Leschenius, NIGRANS (OLIFF, 1891)

Río, María Guadalupe Del, Malvardi, Adriana Elena & Lanteri, Analia, 2012, Systematics and cladistics of a new Naupactini genus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) from the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (1), pp. 54-71 : 68-69

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00833.x



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( FIGS 9–10 View Figures 7–12 , 21–22 View Figures 13–24 , 33–34 View Figures 25–36 , 41 View Figures 37–42 , 47–48, 51)

Naupactus nigrans Oliff 1891: 66 View in CoL .

Asymmathetes nigrans: Kuschel in Wibmer & O’Brien 1986: 53.

Redescription: Female. Species large (LB, 11.5 mm) ( Fig. 9 View Figures 7–12 ). Tegument visible, reddish- brown, shiny. Vestiture with very sparse setae on head and pronotum; whitish on head, pronotum, legs, and venter, pale ocher on elytra; setae on elytra only visible on posterior third. Rostrum short ( Fig. 9 View Figures 7–12 ) (LR/WRa, 1), sides slightly convergent towards apex (WRb/WRa, 1.33), dorsum slightly depressed, foveolate–strigose, with longitudinal wide striae; median groove narrow, deep, slightly exceeding posterior margin of eyes. Epistome slightly depressed. Eyes large, moderately convex. Frons foveolate–puncticulate. Vertex densely foveolate. Antennae ( Fig. 21 View Figures 13–24 ) (LB/LA, 2.94); scape reaching posterior margin of eyes. Funicular article 2 about 1.15¥ as long as article 1, funicular articles 3–5, 2¥ longer than wide, and funicular articles 6–7 slightly longer than wide; club oval (LC/WC: 2.15).

Pronotum ( Fig. 9 View Figures 7–12 ) slightly conical and slightly wider than long (WP/LP, 1.14); flanks moderately curved; disc densely punctuate; median groove absent; anterior margin slightly curved anteriad, slightly thickened; base posteriorly ‘V’–shaped. Scutellum small.

Elytra ( Fig. 9 View Figures 7–12 ) short (LE/WE, 1.5), with maximum width at anterior third, slightly convex; base slightly curved backwards on middle; striae with mediumsized punctures; striae 9–10 closer on posterior twothirds; intervals slightly convex to flat and slightly wider than striae; apex acute, divided, and projected.

Legs. Procoxae almost reaching anterior margin of prosternum; protibiae with row of between eight and ten acute medium-sized denticles and large hook-like mucro; meso- and metatibiae without denticles and mucro; metatibial apex with broad corbel covered with small setiform scales; apical comb slightly longer than dorsal comb (1.25¥).

Abdomen ( Fig. 22 View Figures 13–24 ). Intercoxal portion of ventrite 1 broader than metacoxal cavities (1.28¥); ventrite 2 longer than ventrites 3 and 4 combined (1.39¥); posterior margin of ventrite 5 slightly pointed; tergites I– VII moderately sclerotized.

Terminalia . Sternite VIII ( Fig. 33 View Figures 25–36 ) subrhomboidal, not elongate, with apical tuft of long setae and shorter setae on apical third, and ‘V’–shaped sclerotization, with wide lateral arms reaching half of plate; apodeme 2.42¥ longer than plate. Ovipositor ( Fig. 34 View Figures 25–36 ) shorter than ventrites 1–5 (0.63¥), with setae on sides of baculi; ventral baculi subparallel; styli thin, directed backwards. Spermathecal body ( Fig. 41 View Figures 37–42 ) subcylindrical, elongate; nodulus conical, short; ramus indistinct; cornu very long; spermathecal duct ( Fig. 41 View Figures 37–42 ) mediumsized, as long as two-thirds of ovipositor (~ 2.2 mm), membranous, and moderately wide.

Male ( Fig. 10 View Figures 7–12 ). Smaller than female (10 mm); rostrum (L/W, 1.07; Wb/Wa, 1.30); antenna longer (LB/LA, 2.46), club slightly more elongate (L/W, 2.48); pronotum (W/L, 1.11) more strongly curved on sides, with base slightly bisinuate and posterolateral angles projected and directed backwards; elytra more slender and elongate (L/W, 1.52), with thickened ‘V’– shaped base; humeral angles slightly projected anteriad, shoulders absent; metatibiae with small mucro; posterior margin of ventrite 5 blunt.

Genitalia (Figs 47–48). Median lobe with slightly pointed apex, forming an angle of about 90° with its apodemes; median lobe plus apodemes shorter than abdomen (0.72¥); apodemes shorter than remaining part of median lobe (0.55); endophallus with two wing-shaped sclerites.

Comparative notes and diagnosis

Leschenius nigrans comb. nov. and L. silviae sp. nov. are sister species, sharing a similar sculpture of the rostrum (foveolate–strigose), the frons (foveolate), and the pronotum (densely foveolate); funicular article 2 longer than 1; medium-sized scutellum; apical comb of metatibiae longer than the dorsal comb; posterior margin of ventrite 5 of males blunt; median lobe about twice shorter than its apodemes; and angle between the longitudinal axis of median lobe and its apodemes obtuse. It differs from L. silviae sp. nov. by its larger body size; oval club; longer than wide pronotum; divided and acute elytral apex; elytral intervals flat, slightly wider than striae; smaller denticles of the protibiae; broader corbel of metatibiae; ventrite 5 of females with slightly pointed apex; and spermatheca with truncated–conical nodulus.

Type material

It was not possible to study the type material of Naupactus nigrans ; however, we have examined specimens from Kuschel’s collection currently held in the NZAC, identified by the specialist G. Kuschel by comparison with the type material.

Material examined

ECUADOR. No loc. Baron (1♀ NZAC) . Imbabura: Ibarra , 30–XII–1930 (1♂ NZAC) . Pichincha: Puembo , 2480 m, 20–XI–1931, nigrans Olliff comp. c. type Kuschel 1954 (1♂ NZAC) .

Distribution: Ecuador (Imbabura and Pichincha), about 2500 m a.s.l.













Río, María Guadalupe Del, Malvardi, Adriana Elena & Lanteri, Analia 2012

Asymmathetes nigrans:

Wibmer GJ & O'Brien CW 1986: 53
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF