Torodora procerispinata Yu et Wang, 2022

Yu, Shuai, Zhu, Yanmei & Wang, Shuxia, 2022, Eighteen new species and fifteen new records of the genus Torodora Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae) from China, Zootaxa 5133 (1), pp. 1-39 : 15

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5133.1.1

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scientific name

Torodora procerispinata Yu et Wang

sp. nov.

Torodora procerispinata Yu et Wang View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 11 View FIGURES 7‒12 , 29 View FIGURES 25‒30 , 45 View FIGURES 41‒45 )

Type material. CHINA, Yunnan: Holotype ♂, Yexianggu, Xishuangbanna , 762 m, 18.VII.2014, leg. W Guan, XC Wang & SR Liu, slide No. YS 20149 . Paratypes (16♂ 10♀): 11♂ 8♀, same data as holotype except dated 17‒20, slide Nos. YS 20399 ♀, YS20400 ♂, YS20401 ♀; 2♂ 1♀, Bubeng Town , Mengla County, 650 m, 22‒24.VIII.2005, leg. YD Ren, slide Nos. ZYM06279 ♂, ZYM06285 ♂, ZYM06304 ♀; 1♂, Bubeng Town , Mengla County, 652 m, 14.VII.2013, leg. SR Liu, YQ Wang & KJ Teng, slide No. YS 20138 ; 2♂ 1♀, Menghaidaluo, Jinghong , 620 m, 1, 3.VIII.2016, leg. KJ Teng, GE Lee & T Wang .

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to T. chiangdoica Park, 2002 in both appearance and male genitalia. It can be distinguished in the male genitalia by the uncus narrowed from base to apex, and the cucullus widened apically; in T. chiangdoica , the uncus is widened at distal 1/3, and the cucullus is almost parallel-sided ( Park 2002: 163, fig. 36). In addition, this species is also similar to T. castanea Park, 2008 in the female genitalia, however it differs by the forewing with CuA 1 and CuA 2 stalked, and the greyish brown fringe of the forewing; in T. castanea , the veins CuA 1 and CuA 2 are coincident in the forewing, the fringe of the forewing is greyish brown in basal 2/3 and creamy white in distal 1/3 ( Park 2008a: 371).

Description. Adult ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7‒12 ). Wingspan 13.5‒16.0 mm.

Head dark brown, orange white on frons and laterally. Antenna with scape dark brown except orange white along anterior and posterior margins; flagellum orange white, ringed with dark brown. Labial palpus with second palpomere orange white on inner surface, dark brown on outer surface; third palpomere orange white dorsally, dark brown ventrally, as long as second palpomere.

Thorax and tegula dark brown. Forewing with costal margin slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen shallowly concave; ground color greyish brown, darker along veins; discal, plical and discocellular stigmata blackish brown, obscure; fringe greyish brown. Hindwing and fringe dark grey; fringe with an orange white basal line. Legs orange white on dorsal surface, on ventral surface femora and tibiae dark brown except orange white at apex of hind tibia, tarsi orange white except dark brown at middle of first tarsomere and at base of remaining tarsomeres.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 25‒30 ). Uncus wide at base, narrowed to basal 1/3, distal 2/3 clubbed. Gnathos with basal plate elongate triangular; mesial process wide at base, narrowed to basal 2/3, thereafter slender to pointed apex, curved ventrad at distal 1/3 by a right angle. Valva broad and parallel-sided basally, narrowed to cucullus; cucullus longer than half length of valva, slightly narrowed medially, widened from about middle to broadly obtuse apex, ventral margin sinuate and produced to a papillary process bearing a strong spiniform setae at middle; costa straight in basal 1/5, concave in distal 4/5; sacculus broadly banded, nearly straight ventrally. Vinculum narrow, nearly straight on anterior margin. Juxta subquadrate, straight on posterior margin, gently produced at middle on lateral margin, obtuse on anterior margin, protuberant along longitudinal midline; posterolateral lobe small, triangular; lateral lobe papillary, bearing several long setae, arising from near posterolateral corner. Aedeagus nearly as long as valva, wide at base, tapered to an oblique apex, gently curved at basal 1/3; cornuti consisting of a row of strong spines running from base to basal 2/3.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 45 View FIGURES 41‒45 ). Eighth abdominal sternite deeply concave in U shape on posterior margin, forming two large subtriangular lateral lobes. Apophyses posteriores slightly longer than 1.5 times length of apophyses anteriores. Ostium bursae large. Antrum membranous anteriorly, sclerotized posteriorly forming two triangular lateral plates. Ductus bursae narrowly tubular, about half length of corpus bursae; ductus seminalis slender except broadened basally, arising from corpus bursae posteriorly. Corpus bursae large, elliptical, with a cluster of spines near entrance of ductus bursae; signum situated medially, elliptical, denticulate.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin, procer- and spinatus, referring to the cucullus produced and bearing a spiniform setae at middle ventrally.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













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