Mougeotia Griseb.

Gonçalez, Victor Martins & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes, 2015, Synopsis of Melochia L. (Byttnerioideae, Malvaceae) in southeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 226 (3), pp. 217-232 : 223-224

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.226.3.2


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Mougeotia Griseb.


Section Mougeotia Griseb.

Characterization and distribution. Cyme 5–80 cm long, axillary, at the apex of small axillary branches and/or terminal; calyx subcampanulate or cupuliform; yellow petals; longistylous form of the stamens completely concrescent into a tube; capsule globose, rostrate, apterous, stipe present or absent, capsule loculicidal in the apical half of the dorsal suture, and partially or totally septicidal, stigma deciduous; seeds reticulate, deciduous shell.

Comprises approximately 17 species distributed from Mexico, Central America, and the Antilles to Uruguay. Seven species listed from Brazil ( Goldberg 1967), of which two occur in the Southeast Region.

Melochia gardneri Sprague (1915: 124) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL, Goiás, Serra de Santa Brida, Gardner 3608 (holotype K photo!; isotype P).

Figs. 1G–L View FIGURE 1 , 3E–G View FIGURE 3 , 4I View FIGURE 4 .

Distribution and habitat: —Endemic to Brazil: Goiás and Minas Gerais, found at both altered and preserved sites in the Cerrado. Species previously known only from Gardner 3608 (K and P), material native to Goiás State. During the present study, apart from the species collected in Santo Hipólito (Minas Gerais), six herbarium specimens were located, collected from the same state between 1996 and 2011, approximately 150 years after it was first recorded in Goiás. This finding represents, therefore, the first reference of the species for the Southeast Region of Brazil (Minas Gerais). Flowering and fruiting occur from April to November.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Arcos , 23 November 2003, P. H. A. Melo et al. 947 ( RB) Januária, 24 May 1997, A. Salino 3051 ( BHCB, SPF) ; 20 March 2003, L. V. Costa & J. C. Amado 215 ( BHCB) ; Santo Hipólito , 04 April 1996, J. R. Pirani et al. 3748 ( SP, SPF) ; 23 March 1997, R. Mello-Silva et al. 1269 ( SPF) ; 18 May 1998, J. R. Pirani et. al. 4414 ( SP, SPF) ; 15 November 2011, V. M. Gonçalez et al. 113 ( SP) .

Melochia gardneri is recognized by narrowly ovate leaves (up to 11 cm long), and by capsules with partially loculicidal (in the apical half of the dorsal suture), and partially septicidal dehiscence, unique among species of Melochia .

Conservation status: —Endangered ( IUCN 2011). Registered known to exist at no more than five localities, and not found in conservation areas.

Melochia pilosa (Mill.) Fawcett & Rendle (1926: 164) View in CoL . Type:— JAMAICA, Miller s.n. (BM [cited by Goldberg, 1967]).

Figs. 3H View FIGURE 3 , 4G–H View FIGURE 4 .

