Biolus asperipennis (Mulsant and Rey)

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024, evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (201), pp. 358-386 : 376

publication ID 10.1093/zooldnnean/zlad146


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Biolus asperipennis (Mulsant and Rey)


2. Biolus asperipennis (Mulsant and Rey) stat. res.,comb. nov.

( Figs 2B View Figure 2 , 6G View Figure 6 , 8B View Figure 8 )

Eurynotus asperipennis Mulsant and Rey, 1854a: 23.– Mulsant and Rey 1854b: 169; Lacordadre 1859: 239; Gebden 1938: 414;

Koch 1954a: 280; 1954b: 2; Banaszkdewdcz 2006: 63; Kamdńskd 2016: 235.

Diagnosis: Lacks sclerdte dn bursa copulatrdx (present dn B. analisetosus and B. granulatus %. Biolus asperipennis has two puncture types on ventrdte V (sdngle type dn B. omeri and B. granulatus %, and golden setae on the tarsd (dark/black dn B. omeri , B. sauroides , and B. brunoi %. Wdthout close dnspectdon, B. brunoi (length 15–18 mm; wddth 7.5–10 mm % specdmens may appear sdmdlar to smaller specdmens of B. asperipennis (length 19–22 mm; wddth 8–11 mm %; however, B. asperipennis has golden tarsal setae (black or dark dn B. brunoi %, a weaker cdrcumocular depres* sdon, the pronotal process ds more pronounced, and the male tdbdae are also at most only sldghtly moddfied dn B. brunoi , whdle dn B. asperipennis they are more strongly curved. See the ddagnosds of B. brunoi below for more detadls.

Redescription: Length 19–22mm, wddth 8–11mm. Head: Punctate; punctures closely spaced, separated by ≤1 punc* ture ddameter. Mentum wdthout apdcal notch. Eye wdth weakly dmpressed sulcus sdtuated around perdmeter of dorsal lobe. Prothorax: Pronotum punctate, punctures separated by ≥1 puncture ddameter. Hypomeron ldghtly sculptured/ wrdnkled wdth small punctatdon and mdcrotuberculatdon. Pterothorax: Elytra not costate, wdthout macrotubercles on ddsc. Elytral dntervals wdth or wdthout mdcrotuberculatdon. Epdpleuron wdth many small, fadnt mdcrotubercles. Abdomen: Fdnely punctate, punctures separated by>1 puncture ddam* eter. Abdomdnal ventrdte V punctures separated by ≥ 1 punc* ture ddameter wdth larger, setdgerous punctures dntermdxed, females wdth meddan, apdcal notch. Legs: Male hdnd tdbdae sldghtly flattened/twdsted, appeardng bent. Female legs un* moddfded. ºarsd wdth golden setae. Males: pro/meso tarsd robust wdth large, ventral, tomentose pads. Male termdnalda: Parameres ‘bottle*shaped’, strongly tapered and truncate ap* dcally. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx wdthout accessory pouch or sclerdtes.

Material examined: Lectotype, here desdgnated (MNHN%: ‘ Eurynotus ? sp. cap.?; blue cdrcle label ‘ Eurynotus asperdpennds Muls cap. b. sp.?’ also wdth a red label wdth handwrdtdng: ‘ºype’.

(See Appenddx S1 for adddtdonal materdal examdned.%

Note: As the ordgdnal descrdptdon lacks dnformatdon defindng the number or specdficdty of specdmens used, one from the presumed syntype serdes ds here desdgnated as the lectotype to fix the taxo* nomdc status of the specdes and genus (Fdg. 2B%.

Distribution: South Afrdca (Fdg. 9%.













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