Ozothamnus buchananii Puttock ex de Salas & Schmidt-Leb., 2018

De Salas, Miguel F. & Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N., 2018, Integrative approach resolves the taxonomy of the Ozothamnus ledifolius (Asteraceae: Gnaphaliae) species complex in Tasmania, Australia, Phytotaxa 358 (2), pp. 117-138 : 134-135

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.358.2.2



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scientific name

Ozothamnus buchananii Puttock ex de Salas & Schmidt-Leb.

sp. nov.

Ozothamnus buchananii Puttock ex de Salas & Schmidt-Leb. View in CoL , spec. nov.

Type:— AUSTRALIA. Tasmania: Tower Hill. Forestry road, approximately 250 m north of Cox Road and 2.3 km northeast of Tower Hill Road intersection, 14 Dec 2013, M. F. de Salas 446 (holotype: HO 574754 ; isotypes: CANB, K, PERTH) .

Erect, columnar shrub, rarely compact with corymbose branching habit, to 1.5 m tall. Young stems and leaves hoary, with indumentum of crisped hairs, exudate colourless, not or hardly aromatic; older stems with cracked bark, leaf bases not persistent. Leaves somewhat crowded, arranged in spiralling ranks, antrorse to spreading; lamina linear-lanceolate, widest at the base, coriaceous, (2.6–)4.0–8.1(–11.1) mm long, (0.8–)1.0–1.6(–2.5) mm wide; adaxial surface mid to dark green, with midrib slightly sunken; abaxial surface densely cottony with midrib hardly glabrescent; both surfaces with crisped hairs; margins revolute almost to the midrib, giving the lamina a terete appearance; apex obtuse, rounded. Inflorescence a corymbose panicle, terminal; bracts lanceolate, with scarious, acute apex. Involucre conical to narrowly cylindrical, 4–5.5 mm long, (1.2–)1.4–2.0 mm diameter, often suffused with pink; outer involucral bracts with scarious margins, lightly tomentose, slightly viscid with colourless exudate; inner involucral bracts 4.5–5 mm long, spathulate, with a long claw, and a spreading white lamina. Florets (5–)6–7(–10). Achenes papillose-pubescent; pappus barbellate, with ends somewhat clavate. Flowering Dec.–Feb.

Distribution and habitat:—North-eastern Tasmania, Ben Lomond, Tower Hill, Snow Hill and St. Pauls Dome. Occurring on both Jurassic dolerite at high elevation and Silurian–Devonian sandstones and slates at middle elevations, from 500 to 1400 m above sea level.

Remarks:—Characterised by its revolute, almost terete leaves that are broadest near the base, its cinerascent appearance (from its abundant, curly indumentum), its colourless exudate and by typically having 6–7 florets per capitulum.

Etymology:—The epithet honours Alex Buchanan, former curator of Botany (1983–2009) at the Tasmanian Herbarium.

Selected specimens:— AUSTRALIA. Tasmania: On top of Mount Freycinet, Freycinet Peninsula , 27 Jan 1967, I. Olsen 139 ( NSW) ; Tower Hill [Plantation], 14 Dec 1970, W. F. Pataczek s.n. ( HO) ; Snow Hill , summit, 30 Oct 1992, F. Duncan s.n. ( HO) ; Knuckle Track, Ben Lomond , near bluffs, 25 May 1997, A. M. Buchanan 14680 ( HO) ; Tower Hill , 14 Dec 2013, M. F. de Salas 442 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 443 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 444 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 445 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 446 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 447 ( HO) ; Snow Hill , 23 Jan 2014, M. F. de Salas 510 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 511 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 512 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 513 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 514 ( HO) ; Tower Hill , 24 Jan 2014, M. F. de Salas 516 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 517 ( HO) .


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Australian National Botanic Gardens


Royal Botanic Gardens


Western Australian Herbarium


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Royal Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of New South Wales


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum

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