Paraeclipta croceicornis ( Gounelle, 1911 ), 2011

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2011, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iv: Paraeclipta Gen. Nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), New Species And New Combinations, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (15), pp. 233-251 : 236-237

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492011001500001

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scientific name

Paraeclipta croceicornis ( Gounelle, 1911 )

comb. nov.

Paraeclipta croceicornis ( Gounelle, 1911) View in CoL ,

comb. nov.

Figs. 1A, 1B View FIGURES 1‑2

Ommata (Eclipta) croceicornis Gounelle, 1911: 25 View in CoL ; Monné, 2005: 503 (cat.).

Diagnosis: among the five Bolivian species, Paraeclipta croceicornis is immediately recognizable by the yellow antennae (with dusky club), and more elongate abdomen (the last two urosternites projecting beyond apex of elytra, even though the elytra are the longest in proportion to width of humeri).

Redescription of male ( Fig. 1A View FIGURES 1‑2 ): general colour black to dark chestnut, epipleura adjacent to humeri may be yellow, legs and antennal segments I-VIII yellow (scape and apex of segment VIII suffused with pale cinnamon), antennal club dusky.

Structure: rostrum (0.20 mm) about one-third length of inferior lobes. Labrum not strongly transverse, apical margin emarginate. Clypeus impunctate. Frons densely punctate, the punctures elongate and deep; not depressed, but with deep, elongate depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes. Width of one inferior lobe twelve times interocular space; the latter slightly raised above eyes, glabrous. Superior lobes of eyes separated by about four times their own width. Apices of antennal tubercles separated by 2.5 width of scape. Antennae just reach base of urosternite II; scape (0.45 mm); antennomere III (0.60 mm); IV (0.35 mm); V (0.45 mm); VI (0.40 mm); VII (0.35 mm) elongate, narrow at base; VIII (0.25 mm) less elongate, narrow at base, apex widened; IX-XI equally and entirely widened, forming compact club: IX and X (both 0.25 mm) quadrate, XI (0.30 mm) quadrate. Prothorax one third longer than wide, widest at basal third, sides converging in straight lines to anterior and posterior margins; apical and basal margins of pronotum subequal (0.75-0.80 mm), the former with narrow, smooth, raised border. Prosternal process slightly arched; base narrow, approximately 0.07 mm wide (coxal cavity 0.30 mm wide); apex without raised sides, apical angles somewhat rounded, apical margin straight, and with large central fovea. Elytra just reaching apex of urosternite III; 3.7-4.1 longer than width of humeri, the latter not projecting, outer angle rounded; apical half of elytra slightly and regularly widening almost to apex; elytra not gaping, but apices may be slightly separated; the latter transversely truncate, sutural angle marked by small spicule, outer angle by larger one; humero-apical costa evanescent. Abdomen narrow and convex, parallel-sided (widest at base, slightly tapering to apex), urosternites I-III subequal in length, IV only slightly shorter, V subquadrate, laterally tumid to leave U-shaped depression at midline, apical margin slightly emarginate. Abdominal process an equilateral triangle, long (0.20 mm), apex moderately acuminate. Length of hind leg 4.25 mm, apex of metafemora reaching apex of urosternite III; metatibia (1.75 mm) slightly shorter than metafemora, cylindrical and moderately sinuate, slightly thicker only at apex. Tarsi moderately long, pro- and mesotarsi subequal in length (0.50-0.55 mm), metatarsus longer (0.65 mm); metatarsomere I (0.25 mm).

Description of female ( Fig. 1B View FIGURES 1‑2 ): colour as male. Head with eyes (0.90 mm) slightly narrower than prothorax (0.95 mm). Length of rostrum 0.25 mm. Width of one inferior lobe 1.2 times interocular space; the latter with distinctly raised sides, slightly depressed toward midline and almost planar with eyes, anterior area with multiple micro-carinas, posteriorly smooth with about twelve medium sized punctures to each side. Superior lobes of eyes separated by about four times their own width. Antennae not shorter than in male, also reaching base of urosternite II, and slightly more robust. Prothorax 1.27 longer than wide, sides widest just behind middle, regularly and slightly more rounded than male; prosternal process almost flat, otherwise like male. Elytra 3.60-3.81 longer than width of humeri, just reaching base of urosternite IV. Abdomen widest at apex of urosternite II; urosternite V undifferentiated, conical, apical margin rounded. Apex of metafemora reaching base of urosternite III.

Measurements (mm) (16 males / 4 females): total length, 5.40-7.10/6.80-7.40; length of pronotum, 0.95-1.20/1.15-1.20; width of pronotum, 0.70-0.95/0.95; length of elytra, 3.10-3.90/3.60-4.00; width at humeri, 0.75-1.00/1.00-1.05.

Material examined: BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Hotel Flora & Fauna, 5 km SSE of Buena Vista , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 430 m, R. Clarke/ S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca chica” : 1 male, 20.X.2005 ( MNRJ) ; 3 males, 21.X.2005 ( RCSZ) ; 6 males, 02.XI.2005 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 03.XI.2005 ( FSCA) ; 1 female, 19.IX.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 23.IX.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 25.IX.2005 ( MNKM) ; 1 male specimen 1a in coitus with 1 female specimen 1b, 29.IX.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 female, 08.X.2007 ( MZUSP) . Road to San Javier , 12 km ENE of Buena Vista, 420 m , 1 male, 30.X.2007, R. Clarke / S. Zamalloa col. ( MNKM) .

Discussion: Wappes et al. (2006; 2011) did not include this species in their list for Bolivia.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Paraeclipta croceicornis ( Gounelle, 1911 )

Clarke, Robin O. S. 2011

Ommata (Eclipta) croceicornis

MONNE, M. A. 2005: 503
GOUNELLE, E. 1911: 25
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