Distribution and habitat: —Neotropical from Mexico to northern Argentina. In Brazil, it occurs in the following states: Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. The species inhabits fields and open areas, rocky hillsides, usually in dry soils in Cerrado and Atlantic Rain Forest. Flowering from January to November, and fruiting from January to April.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Araxá , 30 January 1978, A. Krapovickas et al. 33385 ( MBM) ; 22 February 1978, G. J. Sherpherd et al. 7217 ( UEC) ; Barbacena , 28 March 1964, Z. A. Trinta & E. From 629 ( R, HB) ; 05 January 1965, A. P. Duarte 8678 ( HB, RB) ; Belo Horizonte , January 1885, s.c. s.n. ( R 29405 ) ; 06 March 1934, s.c. s.n. ( R 78313 ) ; 15 December 1918, A. Gehrt s.n. ( SP 3168 ) ; 13 February 1919, A. Gehrt s.n. ( SP 110 ) ; 15 July 1932, M. Barreto 7860 ( BHCB) ; 02 December 1932, M. Barreto 7861 ( BHCB, MBM) ; 24 December 1933, M. Barreto 7863 ( R) ; 20 January 1935, M. Barreto 7900 ( BHCB) ; 18 December 1939, M. Barreto 10380 ( BHCB, MBM, R) ; 02 January 1940, M. Magalhães 94 ( BHCB, MBM) ; 19 January 1943, A. P. Viegas & M. Barreto s.n. ( IAC 7221 About IAC ) ; 02 January 1991, E. Tameirão Neto 378 ( BHCB) ; 05 February 1991, E. M. Bacariça 117 ( BHCB) ; 21 February 1994, J. F. Macedo 2097 ( PAMG) ; 21 February 1994, J. F. Macedo 2119 ( PAMG) ; 16 January 1996, F. A. Silveira 24 ( BHCB) ; s.d., s.c. s.n. ( R 29405 ) ; BR 267 , March 1977, P. Occhini 8100 ( MBM) ; Cabo Verde , 25 January 1944, A. Macedo 362 ( SP) ; Caixa d`Água do Vital , s.d., A. Silveira & H. Magalhães s.n. ( R 102647 ) ; Caldas , 1845, A. F. Regnell I 20 ( R) ; 25 December 1973, G. Pabst 9502 ( HB) ; Corinto , 06 April 1931, Y. Mexia 5549 ( R) ; Coromandel , 17 April 1989, M. Brandão 15526 ( PAMG) ; Diamantina , 14 February 1991, M. M. Arbo et al. 5083 ( SPF) ; Gequitibá , March 1892, H. Schwacke 8341 ( RB) ; Gurinhata , 20 February 1982, W. R. Anderson 12397 ( MBM) ; Honorópolis, 07 March 1996, M. R. Pietrobom da Silva 3049 ( MBM, SJRP) ; Ibirité , 01 May 1990, G. S. França s.n. ( BHCB 17617 About BHCB ) ; Itabira do Campo , 21 December 1888, Schwacke s.n. ( R 78140 ) ; Ituiutaba , 15 January 1956, A. Macedo 4159 ( SP) ; João Ribeiro , 31 December 1949, L. Krieger s.n. ( CESJ, SJRP 29452 About SJRP ) ; Lavras , 11 April 1944, M. Wais s.n. ( RB 187524 ) ; Miguel Burnier , 28 January 1921, F. C. Hoehne s.n. ( IAC, SP 5185 ) ; Monjolos , 15 November 2011, V. M. Gonçalez et al. 114 ( SP) ; Ouro Preto , 13 November 1977, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR 24567 About OUPR ) ; 25 February 1978, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR 24559 About OUPR ) ; 25 February 1978, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR 24568 About OUPR ) ; s.d., J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR 24566 About OUPR ) ; 13 March 1978, J. Badini & Cida s.n. ( OUPR 24556 About OUPR ) ; 13 March 1978, J. Badini & Cida s.n. ( OUPR 24557 About OUPR ) ; 13 March 1978, J. Badini & Cida s.n. ( OUPR 24558 About OUPR ) ; 29 March 1979, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR 24560 About OUPR ) ; Paracatu , 11 February 1988, W. W. Thomas et al. 5888 ( SPF) ; Perdizes , 02 March 1999, M. Brandão 29181 ( PAMG) ; 10 March 2000, M. Brandão 29767 ( PAMG) ; Poços de Caldas , 26 January 1919, F. C. Hoehne s.n. ( SP 2918 ) ; Pompéu , 03 March 2000, J. F. Macedo 3864 ( PAMG) ; São Simão , 03 April 1993, M. Brandão 22382 ( PAMG) ; São João del Rei , 06 March 1962, G. Pabst 6847 ( HB) ; Serra da Boa Vista , 26 March 1957, E. Pereira & Pabst 2654 ( HB, RB) ; Serra do Cabral , 05 March 1970, H. S. Irwin et al. 26983 ( HB, MBM) ; Serra do Espinhaço , 24 February 1969, H. S. Irwin et al. 23783 ( R) ; Sete Lagoas , 17 February 1975, M. Brandão 5435 ( PAMG) ; s.d., M. Brandão 4399 ( PAMG) ; Vazante , 27 June 2007, S. G. Rezende et al. 2710 ( BHCB) ; Venda Nova , January 1958, L. O. Williams & V. Assis 6511 ( R) . São Paulo: Angatuba , 21 January 1968, G. Pabst 9106 ( HB) ; Buritizal , 27 July 1994, K. D. Barreto et al. 2758 ( ESA) ; Itanguá , January 1958, J. Vidal s.n. ( R 206626 ) ; Itirapina , January 1901, G. Edwall 5735 ( SP) ; 30 April 1923, G. Gehrt s.n. ( SJRP, SP 8349 ) ; Itu , s.d., A. Russell 283 ( SP) ; Jaraguá , 21 March 1915, A. C. Brade 7374 ( SJRP, SP) ; Jales , 12 January 1950, W. Hoehne s.n. ( ESA, SPF 12601 About SPF ) ; Jundiaí , 03 February 1907, P. A. Usteri s.n. ( SP 19959 ) ; 14 March 1915, A. C. Brade s.n. ( SP 7204 ) ; Mogi-Guaçu , February 1978, H. F. Leitão Filho et al. 7367 ( UEC) ; Patrocínio Paulista , 15 January 1893, A. Lofgren 784 ( SP) ; Pedregulho , 18 April 2003, D. Sasaki et al. 428 ( SPF) ; São Carlos , 28 July 1888, A. Lofgren s.n. ( SP) .

Melochia pilosa differs from the other species mostly by its terminal inflorenscences from 6 to 81 cm long. The fruits exhibit loculicidal and septicidal dehiscence, the last occuring in the total portion of the ventral suture, and partially in the dorsal suture, opening restricted to the apical portion. Other diagnostic characters observed were the presence of a denticle in the brevistylous flowers, in the apical portion of the tube between the free portions of the stamens, and the deciduous shell of the seed.

This species is high polymorphic in its vegetative characters, especially the leaf-blade shape and dimensions (eliptic to orbicular, 2.5–9.7 × 0.8–10.0 cm). Furthermore, the indumentum density, the size of trichomes on branches and leaves also varies.

Comparing the species studied, M. pilosa shares yellow petals) an exclusive characteristic of this two species), and type of fruit dehiscence with M. gardneri .

This species also resembles M. hassleriana Chodat , known in Brazil from a single collection from Paraná (Dusén 16903), however it is distinguished by its habit, inflorescence axis length, and ciliated leaf blades.

Conservation status: —Least Concern ( IUCN 2011). Widely distributed, it has a significant number of recent collections, and is also found in conservation areas.


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


University of Helsinki


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Universidade de São Paulo


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


University of the Witwatersrand


University of Copenhagen


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Instituto de Botânica


Botanische Staatssammlung München


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Universität Zürich


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Herbarium Bradeanum


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)


Yale University


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


UNESP, Campus São José Rio Prêto


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Instituto Agronômico de Campinas


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Royal Botanic Gardens


Universidade de São Paulo












Mougeotia Griseb.

Gonçalez, Victor Martins & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes 2015

Melochia pilosa (Mill.)

Fawcett, W. & Rendle, A. B. 1926: )

Melochia gardneri

Sprague, T. A. 1915: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF