Chrysocoris dilaticollis (Guerin-Meneville)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 222-223

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


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scientific name

Chrysocoris dilaticollis (Guerin-Meneville)


Chrysocoris dilaticollis (Guerin-Meneville)

( Figs. 2b View Figure 2 , 3b View Figure 3 , 4b View Figure 4 , 5b View Figure 5 , 6b View Figure 6 , 7b View Figure 7 , 8b View Figure 8 ; Plate I-A and III-B) Scutellera dilaticollis Guerin-Meneville, 1830:160 ; Stal, 1868:12

Diagnosis: Body metallic green or blue, jugal lobes subquadrate apically, antero-lateral margins laminate.

Colour: Dorsally metallic green, where generally the lateral margins of pronotum and base of scutellum with golden tinge, antennae, labium and tarsal segments black, femora, base of tibiae and abdomen ventrally ochraceous, while rest of tibial portion green.

Head: ( Fig. 2b View Figure 2 ) declivent, lateral margins deeply sinuated before eyes, tylus extended beyond the jugal lobes; breadth 1.5x to length, central fascia present within anterior to posterior end; eyes much protruded laterally, preocular distance 2.2x to postocular, interocular distance 2.2x to interocellar, ocelli located more closer to eyes than to each other

Antennae: Five segmented; I antennal segment never extended upto apex of head; II segment smallest and only 0.3x to I; III longer than I and 2.4x to I; IV slender and broader amongst all and 1.3x to III segment while V longest amongst all and 1.4x to III; total antennal length 9.3.

Labium: Four segmented; I labial segment smallest; II longest and 1.3x to I; III and IV subequal and extended beyond the posterior coxae.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3b View Figure 3 ) with anterior margin straight, anterior angles broad, antero-lateral margins reflexed, lateral angle obtuse, breadth between anterior angles almost equal to medial pronotal length and 0.55x to lateral pronotal angles; ten black spots present on surface, three at anterior margin, one at each lateral angle, two at base, three at disc.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4b View Figure 4 ) convexed and covers whole of the abdomen, anterior margin straight, apical end round, length 1.5x to breadth, eight spots, six in pairs, more towards lateral side, one at sub apical, one Y-shaped before middle.

External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5b View Figure 5 ) with ostiole oval, open into transverse peritreme, anterior and posterior margins smooth, without any crenulations, exterior end round, grooved medially beyond half of the length; exterior end slightly curved towards anterior end; evaporatorial surface rugulose and extended to mesothoracic segment.

Abdomen: convexed on ventral side; abdominal length and breadth subequal; III to VII segment possessed a spiracle and a pair of trichobothria on each lateral side, a black round spot also present on the same segment, intersegmental suture between VI and VII convexed.

Male genitalia with pygophore ( Fig. 6b View Figure 6 ) dorso-lateral margin bulged in middle, dorso-lateral surface concave through inside, having ventro-posterior margin curved, whole surface covered with scattered strigil; proctiger oval.

Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7b View Figure 7 ) not heavily sclerotized with tubular phallotheca, conjunctiva represented by three pair of appendages, I pair strongly sclerotized, except basal part, more or less on S-shaped; II pair completely membranous except tip, it is broader and longest, apically pointed, III pair also sclerotized and apically curved.

Paramere: ( Fig. 8b View Figure 8 ) with strong stem, outer margin of stem curved, blade attached with stem by a membranous part, blade deeply curved and possess long and sparse setae at the base.

Material examined (FRI): 1; Myanmar: Insein , 1, 3.i. 1927, coll. D.J. Atkinson , host unknown.

Comments: Species described by Guerin-Meeneville under genus Scutellera . Distant (1902) studied the species in its morphological characters and found allied to C. eques . Here in the present study, focus given on its male genitalic characters alongwith morphological characters with emphasis on external thoracic efferent system of metathoracic scent glands.














Chrysocoris dilaticollis (Guerin-Meneville)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Scutellera dilaticollis

Guerin-Meneville 1830: 160
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