Paraeclipta moscosoi, Clarke Abstract, 2011

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2011, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iv: Paraeclipta Gen. Nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), New Species And New Combinations, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (15), pp. 233-251 : 246-249

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492011001500001

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paraeclipta moscosoi

sp. nov.

Paraeclipta moscosoi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 6A, 6B View FIGURES 5‑6

Holotype male: 6.6 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: Paraeclipta moscosoi , with its rather wide body (in both sexes), and distinctly pubescent and heavily punctured elytra, is unlikely to be confused with any other Bolivian species.

Description of holotype: general colour black and yellow to orange. The following black: head, central fascia on pronotum (on basal half square with arced fascia to front margin on either side of midline); all of elytra, meso- and metathorax, and abdomen. The following orange: prosternum and apical half and sides of pronotum, apex of mesosternal process. Legs yellow, metafemoral clave and metatibiae entirely blackish, apical two-thirds of mesotibia dusky. Antennae black, except basal half of antennomeres VII-X yellow.

Surface ornamentation: pubescence. Long, fine, erect white hairs on prosternum, sides and base of pronotum, basal half of elytra, metepisterna and abdomen, becoming dense and recumbent on metasternum. Pronotal punctures less dense than in other species. Scutellum rugosely punctured. Abdomen moderately densely punctured throughout, the punctures moderately large and bevelled anteriorly.

Structure: rostrum (0.20 mm) about one third length of inferior lobes. Labrum strongly transverse (four times wider than long), with group of 5-6 small punctures to each side, apical margin emarginate. Clypeus impunctate. Frons pubescent and closely punctate, the punctures deep, round and irregular in size; depressed without secondary depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes. Width of one inferior lobe about nine times interocular space; the latter below level of eyes, midline moderately deep, with double row of short hairs. Superior lobes of eyes separated by (0.30 mm) about four times their own width. Apices of antennal tubercles separated by 2.5 width of scape. Antennae nearly reach apex of urosternite II; scape (0.40 mm); antennomere III (0.55 mm); IV (0.40 mm); V (0.45 mm); VI (0.40 mm); VII (0.45 mm) and VIII (0.35 mm) elongate, narrow at base and widened at apex; apex of VIII, with IX-XI (equally and entirely widened), forming loose club; IX (0.35 mm) slightly elongate, X (0.30 mm) quadrate, XI (0.40 mm) elongate, with small apical cone. Prothorax 1.15 longer than wide, widest well behind middle, sides from apex to widest point slightly excavate; apical and basal margins of pronotum subequal (0.80-0.90 mm), the former with narrow, smooth, raised border. Prosternal process slightly arched, base not very narrow (0.10 mm), about one-third width of coxal cavity; apex large, without raised sides, and without central fovea. Scutellum rounded. Elytra just reaching apex of urosternite IV; 3.48 longer than width of humeri; the latter not projecting, outer angle hardly rounded; apical half of elytra relatively strongly and regularly widening almost to apex; elytra with long gape, steadily increasing from scutellum to apex, leaving elytral apices well separated; the latter oblique from sutural angle to side; sutural angle obtuse with small tooth-like extension; outer angles slightly acute and prominent; humero-apical costa evanescent. Abdomen cylindrical, narrow, convex and parallel-sided, slightly tapering from urosternite IV to apex, length of I-IV subequal; V trapezoidal, not tumid but all of ventral surface flat, apical margin straight. Abdominal process a broad-based triangle with pointed apex, scarcely angled with abdomen, moderately short (0.20 mm). Length of hind leg 4.6 mm long; apex of metafemora reaching base of urosternite IV; metatibia (1.75 mm) shorter than metafemora (2.00 mm), slightly flattened and almost straight, slightly thickening to apex. Tarsi moderately long, pro- and mesotarsi subequal in length (0.60-0.65 mm), metatarsi long (0.85 mm); metatarsomere I (0.30 mm).

Variation: arced fascia on pronotum may be reduced to small fascia adjacent to apical border.

Description of female ( Fig. 6B View FIGURES 5‑6 ): colour as male, except: black fascia on pronotum reduced to small, square fascia at base, and two, ill-defined, transverse fascia anteriorly; epipleura adjacent to humeri yellowish, abdomen brown, sides and apex of urosternite black. Surface ornamentation as male except abdomen less uniformly and densely punctured. Head with eyes (0.90 mm) slightly narrower than prothorax; rostrum longer than male in (0.25 mm), half as long as length of inferior lobes of eyes; frons almost planar with clypeus, with callus between apices of inferior lobes of eyes (instead of depression as in other species); inner border of eyes projecting on to frons nearly as far as mentum. Inferior lobes of eyes much smaller than in male, width of one inferior lobe 1.2 times interocular space, the latter with raised borders, almost planar with eyes, smooth and depressed to either side of midline (the latter represented by distinct frontal suture); anterior part of interocular space with 3-5 punctures to either side, posteriorly with group of 9-10 dense punctures to each side, all these punctures moderately large, round and deep. Superior lobes of eyes separat- ed by (0.35 mm) about three times their own width. Antennae as male, but distinctly shorter (just reaching apex of urosternite I). Prothorax 1.3 longer than wide; prosternal process completely flat, apex more trapezoidal. Elytra 3.43 longer than width of humeri, just reaching apex of urosternite IV. Abdomen widest at apex of urosternite II; urosternite V undifferentiated, subconical, apical margin almost straight; abdominal process short (0.20 mm), apex broadly rounded. Last visible tergite slightly convex; apex emarginate. Apex of metafemora reaching apex of urosternite III.

Measurements (mm) (6 males / 1 female): total length, 6.00-6.50/5.60; length of pronotum, 1.10-1.20/1.15; width of pronotum, 0.90-1.00/1.05; length of elytra, 3.85-4.00/3.95; width at humeri, 1.10-1.15/1.15.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Tarija, 30 km N of Villa Montes, 4 km E of Camatindi 21°01’S / 63°18’W, ca. 600 m, Semi-dry Chaco Forest , GoogleMaps

11.XII.2007, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col., on Croton sp. A flower ( MNKM).

Paratypes with same data as holotype: 4 males, 11.XII.2007 (2 males, RCSZ; 1 male, MNRJ; 1 male, MZUSP) GoogleMaps , 1 female ( RCSZ) GoogleMaps .

Paratype with same data as holotype but different locality: Santa Cruz, 20 km S of Abapo , 680 m GoogleMaps ,

Foothill Chaco Forest , 1 male, 13.XII.2007 ( RCSZ) .

Etymology: this species is dedicated to Arturo Moscoso, for his unfailing support as Chief of Parks and Wildlife Services (Santa Cruz) during the establishment of Amboró National Park, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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