
Alexandre P. Marceniuk & Naércio A. Menezes, 2007, Systematics of the family Ariidae (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes), with a redefinition of the genera., Zootaxa 1416, pp. 1-126 : 34-35

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Thomas (2009-07-12 13:34:01, last updated 2022-02-23 05:22:09)

scientific name



Brustiarius   ZBK Herre, 1935

(fig. 28)

Brustiarius   ZBK Herre, 1935: 388. Type species: Arius nox   ZBK Herre, 1935. Type by original designation and also by monotypy. Gender: masculine. Originally a subgenus of Arius   ZBK .

Pararius   ZBK Whitley, 1940: 409. Type species: Arius proximus   ZBK Ogilby, 1898. Type by original designation. (Subgenus of Tachysurus   ZBK ). Gender: masculine.

Diagnosis. The species of Brustiarius   ZBK can be distinguished from the remaining ariid genera by the combination of the following exclusive (1 to 3) and shared (4 to 8) characters: (1) tooth plates associated with vomer butterfly shaped; (2) accessory tooth plates round and lateral to vomer; (3) premaxillary conspicuously longer at its lateral than at its mesial part; (4) orbitosphenoid laterally expanded [shared with Arius   ZBK , Carlarius , Cinetodus   ZBK , Genidens   ZBK , Netuma , Notarius planiceps , Plicofollis   ZBK (with exception of P. platystomus ), Potamosilurus (with exception of P. latirostris ) and Sciades (with exception of S. couma , S. emphysetus   ZBK , S. passany , S. proops , S. seemanni and S. sagor )]; (5) contact face between first epibranchial and first pharyngobranchial very pronounced [shared with Arius arius , A. gagora , A. madagascariensis   ZBK , Nedystoma   ZBK , Osteogeneiosus   ZBK and Plicofollis   ZBK (with the exception of P. platystomus ) and Potamosilurus ]; (6) lateral margin of third pharyngobranchial very conspicuous and pointed (shared with Arius   ZBK , Nedystoma   ZBK , Neoarius   ZBK , Netuma , Plicofollis   ZBK and Potamosilurus ); (7) 14 or fewer ribs (shared with Amphiarius , Arius   ZBK , Aspistor   ZBK , Batrachocephalus   ZBK , Cathorops , Cephalocassis   ZBK , Cinetodus   ZBK , Cryptarius   ZBK , Doiichthys   ZBK , Galeichthys   ZBK , Hemiarius   ZBK , Ketengus   ZBK , Nedystoma   ZBK , Nemapteryx   ZBK , Osteogeneiosus   ZBK , Pachyula   ZBK , Plicofollis platystomus , Potamarius   ZBK and Potamosilurus ); (8) base of adipose fin very short, less than one-half as long as anal-fin base [shared with Bagre , Cathorops , Cryptarius   ZBK , Netuma and Plicofollis   ZBK (with exception of P. platystomus )].

Supplementary morphological characters. Cephalic shield granulated visible under the skin; fenestra limited by frontal and lateral ethmoid bones of moderate size visible under the skin; medial groove of neurocranium very distinct, limited by frontal bones and/or on supraoccipital; posterior cranial fontanel very reduced, in many cases closing entirely with growth; fenestra limited by supraoccipital, pterotic and sphenotic absent; fossa limited by pterotic, supracleithrum and extrascapular very reduced; epioccipital not invading dorsal portion of cephalic shield; occipital process triangular, moderately long and wide, progressively narrower toward its posterior part; anterior and median nuchal plates fused and indistinct, forming a structure of semi-lunar aspect; vomerine tooth plates forming a butterfly shaped structure; accessory tooth plates present, round and lateral to plates related with vomer bearing conical teeth; maxillary barbel fleshy and cylindrical; two pairs of mental barbels; base of adipose fin very short, less than one-half length of anal-fin base; lateral line not bifurcated at caudal region, reaching base of caudal-fin upper lobe; cleithrum wide, with second dorsal process on its upper portion; posterior cleithral process of moderate size and distinct from second dorsal process of cleithrum.

Remarks. The inclusion of Arius proximus   ZBK Ogilby, 1898 was based on examination of external morphological characters in preserved specimens and diagnostic characters found in the literature. B. proximus is the type-species of Pararius   ZBK and its condition as subjective synonym of Brustiarius   ZBK needs confirmation.

Distribution and habitat. Northern New Guinea, freshwater.









