Bombus humilis Illiger, 1806

Gérard, Maxence, Fiordaliso, William, Ferrais, Louise, Fournier, Chloé, Hairault, Malo, Lheureux, Lise, Rosa, Paolo & Ghisbain, Guillaume, 2025, Wild bee diversity of the National Park of the Semois Valley (Belgium), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 144223-e 144223 : e144223-

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2025-02-12 07:28:09, last updated 2025-02-12 07:45:51)

scientific name

Bombus humilis Illiger, 1806


Bombus humilis Illiger, 1806 View in CoL

Conservation status



Bombus humilis has a large Palearctic distribution ( Rasmont et al. 2021). In Belgium, however, the species has vanished from nearly all the localities where it was found a hundred years ago ( Folschweiller 2020). The subsisting locations are largely concentrated in the south-easternmost part of the country, in the Belgian Lorraine, with a few scarce observations east of the Sambre and Meuse valley. Habitat degradation is considered as the most threatening factor for the species, but climate change is also expected to induce substantial reductions of its European range by the end of the century ( Rasmont et al. 2015, Ghisbain et al. 2024).


The species is mostly associated with open flower-rich grasslands and mostly collects pollen on plants from the Fabaceae , Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae families ( Rasmont 1988, Folschweiller 2020, Rasmont et al. 2021, Wood et al. 2021). We collected a single individual, a queen, foraging on tufted vetch ( Vicia cracca , Fabaceae ) within mesic grasslands. Folschweiller (2020) cite Bombus humilis as frequently in sympatry with B. sylvarum and B. veteranus , two strongly-threatened species at the Belgian scale.


Bombus humilis is amongst the most polymorphic bumblebee species of Europe (Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ). The females of the species can be mostly confused with local colour forms of other bumblebee species belonging to the subgenus Thoracobombus , especially B. pascuorum and B. muscorum . In the females of B. humilis , however, the area directly in front of the central ocellus is largely smooth, with only a few punctuations, while this area is much more punctured in B. pascuorum and B. muscorum . In addition, the hairs on tergite 6 of B. humilis females are black, thick and erect, while they are ginger, thin and more parallel to the cuticle in B. pascuorum . The males of B. humilis can be differentiated from the males of all other bumblebee species on the basis of the morphology of their genitalia (drawn in Rasmont et al. 2021).

Folschweiller M. 2020 Atlas des bourdons de Belgique et du nord de la France [ISBN 978-2 - 87325 - 121 - 5]

Ghisbain Guillaume, Thiery Wim, Massonnet François, Erazo Diana, Rasmont Pierre, Michez Denis, Dellicour Simon 2024 Projected decline in European bumblebee populations in the twenty-first century Nature 628 8007 337 341 10.1038/s41586-023-06471-0

Rasmont P. 1988 Première estimation de la dérive faunique chez les bourdons de la Belgique (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique 118 141 147

Rasmont Pierre, Franzen Markus, Lecocq Thomas, Harpke Alexander, Roberts Stuart, Biesmeijer Koos, Castro Leopoldo, Cederberg Bjorn, Dvorak Libor, Fitzpatrick Una, Gonseth Yves, Haubruge Eric, Mahe Gilles, Manino Aulo, Michez Denis, Neumayer Johann, Odegaard Frode, Paukkunen Juho, Pawlikowski Tadeusz, Potts Simon, Reemer Menno, Settele Josef, Straka Jakub, Schweiger Oliver 2015 Climatic risk and distribution atlas of European bumblebees BioRisk 10 1 236 10.3897/biorisk.10.4749

Rasmont P., Ghisbain G., Terzo M. 2021 Bumblebees of Europe and neighbouring regions NAP Editions Verrières-le-Buisson 632 978-2 - 913688 - 37 - 7

Wood Thomas J., Ghisbain Guillaume, Rasmont Pierre, Kleijn David, Raemakers Ivo, Praz Christophe, Killewald Michael, Gibbs Jason, Bobiwash Kyle, Boustani Mira, Martinet Baptiste, Michez Denis 2021 Global patterns in bumble bee pollen collection show phylogenetic conservation of diet Journal of Animal Ecology 90 10 2421 2430 10.1111/1365-2656.13553

Gallery Image

Figure 6. Bombus humilis, ♀. Habitus in lateral view and head in oblique view. Scale bar: 5 mm. Photo credit: Paolo Rosa.











