Calotelea tanugatra Narendran, 1998

Rajmohana, Keloth, Peter, Abhilash & Narendran, TC, 2013, First record of the male of the widespread Calliscelioelegans (Perkins) (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) along with some taxonomic notes on the species, Biodiversity Data Journal 1, pp. 983-983 : 983

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scientific name

Calotelea tanugatra Narendran, 1998


Rank: SpeciesType of treatment: Redescription or species observationextantHabitat: terrestrialParasite of: Egg parasitoids of Crickets ( Gryllidae : Orthoptera )Root classification: 8

Calotelea tanugatra Narendran, 1998

Calotelea tanugatra Narendran (1998), syn. nov. (Fig. 9).


Type status: Holotype

Occurrence: catalogNumber: ZSIC-1.0189 ; recordedBy: Narendran TC; individualID: ZSI/WGRS/I.R-INV.1317; individualCount: 1; sex: Female; lifeStage: Adult; preparations: Point Card mount; Taxon: kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hymenoptera; family: Platygastridae; genus: Calotelea; specificEpithet: tanugatra; taxonRank: species; scientificNameAuthorship: Narendran TC; Location: continent: Asia; country: India; stateProvince: Kerala; locality: Malappuram ; verbatimLocality: Calicut University Campus; decimalLatitude: 11.169961 N; decimalLongitude: 76.102710 E; Identification: identifiedBy: Narendran TC; dateIdentified: 1998; Event: year: 1983; month: October; day: 12; habitat: Mixed Vegetation; eventRemarks: Captured by Sweep net; Record Level: institutionCode: ZSIC


Quoting Narendran (1998), "forewing with a median blackish brown band surrounded basically and apically by hyaline patches, basal and apical part infumate,"- the banding pattern of forewing (Fig. 9) is correctly described, but the pattern in the illustration as of page 72, does not match the description.


As per the generic concept of Calotelea Westwood, in Hope (1837), Masner (1976), Masner (1980b), Masner (1980c), and Popovici et al. (2013), diagnosis of the genus from the very similar Calliscelio Ashmead, relies on the presence of skaphion in most cases, distinct or at least traces of genal and facial straie (Fig. 10) and an elongate antennal radicle, often measuring about one-third of scape length (Fig. 11). Cheeks and gena are never striate in Calliscelio and the antennal radicle is usually short, at most one-fourth length of scape ( Calotelea tanugatra Narendran does not have any traces of striae on mandibular corners or cheeks and antennal radicle is less than one-fourth of scape length. Hence the placement of Calotelea tanugatra under Calotelea is incorrect. Instead the species agrees in all aspects including the character states, proportions and colouration of the body and wings to Calliscelio elegans as stated in Masner et al. (2009). In contrast to most Calliscelio species, the metascutellar plate is extremely narrow and weakly concave medially in Calliscelio elegans , as seen at times in Calotelea . Such a metascutellar plate is seen in Calotelea tanugatra too. Hence Calotelea tanugatra Narendran ( Hymenoptera , Platygastridae ) after the current review, is proposed to be a junior synonym of Calliscelio elegans , new synonymy.











