
Kvaček, Zlatko, Teodoridis, Vasilis & Radoň, Miroslav, 2018, Review Of The Late Oligocene Flora Of Matrý Near Sebuzín (České Středohoří Mts., The Czech Republic), Fossil Imprint 74 (3 - 4), pp. 292-316 : 300-301

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Felipe (2021-03-05 19:01:46, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-01 23:31:50)

scientific name



Dicotylophyllum sp. 3

Pl. 10, Figs 1, 9

2002 “ Viburnum atlanticum ETTINGSH. ; Radoň, p. 171, pl. 2, fig. 7.

M a t e r i a l s t u d i e d. Leaf impressions PA 1163.1

(cf. Viburnum atlanticum ), 1431.

D e s c r i p t i o n. The leaves are narrow ovate, shortly petiolate, lamina 60 mm long, 30 mm wide, ovate to widely lanceolate, base cuneate, apex acute, margin coarsely, partly double serrate, venation semicraspedodromous.

D i s c u s s i o n. Similar leaf forms have been assigned to Ternstroemites spp. ( Winterscheid and Kvaček 2014) but a more precise identification would require information on epidermal anatomy.

Winterscheid, H., Kvacek, Z. (2014): Revision der Flora aus den oberoligozanen Seeablagerungen von Orsberg bei Unkel am Rhein (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland). - Palaeontographica, Abteilung B, 291 (1 - 3): 1 - 83.