Temnothorax dahan, Qian & Xu, 2024

Qian, Yu-Han & Xu, Zheng-Hui, 2024, Taxonomy of the ant genera Leptothorax Mayr, 1855 and Temnothorax Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of China with descriptions of twenty-eight new species and a key to the known Chinese species, European Journal of Taxonomy 936, pp. 1-97 : 16-19

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.936.2569

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scientific name

Temnothorax dahan

sp. nov.

Temnothorax dahan sp. nov.


Fig. 10 View Fig


This new species is similar to T. spinosior ( Forel, 1901) ( Fig. 11 View Fig ), but differs in the new species head dorsum finely longitudinally rugose, apices of antennal scapes surpass posterior head margin, mesosomal dorsum weakly convex, propodeal spines relatively shorter about 1.2 times as long as their basal width, and body color black; in T. spinosior head dorsum coarsely longitudinally rugose, apices of antennal scapes just reaching to posterior head margin, mesosomal dorsum moderately convex, propodeal spines relatively longer about 2 times as long as their basal width, and body color blackish brown. The new species is also similar to T. chun sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 View Fig ), but differs in the new species dorsum of mesonotum and propodeum weakly convex in lateral view, pronotal sides finely rugose, propodeal spines straight, petiolar dorsum bluntly angled; in T. chun dorsum of mesonotum and propodeum straight in lateral view, pronotal sides coarsely rugose, propodeal spines curved posteriorly, petiolar dorsum broadly rounded. This new species is also similar to T. qiufen sp. nov. ( Fig. 33 View Fig ), but differs in the new species dorsum of mesonotum and propodeum weakly convex in lateral view, mesopleura loosely reticulate, anterior face of petiolar node almost straight; in T. qiufen dorsum of mesonotum and propodeum straight in lateral view, mesopleura densely reticulate, anterior face of petiolar node weakly concave.


The specific epithet refers to ‘dahan’, one of the 24 Solar Terms of China.

Material examined

Holotype worker CHINA • Yunnan Province, Wenshan City, Bozhu Town, Paomatangpo ; 23.389739° N, 105.933033° E; 2530 m a.s.l.; 12 Oct. 2019; Hong Du leg.; ground sample from subalpine moist evergreen broadleaf forest; SWFU A19-6318 . GoogleMaps

Paratype workers CHINA – Yunnan Province • 3 workers; same collection data as for holotype; SWFU A19-6320 GoogleMaps 3 workers; same collection data as for holotype; SWFU A19-6352 GoogleMaps 2 workers; same collection data as for holotype; SWFU A19-6361 GoogleMaps 3 workers; same collection data as for holotype; nests in soil; SWFU A19-6355 GoogleMaps 1 worker; same collection data as for holotype; soil sample; SWFU A19-6357 GoogleMaps 9 workers; Wenshan City, Bozhu Town, Baiyizhai ; 23.408775° N, 103.943328° E; 2027 m a.s.l.; 12 Oct. 2019; Hong Du leg.; ground sample from Pinus yunnanensis forest; SWFU A19-6399 GoogleMaps 6 workers; Wenshan City, Bozhu Town, Donggualin ; 23.398389° N, 103.942992° E; 2245 m a.s.l.; 12 Oct. 2019; Hong Du leg.; nests in soil in Pinus yunnanensis forest; SWFU A19-6384 GoogleMaps .


Measurements of holotype worker: TL 2.8, HL 0.62, HW 0.53, CI 85, SL 0.53, SI 100, ED 0.14, PW 0.38, WL 0.77, PL 0.29, PH 0.20, DPW 0.16.

In full-face view head roughly rectangular, longer than broad, posterior margin nearly straight, posterior corner broad rounded, lateral margins weakly convex. Mandibles triangular, masticatory margin with 5 teeth. Clypeal dorsum weakly convex, with median carina, anterior margin weakly convex. Frontal lobes broad, concealing antennal sockets. Frontal carinae short, reaching to the level of midpoint of eyes. Antennae 12-segmented, scapes just reaching to posterior head margin. Eyes located at midpoint of lateral head margin, occupying ¼ of lateral margin.

In lateral view pronotum moderately convex, promesonotal suture absent. Dorsa of mesonotum and propodeum slightly convex and gently sloping down posteriorly. Metanotal groove absent. Propodeal spines short, about as long as their basal width; declivity straight. Propodeal lobes rounded apically. Petiole with short anterior peduncle, about ⅓ length of petiolar node; petiolar node roughly triangular, anterior margin straight, posterior margin weakly convex, top corner blunt angled; ventral margin weakly concave posteriorly, anteroventral corner toothed. Postpetiole as high as petiole, anterodorsal margin roundly convex, posterior margin almost straight; ventral margin short and almost straight, anteroventral corner rightly angled.

In dorsal view pronotum broadest, anterior margin moderately convex, humeral corners broadly rounded, lateral margin weakly convex. Mesothorax moderately constricted and narrowed posteriorly, lateral margins strongly concave. Propodeum roughly square, lateral margins weakly concave, spines short, pointed posterolaterally. Petiole elongate trapezoidal and widening posteriorly, longer than broad; lateral margins weakly convex posteriorly. Postpetiole roughly trapezoidal, about 1.5 times as broad as petiole, narrowing posteriorly, anterior margin moderately convex, lateral margins strongly convex. Gaster elongate oval.

Mandible longitudinally striate. Head dorsum longitudinally rugose with interweaved fine rugulae between the main rugae, and gradually reticulate laterally, interface abundantly punctate. Clypeus with three longitudinal rugae on each side, interface smooth. Dorsum of mesosoma coarsely reticulate, dorsum of mesonotum relatively smooth in the center. Pronotal sides coarsely reticulate anteriorly and longitudinally rugose and micro-reticulate posteriorly. Mesopleura coarsely reticulate anteriorly and micro-reticulate posteriorly; metapleura and propodeal sides densely reticulate. Petiole and postpetiole densely punctate. Gaster smooth and shiny. Head dorsum with sparse erect to suberect apically blunt short hairs and dense decumbent pubescence; mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole with sparse suberect apically blunt short hairs and sparse decumbent pubescence; gaster with abundant suberect apically blunt short hairs and abundant decumbent pubescence. Scapes with dense decumbent pubescence; tibiae with abundant decumbent pubescence. Body color brownish black; mandibles, antennae and legs brown to brownish yellow.

Measurements of paratype workers: TL 2.5–2.7, HL 0.60–0.65, HW 0.45–0.55, CI 75–85, SL 0.55–0.60, SI 109–122, ED 0.10–0.15, PW 0.35–0.40, WL 0.70–0.75, PL 0.25–0.30, PH 0.15–0.2, DPW 0.13–0.15 (15 individuals measured). As holotype worker, but in some individuals mesonotum smooth, petiolar node and postpetiolar node smooth, mesosomal dorsum weakly reticulate.

Ecological notes

This new species inhabits subalpine moist evergreen broadleaf forest ( Fig. 69C View Fig ) and Pinus yunnanensis forest ( Fig. 69I View Fig ) at an elevation of 2027–2530 m, forages on the ground and in soil, and nests in soil.


China: Yunnan.













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