 December 1965, H. S. Irwin et al. 11207 ( NY, US); Sobradinho, [15°37’59”S 47°49’00”W], 05 January 1966, H. S. Irwin et al. 11392 ( NY). Goiás: Abadiânia, [16°12’15”S 48°42’24”W], 26 February 1982, W. R. Anderson 12460 ( NY, MBM); Caiapônia, Serra do Caiapó, [17°19’12”S 51°46’12”W], 25 October 1964, H. S. Irwin 7342 ( NY, US); Goiás, margem da rodovia Brasília-Anápolis, [15°56’03”S 50°08’25”W], 16 December 1965, R. P. Belém 2023 ( NY). Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, Serra do Itabirito, 09 February 1968, H. S. Irwin 19673 ( NY, US); Montes Claros, Serra dos Três Irm„os, Serra do Espinhaço, [16°49’07”S 43°35’18”W], 23 February 1969, H. S. Irwin 23747 ( NY); Paracatu, Serra da Anta, [17°13’31”S 46°52’21”W], 03 February 1970, Irwin, HS 25915 ( NY); Poços de Caldas, área próxima ao Hotel Presidente, [21°47’16”S 46°33’41”W], 02 December 1982, H. F. Leitão Filho et al. 1885 ( UEC, FUEL); Poços de Caldas, Bairro Jardim Europa, 23 November 2011, S. F. Pereira 172 ( MBM); Poços de Caldas, Campo do Saco, [21°50’20”S 46°33’52”W], 02 October 1980, s.c. ( UEC); S „o Paulo: Cunha, Mirante de Cunha, km 48,5. Loteamento Alpes de Cunha, [23°5’ 13.999” S 44°57’36.000], 13 October 2020, Menezes, H. F. 486 ( HUEFS); Paraná: Balsa Nova, Tamanduá, [25°35’2”S 49°38’8”W], 27 December 1968, G. Hatschbach 20650 ( MBM); Lapa, Rio Passa Dois, [25°41’55’’S 49°42’57”W], 16 December 1969, Hatschbach, G. 23244 ( MBM); Palmeira, [25°25’45”S 50°00”23” W], 07 November 2004, M. G. Caxambu 615 (EVB, EAC); Palmeira, Cap„o Alegrete, [25°25’46”S 50°00’23”W], G. Hatschbach, G. 235 ( MBM); Vila Velha, [25°14’06”S 50°00’47’’W], 16 January 1987, A. Krapovickas 40905 ( NY). S „o Paulo: Cunha, Estrada entre Boa Vista e Cunha, 23°05’22”S 44°57’36”W, 06 November 2019, H. F. Menezes & J. F. B.Pastore 443 ( CTBS); Cunha, Estrada Real entre Paraty e Cunha, 27 December 2017, J. F. B.Pastore & M. Mota 5340 ( CTBS).

Comments:— Eriosema brasiliense is a well-branched, trifoliolate (basal leaves are usually unifoliate), glabrous, with three well-marked veins, the two lateral leaves, marginal and converging to the apex. It also has flowers with a yellow corolla clustered at the apex of the inflorescence. The set characteristics above allowed us to recognize this species through the Florae Fluminensis illustration for Cytisus brasiliensis . A specificity of Florae Fluminensis is the generic broadly delimitation compared with current ones since Vellozo attempts to apply Linnaeus’ genera concept to Brazilian plant species. An example is the Cytisus genus, which in its original delimitation included several groups from the genera currently recognized, such as Lupinus L., Cerradicola L.P. Queiroz , and Eriosema (DC.) Desv. ( Menezes 2021) .

Menezes, H. F. de (2021) Revisao dos nomes de Leguminosae Juss. na Florae Fluminensis de Vellozo, com provavel origem no municipio de Cunha (SP). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, 105 pp.

Rogalski, L. D. & Miotto, S. T. S. (2011) O genero Eriosema (DC.) Desv. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) nos estados Parana e de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociencias 9: 332 - 349.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. A. Eriosema brasiliense (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz. B. Lectotype of Cytisus brasiliensis Vell. [= Eriosema brasiliense (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz], from Vellozo’s Fl. Flumin. (Icones) 7: t. 118 (1831). (A by H.F.Menezes).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Epitype of Cytisus brasiliensis Vell. [= Eriosema brasiliense (Vell.) H.F.Menezes, J.F.B.Pastore & L.P. Queiroz]

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Map of the geographical distribution of Eriosema brasiliensis. (Map: H.F.Menezes).


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Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


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Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Botanische Staatssammlung München


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Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


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Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet











